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EDU 50

3. Will there be anything common in the pattern of development of Nicole and Gab? If

yes, what?

- As the module defines it, development is a systematic change from womb to tomb. This
implies that the process of typical human development is somewhat already predicted.
Most people develop at similar speeds. This pattern of growth allows us to make
generalizations about several periods of life, such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, and
adulthood. Yes, there will be common things in the pattern of development of Nicole and
Gab. They will both hone their physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills, though not
at the same time. They will both undergo the process of maturation and learning. The
development of Nicole and Gab is already predicted but it does not mean it’s already
known. For human development has a common beginning and a common end- birth and
death, however, the in between remains unknown. We go through the same levels of
development yet we experience it in different ways because of the varied environmental,
cultural, social, and hereditary factors. We go through the same development, differently.

6. Do you believe that Nicole and Gab will continue to develop even in adulthood? Or

will they stop developing in adulthood?

- Of course, I believe that Nicole and Gab will continue to develop even in adulthood.
Everyone will, because it’s a life-long process. Development only stops when you’re dead.
In infancy, childhood, and adolescence, human development is very evident. In infancy,
we witness a child say its first words “mama.” In childhood, we see children gaining a lot
of friends. In adolescence, teenagers undergo different changes in their bodies. All of
these developments are obvious. Adulthood developments are not. That’s why some tend
to believe human development stops in adulthood. They’re wrong. Adults are still works
in progress. Their development is not obvious because they’re near to becoming fully-
furnished. They just need a few touches. They’ve already been built through time.

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