Speaking Tổng hợp tầm 5 ielts

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1. What kind of school did you go to as a child?

-I have studied in a public school from pre-school till 6th 5. Where do you study / Where did you study?
grade. It used to be the most popular and the best
elementary school during my time. I studied in (name of university). It is located in (name of
the city)
2. Did you go to a co-educational school?
6. What’s your university/college like?
-Yes, I did. I had good memories in that school. I It’s one of the best universities in my country. It has a
gained a lot of friends, both boys and girls. huge campus with approximately 10,000 undergraduate
and graduate students of different courses/major.
3. What was your favorite subject as a child?
7. What do you study/did you study in university?
-I liked Maths a lot when I was a kid. Solving word
problems were very interesting for me. I’d always get I studied business administration. This course is
high scores in exams. perfect for a business minded person like me.

4. Who was your favorite teacher? 8. What is special about this subject?

-My Maths teacher. He made the lessons fun and Basically, it is about management of business
exciting by engaging us into different activities related operations. It has relevance and social importance since
to our topics. Me and my classmates enjoyed the it deals with technology, economy, global competitions
games. and the emerging markets.
DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?

In a fast-changing world we are in today, education priorities have transformed as well. In our
current society, education opens more opportunities for a wider skill set that were not offered
in the past. For example, colleges and universities have more specific major or courses as
compared before. Education has also involved the use of the modern technology such as
computers and other gadgets that were not present in the past.

2. Is a good education more important to a boy or a girl? Why?

Good education is important for both boys and girls. Both should be given equal rights to
education. In today’s society, women have proven that they can do tasks and get jobs that only
men used to have. Women have shown their competency in various fields such as politics,
science, sports and etc. Men on the other have also entered some industries that used to be
considered as women’s job such as cooking, housekeeping, fashion and etc. I think both sexes
must be given equal opportunities.

3. How well do you think schools should prepare young people for working life?

Schools are considered our second home. This is where we learn almost everything, starting
from the basic such as reading and writing. Before we turn into adults, this is the place where
we get most of our training. Therefore, schools should also be the avenue to prepare us to enter
into another chapter – the working life. Schools must extend its training by educating and
guiding the young people to their future career.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
-I do not like the extreme heat of summer, but do you know
1. Which country are you from?
what I disliked more? A humid weather; at least in the summer
- I am from the Philippines, an archipelagic country that is you could sweat off the heat, but in a humid environment, the
comprised by many islands. The country has 7,107 islands effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body is reduced by
reducing the rate of evaporation of moisture from the skin.
and that is why people who live there have a diverse set of
culture and languages. 6. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?
-I was born in a tropical country, my body had adapted to it.
2. Where is this country located?
Well, at least in a hot country, I could enjoy eating ice cream.
- The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia situated in
the Western Pacific Ocean. 7. What is the best/worst weather for travelling in?

3. Which part of the country do most people live in? -In my opinion, the best weather to travel is in a slight rainy
season. Why? Because it is the off season, less traffic jam,
-I The bulk of the country’s population is in Metro lower prices for tickets and food and you don’t have to compete
Manila, a region which houses the primary business with other tourists in terms of time by falling in line on order to
centers and the seat of government. enjoy a tourist site.
The worst weather to travel in is of course the typhoon
4. What are the main industries in your country? season. Because it is safe to stay indoors and to avoid flooded
areas, establishments are closed and flights get cancelled.
- The Philippines is traditionally an agricultural country,
but the economy has been transitioning into industries
that emphasizes on services and manufacturing.

5. What kind of weather do you dislike?


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

Of course not! I think it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. Sure, the government has the power to enact
laws and craft policies but how good is the law if nobody respects it.
We simply could not go on with our lives throwing our wastes irresponsibly and expect the government to just clean it up.
There is nothing left to clean up in the first place if only we dispose things properly, it wastes both time and resources.

2. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

There are a lot of ways on how individuals can do to protect the environment some of them are:
o Turn off appliances when you are not using them.
o Recycle and segregate your biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste or better yet avoid creating trash by avoiding
disposable products.
o Minimize your water and electricity consumption.
o Use a fuel-efficient car or if you are traveling in short distances, take a walk or ride a bicycle.
These are just small things we can do to change our lifestyles, imagine millions of other people doing the same thing. It can
gradually make a difference.

