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Topic-based questions
Topic 1: WORK
1. What job is the most popular in Vietnam?
2. What are the offbeat jobs today?
3. What do you want to do after you graduate?
4. What qualities should a good teacher have?
5. Do you do a part-time job? If yes, what do you do?
1. What's your major?
2. Do you like your major?
3. Why did you choose your major?
4. What difficulties do you have at the university?
5. How would you do to overcome those challenges?
Topic 3: MONEY
1. How important is money to you?
2. Do you like shopping?
3. Are you good at saving money?
4. Can money buy happiness?
5. What do money in your country save money for?
Topic 4: Etiquette
1. Do you think people should be polite? And why?
2. Is it important to be polite in your country?
3. How do people in your culture show good manners towards
4. Who taught you to be polite?
5. What are some polite actions ?
6. What are some rude actions ?
Topic 5: FOOD
1. What kind of food do you like?
2. What the types of food do people eat in your country?
3. Can you cook?
4. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?
5. Who does the cooking in your family?
6. Do you have a healthy diet?
7. What is your biggest meal of the day?
8. What are some problems caused by unhealthy eating habits?
9.What are some unhealthy eating habits ?
Topic 6: HEROES
Describe a person who likes helping other people
You should say:
– Who this person is
– What did he do
– Why did he do that
– and explain how do you feel about him or her.

Topic 7: HEALTH
1. Is it important to eat healthy food?
2. Do you do exercise?
3. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
4. Is it important to have a good health?
5. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?
6. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?
1. Do you like learning English?
2. How often do you practice English?
3. Do you have any difficulty in learning English?
4. What skill do you find the most difficult? What would you do
to improve it?
5. Why do people learn more than one language?
6. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages
at school?
7. At what age do you think children should learn a foreign
II. Review useful languages in
 Expressing opinion
 Expressing interest
 Expressing agreement and disagreement
 Making and responding to suggestions
 Making and responding to requests and invitations
 Asking for, giving and responding to advice
 Expressing concern
[Please refer to useful phrases by topic in your own
coursebook and the handouts given]

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