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========================Table Of Contents==========================

1. Introduction. -General Introduction. -A few words first -What is a Psychic -Pros and Cons 2. Frequently asked questions. 3. Levelling a Psychic. -Let's get started! -Levelling to 90 -Equipment for levelling. 4. Stats -The basic stats. -Advanced stats/Formulas -Common Misconceptions. -Builds 5. Gearing up -Weapons --Shards for weapons -Equipments --Shards for equipments 6. Psychic gameplays- Tips for PvP/TW 7. Skills 8. Final Destination: Heaven or Hell ====================================== Wall of Texts ahead, use CTRL+F and find keywords. Disclaimer: Since I never wrote a guide before and English is also not my first language, I used guide from other class as a layout so similarity to other work is inevitable.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.Introduction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===================General Introduction=================== This guide is written for the Official PWInternational servers. Max level cap is 105. The whole guide is for the Psychic class, so if you are reading this and not interested in the Psychic class, you might as well stop reading right here. This guide basically helps you with these things1.How to play the Psychic class 2.How to improve beyond the "average Psychic" 3.Tricks and secrets to beating others 4.F.A.Q on PvP and "how do I do this" ====================A few words first=================== This Guide was originally write with intention to pass around among Infamy members (my faction) in Raging Tide Server. Some name will not make any sense to other servers so just ignore it. ===================What is a Psychic?=================== Psychic is the uberly underused and underrated class on PW due to a class called "Assassin". I made this guide for you people to hold your ground against them, and all other classes. Psychic have a limited range of skills mostly connected to the water and earth element. If you love fast channeling, stun hex and paralyze your opponent, Psychic is your best friend. Psychic Statistics HP 50 MP 70 P Atk 4 M Atk 4 Accuracy 25 Evasion 10 Movement Speed 4.8 m/s ======================Pros and cons====================== Pros*Fastest spellcasters, highest magical DPS in game *Easier to lvl than wizard *Can boost self Atk lvl and Def lvl, reduce self guardian charm cooldown *5 basic AOEs of which 3 are unspark, and 1 1spark. 2 crowd control skills *Make best use of real money spend. With +10 equips, basically imba

Cons*Like any spellcasters, low HP and PDef, *Does not deal the most damage per hit *Hard to PvP and improve into a strong character, cash dependent. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.Frequently asked questions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx These questions aren't in any order, so just press alt+f and search. Q1."WTFOMFGBBQHAX0rZ! How does that guy hit so high?" A1. He isn't cheating, you just need to get the right equipments and some money,nothing is impossible. Q2."How do I prevent bleed?" A2. Genie skills: Blood Clot, Cauterize cure bleed. Q3. "How do I prevent stun?" A3. Vacuity powder, Badge of power to break stun. Q4. "I forgot to keep track of my stats, how many STR do I need for lvl xx" A4. Depends on your build, if LA - your lvl +4, if AA - ((your lvl - 1) / 2 ) + 5 . In doubt - check forge. Q5. "Why are Psychic so weak?" A5. They're not, you just suck. Q6. "I want to make a new character, any recommendations?" A6. Its better to always stick to one character, even if your first character will be your "main". Don't waste your time making new character, if you don't have a life and play 24/7 on the computer then go ahead. Q7. "How do I prevent being one shot?" A7. Raise your vit, or spend real $ in the game Q8. "What does Thanatos do?" A8. "Touch himself at night Q9. "Give me a really good (best) build please?" A9. No. Q10. "Whats the best build for a Psychic?" A10. How many rocks are there in the universe? Answer that question and I'll answer yours. Q11. "Whats the best weapon path for a Psychic?" Q11. Refer to answer 10. Q12. "Whats the best class?" A12. Refer to answer 10. Q13. "DUEL ME HYPNOS! I'LL OWN YOUR ASS!" A13. No. And no you won't. Any unanswered questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Enough introducing... lets get on with the guide.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.Leveling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ========================Let's get started!====================== It is likely that you are already level 90+. If so, just skip this pert of the guide. =========================Levelling to 90======================= Nowaday, lvling is not hard at all, I'm really bored of telling lil noobs where AND how to lvl. Stick to quests and grind till 71~80. [QUESTS] Tideborn 1-19 Created by Nephice Level 20 70+: List of available General Quests and Cultivation Level 71 85: Rebirth Gamma Level 85+: Frostcover Frostland Level 91+: Rebirth Delta