3. Do you think large companies and business organizations should be more environmentally friendly? Why? How?

Development is good; sometimes it is a necessity to survive in today’s world. Businesses need profit, but they should not do so
at the expense of the environment. Sustainable development is the key, the needs of the present has to be met without
compromising the ability of future generations to sustain life in this planet.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
What do you dislike about your job?
Describe the company or organization you work for.
-Conducting projects in far-flung areas means being away from
I work for the Energy Development Corporation (EDC); it is a my family for several days. This time, I couldn’t spend time
company that focuses on the development of renewable energy. with my wife and kids. I miss them so much.
What is your position?
How many hours do you work each day?
I am part of the geophysical survey team, I am a geologist
-When I am in a field work; we spend several hours traveling to the
What are your responsibilities? area, the survey usually last for a couple of days sometimes in a
weeks’ time. When there is no field work, I work the usual 8am to
Our team is tasked to identify if a significant resource is 5pm office work.
present, as well as to collect and analyze samples within
the area. What would be your ideal job?

What do you like about your job? -My ideal job would be something that always brings something
new, not a repetitive monotonous work. I get to do what I have to
The best thing about my job is that I could travel and discover do and be good at it, but nevertheless provide adequate returns to
places in which I otherwise wouldn’t my personal life.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

If I were asked what the most respected jobs in the country are, I would have to say it would be professional careers such as the
fields of law, medicine and engineering. It is the “mainstream choice” and common understanding of parents what they would
likely have as a career for their children, simply because of its high projected income and career growth.

2. Some people say it's better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What's your view?

I would have to say that I agree with the Chinese billionaire Jack Ma. For young people, it is wise to go to a small company
because in a big company you are working as part of a system and you are doing specialized repetitive tasks. But when you go to
a small company, you’ll learn the passion, the dreams and you’ll learn to do a lot of things at one time.
As you grow, focus on learning and in gathering and developing your skills. When you think you have learned enough, that is
the time when you have to think clearly – if you want to be an entrepreneur and to work for yourself.

3. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?

There has been a rejuvenation of the “entrepreneurial spirit” in our country; more and more people are involved in starting their
own businesses. The “start-up” community is now more alive than ever, even college students launch their start-up businesses
while in a university. Even though there is a high failing rate of start-up businesses; still, people are starting to take risk and put
their ideas into creation.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
-Sure. We are really close to each other. I am happy that I
1. Do you have a large or small family? could tell them anything. They are always there to listen
when I have problems.
- I come from a large family. Now, I just have my mom, an
older brother and three younger brothers. My father passed 5. Is yours a typical family?
away 17 years ago. I am the only daughter in the family.
-Well, I can say that, yes, our family is a typical one. A
2. How much time do you spend with your family? family, who stays by each other through good times and bad
- For now, I live one in another city far from my family so I
only spend about two weeks each year with them.
6. Are there many different types of family in your
3. What do you like to do together as a family?

-My family enjoys cooking together and having special -Yes, types of family in terms of number and the members
meals together. We catch up and talk about our lives. We of a household. There are small families with one two
look back and share memories especially when we were children to large families with about eight or more children.
still young. We enjoy music as well. So, when we get There are also households with extended families.
together, we play several musical instruments and sing 7. Who are you closest to in your family?
-I am closest to my mom. I think it is because we are the
4. Do you get along well with your family?
only women in the family. So, we share the same ideas
about many things.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?

The roles of husbands and wives changed in recent years. Both spouses have been more
open to perform different roles such as working outside the home or pitching-in with the
household duties. Another change I think is limiting the number of children in the family.
Parents nowadays think of having smaller families due to high cost of living.

2. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why

Traditionally, husbands and wives had clear-cut roles in the society. Husbands used to
provide the financial need of the family, while women were expected to take care of the
house. Changes had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in
each of these roles. I think this change is good. It is not necessary to define each role. I think
whatever role each husband or wife takes, as long as it is good for the family, it is okay.

3. Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?

Both are important but family is more important for me than friends. Friends may come and
go but I know that my family is always there and will always be there no matter what
happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
ANSWERS - Of course I do. I like to become rich some day so
1. Do you like shopping?

- Yes, I do. If I have enough money to spend, I could

shop all day.

