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Ambient and Forced Vibration Testing of a Reinforced

Concrete Building before and after Its Seismic Retrofitting

Serdar Soyoz1; Ertugrul Taciroglu, M.ASCE2; Kutay Orakcal3; Robert Nigbor4; Derek Skolnik5;
Hilmi Lus6; and Erdal Safak7

Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of seismic retrofitting on the modal characteristics of a 6-story RC building located in Istanbul,
Turkey. Ambient vibration surveys were carried out before, during, and after the retrofitting work, which took place between June and Decem-
ber 2010. The building was retrofitted via jacketing of columns, addition of structural walls, and construction of a mat foundation. These studies
were complemented with data from forced vibration tests performed with an eccentric-mass shaker after the retrofitting work was completed.
During retrofitting, partitions were demolished; as a result, the first modal frequency of the building decreased by 11%, based on the results of
the ambient vibration survey. The ambient vibration survey also showed that the modal frequencies after the seismic retrofitting increased by
almost 96%. During the forced vibration tests, the building was excited around its modal frequencies using an eccentric-mass shaker. It was
found that the modal damping values increased with the amplitude of the excitation force. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000568.
© 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Vibration; Seismic effects; Rehabilitation; Reinforced concrete; Concrete buildings; Tests.
Author keywords: Ambient vibration testing; Forced vibration testing; Seismic retrofitting; System identification; Infill walls.

Introduction (USGS 2000), and many recent earthquakes that afflicted urban
areas—including Northridge, California (1994); Kobe, Japan (1995);
Vulnerable residential and public buildings represent the most Chi-Chi, Taiwan (1999); Kashmir, Pakistan (2005); Sichuan, China
profound risk to life-safety in earthquake-prone regions of the world. (2008); and L’Aquila, Italy (2009)—exposed similar vulnerabilities.
A significant portion of this stock in Turkey consists of RC buildings In the United States, NDRCBs were constructed prior to the mid-
that are nonductile—a term used to signify a structural system that 1970s, when new code provisions were made for ductile designs, and
has very limited capacity to absorb and dissipate the destructive they exhibit similar seismic vulnerabilities to their Turkish counter-
energy of strong ground shaking beyond its limited elastic range, and parts. There are recently initiated and ongoing efforts to catalog the
hence, one that is extremely vulnerable to collapse. Indeed, the NDRCB inventory in California (Anagnos et al. 2008; Comartin et al.
incidence of collapse of nonductile RC buildings (NDRCBs) during 2008) and to develop models that can reliably predict the collapse risk
the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake was very high (Erdik 2001), and this of a given NDRCB through laboratory testing (Pacific Earthquake
was the leading cause of over 17,000 fatalities suffered. Engineering Research Center 2006).
Although their proportion among the overall building stock may Although the seismic design codes of Turkey are rigorous, they
differ from region to region, NDRCBs are not specific to Turkey had not been adequately enforced. Preliminary studies conducted to
address the potential scope of the problem have produced sobering
Assistant Professor, Bogazici Univ., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bebek- results. For example, the majority of buildings under the jurisdiction
Istanbul 34342, Turkey. E-mail: of the Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul (MMI) are built with-
Professor, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Civil & Environmental out a legal license; it is estimated that there are nearly 1 million
Engineering Dept., 5731E Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593 residential multistory buildings that should be screened for potential
(corresponding author). E-mail: collapse risks (MMI 2003). These findings have been the impetus
Assistant Professor, Bogazici Univ., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bebek-
behind numerous reconstruction and retrofitting programs throughout
Istanbul 34342, Turkey. E-mail:
Research Engineer, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Civil & Envi- the seismic regions of Turkey [see, for example, the Istanbul Seismic
ronmental Engineering Dept., 6679 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095- Mitigation and Earthquake Preparedness Project carried out by
1593. E-mail: Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (2011)].
5 One such building that had been slated for seismic retrofitting
Senior Project Engineer, Kinemetrics Inc., 222 Vista Ave., Pasadena,
CA 91107. E-mail: was the Educational Technologies Building, Block B (ET-B), of
Associate Professor, Bogazici Univ., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bogazici University (Fig. 1). This 6-story RC structure is located on
Bebek-Istanbul 34342, Turkey. E-mail: the North Campus of Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Earthquake Engineering, Bogazici Univ., (latitude, 415910:599N; longitude, 292938:899E). Results of code-
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Cengelkoy- compliant performance-assessment studies indicated that the build-
Istanbul 34688, Turkey. E-mail:
ing did not satisfy the performance criteria set forth in the 2007
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 15, 2011; approved on
January 12, 2012; published online on January 14, 2012. Discussion period Turkish Seismic Code [Ministry of Public Works and Settle-
open until March 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for ment (MPWS) 2007] for existing buildings. The building lacked
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi- adequate lateral stiffness and ductility attributes necessary to con-
neering, Vol. 139, No. 10, October 1, 2013. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/ form with the immediate occupancy and life-safety performance
2013/10-1741–1752/$25.00. objectives specified in the seismic code. As a result, between July


