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ferire ae J ailtes are aor 2015-16 or fava WAV Rare (iit Government of Madhya Pradesh Department of Medical Education Mantralaya Working Plan for the year 2015-16 New Medical Colleges. | Shahdol, Datia & Sr. | Targets forthe year | Targets for First | Targets for Second Targets for Third Target for | No. Quarter April-June | Quarter July-September | Quarter October- | Fourth Quarter | 2015 2015 December 2015 January- a L Z ee March 2016_ ri 2 | oat ws |. 6 1 Establishment of 7 New | To send U for the | To co-ordinate with Co-ordinate with Co-ordinate Govt. Medical Colleges | new colleges to Govt. | construction agency for construction agency | with ( Vidisha, Ratlam, of India. ide: cation | preparation of DPR. To | for issuance of construction Shahdol, Shivpuri, [reservation of land put up proposal to the | fenders and | ageney and Datia, Chhindwara and | and selection of Project Screening commencement of ensure Progress Khandwa) and construction agency. | Committee (PSC) after | construction work | of work as per | commencement of Tosend the proposal | concurrence of FD and | for Vidisha, Ratlam, | Agreement. construction of the 7 for Vidisha, Ratlam, thereafter seek Cabinet Shahdol, Datia & | order. Approval for 5 | Khandwa. Medical Colleges for Vidisha, Ratlam, Shahdol, Datia & Khandwa £ ak ——T | | Khandwa ® oe g recognition | To ensure To ensure j Get sanction / approval for | Co- ordinate with MCI | Ge 600 seats in MBBS for 4_| and Private Medi of MCI after | teaching as per | teaching as per new Private Medical Colleges for inspection, | inspection and | academic academic Colleges (Mordern, | of the collages for initiate action for | calendar Indore, Sukhsagar, increase in 600 seats. _| admission to MBBS | Jabalpur & Advance 1 year for year Institute of Medical 2015-16 | Sciences, Bhopal , | | Mahaveer Medical College, | | | Bhopal) Ee i 7 3 | To initiate/ Co-ordinate for | To Co-ordinate with | To co-ordinate with To co-ordinate establishment of 4 Maharana Pratap | other institutions | with 4 Private _| with 4 college for | additional new Private Medical College | for necessary Medical Colleges | issuance of D&F Medical College (1- Gwalior, Global approvals e.g. for issuance and also co- Maharana Pratap MC. Medical College, | T&CP, Revenue, | D&F and MCI | ordinate with Gwalior, 2-Global M.C. Jabalpur, Amaltas | Environments/ | inspection. MCI for Jabalpur, 3- Amaltas M.C. | Medical College, | Pollution ete. for the | inspection of the | Ujjain, and 4-Sakshi | Ujjain, Sakshi Medical | Private Medical 4 Medical M.C. Guna College, Guna for Colleges. Colleges if | | preparatory work for Construction | | issuance of D&F for | Work is [eee et [Mc Eee ae 0) Peale completed. -~ 4 -£ Allotment of Govt. Land as per healtheare Investment Policy and | Revenue Policy for new Private Medical | To send cases of the | Private Medical | To co-ordinate with Collectors for Colleges to respective | allotment of Govt. Collectors for allotment | Land as per rules. of land. To co-ordinate with new Private Medical To co-ordinate with Collectors for allotment of Govt. | Colleges to Land as per rules. | commence preparatory work/ construction work. 5 | Increase/ establish 3 | new nursing colleges as | | Colleges. |_| per vision Documents To co-ordinate with | To co-ordinate with construction agency for | construction agency establishment of 3 for formulation of To co-ordinate with construction agency for FD for issuance of tender for To co-ordinate with construction agency for formulation of DPR for 2013 Govt. Nursing colleges. | DPR for f To co-ordinate with establishment of 3 | ¢Stablishment of 3 construction work. INC for establishment | Govt. Nursing Govt, Nursing Issuance of D&F for . Colleges. ( Bhopal, | of 18 Private new | Colteges. (Bhopal, | Rewa'and Indore). *eauate numbers Nursing Colleges. | Rewa, Indore ).T0 | Kewanee of D&E for Of Private Nursing | | co-ordinate with | saequate numbers of | Colleges. Ensure | | INC for Private Nursing adherence to quality | | establishment of 18 | Colleges. Adherence | parameters through | - Private new Nursing | to quality parameters | inspection | Colleges. through inspection by | Commissioner & Commissioner & Collector. i Collector, re a £E ok ‘Action/disposal of Court cases due to VYAPAM and STF investigations. Ensure effective Govt. defence in the following cases in Hon, High Court:- -14 PIL, CBI enquiry cases -66 petitions relating to Munnabhai. Doubtful students. -LI Mise. petitions -73 STF investigation cases. To co-ordinate with AG Jabalpur and ensure effective Govt. defence in 14 PIL relating to CBI enquiry. Ensure that appropriate actions is taken by competent authorities in 66 Munnabhai. Doubtful cases as per Hon, High Court directions to issue SCN and dispose cases conclusively. | To ensure that Govt. reply in furnished in all Court cases well in time and defend the