2. Have you bought anything interesting recently?

-Yes, I did. I bought a small speaker that I am now

using to listen to music whenever I’m at home.

3. How important is money to you?

-Just like everybody, money is important for me. We

need it to survive.

4. Do you think you will have lots of money in


- I am working hard to have lots of money in the future.

Well, maybe not too much, just enough to have a good

5. Would you like to become rich some day?


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

that I can do more and help more people.

6. Do you think it is ok to lend money to friends or

family members?

-I think it is okay to lend money as long as it would serve a

good cause.

7. Are you good at saving money?

-Honestly, not really because I can be an impulsive buyer

sometimes. For example, whenever I see something that I really
like even if it is not necessary, I’d buy it.

8. Is it difficult for you to control your spending?

-Sometimes it is, especially when I know I have some extra



DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. How much money is enough?

I think considering the idea of having enough money would depend on someone’s lifestyle. But for me, enough money is being
able to afford basic needs and other necessities while having some more for recreation as well as savings. For example, I could
say that I have enough money if I am able to sustain my basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter and etc, while having some
more to spend for my hobbies and leisure and some amount in my bank account that I could use for emergency purposes.

2. What problems does money cause in your society?

Money causes a lot of problems in our society. In the field of politics, leaders become selfish and greedy because of money.
Politicians engage in graft and corruption, which makes them incompetent and ineffecient public servants. It is the society that
suffers out of this. Poverty is also another problem our society is facing. Many people lack money to sustain day to day living.
As a result, people’s health suffers and illiteracy rate is continuously increasing. Heinous crimes happen in many places because
people resort to doing illegal actions just to be able to acquire money.
These are just some examples and there are a lot more.

3. Do young people nowadays believe in saving money? What conflicts can arise between a person's family and a
person's friends?

I think almost everyone, not just the young people believe that it is good to save money. However, in today’s generation wherein
there are a lot of products and attractive advertisements, people find it difficult to do so. In addition, many companies offer easy
payment terms, so people get tempted to spend even for things that are not really needed. A great example would be the rapid
advancement in technological gadgets by which people, especially the young jump in the bandwagon. Nevertheless, I still
believe that the young people think of saving money, but the will to do it could be very difficult.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

4. What kind of clothes do you dislike?

1. What type of clothes do you like to wear?
-Well, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes.
- Well, I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable. Example would be tearing or ripped jeans. I also avoid
A pair of jeans and a shirt would be perfect. I am not clothes with flashy colors or those that are too stunning.
really the fashionable type. But of course, I also dress
up for special occasions. 5. Do you think people behave differently in different
kinds of clothes?
2. What kind of clothes do people in your country
usually wear? -Yes, I think people behave differently when they wear
different clothes. For example, one who wears formal
-Climate affects people’s clothing. I live in the tropics, so clothes may portray an image of being professional and
people in my country usually wear clothes with light confident. Wearing casual clothes, on the other hand, makes
fabrics. We also wear light-colored clothes. For casual us look comfortable and relaxed.
attire, a pair of jeans or short pants and a shirt for men
or blouse for women are common. 6. What kind of clothes do people wear to work in
your country?
3. How important is fashion to you?
- Those who work in the corporate wear either smart
- I am not much worried about it actually. I prefer
casual or business/formal attire on a regular work day.
wearing simple yet presentable clothes
Some employees such as teachers have uniforms. Other
workers are allowed to wear casual clothes to work.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. How important are clothes and fashion to you? [Why/Why not?]

Clothes and fashion are not that important to me. I always prefer comfortable clothes but
making sure that I’d look presentable and clean. I am more of being practical in choosing
what I wear.

2. How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years ago?

Well, I can say that there hasn’t been much change with the clothes I wear now with that of
about 10 years ago. I still wear the regular jeans and shirt for casual days or formal clothes
on business events. But, I think since the trend has changed, the kind of these basic
clothing has also changed for me, especially when it comes to the style of the jeans and
shirts. I used to wear straight-cut jeans but nowadays, I wear contemporary style such as
slim-fit clothes.

