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Based on the above original objective function and graph, prepare the


a. States the new objective function and constraints.

MAX PROFIT = 80X + 40Y
2X + Y = 1200
2X + 3Y = 1500

b. Illustrate new graphical presentation based on the constraints and

objective function.

c. Find the optimal point.

➢ (525,150)
d. Compute for the maximum profit.
➢ 80x + 40y
➢ 80 (525) + 40 (150)
➢ 4200 + 6000
➢ 48, 000

e. Shade / mark the feasible region.

f. Analyze the effect of the changes on RHS and objective functions

➢ The changes on RHS and objective functions coefficient is they
increase the result/max profit.

The old profit: 28, 750

The new profit after the changes: 48, 000

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