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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

3: Ensayo “Free Trade
Agreement (FTA): advantages
and disadvantages”
Actividad de aprendizaje 11 Evidencia 3:
Ensayo “Free Trade Agreement (FTA): advantages and

Presentado por
Andrés Mauricio Rodríguez Delgado.

Negociación Internacional

Investigue sobre los tratados de

libre comercio que Colombia
tiene vigentes con los Estados
• Escriba las ventajas y
desventajas de estos tratados
para Colombia.
Es de suma importancia en este proceso de aprendizaje, conocer muy bien
los tratados de libre de comercio que se tienen en un país, antes de iniciar
cualquier operación de importación y/o exportación.
Para desarrollar esta evidencia es importante que lea y analice previamente
el material de formación denominado the sentence, además del siguiente
material complementario:
•English sentence structure and entity-relationship diagrams.
• Sentence structure Posterior a estas lecturas, elabore un ensayo en inglés
de mínimo tres (3) páginas, que dé respuesta a lo siguiente:
Investigue sobre los tratados de libre comercio que Colombia tiene vigentes
con los Estados Unidos.
• Escriba las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratados para Colombia.

Tratados de Libre comercio

What is the FTA?
The FTA or Free Trade Agreement refers to a commercial agreement
developed through a bilateral or multilateral agreement, in which free trade
areas for goods and services are established, eliminating tariffs, as an
exercise of cooperation between territories.
Objectives of Free Trade Agreements
The Colombian FTA portal highlights the main objectives of the negotiations
to improve the well-being of the population and the economy of the country,
expand the sale of products, services and new buyers, attract more
investment, develop mechanisms that regulate imports and exports. of goods
and services, among others.
Free Trade Agreements of Colombia with other countries
Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States
Free Trade Agreement signed between Colombia and Switzerland
Trade Agreement with Costa Rica
Partial Scope Agreement between Colombia and Venezuela
Free Trade Agreement Colombia - Canada
Trade Agreement with the European Union
pacific alliance v2
Trade Agreement with Panama
Trade Agreement with EFTA
Trade Agreement with Israel

Advantages and disadvantages of Free Trade Agreements

According to the Colombian FTA portal, free trade agreements represent
benefits for the parties in commercial aspects and in general in their
economy, such as:
 Higher profits, fostering economic growth.
 Facilities to export and import a wide variety of products and services.
 Promotion of foreign investment in different economic sectors.
Generation of jobs both nationally and internationally.
Regarding the disadvantages of signing free trade agreements, the following
stand out:
 Some national sectors may be affected by international competition.
 They can contribute to increased unemployment and economic
 Certain agreements may have unequal conditions, in which one of the
parties is favored more.
 Contraband, which refers to the entry of merchandise without paying
the corresponding taxes.

the most benefited sectors:

Within the framework of the Agreement for Prosperity, the czar of NAFTA,
the sectors that have benefited most from the trade agreement with the
United States are food and textiles. In addition, exports to the allied country
have increased by US$200 million.
From the agricultural sector, some products have been identified that have
greater opportunities, such as: gold pineapple, broccoli, strawberry and
papaya. While there are other fruits that still need to comply with
phytosanitary requirements, and they are some types of avocado, melon and
watermelon. Gómez also pointed out that in almost two months since the
start of the FTA with the United States, on May 15, exports, not counting oil,
coal and gold, have increased 28% and not counting agricultural exports such
as coffee and flowers, they increased 70% in the same period. The FTA czar
stressed that work should also be done on trade facilitation, emphasizing the
issue of sanitary measures. In addition, the manufacturing sector can develop
its market through cosmetic products, baby clothes, among others. "We must
work on a competitiveness agenda," Gómez pointed out. The official pointed
out that among the infrastructure challenges that the country has, it is
essential to finish the internal trade corridors.

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