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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

Using Inductive Method

I. Objectives: At the end of the 45-minutes lesson, the student shall be able to:
a. Identify the supporting details used in the text;
b. State the importance of identifying supporting details; and
c. Create a paragraph containing supporting details.

II. Subject Matter: 

Topic: Supporting Details
Reference: English for Grade 7 , pages 44-48
Teaching Devices/Aids: Visual Aids, Marker, Tape, Scissors.

III. Lesson Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A.  Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
- Everybody stand up lead the prayer Nina - In the name of
the father and
the son and holy
spirit… AMEN
 Greetings/Classroom Arrangement

- Good Morning Class! - Good morning

teacher, good
- Before you take your seats kindly pick up the trashes you can
see inside the classroom and put in the trash bins - Yes, teacher.

After a minute:
- Thank You

- You may take your seats class. Ma’am.

 Attendance

- Before anything else, Let me check you attendance , say

present if your name is called - Yes, maam.
After a minute:

 Review
- Okay class, what was the last topic the we discuss last - Ma’am, it’s all
meeting? Yes, Jhunette? about cause and

- Okay thank you, who wants to share what cause and effect
means? Yes, Joy?

- Very well said. Let’s give joy around of applause. - (student answer)

- (student claps)
 Motivation

The class will be having an activity entitled “3,6,9” in

descending order.
Whoever fails to follow the mechanics will give his/her answer
that should be written in the board.

Their task is to justify or support the given statement to make a

paragraph. It only needs to five (5) student to do so.

Sentence given: It is being said that love is fallacy

After 5 minutes

- Very good! I am very pleased you were able to make and

complete a paragraph. Now, lets discuss your answer.
Anybody who can tell what was our activity all about? Yes,

- Teacher, I notice
that we are able

- Very good observation mikee. to justify and

B.  Lesson Proper Activities
- Before proceeding to our main topic class, let’s read our
objectives for today. - (students read
the objectives)

- Thank you, so, our topic for today is all about identifying the
supporting details. But first what is supporting details based on
you prior knowledge? Yes, Alex?
- Supporting
details teacher
are evidences
and justifications
Okay, very god! So class, supporting details are reasons, of main idea.
examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that develop
and support the main idea it should be related so there are tips - (students
on finding the supporting details. attentively listen)
How to identify supporting details? Yes, we have
 Find the topic The experience
 Find the main idea happened in the past.
 Turn the main idea statement into a questions by the used
“w/h” word
 Remaining sentences could be supporting details
 Supporting details can be find by help of signal words

- so, what are the signal words? Yes, stacy? - It is the words
being used to
organize the

- Very good stacy! It is clear stated that signal words are words
that being used to organized the supporting details.

For an examples:
One - (students listen
First (of all) carefully)
Second (ly)
Third (ly)
And etc..

- Here is the example of identifying the supporting details.

To be effective, feedback on someone’s work must have certain

characteristics first. It must be timely, occurring soon after the work
has been done. Second, it must be accurate, the best should get the
most positive feedback; the poorest work should get the most negative
feedback. Finally, feedback should be tailored to the recipient,
expressed in a way suited to that person’s personality and abilities.
- (Students listen
Topic: effective feedback carefully)

Main Idea: to be effective, feedback on someones’s work must

have certain characteristics

Questions: what Characteristic must feedback on someone’s work


Supporting Details: timely, accurate, tailored to recipient

- Do you understand class?
- (students

- However, there are two type of supporting details. The major

details and minor details.

- Major details > directly explain develop, or illustrate the main


 They are the principal (most important) points the

author is making about the topic.

- Minor details > explain a major details further. The main

idea would still be clear if minor details were left out.

 Not as important as major details. - (student listen

 Used to add interest and to give further descriptions, examples, attentively)

testimonies, analysis.
Illustrations and reason for the major details
For an example:

Students should consider many variables when choosing classes.

Time of day, you can choose classes that meet early in the
morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, mid-afternoon, early
evening, mid-evening, or evening. whether it is required or not.
You may not want to take classes that do not qualify as toward your
degree. How much reading/writing may be involved. You may no
want to take several classes at the same time that will involve a lot
of reading. Such as novels, or that require writing multiple papers.

- did you understood class? - (student

Drills and activities
- And if that so, we will be having a short quiz. Please get1/4
sheet of paper and answer the following. You’ll given three
minutes to answer.
- (students

Directions: identify the supporting details by identifying the first actively

topic and the main idea of the given text. Answer directly participated)

emphasize whether its major details or minor details.

- The next will be…

Find a pair, cite a particular side of your partner, its either what
are the things you like about him/her and support your answers.

Just for an example,

She is beautiful. Why can you say so she is beautiful?

- I’ll be selecting students to present their task here in front.

You’ll given 5 minutes to discuss.
After 5 minutes

- (students
- Very good presentation class!
- Now, group yourselves into three(3)
C. Post Lesson Activity
 Application
Group the students into three(3) groups. Let them construct a
paragraph containing supporting details and it should be about the
importance of identifying the supporting details. They must presents
their output in a creative way
 Singing
 Dancing
 Acting

- You’re given five(5) minutes to prepare.

- Yes, teacher.
After 5 minutes…
- Are you done class?

- (student
- Okay, let’s start your presentation. presentation)


- Very good presentation class! Give yourselves around of

applause. - (student clapped
their hands)

 Generalization

- Now, I want you to test if you really understood our topic.

- Kenneth, what is supporting details?

- (student
- Okay thank you. Mikee what are the two types of supporting answered)

- Okay thank you, roselle, what is the major details and minor - (student
details? answered)

- Very well said roselle.

- (student
- So class what are the things to consider in identifying the answered)
supporting details.

- Excellent class!

- (students
 Evaluation

- I think you already understood our topic for today. So, for now
get 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the following. You are - (students

guven 15 minutes to answer. actively


I. Write the answers that corresponds to a given questions.

1. It is basically discussing the major details.

2. The basic types of supporting details.
3. Are reasons, facts, examples that support the main idea.
4. Things to consider identifying of supporting details.
5. It is simply directly explaining, develop and illustrate the main

II. Write an essay about the following.

1. Why do we need to find the first the topic and the main idea
first before finding the supporting details?
2. What is the importance of identifying of supporting details?

III. Construct a paragraph that includes a topic, main idea, and

supporting details.

- Done class? - Yes, teacher.

Okay, pass your paper to the person in front of you - (student


 Assignment

- Now, class kindly get your notebook and copy your - (students

assignment. actively

Search for an article and identify the supporting details in the text.
- Are you done copying your assignment?

- Yes, ma’am.
- Okay, keep your thing and pick up the pieces around you
before leaving.

- (students
- Goodbye class!

- Thank you and

teacher. And

Prepared by: Alex C. Dapanas

BPE 2-1

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