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Santa Maria Private High School, Tarutung Subdistrict, is a favorite SMA in
North Tapanuli Regency where the location is located in an area that is easily accessible
from other areas in North Tapanuli Regency. The large number of students and inadequate
parental control because many are boarding can also result in susceptibility to premarital
sexual behavior. The risk factors for adolescent sexual activity are lack of parental
supervision and low environmental supervision so that boarding students are at risk of
various forms of sexual activity.Prevent early pregnancy by providing information to
adolescents to empower them to build values and skills that enable them to make
responsible decisions to become sexually healthy adults. Counseling for adolescents about
sex education is the most likely, especially to students in schools. Factors that influence
adolescent sexual behavior include academic perspectives where adolescents with low
achievement and low aspiration stages tend to be more likely to have sexual activity
than adolescents with good performance in school so that by providing health
education for all students both with low achievement and good achievement. understand
the impact of premarital sex.


Preventing early pregnancy by providing information to adolescents to empower them in

building enabling values and skills will also have an impact on children being born and have
the potential to create intergenerational poverty. the practice of child marriage continues to
decline in various countries around the world UNICEF In 2018. Estimating that they make
decisions that out of 9 girls aged 20-24 years are responsible for being married before the age
of 18, sexually healthy adults. The impact of child marriage will not only be experienced by
children who are married, but is estimated to reach around 1,220,900 and this figure places
Indonesia in the 10 countries with the highest absolute number of child marriages in the
world. Child age should be a time for physical, emotional and social development before
entering adulthood. The practice of child marriage is related to the fact that child marriage
violates children's human rights,
choice and the right to protection from violence and discrimination.
Currently, the phenomenon of early pregnancy is rife, which increases infant and maternal
mortality rates under the age of 18 years. The reason is, a young teenager is at greater risk of
dying during pregnancy and childbirth compared to women aged 20 years and over.
Early marriage today is indeed triggered by various things and is a testament to the lack of
public awareness and knowledge of this. Of course, early marriage causes the rate of early
pregnancy to increase. UNICEF in 2018 estimated that around 21% of young women married
at the age of children.
This figure has decreased compared to ten years ago, which reached 25%. This reduction also
marks the acceleration of a trend occurring in many countries through effective measures.
However, there are still around 650 million women and girls alive today who are married
before their 18th birthday. The highest number is in South Asian countries followed by Sub-
Saharan Africa. The concern of the world community regarding the practice of child marriage
is related to the fact that child marriage violates children's human rights, limits their choices
and opportunities, and they are vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse. With various
bad impacts that have been identified, eliminating the practice of child marriage into the

target of teenagers is pregnancy that occurs in women under the age of 20 years at the end of
their pregnancy. A girl can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she begins to
ovulate which can occur before the first menstrual period (menarche), but usually occurs after
these periods. According to WHO, teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy that applies to women
aged 11-19 years. Of course, there are several things that support a problem that occurs both
external factors and external factors. Likewise with the causes of early pregnancy factors.
These factors are very likely as a cause of early pregnancy. The following factors can be said
to be factors that contribute to early pregnancy: Lack of moral and religious education,
traditions or customs of an area that strongly support early marriage, lack of parental
attention, lack of information about reproductive health and health, not wanting to use
contraceptives, low formal and informal education, promiscuity and free sex, the influence of
alcohol and drugs poverty, domestic violence. There are also several factors according to
WHO causes early pregnancy, as follows: Poverty factors Poverty factors in developing
countries are very possible to support early pregnancy. Poor families certainly have the
opportunity to marry at a young age

Sustainable development goals due to lack of income and costs

(Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) by 2030, namely eliminating all harmful practices,
such as early and forced marriage, and female circumcision. In Indonesia, guarantees for
children's rights are stated in the 1945 Constitution which states:
states that every child has the right to everyday life. This condition requires a teenager to
marry at a young age so that the burden on parents becomes lighter. Promiscuity and free sex
In addition to poverty, this factor greatly triggers the occurrence of early pregnancy outside
of marriage survival, growth and which there is no limit at all is very develop and have the
right to protection from violence and discrimination. Pregnancy allow teenagers to have free
sex. Especially if under the influence alcohol and drugs. Adolescents are very vulnerable to
the bad influence of outside especially the lack of moral education and strong religious
principles. The results of initial interviews with students have not been socialized about the
impact of early pregnancy. This service aims to increase the knowledge of Santa Maria High
School Students Tarutung about early pregnancy.

