Ic Engine Assignment-1

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9 Coy e Combua bon C}ambrns in Ci

Wos ira Engins.erplain n datal tha

prinoipt o auird combwsion Rarmber uin naat ttalth
wa Combwtion chambr in c1
Cngin s clasied kvto 2 typet a
Dect 2iechon -The enhr Combuthiov spau iu in he main
ndied nehon ' - Here, Cowbuhon &pau s diuidus Rro pail
kn head l elber in
ylindaY n mun
lindey. Fuel is
8enerally Aigdhd in
port ukih lies n indey hiod.
2ir Combuuhon- 20r Combshon Chomber
The aluo
Cnoun as
he hurblenu Combvaion Chombe. 9t a a Creular mo hion
Wi onrred o
an toming ar dumna ha &ucion &tote
t h e 2wid Cambushon Chomnbur, ne air s ain a Lwirdwhile
Coing in ho i nder. The i n nuhd a Hais huirud ay

&o a miig buming e frel tale

plau lomplsly

-Combutho Chanber

Sv Combuion
Deus Hhe Value timing' diogran a s peiel enge
yo TDC Evc
valwe ovedos

Ergoin 8haga ¢ Combuston k C1 uginas uim
tarh h k r -Crant an diaam, oort
vit thon akarts
E- uw ehon 'A

o n Deloy miod: - his Stage ol Co

M on bon n 4e CI
ieehon yam pvaged Hhe Combution
hovm ajet ue. to odovm'eaion k mbes in
te Cne wih s sumrovmday
vapori2adon, d d d2 PaJarpralsat
by a ipo
air &fnl par hle
>poriod wnconDdsd Cormbuahon rs

ond togr Combs hion

AM e above wewkoned diay peno d o o r Me axt omd
nel misture w
outo fqth hey
o»hame a tbvend e y igniha temmpralure
ferio d Covrsllad conbuton :-whan atwndahd fu! durny ha dulav
ersod Compldy bud in H priod umwntolad Conmbushon, tthe lenbhathoe
pre e ixhure n te indey ae o igk tvat rew ijechd fvel foon no~elu
wA bun y dm to Ahe präenu mhdo o in e Combul bon dhambey.
Por buning Te butning t nd n he Combue Hon Chambey omain to
Cowh e dui Me expami'om zfrele. Tw main reason bebin A the
Yopoiahon aioucdd gans A mbumt fne!,
hasor, nun are o w dexund &tanu o Combwhon an CI Sngino
9 Mavdon t horacivt hu dforme behusn htrollng A Coka

Ho? Ping Col Rolling

SE áone aboe kgh temhemtn tge done at Lowertemperotu
cuch n roon mpeaituye
above 1t00 dagse.

Comporaieu heop 2Coaly.

weatr borgor
o rod adou fwish
hooolling wk
SErce woldin 34 Hatas probrtra
Locad bukling s wnli taly to
|6eom orre
velakdyO ay
xpemibmu Loca!

Explai MPFI yphm * point owt ie spei odvawtags oer the

Convenhonal m
hs MPfs sylem iechve d *ato nernal Cowbt hon engine
hwough wwwk prtks iphdad on luke Valn o eauh yinder
St dilivog om Cnatt quamhh Rn ea inle at Huu
ue MPPM Byems
aat hime. Theme orre
e -LoBhed,
inndkamos seapronkal
Bahdad- fu! in ivipud ro H* q bahs Hhe ondes h o t

bringngir intal thole tageBbey

Cimlans fd Aotd o all Cylnders aB tu iane hme
Scnrenral fuc is neti.d to ovlap time wim ántole ziote et
ea Cinder
34 imprdel iuony ef vebiclu
3 t ho3 1twey Casben eyiony ham Convehiona paoou
94 Ampov wgina omamu
u 91encourngu dimbuhor omoe meuinrm a u mhle o enh
cufindn r a dus feg duorvna dawleped n indisdua! ylindor.

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