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The main purpose of this study was to achieve qualitative understanding of the impact of
online learning on the academic achievement of Victorias National High School HUMSS
students. In this study, the question is how HUMSS students deal and cope those
circumstances that may arise during online classes.

Online learning is the newest and most popular form of distance education today. Within
the past decade it has had a major impact on post secondary education and the trend is only
increasing. Online learning and classes are increasingly becoming part of the education
system worldwide. Distance schooling has become much easier as technology has advanced
(McBrien et al., 2009). "Most of the terms (online learning, open learning, web-based
learning, computer-mediated learning, blended learning, m-learning, for example) have in
common the ability to use a computer connected to a network, which offers the possibility
to learn from anywhere, anytime, in any rhythm, with any means" (Cojocariu et al., 2014).
"Learning experiences in synchronous or asynchronous contexts using various devices (e.g.,
mobile phones, computers, etc.) with internet connection," according to the definition of
online learning. Students can learn and communicate with professors and other students in
these environments from anywhere (independently)." There are numerous technologies
available for online schooling, however they can occasionally cause significant challenges.
These difficulties and problems with modern technology include download faults,
installation issues, login issues, audio and visual glitches, and so on. Students sometimes find
online instruction to be tedious and uninteresting. Students never have time to do online
learning since it requires so much time and flexibility. Personal attention is another
significant concern with online learning. Students desire two-way engagement, which can be
difficult to achieve. Students must practice what they learn before the learning process can
achieve its full potential. Online content might sometimes be too theoretical for students to
practice and learn efficiently.

This is a case study that employed a qualitative approach to research. Researchers
attempts to define and give awareness about the impact of online learning on students. It
highlights how online learning can affect students academic performance. It also allows the
researcher to know more about the said topic and how students surpass the challenges that
may arise.

Subjects/Respondents of the study:

Respondents of the study will be all HUMSS online students. They are online students who
experienced some challenges that arise in their academic performance.

This study opted purposive sampling technique in identifying the participants. This is a non-
random plan that employ students who have experienced the event and will explain
comprehensively about their experiences to those challenges that they experienced while
using online learning for their learning method. Like any qualitative research, purposive
sampling gives opportunity for a researcher to know cases or events that is worthy to
explore and analyze by opting them by using a specified criteria to be known by the
An open-ended questionnaire will be prepared by the researchers.This protocol will dig
deeper the experiences of the participants regarding the studied event. The researcher will
also employ member check approach to prove the veracity and accurateness of the initial
responses of the participants regarding their struggles, difficulties in online learning and etc.,
that they have experienced. The researcher used the survey questionnaires to gather data
information. For them to rate the attributes, they were given statements for their choices.
The researcher also use 10 questions for the survey.

1. For you ,what is online learning
2. How do you feel overall about online education?
3. How effective has online learning been for you?
4. How well could you manage time while learning remotely/ online ?
5. For you ,what are the negative impact of online learning that can affect your studies?
6. For you ,what are the positive impact of online learning in your studies?
7. How did you cope up with those challenges/ difficulties?
8. What are the difficulties that you have been encountered in online learning?
9. How online learning affects you as a student?
10. How would you like to be learning right now?



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