and December 2010, the building underwent a comprehensive enables a better assessment of the collapse potential (Sattar and Liel
government-funded seismic retrofit program, during which the 2010). Improved knowledge of these quantities will reduce the
columns of the building were strengthened via RC jacketing, several uncertainty in decisions on whether to reconstruct a building entirely
structural walls were added to the building, and a mat foundation was or to retrofit it (Sucuo
glu et al. 2006). This paper, without attempting
constructed underneath the building. Addition of structural walls a comprehensive review, discusses a few such studies that are
served toward improving the lateral stiffness as well as the lateral pertinent to the present effort.
ductility of the overall structural system, whereas the motivation There have been numerous shake-table tests on substructural or
behind jacketing of the columns was to increase column capacity reduced-scale masonry infilled RC specimens (e.g., Mehrabi et al.
(both axial and flexural) and to improve ductility (through added 1996; Klinger et al. 1997; Zarnic et al. 2001; Hashemi and Mosalam
confinement). Fig. 2 shows typical reinforcement configurations for 2006). These tests were primarily focused on hysteretic response,
the column jackets and walls. Incorporation of structural walls and, like other similar investigations, attempts were made to provide
brought together the necessity to construct a mat foundation un- quantified values of the strength and ductility gains that the masonry
derneath the building to prevent wall rocking and to reduce bearing infill provides. Some of these works also present data from low-level
stresses in the underlying soil under earthquake excitation. excitations and report natural frequencies and damping ratios. In
In the current study, modal characteristics of ET-B are obtained particular, Hashemi and Mosalam (2006) observed the presence of
from ambient surveys, and medium-level forced vibration tests are unreinforced masonry infills to increase the natural frequency of
conducted at various stages of the seismic retrofitting work. These their test structure by a factor of 2. They also observed that modal
results enable quantification, for ET-B, of (1) the influence of masonry damping ratios were increased with increased intensity of shaking.
infills to lateral stiffness, (2) the changes in modal characteristics at- There have also been numerous studies involving ambient vi-
tributable to retrofitting work; and (3) variation in modal character- bration surveys (AVSs) (for recent work, see Dunand et al. 2006;
istics of the retrofitted building attributable to intensity of shaking. Michel et al. 2008, 2010; Herak and Herak 2010; Oliveira and
Most of the residential buildings and nearly all of the schools and Navarro 2010) and forced vibration tests on RC structures (Satake
hospitals in Turkey consist of medium-rise RC frames (beam- et al. 2003; Yu et al. 2007b). The majority of these studies seek to
column-slab systems) with masonry infill walls, including ET-B. provide simple formulas to predict natural frequencies from basic
There have been previous efforts in quantifying the influence of data such as building type and height, and nearly all of them note the
masonry infills on the overall stiffness and strength characteristics of observed amplitude dependency of natural frequencies and damping
RC (especially nonductile) structures. Both attributes are important ratios. Some provide approximate formulas for this dependency—
because a better characterization of stiffness enables a more accurate see, for example, Satake et al. (2003), who report that “first-mode
prediction of the seismic demand on the structural frame (Amanat damping ratios in the small amplitude region increase linearly with
and Hoque 2006; Ricci et al. 2011), and that for strength, in turn, vibration amplitude.”