[GRIND] Level 37 44: Native Vipion level 41, flying poison mob. Location: North of Swiftwind Tribe. Level 45 52: Evolved Vipion level 50, flying poison mob. Location: Around the Elf, Untamed and Human starter towns. Level 53 57: Vipion Revolutionary level 54, flying poison mob. Location: City of Misfortune. Level 58 62: Foxwing Supreme level 60, flying Fire mob. Location: North of Tusk Town, or around the starter towns for non-aggro. Level 63 64: Vampiric Nightstalker level 62, flying magic mob. Location: Village of the Dreaming Cloud. Level 65 70: Vampiric Minion level 68, flying water mob. Location: Swamp of the Wraiths, around the Altar of Disbelief. Level 71 74: Carrion Vulture level 72, wood element flying magic mob. Location: Fragrant Hills, north of Sanctuary. Level 74 78: Clourider Falcon lvl 76 flying fire mob. Location : South East Wraith Gate Level 78 82: Mothran Dazzlewing level 80, wood element flying magic mob. Location: Lake of Woe Level 95+: Third Pass grind

======================Equipment for levelling=================== Don't try too hard for good equipment until level 90+ with the exception of Mystique Boots of Spirit Eater and 1x Demon's Heart Ring. Why? Because it is the best stuff from that lvl up till 95+, which is quite a long time not to mention Emerald Meteor from The Goshiki Quest Chain can last you forever. From 1-> 70, just grab whatever from quests and *** from Auction House with Def and HP mod. Don't forget rank I-> IV is fairly easy to obtain and the rank equips aren't half bad either. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.Stats xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===========================The basic stats======================= First of all, what the stats do - some people seem to have no idea... MAG - Magic: Affect your Magic Attack, Elemental Resistance, maximum MP and MP regeneration. Also allow access to lastest arcane armors + spheres equipments STR - Strength: Affect your Physical Attack, Physical Defence and access to armors DEX - Dexterity: Affect your evasion and accuracy, required to wear Light Armor and Heavy Armor. In addition, every 20 DEX give 1% Critical Hit bonus. VIT - Vitality: (1 VIT = 10 HP) Affect your maximum HP, HP regeneration. In addition, every VIT give bonus to Physical Defence and Elemental Resistance. This may not seem too great for someone with low HP like Psychic, but remember for every VIT you add, the higher chance you will survive critical moment. ========================Advanced Stats/Formulas==================== Here are the more advanced stats and formulas for those who interested in game mechanics. Magic Attack CODE ( 1 + ( MAG / 100 ) ) * ( LVL + EQP ) Physical defence (PDef), Elemental resistance (ERes) and Damage Reduction CODE PDefs value = EQP's Bonuses * ( ( ( STR + 0.7 * VIT ) / 850 ) + 1 ) ERess value = EQP's Bonuses * ( ( ( MAG + 0.7 * VIT ) / 850 ) + 1 ) Damage Reduction % = 100 * PDef OR ERess value / ( PDef OR ERess value ] + 40 * Attackers LVL )

Critical Hit (CRIT) and Rage Damage: A crit is an attack that does more damage than a normal attack. This damage is given as the rage damage multiple in your char sheet and is 200% for all classes but Assassins who have a skill to get 230% rage damage. Your chance to crit is given in your character sheet and come from equipment, crit buffs, the rainbow blessing buff, and Dex. CODE Chance to CRIT = 1 + (DEX / 20) [rounded down] + CRIT from equipment + CRIT from buffs CRIT Damage = Rage Damage * Damage Inflicted Evasion (EVA) and Accuracy (ACC) Most physical attacks can be evaded in which case they do 0 damage. Magic attacks never miss. CODE EVA's factor = 1000 * Target EVA / attacker ACC chance of EVA = EVA's factor / (40 * attacker level + EVA's factor) Attack Level and Defense Level To put it simply, it increase your damage on your opponent and decrease the damage intake. But there are many version out in forum and yet no real reply from Game Developers. What I believe is Attack level have increasing returns while Defence level have Diminishing returns. CODE Damage Delivered * 1.01^Atk lvl Damage Received * 0.99^Def lvl Detection Level = your level. Detection Pot made from Raging Tide Officer or 1k Stream Officer give you a bonus of 30 detection level for 30s (either the pot description is wrong or the detection lvl show in character screen is broken). Help you detect any Assassin with stealth lvl lower than your detection lvl.