Definition of Early Pregnancy

Early pregnancy (young age/adolescent) is a pregnancy that occurs in adolescent girls aged
<20 years. The pregnancy can be caused by sexual relations (intimate relations) with a
boyfriend, with a husband, rape, or other factors that cause sperm to fertilize their eggs in the
woman's womb (Masland, 2004).
Pregnancy starts from fertilization until the birth of the fetus, the length of time
280 days or 40 weeks or 9 months 7 days, calculated from the first day of the last
menstruation (Manuaba, 2010). In the reproductive period, age under 20 years is the
recommended age to delay marriage and pregnancy. The growth process ends at the age of 20
years, with For this reason, it is recommended that women marry at the minimum age of 20
years (BKKBN, 2010).
Healthy reproduction for pregnancy and childbirth is 20-30 years old, if there is a pregnancy
below or above that age it will be said to be at risk of causing death 2-4 times higher than
healthy reproduction (Manuaba, 2010).
Pregnancy that occurs at a young age is one of the risks of premarital sex or free sex is an
unexpected pregnancy (KTD). again with the existence of social sanctions from society
against pregnancy and child birth without marriage ties (Lesnapurnawan. 2009).

According to Susanti (2008), pregnancy in adolescents can cause problems because their
body growth is not perfect, not ready in socioeconomic, difficulty in childbirth, or not ready
to carry out the role of mother. The reasons for pregnancy in adolescents are:

1. Accident (pregnant out of wedlock)

2. To get the allowance
3. Want a child
4. Want to play a role
5. Relationship factor
6. The desire to imitate a sibling who
pregnant at a young age
There are many impacts that can affect pregnant adolescents at a young age, which then gives
birth at a young age, including:
a. Readiness to Accept Pregnancy
b. Readiness as a Mother
c. Anxious Childbirth Abnormal
d. Fear of Having Pregnancy Complications
e. Physiological Changes
f. Emotions are still unstable
g. Worried Baby Born Premature
h. Worried about having sex
i. Family Support Role
j. Socio-economic

Conduct a school assessment first by involving teachers and school principals. Mapping the
number of students in Santa Maria Tarutung Private High School, Tarutung District, North
Tapanuli Regency.
community service activities of Tarutung Midwifery Study Program D-III to the Principal of
the Santa Maria Tarutung Private High School
Tarutung District, North Tapanuli Regency. Gathering Santa Sawsta Maria Tarutung High
School students, Tarutung District, North Tapanuli Regency for the implementation of
community service
The first meeting was to carry out a pre-test for Santa Maria Tarutung High School students,
Tarutung District, North Tapanuli Regency about pregnancy at an early age. The method of
health education activities begins with introductions. Conducting early pregnancy health
education at Santa Maria Tarutung Private High School, Tarutung District, North Tapanuli
Regency Using props and powerpoints that have been prepared. Providing opportunities for
service participants
people to ask questions. Answering questions asked by participants
This questionnaire uses questions
in the form of multiple choice, respondents are only asked to put a mark (√) on the answer
that corresponds to the respondent. The formula used for the percentage of answers obtained
from the questionnaire according to Arikunto (2013), namely:
Arikunto (2010) categorized a person's level of knowledge into 3 levels based on the
percentage value, namely:
a. Level of knowledge category P percentage = good Amount if true values 76 x-100100%
b. Level The amount of knowledge about the question is sufficient if the value is 60-75%

community dedication. do c. Category knowledge level

second meeting to evaluate

knowledge about early pregnancy.


less if the value is < 60%

Benchmark: questionnaire format


The number of students who attended this service was carried out for implementation of
activities is 98 students. All the students who attended enthusiastically participated
health education. Community service activities for early pregnancy health education are well
implemented with support from school principals and teachers. Students are very enthusiastic
about participating in a series of activities, namely: Increased knowledge of students about
early pregnancy with post test results 100% good category.
a. How to evaluate
Conducting pre and post tests, with questionnaires about the knowledge of Santa Maria
Private High School students about pregnancy at an early age.
b. Evaluation Time
The pre-test was carried out before the activity and the post-test was carried out after the
health education activities about pregnancy at an early age.
c. Evaluation Criteria
Asking questions about pregnancy at an early age
d. Indicator of achievement of objectives This questionnaire about the level of knowledge is
to determine the category of knowledge
students about pregnancy at an early age.
There are 15 questions for
Knowing the student's level of knowledge
about pregnancy at an early age. Instrument
increasing the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about early pregnancy at the Santa
Maria Tarutung Private High School, it was found that the knowledge of private students
increased with the post test results of 100% good category.
It is expected that the counseling guidance teacher provide intensive guidance, especially
regarding sex education in collaboration with health workers so that from With this guidance,
students are expected to be able to understand various knowledge about the impact of early
pregnancy on reproductive health. It is hoped that with this research, students will be able to
understand the impact of early pregnancy on health reproduction and seek information about
the impact of early pregnancy on health reproduction.

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