Fig. 1. Educational Technologies Building, Block B, before and after retrofit

Fig. 2. Construction of column jackets and add-on structural walls


Comparative sets of measurements from a single full-scale RC construction workers were using jackhammers to remove floor
structure with and without its masonry infills, on the other hand, are coverings and the concrete cover on the columns.
very scarce. One such work is the investigation by Guler et al.
(2008). Close to the vein of the current study, Guler and coworkers
conducted ambient vibration surveys on six buildings during each Instrumentation of Building
building’s construction. Their measurements from before and after
the infills were placed on one of their specimen structures and in- Sensors and digitizers were Kinemetrics Episensor ES-T accel-
dicate an elongation of first natural period by approximately 13% in erometers and Quanterra Q330 data loggers, respectively. Acceler-
the strong direction and 17% in the weak direction. ation data were collected through 24 channels (with eight triaxial
The following sections describe the ambient and forced vibration accelerometers). The Episensor force-balance accelerometers have
tests the authors have conducted on ET-B, along with the modal a wide frequency and acceleration range (DC to 200 Hz and 64g,
characteristics identified at various stages of the retrofitting work. respectively) and capture vibration amplitudes as low as 0:03 mg
These findings confirm the trends observed in earlier studies that from 0.1 Hz and higher. The Q330 data loggers provide signal
were discussed previously. Based on this, the paper concludes with conditioning, 24-bit analog-to-digital conversion, and GPS time-
a delineation of research needs related to full-scale testing of this stamping for synchronization across multiple nodes.
type of construction, which is commonly encountered in Turkey, Fig. 3 shows the plan view of a typical floor, and Fig. 4 displays
especially because the seismic-resistant design (equivalent static the elevation view of the building (both are pre-retrofit drawings).
earthquake load calculation) and nonlinear performance assessment The sensors are located at locations A and H. The sensors at location
(calculation of inelastic earthquake displacement demand) proce- A were on each floor of the building. At the top floor, one more
dures in the Turkish Seismic Code (MPWS 2007) rely on the esti- sensor unit was located at location H. Fig. 5 displays the photographs
mation of natural period of vibration and damping ratio values for the of two of the sensors deployed.
building considered.
Modal Identification Methodology and Results from
Ambient Data
Ambient Vibration Survey
System identification can be carried out in the frequency or the time
As part of the seismic retrofit process, ET-B was cleared out while it domain. A survey of these techniques is out of the scope of the
underwent ambient vibration testing. All nonstructural components current study, and in this paper, the authors opt to cite only a few
(e.g., partition walls, ceilings, plumbing) were removed, the cover methods that represent the several varieties applied to structural
concrete on the columns was scraped down, and holes were drilled health monitoring and damage detection and a few other recent
through the slabs to accommodate the extra reinforcing bars in the studies that focused on field measurements (see, for example, Beck
column jackets. Building traffic was limited to construction activity, and Jennings 1980; Yun and Shinozuka 1980; Shinozuka et al. 1982;
which was concentrated mostly in the lower levels of the build- Safak 1989a, b, 1991; Shinozuka and Ghanem 1995; Doebling et al.
ing. No machinery was running in the building regularly, but the 1996; Lus et al. 1999; Soyoz and Feng 2009; Soyoz et al. 2010).