Soulforce Special stat only useful for Psychic, effect most of your soul- skills, affected by mostly your base lvl and refine from your weapon. CODE lvl(50+lvl)+refine from equip REFINE FROM EQUIP BONUS REFINE LVL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ARMOR 0 1 4 10 25 58 111 213 400 743 1374 2535 WEAPON 1 7 23 60 150 345 667 1275 2400 4455 7242 15210

Equipments grade does not affect soulforce =========================Common Misconceptions=================== I don't need to explain what this section is about.

The CRIT Arrows Myth Elite Wolven Fang Arrow doesnt affect your actual critical rate. I have this on anyway for confidence purpose, just dont count this in when you brag about your CRIT rate xDD

The Elemental Shards Myth Elemental Shards (Alabaster, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz) and Elemental damage pots doesnt apply on magical attack. Dont shard them on your weapon/make/use those pots.


Psychic doesnt have skill give bonus to PDef like Wizards Stone Barrier, nor does it have a skill to help them escape (Wizards Distant Shrink, Clerics Chromatic Seal). Playing Psychic, one must always focus on survival and take your time over spam spells and rushing to kill the opponent. If you want to 1 hit people, roll a Wizard. Genie and Pots help a ton in surival in combat.

[Armor Types]
Armors are among the most heavily debated subjects when it comes to choosing the best type for each class. Although magic robes are the most obvious path for casters, light / heavy armor has shown some benefits in wizards and veno as well. But is it really an option for a Psychic? The most notable benefits of these alternative armor builds undoubtedly lie in their higher physical defense, which might let you survive a bit longer in instance where boss have high AoE physical and PvP against physical characters like archers, BM, Assassin and Barb. Since they can also switch to arcane armor whenever necessary, they can perfectly adjust to any situation requiring the one or the other type of defense. Now for the bad news, most people are completely unaware of the actual damage loss you will suffer after sacrificing so many of your precious MAG stats for STR and DEX to be able to equip these armors in the first place. Light Armor Light Armor would cover exactly that low Physical Defense problem. While still having a nice Elemental Resistance, this would seem like the ideal all-round armor. It is beneficial for early and mid gameplay as for the low cost to gear up. The difference in damage wont be noticeable at first, but the later the game, the stats you put into STR and DEX as Light Armor Build will become more and more burden as the base magic attack you gain from MAG increases at an ever growing rate. In the other hand, the slightly higher critical rate unfortunately doesnt make up much of the huge MAG loss, so youd still be stuck with a mere 75% average of your potential damage. While psychic dont have high damage per skill like Wizard, none of your defences is high enough to efficiently protect your equally low HP; not to mention almost all monsters past 60 are magic ranged based that we train on as well, where robe will give you that afforded protection. so this alternative option too is doomed to fail. STR= DEX= Your lvl +4, rest to MAG

Pure MAG Arcane Armor The idea of this build is to maximize your damage to the fullest extent and competing with Wizard in firepower. Your low physical defense and HP will be a problem here, because unlike the wizards or cleric, the psychics protective skills dont allow you to survive easily on a purely offensive build unless you spend a bunch on

refining gears and get top grade ornaments. Whats more, by having a -10 def lvl while in Black Voodoo, chance are you getting buttrape while trying to kill your opponent if being careless. Although it is not advisable to follow this build, the choice is yours if you can afford ~3k2 PDef and ~5k HP unbuffed from equipment. 1 STR 9 MAG every 2 lvl

Pure/Hybrid VIT Arcane Armor That leave us with last option, how about increasing your VIT and shards your equipment with Garnet shards? Protecting you from both physical and magic attacks at the same time, this is clearly the best defensive build for all purpose player be it PvP or TT/FC/RB. Like Light Armor builds, VIT builds can only reach 85%~90% of their damage potential with less Critical Hit chance. Although it give you a bit more sweat while killing your opponent, you are a tad harder to kill if know how to utilise all your skills effectively in PvP. Does that mean you cant kill your opponent? Few people thinks that with a low damage per skill like Psychic, Vit build will make it impossible to defeat your opponent before their charm tick. I say take a look at your skills list and think over again; Diminished vigor and Tide spirit arent there just for show. However, balancing between your VIT base and your MAG is the key, don't get too obsessed with the HP gain, the benefit from Diminished Vigor and Tide Spirit won't be able make up for excessive MAG lost At least 1 STR 6~7 MAG every 2 lvl, VIT may be cap at 50~60