cases adequately. Initiate and co- ordinate with GOI for approval/ sanction of MDRU in Medical Colleges. | To co-ordinate with GOI for release of funds for research in MDRU Gwalior, Jabalpur, Rewa and Indore To co-ordinate with GOL for sanction of the remaining MDRU in Medical Colleges. To co-ordinate with GOI for sanetion of the remaining MDRU in Medical Colleges. To ensure that Govt. reply is furnished in all Court cases well | in time and defend the eases adequately. with GOL for | release of budget allotment! utilization for MDRU in Medical C leges. | Affiliation of Ayush sNursing and Pera Medical College to M.P University of Medical Sciences Jabalpur. University of MS Automation of M.P University of Medical | Sciences Jabalpur. Affiliation of Private Ayush ,Nursing and Pera Medical colleges of Medical University Jabalpur in accordance with proposal of VC. | Affiliation of Private Ayush .Nursing and Pera Medical colleges of Medical University Jabalpur in accordance with proposal of VC.. Ensure teaching as per academic calendar. Ensure teaching | as per academic calendar ee Co Ensure provision for free To make adequate To make adequate | To make adequate arrangement to ensure provision for free medicine To make adequate arrangement to ensure provision for free medicine to patients | to patients __ To make adequate arrangement to ensure provision for free | investigations to patients. / | medicine to patients. | arrangement to, arrangement to | ensure provision for | ensure pro free medicine to for free medicine 7 s _| patients. | to patients 10_ | Ensure free investigation to |'To make adequate | To make adequate patients. arrangement to | arrangement to ensure provision for | ensure provision free investigations | for free to patients. investigations to ___| patients. 11 | To ensure procurement of Undertake action | Undertake action required machines/ equipments for Medical College & Hospital as per Plan Provision Installation of following major equipments in the year 2015-16 Gamma Camera i- CT 128 Slice ifi- MRI 3.0 Tesla iv-Linear Accelerator v- Modular OT vi- Digital Radiography X- ray ii- Digital Mammography EMG ix- EEG ete. for procurement and installation of equipments. | for procurement and installation of equipments. Undertake action for procurement and installation of equipments. To make adequate arrangement to ensure provision for free investigations to patients. + Undertake action for procurement and installation of equipments. a To initiate project To initiate project 12 | To upgrade IT | To prepare Project To make provision frastructure as per ICT | reports to upgrade IT _| for budgetary implementation implementation support program with the | infrastructure as per ~ | allotment and to with the assistance | with the assistance of concerned ICT support program | prepare projects for | of IT department. | assistance of IT | — | departments /experts in all | with the assistance of | ICT support department. | 6 Medical Colleges concerned departments | program in all Jexperts in all 6 Medical | colleges. : | Colleges Screed 13. | Disposal of all applications | Disposal of all Dispose all Dispose all Dispose all for Higher Education Loan | applications received __| applications in applications in applications in Guarantee Scheme in time. | during April —June stipulated time stipulated time _| stipulated time 2015 for Higher frame expeditiously . | frame frame Education Loan expeditiously. Guarantee Scheme in : time. EH EeaPrereE He 14, | Commence construction | To Co-ordinate with | Identification of Land | Put up proposal to | Put up proposal work in following New work agency for survey | for the projects. To | PSC along with _| to PSC along with Projects (165 crores): I of and and preparation | €9-ordinate with work | DPR after DPR after State Cancer Institute , of DPR for agency along with concurrence of FD. | concurrence of Jabalpur (Rs. 120 Cr.) establishment of SCI __| "spective Deans for FD and seek | _ |anTetiary Care Cancer Jabalpur and TCCC | Preparation of DPR approval of | Centre, Gwlior (Rs. 45 Cr.0 | Gwalior. mounta nd ian shing Cabinet. | of MOU to GOI. 5 a ae £. £. planning (Rs 450 Crore) of following Medical Colleges:~ ~ i+ Medical College Gwalior (Rs.150 Cr) Medical College Jabalpur (Rs.150 Cr) ‘Commence New Up-gradation — To coordinate with HSCC and GOL for commencement of work.. To coordinate with HSCC and GOI for commencement of work, To co-ordinate with HSCC & GOL To co-ordinate with HSCC & GOL Bhopal :- | i- Installation of Gamma Camera Construction of Virology Lab Construction of OPD iv- Establishment of 3 Obs & Gynae Unit in Sultania with concerned work agency to with concerned work agency to commence commence /eomplete the /complete the projects projects expeditiously. | expeditiously iii- Medical College Rewa (Rs 150 Cr 16 | Upgradation of Medical To co-ordinate with |To co-ordinate | To co-ordinate | To co-ordinate College