SVT Detailed Guidelines 2022 - Draft

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MBA, MBA (Honors), MBA (Business Economics) & MBA (Integrated)

Academic Session 2022-23


As a part of the requirements to be fulfilled for the award of the degree of Masters in Business
Administration (MBA) from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, students are required to
undergo an Eight Weeks Summer Vacation Training (SVT) in industries just after the completion
of examinations of second semester and during Summer Vacations of June and July or as
notified. The students will submit the report on summer vacation training in third semester.

The detailed guidelines for the students during training/ SVT and all the other necessary
information are given hereafter.


Every student of the MBA, MBA (Honors), MBA (Business Economics) 2 Years Courses and MBA
(Integrated) 5 Years Course is required to undergo eight weeks of summer vacation training during
their summer break after second/ eighth semester examinations. They are also required to submit a
summer vacation training report on the same in their third/ ninth semester which is a full course the
respective MBA Program.

Confirmation of SVT
At the beginning of SVT, a Confirmation Letter (Annexure- V) will be issued in the name of
Sponsoring Organization by the Training and Placement Cell of the institute. The certificate will be
submitted by the student to the SVT Supervisor in the sponsoring organization.

Objectives of the SVT

 To provide the students a practical exposure to organizational culture, procedures and
 To provide the students opportunities to apply knowledge and techniques learnt in the
institute to real management situations and to test and enrich understanding, knowledge
and skills further.
 To give the students an insight into the working of the real organizations and gaining deeper
understanding of specific functional areas of management.
 To help the students develop an appreciation for the linkages among different functions
and developing a realistic managerial perspective about organizations in their totality
 To provide the students a platform where they can test their selves in real work situations
and further improve their personality and managerial skills for better employability.

During the training the student will be under the supervision of a person in the organization who will
act as his/her SVT Supervisor. He/she will guide on how the student should work during the Training
in the organization. In addition, each student will be guided by a Faculty Guide of Institute of
Management Studies and Research (IMSAR). The student will be required to report to the Faculty
Guide immediately after joining the company for the SVT (Format as in the Annexure I). Each
student is required to meet the faculty guide before departing for the SVT and take necessary
instruction from him/her.
The faculty guide may consult the corporate/SVT s u p e r v i s o r on SVT related
c o n c e r n s o f t h e s t u d e n t , from time to time or vice-versa.

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Student’s Conduct during the SVT
The students are required to be thorough professional during the course of their SVT. Following are
certain Do’s and Don’ts that the student are expected to follow:
1. The student should abide by all the rules of the organization where they are undergoing
their SVT.
2. The student should behave properly and humbly during SVT.
3. The student should be punctual and disciplined during SVT.
4. In case, the student has to take leave, he/she has to take necessary permission from the
organization and the faculty guide before proceeding on leave.
5. In case, the student is to take up project based work at the instance of the company he/she
should conduct it to his/her best capabilities under the guidance of the faculty guide/ SVT
6. The student should maintain strict confidentiality of any information they come across in
the organizations in course of their SVT.
7. The student should work actively, enthusiastically and honestly.
8. The student should Plan their schedule of work on weekly basis to fulfill the purpose of SVT on time.
9. The student should keep a daily/weekly record of the progress of SVT.
10. The student should maintain healthy and cordial relationships with
the people in organization while understanding and respecting the
culture of the organization and its structure.

Role of the Organization and the SVT Supervisor

The sponsoring organizations are to provide an SVT supervisor to guide the student. The SVT
supervisor should have a n expertise in assigned project areas, experience and status within the
organization, and an interest and competence in supervising and mentoring. The SVT supervisor
w i l l share the organizational values, experiences and contacts with the student to facilitate a
successful organizational SVT.
The SVT supervisor will provide student an orientation to the organization and assign specific tasks
and projects. Projects or tasks assigned to the student should meet the organization's needs as
well as the student's learning objectives. The SVT supervisor will facilitate the student by
providing access to the resources needed to complete the task and project. An ideal task or project
allows the student to take initiative, work on a team and work with other disciplines.
The student can benefits from attending meetings with management and other leaders within the
organization to gain a better understanding of the broader context of the organization. The SVT
supervisor is encouraged to involve student in special meetings appropriately.
The SVT supervisor will meet with the student on a regular basis to discuss progress on work and
learning in it, as well as resolve any issues that may arises because of work performance. Frequent
feedback will help in grooming the managerial and behavioral skills of the student and must be taken
care by the SVT supervisor.