So MUST HAVE STATS THEN Your final destination (99+): STR - 54 Be a noob if you want to wear any other armor than Arcane, not my problem DEX 3 Unless you are some build which needs CRIT VIT - YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 4K HP UNBUFFED NO MATTER WHAT OK? MAG The rest PDef Unbuffed: ~3k - 3k2+

I doubt any of you are even reading up to this point, meh if by chance someone is reading this bit, well done, maybe you should think about your stats and change it. First of all, Id like to say Im not going to mention my own builds. This is a guide not copy HYPNOS. So therefore you will have to make your own builds. Here are a few tips -

Dont rely on CRIT to hit, though the extra CRIT from equipment are nice, sacrificing your stats for some DEX to increase your CRIT is simply stupid. Dont rely on One skill to kill opponent (imply Soulburn), every skill has its weakness. Spamming the same skill will provoke people into calling you "Noob" Fight using your skill rather than relying on your equipments. (imply GonjaQueen) Try and cover up as many weaknesses as you can with apoth and genie

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5. Gearing Up xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Items are listed in descending orders from top to bottom in Price. =============================Weapons=========================
Reduced: 71% of original size [ 1123 x 500 ] - Click to view full image

Stick with weapon from Token quests is a good choice, both for its cost effectiveness, usefulness and effort; however sooner or later you will have to farm TT for your TT90+ weapons if you can't afford the Lunar weapon Banished Curse or the TT100 (which is the best and also most expensive IMO) Roaring Flame . The questions is what to choose?

Although the -channeling doesn't appeal much to me as a psy, the bonus for damage from TT99 Gold Barrier Sphere: Soulbringer is totally badass compare to its cost (total chips cost is 4m8). What more? you have a choice to upgrade it to nirvana. Not a bad choice.

The +attack lvl may be appealing but the truth is it doesn't grant much of damage bonus. As stated in Advance formulas section, attack level raise the lvl of attacker and bypass opponent %damage reduction, 2 attack level won't be enough to pass through 1% damage reduction unless heavily stack with other gears. For detail formula, read the Advance Formulas above in section 4.

Other than those mention above, the +1% CRIT is nice and the +VIT is not half bad either, depends on your preference Not worth mentioning: Resonance of Stars , Acoustic Soullotus: Spiritual ============================= Shards for weapons ============================= Not much to say here BUT USE SAPPHIRE SHARDS Don't PM me asking WHY? The answer is simple, if you use any other shards, then you sacrifice damage. Some shards may be used in EXTREME situations Elemental Shards, Citrine shards, Turquoise shards - Use those if you are brain-dead Stone of the Savant- -3% Channeling - Use this if you are retarded. Primeval Stone - +1% Critical Hit Rate - Use this against LuciferV, it will give you a 1% chance of killing him. Its better than no chance right? Shards I can't be bothered to mention Diamond of Tiger, flashy shards aren't what you need to win. The humiliation is there when you lie dead. ===========================Equipments=======================

At early lvl, its maybe tempting to add some extra STR to wear HP Helmet, but that cant apply at later lvl. Stick with Arcane Headgear, the bonus hp from refine the lastest worth more than the base hp bonus AND refine hp bonus from the HP Helmet several lvl below you. Bonus stats to consider: HP/Pdef Modifiers, HP Shards NetherImpossibility Hat Ence's Scar
Nirvana of TT90 Gold helm - Use this only for the set bonus, else ignore.

Helm of Holy Punishment [40 Best Luck/Anniversary Pack/Lucky Coral] Championship Scroll [Tournament DISABLED/Lucky Coral/Year of the Tiger Pack] TT90 Gold helm

Warsoul of Heaven -

Ghostly Hat of Infinite Power Hat of the Drum Master

TT80 Green helm

Tough choice for non cashopper, but anything with HP and DEF bonuses other than the Taurens Cape and TT90 Gold Cape. Bonus stats to consider: HP/Pdef Modifiers, HP Shards Demon Spell Robe Nirvana of TT90 Gold Robe - Use this only for the set bonus, else ignore. Wings of Cloudcharger
Anniversary Pack/Lucky Coral/Year of the Tiger Pack Wing Trophy [Anniversary Pack/Lucky Coral/Year of the Tiger Pack] Boss]

