Test2 A

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Question 1

a) Invalid

b) invalid

c) Invalid

Question 2
a) Valid

b) Valid

c) Invalid

d) Invalid
Question 3
Argument 1
a) Premise 1: Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland by introducing
fuel tax and Just take a look at Sydney, fuel tax solved nothing
Premise 2: Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland by introducing
fuel tax have is going to be a massive failure.
Conclusion: Therefore, Just take a look at Sydney fuel tax has going to be a massive
Rule 1: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland only one
time by introducing fuel tax is going to be a massive failure.
Rule 2: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland by
introducing fuel tax is going to be a massive failure. Just take a look at Sydney, water
tax or wearing T-shirt solved nothing there!
Rule 3: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland only by
introducing fuel tax is going to be a massive failure
Rule 1: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland 500
times by introducing fuel tax is going to be a massive failure.
Rule 2: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland by
introducing fuel tax and water tax and reducing cars is going to be a massive failure.
Rule 3: Suppose that Clearly, trying to reduce traffic congestion in Auckland by
introducing fuel tax on each day, and water tax each week is going to be a massive

Argument 2
a)Premise 1: We burned whale oil. That killed the whales. Then it was fossil fuel. and
next time we all change to solar energy eventually have burned whale oil. That killed
the whales. Then it was fossil fuel.
Premise 2: We burned whale oil. That killed the whales. Then it was fossil fuel. have
wrecked the climate
Conclusion: Therefore, That wrecked the climate.
Rule 1: Suppose that we burned whale oil only once . That killed only one whales.
Then it was fossil fuel.
Rule 2: Suppose that we burned whale oil. That killed the whales. Then it was fossil
fuel. That wrecked the climate. If we all change to solar energy eventually and use
wind power next time someone will work out that that’s not sustainable either.
Rule 3: Suppose that we burned whale oil only at boat .
Rule 1: Suppose that we burned whale oil for 100 years . That killed lots of whales.
Then it was fossil fuel.
Rule 2: Suppose that we burned whale oil and spill oil at sea. That killed the whales.
Then it was fossil fuel.
Rule 3: Suppose that we burned whale oil and spill oil at sea and put rubbish, wearing
blue T- shirt. That killed the whales. Then it was fossil fuel.

Argument 3
Air Travel has no future. It used to be a luxurious and privileged experience before
the 1980s, but since then it has become crowded and miserable.

a)Premise 1: Air Travel has no future used to be a luxurious and privileged experience
then it has become crowded and miserable.have has no future
Premise 2: Air Travel has no future have uxurious and privileged experience
Conclusion: Therefore, since then it has become crowded and miserable has used to
be a luxurious and privileged experience before the 1980s

b)Rule 1: Suppose that air Travel has no future. It used to be a luxurious and
privileged experience before the 1980s only one times.
Rule 2:
Rule 3:

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