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How Computer Science Made Me Brave | Madeline Griswold |

Presentation: Madeline is a junior at Brown University concentrating in Computer Science,
with a focus on Machine Learning. She has participated in Brown’s Computer Graphics
and Reinforcement Learning research groups and interned as a Software Engineer at
Bloomberg. Madeline’s passion lies in CS education, as she has taught many elementary,
middle, and high school students how to code. Outside of technology, Madeline enjoyed
showing people around campus as a science tour guide and taking photographs around
the city. In this talk, Madeline will elaborate on her experience of finding courage in
computer science and explain why everyone should try computer science for themselves.


Growing up, I was awkward. A nerd, with glasses, who sucked at sports and couldn't hold
a conversation. Even worse, I had a speech impediment; many of my classmates mocked
me, asking which foreign country I was from. My voice and my confidence were limited.
Thankfully, help came from an unlikely place: video game development. I had never heard
of computer science before, didn't know anyone who programs; honestly, I found
computers and engineering incredibly boring. I was confused by the complexities of this
new language, frequently frustrated that my code would not compile, and I deleted my
entire project more than once. It was in these first moments where I thought to myself:
“Great, I suck at this too”. But it turns out, I'm pretty stubborn, and after many, many tries,
my code compiled! When I finally learned the complicated logic really just comes down to
some crafty statements, I realized I could code. Coding became my second language, and
it wasn't long before I spoke it more fluently than English. In front of a computer, I
developed a voice. I may have been too shy to tell a story verbally, but I did have the
power to build immense journeys, virtually.

By that point, I still struggled to talk to people. So, naturally, I decided to do the only thing a
self-conscious middle schooler with the speech impediment would do: speak in front of
2,000 people at the middle school graduation. Upon hearing of my decision to speak, my
best friend urged me to drop out since all the other kids made fun of me for the way I
talked. She wasn't wrong, I'd likely mispronounce half my words if I took that stage; but,
when learning to code I usually miswrote half my lines; I got used to screwing up, and it
was screwing up those lines of code that taught me to embrace improvement, instead of
aiming for perfection. So on, I went and come graduation. I stood in front of classmates,
parents and teachers and spoke on the topic of embracing failure.

Computer science gave me a voice, and I was beginning to use it beyond the screen: with
each game or tool that I built, I realized that I was more than just a nerd. I learned that
coding allows for just as much creativity as painting, music or acting: I had the power to
create magnificent things. In a world where most everything of value seems to require
qualifications, whether that be years of school, or certifications; there's something so
empowering about a meaningful endeavor without these prerequisites. The ability to pick
up a pen, a paintbrush, a ball or a keyboard and find creativity, can give anyone
confidence and a voice. I believe that computer science is a creative field, giving anyone
the ability to code. You don't have to be good at math, or understand how a computer
works, the computer does not care where you are from or what you look like. So, to the
young child somewhere out there, who doesn't think computer science is for them: I hope
that I can change your mind.

This is Alexandra Jordan. At nine years old, she created “Super fun kid time” for kids to
schedule playdates with each other. She recently presented this website in one of the
largest technology conferences in the world. This is Masako Wakamiya she's an 82 year
old retired banker from Japan, who had no technological knowledge; but, after learning to
code, she created a game for senior iPhone users and it's now an influential figure in
Japan. These are the faces of computer scientists around the world; they channeled their
creativity into something beautiful, and consequently expanded their individual voices.
Because computer science is built on universal logic and creativity, there are thousands of
similar inspiring tales. Every programmer has his or her own unique story and perspective.
In fact, many of the best computer scientists I've met don't consider themselves coders,
but artists, researchers or writers, using the computer as a tool to extend their passions.
You don't have to be a coder to code. Likewise, everyone in this room, regardless of their
background, has the ability to code.

Inspired to give more people this opportunity, I started a program to teach elementary and
middle school students the fundamentals of computer science. During these classes, I
asked the students to present their own app or website ideas. I was impressed by their
plans to connect people with animal shelters and find nearby recycling locations. Kids
naturally develop these virtuous ideas. Armed with the means and a voice, specifically a
computer and the ability to code, now they can act on these ideas. About a year into the
program, I taught a group of first graders, much younger than my typical students. Most
cannot read, and several didn't even know English; I had no clue how to teach students
that I could barely communicate with. But the language of coding logic transcends these
barriers. So, I used computer science projects with no words. Many of which did not even
require a computer; instead, the students drew logic flowcharts using arrows and stick

In 1999, the “Hole-in-the-wall” project began, when a group of researchers placed a

computer in a remote area of India; education levels were low, no one had seen a
computer, and no one spoke English. Nonetheless, by the end of the first day, 70 children,
ages 6 to 13, were browsing the Internet. This is a remarkable example of self-education,
and it demonstrates the astonishing intuitiveness of technology, despite differences in
educational backgrounds, socioeconomic status, ethnicity and gender. All students saw
their learning skills improve dramatically after using the computer. Learning how to use a
computer is the obvious first step towards learning to code, and both tasks can be entirely
self-taught. Many websites offer free computer science classes, that can transform anyone
from a clueless Internet user, to an adept app developer. Learning to code only requires
the passion to create and the persistence to keep trying. Creating software is an organic
and imaginative process, when creating a simple game, a programmer acquires technical
knowledge, but what you don't see is that she has also failed hundreds of times, relied on
problem solving skills to overcome hurdles, and eventually succeeded in breeding
something into existence. A lot of maturity occurs in that process. For me, and many
others, computer science has been a powerful force of freedom and creativity, making us
confident and empowered.

I'm now studying computer science at Brown University. During my first semester, I kept
hearing about Andy Van Dam, this famous 80 year old professor, who helped invent
hypertext, and founded Browns’ Computer Science Department. Apparently, the character
“Andy” from Toy Story is named after him. And clearly, anyone worthy of having a cartoon
character named after them, by a team led by Steve Jobs, no less, must be a pretty
amazing person. Impressed by as many accomplishments, I decided to apply for an open
position on Andy's research group. But the call for an interview never came. Then I did
something I never would have contemplated if computer science hadn't me brave: I went
unannounced to Andy's office and knocked on his door; the moment my hand hit the wood,
I had this overwhelming desire to run in the opposite direction and never look back. Who
was I, a young girl, with no credentials or prestige to talk to the claimed “Andy Van Dam”.
But despite our vast differences and accomplishments, I knew I could code, so, we spoke
the same language. I waited for the door to open and introduced myself: “Hi, my name is
Madeleine Griswold, I'm a computer scientist, and I would love to work with you”. Andy
invited me to sit down and talk more about my experience with computer science.
Apparently, that was my first job interview. Empowered with the skills, creativity and
confidence taught through programming, I gained the privilege to work on Andy's research
group. Since then, I've worked on two research groups, and turned out a New York City’s
startup, and programmed for Bloomberg. Computer science has transformed me from a
little girl too insecure to talking class, to a woman pursuing technical research. And now,
I’m on stage speaking to all of you.

I should not be the exception, but I did have the privilege of learning to code at a young
age, and the determination to keep trying, regardless of initial difficulties or frustrations.
Not everyone will aspire to be a computer scientist, but anyone looking for a way to
express and create, should give coding a chance. One way or another, find your own
creative path, and use it to develop a passion and a voice. From there, expand your reach,
develop your confidence and do not be shy about knocking on the biggest, scariest doors
that you can find. Thank you.

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