Glorious Robe: Torment

Cape of Elite Leather FB99 Abaddon [Mountains Finger

Since your choice of rings is pretty obvious, I will just concentrate on the magical and physical defense enhancing kind of ornaments here. Their benefits are strongly dependent on which armor youre wearing, and for which purpose you intend to use it for. Please note that the defenses are percentage based, so the higher your defense is, the less damage reduction you will receive when equipping additional ornaments of that type. The diminishing returns start when your Physical Defence/Elemental Resistance value reach ~5000 Protection Ornaments: Overall, this is the better choice for robe users, as only very little additional defense is required to get a huge increase of damage reduction. The bad thing is that cheap physical defense type ornaments usually comes coupled with STR/DEX bonus stats, which isn't the ideal choice for a Psychic in the later levels. Bonus stats to consider: HP/Pdef Modifiers Necklace: Yin
Pan Gu's Gift Cube of Fate Stamp TT90 gold

Puzzle Cube Badge Vain Necklace of Giant Strength Sky Demon's Pearl

37 Chips Mold TT70 Gold

Necklace of Assembled Spirits Belt: Warsoul of Naught

Tournament Agent (currently DISABLED) Warsong Marshal Badge

Warsong BarrierVoid Guard of Thundershock Requiem of Hell

4th pass OHT reward

3rd pass OHT reward 2nd pass OHT reward 1st pass OHT reward

Frostcore Pendant Sundown Pendant

Elemental ornaments: If you already have high magical defense, more of this jewelry will probably give you no more than a 1% or 2% higher damage reduction. The reason why some players still prefer it over the physical defense ornaments is because it often has higher values of MAG as bonus stats, which can prove very useful in grinding. Recommend only for LA Build. Bonus stats to consider: HP/MAG/MAtk Modifiers Necklace: Yang
Pan Gus Gift Cube of Fate Stamp

Puzzle Cube Badge Vain Archangel's Pendant

TT99 Gold TT90 Gold

Swindler's Necklace Equine Talisman Belt:

29 Chips Mold

Warsoul of Naught

Tournament Agent (currently DISABLED) Warsong Marshal Badge

Warsong LockVoid Paradise Sachet

4th pass reward 3rd pass reward 2nd pass reward

Jade of Heaven

Vibrating Starlight Nightfall Pendant

1st pass reward

If you can't decide, you can also buy 1 of each type and switch them as necessary, if your cash agrees with it.

[Bonus Stats on equipments]

Bonus stats, not stars though *** give the highest base stats, are the most important factor to consider when buying equipment. First of all, if you don't plan on switching equip on every second mob, make sure that no piece of armor lacks any of the basic elemental defences. The more elements are missing, the higher the remaining elemental defences will be, but you'd have a hard time fighting against mobs of these specific elements since your overall defence would be much lower. The options of bonus stats are: For higher endurance: + HP or VIT: Probably the most common bonus stat. Since you can get a very high amount of HP from it, most players consider it as their main choice for improving their survivability. + Physical Defence: You can get a fair amount of it to profit from the huge damage reduction until the Percentages become inefficient compared to VIT. + Elemental Resistance: Not what you should look for. HP/VIT is much more valuable.

For higher damage: + MAG: Quite rare, and comes in very low values compared to HP/VIT. Mostly + 4 or + 5 MAG is the highest you can find, while HP goes easily over 80 at a cheaper price. If stacked, the difference can be even higher. But if you're looking for even more damage instead of HP on equip, + MAG is your best option in the lower levels. + Magic Attack: Mostly comes in rather low amounts compared to MAG. To find out which one gives more base magic attack, refer to my formulas in the Questions and Answers section. - % Channeling: Very rare, will increase your damage per second by a small amount, but overly expensive for what it's worth. Only when stacked at 24% or above can you tell the difference while using Bubble of Life and Soulburn. +% Critical Rate: Very rare and expensive; rises in effectiveness over the levels as your damage output increases. Its efficiency compared to + MAG strongly depends on how much an attack is based on magic attack instead of a fixed value. For example: To outdamage 1% critical rate on average: As Pure MAG at level 50 (wearing average 3 star equipment), your equipment will need at least + 6 MAG when using Spirit Blast level 10. As Pure MAG at level 80 (wearing Mold lvl80 Sphere + average 3 star equipment), your equipment will need at least + 10 MAG when using Sandburst Blast level 10. Seeing that +1% critical is much easier to get than +10 MAG, +% Critical Rate as bonus stat actually proves to be more effective than + MAG in the higher levels.