Fig. 3. Plan view of typical story


Fig. 4. Elevation view of ET-B from North

Fig. 5. Sensors placed on slabs near columns

The literature on modal identification methodologies is vast and of the original system. The approach is based on the singular-value
the authors do not intend to provide a review in this paper. A ma- decomposition of cross-spectral density matrix, SYY ðwÞ, of output
jority of the modal identification techniques have originated in channels, YðtÞ, at discrete frequencies. The singular value de-
mechanical and electrical engineering (Ewins 2000), but these composition of the power spectral density (PSD) matrix is given by
techniques have also found substantial use in the civil engineering
field (Cunha and Caetano 2006). The main challenge in system SYY ðwÞ ¼ UðwÞSðwÞU H ðwÞ (1)
identification of civil structures is that the structures are massive and
often highly nonlinear. Influences of environmental conditions and where SðwÞ and UðwÞ denote the diagonal matrix of singular values
soil–structure interaction can further complicate these analyses and the unitary matrix of singular vectors, respectively; and H
(Safak 1995; Clinton et al. 2006; Nayeri et al. 2008). denotes the complex conjugate and transpose. Brincker et al.
For the current study, the authors adopted the enhanced fre- (2001b) have shown that, when the structure is loaded with
quency domain decomposition (EFDD) method by Brincker et al. a broadband excitation near the modal frequencies, SðwÞ contains
(2001a, b), which is an output-only technique that yields natural a set of functions that are approximations of the autospectral density
frequencies as well as damping ratios. The EFDD method estab- functions of the modes’ equivalent SDOF systems in the normal
lishes autospectral density functions of a set of single-degree-of- coordinates, whereas the vectors in UðwÞ are the modal shapes of the
freedom (SDOF) systems with modal properties equivalent to those corresponding modes.


The inverse Fourier transform of the autospectral density func- was not an issue. No filtering was applied to the data. The frequency
tion yields the time domain free-decay function of the SDOF, from domain decomposition analyses were carried out between 0 and 30
which the modal frequency and the corresponding damping ratio can Hz, which is deemed adequate for modal identification purposes. To
be estimated. As suggested by Brincker et al. (2001a), the initial obtain the spectral density function, a 1-h-long data set was divided
value (r0 ) and the logarithmic decrement (d) of the free-decay into several segments. The number of fast Fourier transform points
function can be estimated through linear regression and by was 2,048 for each segment. Consecutive segments were overlapped
substituting the numbers (k) and the values (rk ) of the extremes of the by 50% to obtain more reliable results.
free-decay function in Figs. 6 and 7 display the singular values of the cross-power
  spectral density matrix of the response and the modal shapes in E-W
2 r
d ¼ ln 0 , k ¼ 1, 2, . . . (2) and N-S directions after the seismic retrofitting, respectively. Peaks
k jrk j corresponding to the modal frequencies are marked on these figures.
The authors note that the singular value decomposition (SVD)
The damping ratio of the SDOF is subsequently estimated by procedure yields singular values at all frequencies, and there are
usually peaks that are nonstructural harmonics (Brincker et al.
j ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi (3) 2001b). These can be discarded by evaluating the SVD of PSD
d2 þ 4p2 matrix using data from other time windows or by inspecting the
corresponding modal shapes.
Parametric methods such as covariance-driven stochastic subspace Figs. 8–11 display the variations in identified modal values over
identification may be used for more accurate estimates of damping time. During the seismic retrofitting, partition walls were demol-
if closely spaced modes or nonproportional damping exists in the ished, and it was found that the first modal frequency of the building
system (Magalhães et al. 2010). decreased from 2.98 to 2.64 Hz, which is a change of nearly 11%.
For the present case, the cross-power spectral density of two This amount of decrease in the modal frequencies shows the effects
discrete-time signals is estimated using Welch’s method (Welch of the partition walls in the overall structural stiffness. After the
1967). The sampling frequency of the data was 200 Hz, and a Hanning seismic retrofitting, the first modal frequency increased from 2.64 to
window was utilized to minimize leakage effects. For the sampling 5.18 Hz (i.e., a 96% increase). Damping ratios identified before and
rate used in this study, aliasing does not occur for response frequencies after the seismic retrofitting did not change significantly and were
smaller than 100 Hz (practically, 70 Hz). Because the structural between 0.5 and 1% for the first three modes. Damping ratios
frequencies sought in this study are much smaller than 70 Hz, aliasing identified from the ambient vibration surveys are not (and should not