If the student has been assigned a supervisor for the project who is not the preceptor (person closely
associated) then the preceptor and supervisor should work together to provide the necessary
guidance and feedback for the Trainee. Joint meetings to discuss the work progress may be helpful.

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Conducting informational interviews with key individuals in the organization is another important
way for student to gain a broad organization perspective and professional confidence; therefore
he/she should be supported by the SVT supervisor.
Role and Responsibilities of Student Trainee in the Sponsoring Organization
The SVT provides exposure and access within organizations that student may not otherwise have the
opportunity to experience during the early years of their organization careers. The student Trainee is
expected to function as a professional, which is reflected in the projects and activities performed
and in relationships with the organization's administrators and other staff. The Trainee will be
answerable to the preceptor for agreed upon projects and work duties.
Students are expected to:
 assist the preceptor/ supervisor for work support
 perform professionally with quality work output
 comply with the policies and procedures of the organization integrate within the structure of
the organization
 take initiative to undergo for a project for better learning and contribution
 take up any assigned training/ placement related additional instructions


After successful completion of the training, students are required to submit a supper training
report duly incorporating the suggested format and following directions:
Basic Requirements
 The report should be submitted as soon as possible but before twenty days of completion of
training period or as notified.
 Each student will make at least two hard bound copies of SVT report in the recommended
format to be submitted to the office of Director of IMSAR individually along with the
requisite fees (if any).
 The copies are to be softbound copies and should have the contents of title page
inscribed/pasted on it.
 It is the students' responsibility to make sure that the copies are ready before the
submission date.
 The report should include a Completion Certificate issued by a competent authority from
the company as provided in Annexure II.
 The copies must be signed by the supervising authority at the organization only in the
bounded form.
 The report should include SVT Feedback Form (as in Annexure IV) duly signed by the SVT
supervisor at the sponsoring organization and countersigned by faculty supervisor.
 This may not necessarily be a statistical or analytical report; it could be learning and
experience sharing too.
 Detailed format and guidelines for writing the report are attached herewith for your
reference in subsequent sections.

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Given below is a normally acceptable format of the SVT Report. However, students are advised to
consult faculty guide for more specific advice with regards to your summer Training report.

The Standard Format and Components

SVT Completion Certificate

Abstract/Executive Summary
Table of Contents


 Establishment of the company
 Position in Industry
 Types of services/products given/produced
 Mission statement and aim of the company
This chapter enlists organizational policies concerning customer
services, personnel (motivation, how staff are expected to behave etc.)
production, advertising/promotion, environment and so on.
 Departments and functions of each department
 Organizational chart of the company
 Key Personnel
 Project/experiential learning/organizational analysis
 Professional and Technical Skill gained
 Soft and Social Skills gained
 Work Culture and Ethics learned
 Describe the department you worked in
 Structure of the office
 Job description
 Machines, Computer programmes used
 Project Undertaken and Outcomes (if any)
 Overall learning experience and implications
 Challenges faced
 Improvements required
 Suggestions for a better training experience

Questionnaire/ Schedule (if any)
SVT Feedback Report

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Typing and Related Metrics of the Report

Word Length
The total length of the report is 15,000-25,000 words (70-100 A-4 size pages). This length is exclusive
of title and contents page, figures, tables, appendices and references.
Plagiarism, that is, the willful representation of another person’s work, without the
acknowledgement or the deliberate and unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of
material derived from the work (published or otherwise) of another, is UNACCEPTABLE and
will incur the penalty of outright failure.
General Text
Text should be one and a half spaced using printing on both sides of the pages and duly numbered.
However, new chapters, sections, etc. should start from odd numbered pages.
Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Justified (both left and right) alignment
In-text emphasis: Use italics or bold typeface
Paragraphs: 0.5” First line indentation; One and half line spacing with 12point space after
Page Margins: Top: 1”; Bottom: 1”; Inside: 1.5”; Outside: 1” (Mirrored layout)
Page numbers:
 Centered at the bottom of the page
 Roman numerals (i, ii,…) should be used from the pages preceding
Table of Contents (excluding the title page)
 The main body of the text (where the Introduction) commences on Page 1
 The pages included in Appendices/Annexure are to be numbered in roman numerals (I, ii,…)
 Chapter Headings size 16 in bold typeface
 Sub-Headings size 14 in bold typeface
 Main Chapter headings in block capitals
 Chapter headings left justified at the top of a new page
 All other headings justified and followed by a single line space
 Use sub-headings together with a numbering system used in this document thus giving
structure to your work.
 Single line-spacing
 Indented left and right
 Justified left and right
 Must include author name, date and page number referring to the parent text
Tables, Figures etc.
 Must be numbered according to the chapter (e.g. Table 5.1 means that it is located in
Chapter 5 and that it is the first table presented and discussed in this chapter)
 Must have a title at the top and key (legend) underneath
 The table title must be set in sentence case (only first letter in capital) as follow:
Table 5.1 Summary of sample characteristics

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 Only the Table index number should be in bold. Rest of the title should be in plain text.