Others: + MP recovery: You'll be burning through your MP way too fast to notice the recovery. + HP recovery: Comes in too small amounts to be useful. + STR / DEX: No need for additional STR/DEX over the minimum requirement for armor. + MP: No use in adding even more MP +% Experience: The available +% of Experience are too low to make any real difference while grinding, not to mention the release of Hyper Stone -chuckle+ Evasion Rate: Due to high accuracy of your enemies, + Evasion Rate barely has any effect. + Accuracy: Magic attacks never miss, no need for any accuracy at all.

============================= Shards for equipments ============================= This part is for shards on armour. Should I list every single shard to prevent NOOB questions asking about shards not mentioned? HMM... if there are shards unmentioned it means they suck ok? -Stone of the Savant, Primeval Stone: A more expensive verion of Citrine Gems. Exotic, while it increases both your HP and a your PDef, the cost for 1 is high. -Garnets: Increase your survival chance at later level (~80+). It is recommendeded to shard some Garnets on your gears along with Citrines Shards by ratio 3:1. The amount of shards however depends on your PDef Value, when it reach ~5000, use other alternative. -Citrines: Pretty steady at all level. -Diamond of Dragon/Jade of Steady Defence: Hard choice, and its a myth as to the exact equation but it is impossible to completely nullify damage receive according to the formulas in Advance stats section. I dont dare give comment on this.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6. Psychic gameplays- Tips for PvP/TW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note for psychic skills: Soul of Vengeance, Soul of Silence, Empowered Vigor cannot be purge at this time, not sure if it's a bug or intended Same thing for Diminished vigor, it cannot be purify

PvP tactic
Rush Burst Knowing how to play Rush Burst style is important for a Magical DDer in High Level PvP. To summarize, rushing an opponent means playing as aggressively as possible burning your cooldowns to drop an opponent as soon as possible while burst refers to the technique of doing a high amount of damage in a short period of time via high damage spells. Having an advantage in channelling, this style help dropping the target quick but also put your life on the line. Though it is not advisable in solo PvP, it is highly rated in group PvP while the target focuses on your teammates. Start by DoTs and Diminished Vigor and coupled with light poke skills till near 50%, DoTs again then rush damage. Best Burst come from Frenzy (or Extreme Poison) Triple Spark Red Tide -> Aqua Cannon/Sandburst.

Kiting While kiting in PvE is easy with Aqua Impact and Landslide for knockback, Kiting for psychic in PvP is difficult and most prefer to stall their enemy over kiting them. That doesn't mean it's impossible. With Holy Path from Genie, Glacial Shards and Earth Vector, Barbarian have hardtime pursuing you. Also don't forget to put on Soul of Retaliation if they are closed (Mighty Swing?) unless they using normal attack to break Soul of Retaliation (pfft I doubt any of you half-wits can get your thoughts that far before you faint due to lack of IQ); use Soul of Stunning if that's the case. Against BM, if you got stunned right off the bat, spam the Soul of Stunning button and pray for the Soul of Silence to occur and they don't chain stun well. If you get chain stunned, well, better luck next time. Stalling A simple tactic but crucial for Psychic. Put on White Voodoo, Use DoTs and spam some skills on them, use Bubble of Life, Soul of Retaliation from times to times and don't forget to eat food and always have Empowered Vigor on. Good way to safely gain back your chi while slowly killing your opponent charm. Of course you need a solid amount of HP to pull this off those GX axes at 90+. Soul of Stunning vs Soul of Retaliation: While Soul of Stunning is pretty handy because you dont need to think much while using it other than spam the button, Soul of Retaliation on the other hand is situational. The obvious: use its when you need to absorb damage to save you from death

and when your opponent is an Assassin. The less obvious: asking you to use your brain rather than roll your face on the keyboard is probably quitehard but there are skills that you should aim to reflect: Wizard Undine Strike Archer Aim Low and Stunning Arrow Barbarian Mighty Swing Phoenix Flesh Ream Soulburn and Tide Spirit combo: Soulburn is a good skill and deal some nasty damage if use right. The problem is the obviously slow and showy channelling shout out for stun me before you die. The catch? Use it with Tide Spirit and follow by Aqua Canon/nuke and Bubble of Life. There are also situation that you dont need Tide Spirit which is a DEMON SPARKING FIST BM. Psychic Will if they choose to attack you, otherwise Rush Burst to death while they passively stand there wait for the effect wearing off.