Fig. 6. Modal frequencies and shapes in E-W direction

Fig. 7. Modal frequencies and shapes in N-S direction


Fig. 8. Change in first modal frequency during seismic retrofitting

Fig. 9. Change in second modal frequency during seismic retrofitting

Fig. 10. Change in third modal frequency during seismic retrofitting

be) used in the seismic performance assessment of the structures Finite-Element Model of Retrofitted Structure
because the uncertainty in these values would be high and the vi-
bration level is too low to represent the expected response of the The building with the retrofitted configuration was modeled in
structure under an earthquake (see, for example, Celebi 1996; Satake SAP2000, as shown in Fig. 12. The finite-element model (FEM) of
et al. 2003; Dunand et al. 2006; Magalhães, et al. 2010). Damping the building incorporated the dimensions of structural members
values identified from forced vibration testing or from structural after retrofitting. Tables 1 and 2 list the cross-sectional dimensions
response recorded during seismic excitation would represent a better of the columns and structural walls in the building before and after
estimation. seismic retrofitting, whereas the locations of the jacketed columns


Fig. 11. Change in higher modal frequencies during seismic retrofitting

Fig. 12. Northwest view of finite-element model of ET-B

Table 1. Column Dimensions before and after Seismic Retrofitting Table 2. Structural Wall Dimensions before and after Seismic Retrofitting
Before retrofit After retrofit Before retrofit After retrofit
Dimensions (cm) Quantity Dimension (cm) Quantity Dimension Strong Dimension Strong
(cm) Quantity direction (cm) Quantity direction
40 3 60 13 70 3 75 9
55 3 75 2 650 3 45 1 E-W
70 3 90 1 635 3 40 1 E-W
65 3 90 1 40 3 345 1 N-S
Ø60 2 90 3 90 2 40 3 620 2 N-S
60 3 50 1 90 3 80 1 325 3 30 1 E-W 325 3 30 1 E-W
50 3 60 1 80 3 90 1 30 3 470 2 N-S 30 3 470 2 N-S
30 3 30 2 30 3 30 2
30 3 50 2 30 3 50 2
70 3 90 1 (Computers and Structures Inc. 2000), the commercial SAP2000
software uses shell elements for which in-plane displacements are
quadratic, and out-of-plane displacements are cubic. In this study,
and add-on structural walls on the building floor plan are shown in a thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) element formulation was used,
Fig. 13. which also considers the transverse shear deformations. The line
Structural walls and floor slabs in the FEM were modeled using (frame) element in SAP2000 is a three-dimensional beam-column
shell elements, whereas line elements were used for the beams and element formulation, which includes the effects of biaxial bending,
columns. As described in the CSI Analysis Reference Manual torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear deformations.


Fig. 13. Location of jacketed columns and add-on structural walls on building floor plan

