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Kauman I No. 223 Telp. 031- 8940035/031-72595141 Sidoarjo

Nama : Hari, Tanggal :

Kelas : IV Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris

I. Answer the following questions correctly!

1. “ Cultural “ in Indonesian language is…

A. Budaya
B. Agama
C. Keragaman
D. Adat istiadat
2. “ Diversity “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Budaya
B. Agama
C. Keragaman
D. Adat istiadat
3. How many religions in Indonesia?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
4. Saman dance comes from the region…
A. Lombok
B. Maluku
C. Madura
D. Aceh
5. Look at the picture below!

The traditional house above comes from ...

A. Papua
B. Irian Jaya
C. Palembang
D. Aceh

6. Look at the picture below!

What is the name of a traditional musical instrument in the picture?

A. Gamelan
B. Tifa
C. Ceng ceng
D. Sasando
7. Look at the picture below!

The traditional dance above comes from ...

A. Bali
B. Madura
C. Surabaya
D. Lombok
8. Look at the picture below!

The traditional clothes above comes from ...

A. Bandung
B. Betawi
C. Madura
D. Pontianak

9. Look at the picture below!

What is the name of the traditional house in the picture?

A. Tongkonan house
B. Limas house
C. Joglo house
D. Gadang house

10. Look at the picture below!

What is the name of a traditional musical instrument in the picture?

A. Tifa
B. Kendang
C. Serulang
D. Kecapi

11. Look at the picture below!

What is the musical instrument in the picture?

A. Gamelan
B. Angklung
C. Kecapi
D. Sasando

12. Look at the picture below!

The traditional clothes above comes from ...

A. Aceh
B. Bali
C. Maluku
D. Minangkabau

13. “ Energi “ in English language is…

A. Energy
B. Earth
C. Geothermal
D. Sun
14. “ Sun “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Bintang
B. Matahari
C. Bulan
D. Meteor

15. The biggest source energy on the earth is…

A. Sun
B. Month
C. Star
D. Planet

16. Plants need the energy.

The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Tumbuhan
B. Energi
C. Hewan
D. Membutuhkan

17. Water is one source of energy.

The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Matahari
B. Bulan
C. Air
D. Planet

18. Look at the picture below!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Drinking
B. Eating
C. Take a bath
D. Washing

19. Look at the picture below!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Wash the dishes
B. Wash the pan
C. Wash the glass
D. Wash the face

20. Look at the picture below!

The energy source of the windmill is…

A. Fuel
B. Sunlight
C. Air
D. Wind
21. Look at the picture below!

The energy has been used in the picture…

A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire

II. Answer the following questions correctly!

1. Sasando musical instrument comes from …

2. Serimpi dance comes from …
3. East Java traditional house is…
4. The religion worship at the temple is…
5. A long time ago, farmer has been used sailboats to find fish, the energy source need by a
fishermen is…
6. Mother will wash clothes, the energy source for wash is…
7. When plants do photosynthesis, the plants need an energy sources…
8. The example of electronic devices that use electrical energy are …
9. The example of rare plant in Indonesia is …
10. The example of rare animals in Indonesia are …

1. A 11. B
2. C 12. B
3. A 13. A
4. D 14. B
5. A 15. A
6. C 16. D
7. A 17. A
8. C 18. A
9. D 19. A
10. A 20. C

II. Essay

1. Nusa Tenggara Timur

2. Yogyakarta
3. Joglo
4. Hindu
5. Wind
6. Water
7. Sun
8. TV, radio, computer, handphone
9. Rafflesia arnoldii
10. Orangutan, tiger, komodo

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