3. What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?

At times, I think the clothes we wear may show part of our personality or status. For
example, clothing may determine the kind of job a person has. For some, it may be a tool
for expression. Some could be stylish and fashionable which may reflect their personality as
being creative.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

3. Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

1. Describe your hometown.
- Yes, it is. It is a small city but there different kinds of
- My hometown is a small city. It is both traditional and transportation are available.
modern because of having several festivals that are being
celebrated by the locals and at the same time it is starting 4. What is it known for?
to be developed with increasing number of infrastructures
and establishments. -It is known for “Pili nuts”. They are said to grow in volcanic
2. Where is your hometown located?
5. What do people in your town do?
- My hometown, Sorsogon City is located in the
southernmost tip of the Bicol Peninsula and the Luzon -Agriculture and fishing are common in my hometown.
Island. Bicol is one of the regions in the Philippines Also, with the presence of modernization, there are now
and Luzon is the biggest island inthe country. many office jobs in my town.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. In what ways can you improve your hometown?

One problem in my hometown is the accessibility of some places due to lack of public
transportation systems. Although there are different means of public transportation, there are
still some places that are difficult to visit. For example, buses earliest trips start at 5am and
latest would be around 5:30pm. Therefore, during the night, it gets difficult to go to different

2. What is the main reason for liking a hometown other than the fact you were born

I think an individual would like his/her hometown aside from being born there because it is
the place we consider home. We are used to this place so we become comfortable in it.
Also, we are able to build good or bad memories in here, meet friends and other people
who have become part of our lives as we grow up. Also, it is the place where we are
molded as an individual.

3. Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?

Well, I guess some people feel that there could be more opportunities outside of their
hometowns. Some people think that being in a very comfortable place, like our hometown
with our relatives and friends can be distracting in pursuing our goals. Also, others
want to explore other places and experience different culture.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

3. Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

1. Describe your hometown.
- Yes, it is. It is a small city but there different kinds of
- My hometown is a small city. It is both traditional and transportation are available.
modern because of having several festivals that are being
celebrated by the locals and at the same time it is starting 4. What is it known for?
to be developed with increasing number of infrastructures
and establishments. -It is known for “Pili nuts”. They are said to grow in
volcanic soil.
2. Where is your hometown located?
5. What do people in your town do?
- My hometown, Sorsogon City is located in the
southernmost tip of the Bicol Peninsula and the Luzon -Agriculture and fishing are common in my hometown.
Island. Bicol is one of the regions in the Philippines Also, with the presence of modernization, there are now
and Luzon is the biggest island inthe country. many office jobs in my town.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. In what ways can you improve your hometown?

One problem in my hometown is the accessibility of some places due to lack of public
transportation systems. Although there are different means of public transportation, there are
still some places that are difficult to visit. For example, buses earliest trips start at 5am and
latest would be around 5:30pm. Therefore, during the night, it gets difficult to go to different

2. What is the main reason for liking a hometown other than the fact you were born

I think an individual would like his/her hometown aside from being born there because it is
the place we consider home. We are used to this place so we become comfortable in it.
Also, we are able to build good or bad memories in here, meet friends and other people
who have become part of our lives as we grow up. Also, it is the place where we are
molded as an individual.

3. Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?

Well, I guess some people feel that there could be more opportunities outside of their
hometowns. Some people think that being in a very comfortable place, like our hometown
with our relatives and friends can be distracting in pursuing our goals. Also, others
want to explore other places and experience different culture.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

1. Can you cook?

4. On what occasions do you eat special foods?
- Oh yes, I love to cook. Honestly, I don’t think I can
-I eat special foods on special occasions like birthday
cook very well but I always try my best. I consider it one
parties, weddings, New Year and etc. Even on small and
of my hobbies.
simple gatherings, there are special foods too.
2. Who does the cooking in your family?
5. Which foods from your country do most foreign
- My mom does. Sometimes my older sister cooks for people enjoy?
dinner. On weekends, I sometimes cook too.
-I think foreign people are always eager to try local and
3. What is your main meal in the day? exotic foods. Tourists and foreigners eat our local and
traditional foods in my country.
- Well, I can say, lunch is my main meal. I usually skip
breakfast and I just have light dinner. 6. Do you eat much junk food?

- No, not very much. Aside from being unhealthy, I am not

fond of salty foods.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country (What foods are popular in
your country?

In my country, the Philippines, rice is a staple food. We eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice
comes with different kinds of viand (piece of food, or a tasty dish) such as pork, beef or chicken
cooked with vegetables or fruits and other ingredients. Since my country is located in the tropics,
tropical fruits are also popular here especially mangoes. They say that the best mangoes can be found
in the Philippines. We also like to eat bread for breakfast or for snacks.

2. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?

I think people’s eating habits have changed in the past years. Nowadays, there are already a lot of
fast food restaurants. Processed foods have become popular as well. I think people these days don’t eat
as much healthy foods compared in the past. Also, I think people in the past are more concerned of
eating at the right time. However, nowadays, people tend to skip meals because of several reasons such
as dieting, busy schedules and etc.

3. How healthy is your country’s food?

It is the choice of the people whether to eat healthy or unhealthy food. In my country, there are many
choices of healthy food especially vegetables and fruits. However, I don’t think that people eat much
healthy foods nowadays because of the presence of fast food and processed foods. Also, many dishes in
my country is usually greasy and salty which I think are not very healthy.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
4. Are you careful about what you eat?
- I try to have a balanced diet as often as I can. I also
-Not really. But, I try though. It’s just that, it’s difficult to
exercise regularly.
choose what to eat.
2. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
5. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?
- To be honest, no, it is not. Fast foods are always
tempting. People around me can be bad influence -I think it is very important. It helps us to be more effective
when it comes to being fit especially when choosing and productive with our everyday activities.
healthy foods and doing some exercises.
6. Do you eat much junk food?
3. What part of your lifestyle would you most liketo
make healthier? - No. I rarely eat junk food. I just eat them when other
people who are with me are eating them, and I only eat a
small amount.
- Well, I would say, my sleeping habits. I can hardly get
enough rest at night. I usually lack sleep.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. What is the role of the government in promoting healthcare?

I believe that the government plays a major role in promoting healthcare. The government should
educate the people about health and guide them about having healthy lifestyles. It must create more
programs and activities that would disseminate appropriate and accurate information about health. I
also believe that the government should improve the health sector to make it more accessible for the

2. What more do you think could be done to promote healthy living in your country?

I think that the government should have more initiatives and implement strict policies when it
comes to activities that affect people’s health. For example, the banning of smoking in public
places would not just benefit the smokers, but the none-smokers as well. People must also be educated
about the advantages of having a healthy lifestyle. I also think that putting up more establishments
for people to engage in sports or exercises must be encouraged.

3. How can individuals take more responsibility for their own health?

Lifestyle plays a major role in our health. We must care for our own health. There are a lot of things we
can do to stay fit and healthy. For example, being conscious about our food intake and exercising
regularly must be practiced. Discipline is very important. We must be always try to avoid unhealthy
practices and vices.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. Do you like to travel?
4. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
- Definitely! I would like to visit different places,
- The best place I have visited so far is Legazpi,
experience other cultures and try different food and
Albay, Philippines with a very beautiful view of the
majestic Mayon Volcano, the perfect cone-shaped
2. What kind of places have you visited in your life? volcano.

- Actually, I have never been out of my country. 5. How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?
But I have visited a lot of beautiful places and
tourist spots in different regions in my country - I would prefer to travel by train on long journeys. I
can relax and at the same time look at the nature during
3. Which place would you really like to visit? Why? the journey.

- Well, of all the places I would like to go to, I would

really like to visit Paris. They say it is a very romantic
place especially at night, so I would like to take a walk in
the streets of Paris at night.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840
1. Which method of travel do you consider safest?

Well, in my opinion, travelling by train is the safest. So far, it is the means of transportation that I
almost never heard of being in an accident. Since it has its own railway, it does not have much
chance to come across with other vehicles that could collide with. I think most accidents that happen
with trains are due to mechanical or technical issues which could be avoided if the system is
being checked and monitored properly.

2. Has travel become safer in recent years?

I think so. With the presence of modern technology, I think travel has become safer in recent years.
Since we now have access to more tools and infrastructure, transportation system as well as travel has
been improved. For example, roads are better, wider and more accessible; therefore, accidents can be

3. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

Low-cost air travel allows us to save money. With this, we can travel more and we can allot our
budget to other expenses. However, with low-cost air travel, our convenience and comfort may suffer.
Because it is cheap, meals and baggage fees may not be included. The plane might be old and
seats may not be that comfortable. There is also a possibility of poor service such as being assigned
to a cheap airport or poor customer service.


DUY TAN, HUE – TEL: 070. 262. 7840

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