Walls and columns were assumed to be restrained at the foun- Table 3. Variations in Modal Values versus Peak Top-Floor Acceleration
dation level with full fixity, owing to the existence of the mat for Retrofitted Building
foundation. Peripheral walls at basement levels of the building were Peak top-floor Mode Frequency Damping
included in the FEM. Increase in the flexural stiffness of the beams acceleration (&g) number (Hz) (percentage)
attributable to the contribution of the floor slab was also considered
in the model. An elastic modulus of approximately 35,000 MPa was 0.05 (ambient) 1 4.69 0.5
used for the structural members. This value was estimated using 1.2 1 4.65 1.1
Chang and Mander’s equation (1994) from compression test data on 3.0 1 4.60 1.3
concrete cylinder specimens that yielded an average compressive 4.5 1 4.53 1.8
strength value of approximately 49 MPa. 6.5 1 4.49 2.3
The hollow-brick partition walls in the building were conven- FEM 1 4.38 —
tionally modeled as diagonal elements (struts) connected to the 0.05 (ambient) 2 5.18 0.7
structural frame at beam-column joints. The widths of the diagonal 2.0 2 4.88 1.1
struts were calibrated using the well-known empirical relationships 4.3 2 4.81 2.3
developed by Mainstone (1971). Stiffness-reduction factors by FEM 2 4.64 —
Asteris (2003) were implemented to consider window and door 0.05 (ambient) 3 6.84 0.7
openings in the partition walls. 0.8 3 6.80 1.1
The mass of the structural and nonstructural components of the 2.4 3 6.70 1.3
building was assigned in a distributed manner, using unit weights for 4.3 3 6.60 1.6
the materials. A unit weight of 25 kN=m3 was used for the RC structural FEM 3 7.03 —
members (beams, columns, walls, and floor slabs). A distributed roof
weight of approximately 1 kN=m2 (per unit floor area) was also assigned.
The first three model frequencies predicted by the FEM are 4.38, Forced Vibration Testing
4.64, and 7.03 Hz, respectively. The level of agreement between
these FEM-predicted values and those that were identified from A small eccentric-mass shaker is used to excite the retrofitted
acceleration records are acceptable (cf., Table 3). Model-updating structure with harmonic forces (Fig. 14). It is anchored at point B
procedures can be applied to obtain better estimates of natural (Fig. 3) and level 1 (Fig. 4). It comprises a welded steel frame that is
frequencies (see, for example, Yu et al. 2007a, b). In this process, the bolted to a steel baseplate, four main bearings, two main shafts, and
effective stiffness of structural elements may be systematically six attached steel weights. The total weight is approximately 350 kg.
varied, soil springs may be added to the model, and alternative fixity The weights counterrotate about the horizontal shafts to impart
(contact) conditions between ET-B and adjacent buildings may have a unidirectional force in a horizontal or vertical plane to the test
to be considered. structure in proportion to its eccentricity and rotating speed squared.