Gwalior:- concerned work | with concerned _| with concerned _| with concerned i- Construction of Sewage line | agency to work agency to | work agency to | work agency to - Construction of modular —_ | commence/complete | commence/complet | commence/ commence | kitchen , procurement of _| the projects ¢ the projects complete the | /eomplete the equipments expeditiously expeditiously projects projects Construction of 1000 expeditiously | expeditiously bedded hospital. _ z : 17. | Up gradation of Medical College | To Co-ordinate To co-ordinate To co-ordinate | To co-ordinate with concerned | work agency to commence /Complete the projects expeditiously with concerned work agency to commence / complete the projects expeditiously. af —— 8 18. | Up gradation of Medical College Indore :~ _ Lit Construction of Maharaja | To Co-ordinate with concerned work agency to To Co-ordinate with concerned work agency to To Co-ordinate with concerned work agency to | To Co-ordinate with concerned work agency to Tukojirao Hospital building | commence commence commence commence Construction /up gradation of | jeomplete the /complete the /complete the Jeomplete the _ Mansik Chikitsalaya build projects projects projects projects Ae ee of Cardize expeditiously. expeditiously. expeditiously. | expeditiously. 19," | Up gradation of Medical College | To Co-ordinate | To Co-ordinate | Fo Co-ordinate | To Co-ordinate Jabalpur:- with concerned | with concerned —_| with concerned | with concerned i- Construction of HDR cancer building & equipments. - Construction of 4 wards iii-Construction of ICU in Obs & Gynae Deptt. | iv- Construction of Neuro work agency to commence Jcomplete the projects expeditiously. work agency to commence /complete the projects expeditiously. work agency to commence Jcomplete the work ageney to commence /eomplete the projects expeditiously. Surgery ward. 7 z See 20. | Up gradation of Medical College | To Co-ordinate To Co-or To Co-ordinate | To Co-ordinate Rewa:- with concerned with concerned | with concerned _| with concerned — |4- Completion of incomplete ~ Sanjay Gandhi Hospital Project. ii- Construction of 100 seats Girls Hostel struction of ICU in Obs & Gynae Deptt. work agency to commence | Jeomplete the projects expeditiously. work agency to commence /eomplete the projects expeditiously. work agency to commence /complete the projects expeditiously. work agency to commence Jeomplete the projects expeditiously. | | To Coordinate > [To Co-ordinate To Co-ordinate - | To Co-ordinate with ] 21. Up gradation of Medical — | College Sagar:- with concerned with concerned | with concerned —_| concerned work | Construction of work agency to, | workagency to. | work ageney to agency to commence Auditorium commence commence commence /complete the Construction of Major OT | /complete the | Jeomplete the Jcomplete the Construction of projects projects projects Incinerator expeditiously. expeditiously. expeditiously. iv- Water pipeline works for | water supply | y- Oxygen supply system | vi- Central AC. | eee i estes ssssisis | 22. | High Quality cleanliness , food | To make To make To make | and security in all 6 Medical | arrangements for | arrangements for arrangements for Colleges and associated high quality high quality high quality | Hospitals & Dental college cleanliness , food | cleanliness ,food cleanliness , food _| cleanliness , food | Indore and security in the | and security in the | and security in the | and security in the | | - Medical Colleges | Medical Colleges _ | Medical Colleges Medical Colleges and associated and associated and associated and associated Hospitals. Hospitals. Hospitals. | E =o | a 23 Ensure all equipments are in running condition in all Medical Colleges and associated hospitals, Dental | College Indore Mansik Arogyashala Gwalior/ Indore, Cancer Hospital Indore/Jabalpur (SS. Kushwah ) Director Medical Education | To ensure that all | major equipments are in running condition in all Medical Colleges and associated hospitals, Dental College Indore Mansik Arogyashala Gwalior/ Indore, Cancer Hospital Indore/Jabalpu (SS. Kumre ae Dy. Secretary Govt. of MP, Medical Education Department To ensure that all major equipments are in running condition in all Medical Colleges and associated hospitals, Dental | College Indore | Mansik Dy. Secretary Govt. o0f M.-P. Medical Education Department __|Indore/Jabalpur Coa a (pe senealy (Sanjeev Shrivastava ) To ensure that all major equipments are in running condition in all Medical Colleges | and associated | hospitals, Dental To ensure that all major equipments are in running condition in all Medical Colleges and associated hospitals, Dental College Indore —_ College Indore Mansik | Mansik Arogyashala Arogyashala | Gwalior/ Indore, | Cancer Hospital Indore/Jabalpur Gwalior/ Indore, Cancer Hospital Principal Secretary Govt. of MP. Medical Education Department

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