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“Earthquake and Fire Emergency Disaster Preparedness and HIV Awareness”

Disaster Preparedness is one of the important elements in disaster risk reduction and it encompasses
community awareness. Therefore, preparedness becomes an important aspect for achieving sustainable
Disaster of management. Disaster preparedness in this context is defined as the measures taken to
prepare for and reduce the effects of disaster.


Yesterday April 22, 2021 at 3pm in the CALABARZON Observatory released a forecast on the
developments surrounding Philippine Disaster Emergency Agency (PDEA) and (PHIVOLCS-DOST), for
Earthquake, and Fire Preparedness and HIV Awareness for Department of Health (DOH). It is currently
classed as a Severe about the Environment Disaster Preparedness. The province of Rizal was identified
as an earthquake it is transected and bounded by active EARTHQUAKE generators such as the Philippine
Fault. And FIRE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS, are accompanied with devastating impact affecting both lives
and properties. The magnitude of the impacts has been severe in place with low levels of the fire
disaster preparedness. A study was conducted in STI COLLEGE IN ORTIGAS-CAINTA, to investigate the
level of fire disaster preparedness considering the availability and condition of firefighting facilities as
well as the knowledge on fire management among the selected 10 higher learning institutions. And the
public service announcement (PSA) For the Let’s Stop HIV together National HIV Awareness and anti-
stigma campaign features the stories individuals living with HIV and the steps they are taking to
encourage others in the fight against HIV. Get the Facts, get tested, and positive in life not in HIV. Its
center is presently located around STI COLLEGE IN ORTIGAS-CAINTA.

Disaster Likelihood in this unit you learned about various natural hazards and how they happen .Use
your understanding of these phenomena to make a prediction of natural disaster are likely occur. The
Philippine is one of the most vulnerable countries when it comes to Fire and Earthquake. It is located
along the so-called Pacific Ring Of Fire where earthquake and fire hit fairly regularly, including small
ones that hardly register on the Richer Scale. Knowing this, it is imperative that we do all that we can to
be prepared. This is vital if we’re going to save lives of Filipinos or even prevent them from being lost.
Considering the possibility of massive earthquake hitting the Philippines, do we have the means to
immediately cope? How ready are the Filipino’s should the big one strike?

No one is ever fully prepared to deal with environmental and calamities, however we would like to
remind everyone to stay vigilant. Try to maintain access to reliable sources of information and watch out
for any unexpected after shock on earthquake and fire disaster and HIV Disease. We must all maintain a
level of preparedness to mitigate potential risks.

The STI COLLEGE OF ORTIGAS-CAINTA will continue on monitoring the situation and will continue to
provide updates.


Author of Earthquake AND FIRE :




Corresponding author:

Deborah Johnson


Received: 22 April 2021

Accepted: 25 April 2021

Published: 27 April 2022

How to cite this article

Johnson D, 2023 Earthquake and Fire Emergency Disaster Preparedness


2022, the Authors,

Licensee: AOSIS, this work is licensed under creative commons attribution license.

June A. Flora


HIV Awareness

Corresponding Author:

June Flora


Received: 22 April 2021

Accepted: 25 April 2021

Published: 27 April 2022

How to cite this article

Flora, J.A., 2022, HIV Awareness


@ 2022, the Authors.

Licensee: AOSIS. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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