Fig. 14. Eccentric-mass shaker

Eccentricity of the vibrator can be varied between 0 and 100% in Table 4. Force Exerted by Shaker at Given Eccentricity and Frequency
several increments. Maximum force output is limited to 88 kN. The Eccentricity
shaker has an operating frequency range of 1–25 Hz with the ec- (percentage) Frequency (Hz) Force (kN)
centricity of 18.5 kg×m driven by a 7-hp motor. Table 4 displays the
force exerted by the shaker at various frequencies and eccentricities. 25 4.5 3.70
The authors developed a frequency response function (FRF) by 50 4.5 7.39
applying harmonic forces at various frequencies and measuring the 75 4.5 11.1
resulting structural accelerations at steady state (Fig. 15). Modal 25 6.5 7.71
frequencies of the structure could then be directly estimated from the 50 6.5 15.4
FRF by peak picking. The EFDD method, which was applied to 75 6.5 23.1
ambient data, is not suitable (nor necessary) for the present case—
ideal conditions for EFDD to perform well are when the meas-
urements are obtained under broadband excitations (Brincker et al. • The first modal frequency decreased by approximately 11%,
2001b; Fraraccio et al. 2008). For determination of the modal from 2.98 to 2.64 Hz, owing to the removal of brick-infill
damping ratios, the authors opted for the simple half-power band- partition walls. This observation generally agrees with findings
width method (Chopra 2001). The accuracy of the modal damping by Kose (2009), who performed detailed numerical studies with
ratios may be increased by having more data points in the vicinity of finite-element models and found that fundamental periods of RC
the modal peak; however, in this case, the operational limit of the buildings with infill walls are 5–10% shorter than those without.
shaker was 0.1 Hz. Moreover, another ambient survey conducted on a similar struc-
The natural frequencies identified from this resonant testing are ture by Guler et al. (2008) yielded 9 and 6% increases in the two
similar to those obtained from the ambient vibration survey. How- lowest frequencies when infill walls were placed (further 31 and
ever, repeated tests with different shaking intensities (achieved by 19% increases in those two frequencies were recorded, respec-
running the shaker at different eccentricities) revealed that both the tively, when the whole building was plastered). These studies
natural frequencies and the damping ratios were amplitude- suggest that the effects of partitioning walls on the overall
dependent. Figs. 16–18 display the FRF functions around the vi- structural stiffness of RC structures (especially nonductile ones)
cinity of the first three modes, and the aforementioned dependency may be significant. Partition walls are not usually taken into
can be clearly seen from the shifting and sharpening peaks. Fig. 19 account in finite-element analyses, and this modeling error may
shows the first modal shape in E-W and N-S directions from AVS adversely affect predictions of seismic demand on structural
and forced vibration testing. Based on the comparison of the modal members.
shapes obtained from AVS before and after the retrofitting, more • The first modal frequency increased from 2.64 to 5.18 Hz—i.e.,
uniform modal displacement over the height of the building can be there was a 96% increase in the modal frequencies attribut-
observed, and this can be attributed to uniformity of add-on able to seismic retrofitting. Measurements such as these may
structural walls over the height of the building. be used to assess and verify the effectiveness of seismic retrofits
and to calibrate finite-element models (see, for example, Yu et al.
2007b) with which more accurate predictions of seismic demand
Conclusions on the retrofitted structure can be made.
• Currently, a constant modal damping value is used in code-
The modal parameters of a RC building located at the Bogazici compliant seismic performance assessment of buildings. How-
University North Campus before and after its seismic retrofitting ever, it was found that modal damping ratio increases linearly
were determined by ambient and forced vibration tests. The building with the acceleration experienced by the structure. This is in
was seismically retrofitted via column jacketing and addition of general agreement with observations elsewhere [e.g., those in
structural walls. The building’s modal characteristics before, during, Japan, as reported by Satake et al. (2003)]. A systematic study
and after the seismic retrofit were determined from ambient vibration involving ambient surveys and medium-level forced vibration
data by utilizing enhanced frequency domain decomposition. The tests on a representative set of buildings in Turkey is necessary to
retrofitted structure was tested again with an eccentric-mass shaker, develop specific formulas to represent this dependency. Inves-
and modal frequencies and damping ratios were extracted from tigations by Guler et al. (2008), Kose (2009), and the present
FRF data under various increasing shaking intensities. The main paper are steps toward this direction. By themselves, however,
observations based on the results of these testing and identification they are inadequate, and only a comprehensive study can de-
efforts may be summarized as follows: finitively bracket the ground truth.


Fig. 15. Frequency response function in E-W direction obtained from forced vibration test

Fig. 16. Frequency response function of first mode

Fig. 17. Frequency response function of second mode


Fig. 18. Frequency response function of third mode

Fig. 19. Mode shapes via AVS and forced vibration testing

Acknowledgments analysis of seismic collapse risk hazards.” Proc., 14th World Conf. on
Earthquake Engineering, Beijing.
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ions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this 145–160.
material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the Brincker, R., Ventura, C. E., and Andersen, P. (2001a). “Damping esti-
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sity Administration is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also ac- Analysis Conf. (IMAC), Kissimmee, FL, 698–703.
knowledge the efforts of Ben Ferrero, Fatih Kavarnali, M. Gokhan Brincker, R., Zhang, L., and Andersen, P. (2001b). “Modal identification of
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pated in the field tests; and Professor Mustafa Erdik for his guidance Mater. Struct., 10(3), 441–455.
throughout the project. Also, the logistical and technical help pro- Celebi, M. (1996). “Comparison of damping in buildings under low-
vided by nees@UCLA (John Wallace, director) is gratefully amplitude and strong motions.” J. Wind Eng. Ind. Appl., 59(2–3), 309–
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