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Noun is a word that usually comes at the beginning of a sentence. A noun is a person,
a place, emotion, etc.

Types of Nouns

 Common Nouns

Common noun is a noun that is presented in a general way. (Writer, beach,

actress, actor)

 Proper Nouns

Proper noun is a noun that is presented specifically. (Roy, Kuta Beach, Miya,

 Collective Nouns

Collective noun is a noun that is used to group something or someone. (Team,

Company, Family)

 Concrete Nouns

Concrete noun is a noun that can be felt by the five human senses. (Apple,
book, car)

 Abstract Nouns

Abstract noun is the name for a noun which is a concept, idea, quality.
(Happiness, Confidence, Stupidity)

 Countable Nouns

Countable noun is used for something that we can calculate using numbers. (Two
cars, Three dogs, Two books)

 Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable noun is used for something that we can't calculate using numbers.
(Tea, sugar, gold)

Function of Nouns
 Nouns as Subject
 Noun as Subject Complement
 Noun as Direct Object "whom / what"
 Noun as Indirect Object "to whom / for whom"
 Object Preposition
 Appositives

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of nouns (a bad boy)

Adjective Uses

1. Attribute use (with a noun) : Nice car, Black jacket

2. Predicative use (with a verb) : He is lucky, You looked perfect

Adjective Types

1. Adjective of Quality
"What kind?" (young, old, …) : He is a young Man

2. Adjective of Quantity
"How much?" (much, enough, …) : I don't have much money

3. Adjective of Number
"How many?" (six, few, …) : I write six letters

4. Demonstrative Adjective
"Which?" (this, that, …) : This book is mine

5. Distributive Adjective
(each, every, neither, …) : Every night I always dream about her

6. Interrogative Adjective
(what, which, …) : Which film do you want to watch?

7. Possessive Adjective
"Whose?" (my, your, his, …) : My boyfriend is a nice boy

8. Emphasizing Adjective
(own, very) : I play with my own rules

9. Exclamatory Adjective
(what) : what a beautiful

10. Proper Adjective

(Indian, American, …) : I love the American actor

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