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UT 21393149
Unidad 1: Comercio electrónico: Tarea de redacción 1

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En esta sección puedes subir tu Tarea de escritura 1 de la Unidad 1 (Comercio electrónico) para
obtener una puntuación máxima de 10 puntos. Recuerda, estamos hablando de "Ventajas y
desventajas de comprar online". Usa las notas que tomaste en el Ejercicio 8 (página 37). Esta
tarea NO ES una lista ni una tabla, es un texto completo que debe tener al menos 80 palabras.
Hay algunos conectores útiles en el cuadro Idioma de la página 39.

Hazlo como PDF, DOC o de puño y letra.

some characteristics that are seen as advantages of e-commerce and disadvantages, for customers
and companies, online stores have a series of advantages and disadvantages compared to
traditional commerce.

You have to assess the advantages and disadvantages of buying online, when doing a business, it is
important to see the advantages that exist in the company, these are the advantages:

advantages of buying online:

In these cases, both parties are benefited by buying and selling via the Internet. The first
advantage is that there is no need to stand in line for the purchase. The second is that we have
accessibility to stores and products in remote places. Then we have to it is not necessary to have a
physical store to buy and sell, then we have that the location is not important being on the
internet, and finally it is possible to offer and find a large number of options

now the disadvantages of buying online follow, some inconveniences of buying, first the lack of
communication and personal relationship, second impossibility of trying the product before buying
it, then the need to have a secure internet connection, then you must have a device to connect to
the internet, and finally the fear of fraudulent payments, scams and theft of personal information

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