General PvP guide: Step 1. Lead with a "poke" skill. (Aqua Impact, Spirit Blast) Find out how much HP that BM has and just how hard you'll have to hit it. If you somehow tap Spirit Blast and their HP drops 85%, laugh. Step 2. Try to get their HP as close to 50% as possible but not below. Below ticks their guardian charm and they will heal to full. Stalling or Kiting Step 3. Diminished Vigor -> Soul of Stunning -> Rush Burst Step 4. Judge (if they're still alive). If their HP is too high for you to take down even with diminished vigor, use slower strong skills like Aqua Canon and keep trying. Make sure your party is helping and spam Soul of Stunning to stun anyone attacking you. If they are taking to the skies and running, use Earth Vector if you have a spark, otherwise Glacial Shards and pray.

Territory War
Equipped with 3 AoEs doesn't require spark, Psychic in TW is a force to reckon with especially when 2/5 of their AoEs are crowd control skills. Keywords: Crowd Control Cata supporter should cast Soul of Silence and Empowered Vigor on cata barb due to it cannot be purge by veno, it's the best thing a cata barb can wish for (dont cast soul of vengence on them). Use earth vector, glacial shard for crowd control on anyone approaching the cata and hold em away from barb, disturb soul on opponent wizard to slow their casting. Use soulburn on cata cleric/atking archer/Demonic Sparked BM only to save spark for earth vector and psychic will.

Cata killer (vs Barbarians) you hit some decent damage on them because they have pretty crappy MRes. The problem? They have too much HP for you to solo, and combined with a guardian charm they're next to impossible to take down for a psychic low damage per skill. The catch? You don't solo. Your job is not to go out and be a wizard wannabe. Your job is to hex and slow your opponent advancing and pray that your squad is smart enough to attack the same person. Now that you built all your Chi by killing people, what do you do with it? Do not, I repeat do NOT waste it on Advanced Spark Eruption (Demonic Spark Eruption is fine). It's slow, its flashy, and it gets you killed. Use it on... Earth Vector AoE with 85% stun and Medium damage, though not much but this is a good crowd control skill along with Glacial Shard Tide Spirit This is your 2 sparks Sutra. Use it with Bubble of Life,Soulburn and Aqua Cannon combo

Staying Alive: 1. Always play with a Clerics buffs. BM and Barbarian don't always seem to want to buff you, but there are always plenty of Clerics to annoy to ask for buffs. 2. Don't forget to put on Soul of Silence and Soul of Vengeance, also Psychic Will to remove negative debuff + immune to physical damage 3. If you are getting hit excessively, you are probably too close to the action. Pause and Holy Path backward.

4. Soul of Stunning is your friend. Spam it! Use it when your HP is running low and your charm is in cooldown. Use it when you see an archer channeling Arrow Barrage. This skill stun your enemy immediately after the first hit land, and interrupts their attack. Soul of Retaliation on the other hand work well only if you know kinda guess wat skill your opponent gonna cast and reflect the negative effect back to them (can only reflect effect from skill that deal damage). ie: Undine Strike, Mighty Swing, Aim Low, and most of Assassin's skills. 5. If a Veno's pet is hitting you, knock it back with Landslide, if it's a nix, use Soul of Retaliation to reflect bleed on them or, if you lready got bleed, Psychic Will and throw a Soulburn on them. It should be dead in 1...0.

6. Stay alert. Remember TW is 3D. The enemy is not always directly in front. Stay off the main path, and move along the banks of the path. Watch for attackers in the air (Usually Venos with flying pets).

================= A few more notes on Psychic ================= In PvP can I just say DO NOT USE FIXATE ON BLACK VOODOO AS MAIN OFFENSE. Use your brain, this is why Psychic are harder to play. I'll leave the rest for you guys to figure out.

There is no strongest class, if you play on a Psychic, Gratz on choosing a unique class.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7.Skills xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All Psychic skills required Spheres weapons equipped. The range of a psychic is as far as a wizard ( which means > Cleric > Veno) Here goes... Skills...

[Nuking spells]
Water Nukes Aqua Impact Long range single target, chance to slow Glacial Shards Long range AoE, chance to paralyze Aqua Cannon Close range AoE, chance to slow Torrent DoT Red Tide Long range AoE Earth Nukes Spirit Blast Long range single target Landslide Short range single target, interupt casting Sandburst Blast Long range AoE, chance to reduce accuracy Earth Vector Long range AoE, chance to stun Sandtrap DoT

[Debuffing Spells]
Soulburn Damage target everytimes it attacks/cast spells/genies. A truly scary skill because the damage is based on soulforce. Diminished Vigor Increase Guardian charm cooldown and Reduce healing effect on target. Disturb Soul Reduce target channeling

[Buffing Spells]
Black Voodoo Increase self attack level and reduce self defence level White Voodoo Increase self defense level and reduce self attack level Empowered Vigor Decrease Guardian charm cooldown and enhance healing effect on target Soul of Silence Chance of Silence enemies upon being hit Tide Spirit Make spell required no channeling with some damage boost Soul of Vengeance Damage enemies upon being hit

[Healing spells/Self protection spells]

Bubble of Life AoE HoT Psychic Will Immune to physial atk and remove all debuff. Soul of Retaliation Absorb and reflect damage + negative status back to enemy Soul of Stunning Stun enemy upon being hit

Aqua Spirit Water Mastery Earthen Spirit Earth Mastery

Priority in descending order 1st: Spirit Blast lvl10, Aqua Impact lvl10, Black Voodoo lvl10, Landslide lvl10, White Voodoo lvl3, Bubble of Life lvl10, Soul of Vengence lvl1, Soul of Stunning lvl1, Soul of Silence lvl1, Soul of Retaliation lvl1. 2nd: Earth Vector lvl10, Psychic Will lvl10, Empower Vigor lvl10, Earthen Spirit lvl10, Aqua Spirit lvl10 3rd: Glacial Shard Lvl10, Sandburst Blast lvl10, 4th: White Voodoo lvl10, Soulburn lvl10, Diminished vigor lvl10, 4.5: Sandtrap lvl10, Torrent lvl10, 5th: Aqua Canon lvl 10, Soul of Silence lvl10, Soul of Retaliation lvl10, Red Tide lvl10, Tide Spirit, Disturb Soul, Soul of Vengeance, Soul of Stunning. 1st is to be obtained as soon as possible, 2nd is needed for regardless of type of player you are. 3rd and 4th priority depends on the type of player, PvE oriented: 3rd > 4th, PvP oriented: 4th > 3rd . 5th is to be left untouch until 85+ with spare spirit and coins.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8.Final Destination: Heaven or Hell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This boils down to personal preference and play style. When looking at the skill bonuses, you will immediately notice the huge difference between the two options, so make sure to evaluate them properly before deciding which of them suits you best. While Demon grant a HUGE burst in damage, Sage psychic is no pushover either. If you like to Rush Burst and become a wizard wannabe then die in glory, Demon is the way to go. With Demon Landslide and Demon Tide Spirit, you will CRIT most of the time not to mention your extra DoT from the heavy nuke Demon Aqua Cannon; without a doubt he who roll Demon will be feared even by barb. Demon Psychic is also a master of crowd control; with 100% chance to AoE paralyze and a larger AoE Earth Vector, he is the ace card in PvP group and TW. The disadvantage? your most effective range is 8m, which is also the red zone for an Arcane Armor user with low pdef and HP, your Stall is also less effective then Sage (don't worry, not less than how you used to before you choose demon). Sage is not without advantage. If you like to Stall, take your time and harass your opponent in PvP, Sage is the choice but that's not all. It enhance the $ spend in the game (Soulforce), If you spend a fortune on your Psychic Sage will be superior to Demon in term of Soulforce base skills. A 10 sec Soulburn is a scary weapon, the competent stay till and let you hit them for 10s, the incompetent roll their face on the keyboard and die while the 10s psychic will (or 71 def lvl white voodoo) give you a good time laugh. Superior even to barb for their toughness, Sage Psychic is magical truck which can kill you whenever they wish to. The disadvantage? Surprisingly, Sage is quite balancing, your effective range is not limited and the lack of Rush Burst power comparing to Demon is not a really bad problems since Sage Diminished Vigor and Sage Black Voodoo make up for it. What more? you are loved in group activity where it required an AoE Purify.

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