Typing and Proof Reading

Always proof read your copies for good grammar and presentation before handing your work to
your supervising faculty. Special attention should be made to the final draft of your report.
Be prepared for the unexpected such as hard disk failure, loss or corruption of CDs and printer
failure. Use back-up disks and always keep (updated) hard copies of your work in case of an

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Institute of Management Studies and Research Annexure I
Maharshi Dayanad University Rohtak

SVT Joining Report

1. Name of Student:

2. Roll No.:

3. Name of the Sponsoring

Company/ Organization:
Correspondence Address
withPh. No. (during SVT):
5. Email:

6. Date of Joining Training:

7. SVT Supervisor’s Details:

a. Name:

b. Designation:

c. Telephone No.:

d. Contact Address:

e. Email Address:

8. Project Title (If any):

9. Project Description:

(Signature of Student) (Signature of SVT Supervisor)

[Send a copy of this form to the Faculty Guide within one week of joining by post/email/in-person]

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Annexure II
(to be printed on company letterhead)


This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. Of MBA/ MBA (Hon.)/ MBA(BE)/
MBA (Integrated) ____________(batch) of Institute of Management Studies and Research has worked
in our company for his/her Summer Vacation Training (SVT) from ______(date) to ____________
(date) in the profile of_______________ (Designation, if any) in the department of ________________
on the project (if any)_________________________________________________________________.

The performance and work behavior of him/her during the period is excellent/very
good/good/average. This certificate is being issued to meet the requirement of the University.

Date: (Signature of Supervisor)

Name and Designation of

Signatory Seal/Stamp of the

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Annexure III
Format of Title Page
Undertaken In


On Project (if any)


Submitted to Institute of Management Studies and Research,

Research Maharshi
Dayanand Univeristy, Rohtak in the partial
ial fulfillment of requirements
for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration
Session [20 _____ ]

Submitted by
Name of Student
Roll No._______



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Annexure IV
Institute of Management Studies and Research

SVT Feedback Form

(To be filled up by SVT Supervisor/Departmental Head)

Name of Student: ______________Roll No. ______________

Project Title:

Department/ Division of the Organization: ____

A. Please tick appropriate box

E: Excellent; VG: Very Good; G: Good; A: Average; P: Poor
S. No. Parameter E VG G A P
1. Extent of conceptual reading and clarity
2. Comprehension of the project/assignment given
3. Seriousness, sincerity & thoroughness in planning
before the study started
4. Sense of responsibility and commitment
5. Time and quality orientation
6. Initiative, drive and enthusiasm
7. Communication effectiveness and keeping the superiors
informed about the progress
8. Prevention of mistakes and seeking guidance from the
experienced person
9. Acceptance of mistake
10. Depth of study in relation to the scope envisage
11. Quality of analysis and diagnosis, Depth & breadth
12. Practicality or recommendation vis-à-vis purpose of the
13. Behavior and conduct
14. Discipline, punctuality and regularity
15. Quality of reporting and presentation

B. Is the report useful to the company? [ ] Yes [ ] No

C. Will you consider/ implement suggestions of the report,
if any? [ ] Yes [ ] No
D. If yes, to what extent and in what respect?

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E. If no, can you please specify the reasons for rejections?

F. Any weaknesses observed, which he/she needs to correct and Department should pay attention

G. Any aspect on which he/she should pay more attention to be more professional and effective

H. Any other remarks/observations/suggestions


Name: Designation:



Telephone: Email:


Signature of the SVT Supervisor /

Departmental Head with Company seal

Counter Signature of the Faculty Guide

Note: The feedback on report should be sent to the Faculty Guide by the Company in a sealed envelope by hand
of the concerned student and be incorporated in SVT Report after countersign of the Faculty Guide.

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Annexure- V
(On Letter Head of Institute)
Website: Email:

Subject: Summer Vacation Training (SVT) of Eight Weeks

Dear Sir/ Madam,
Greetings of the Day!
We are Institute of Management Studies and Research (IMSAR) of Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak. The University is a NAAC accredited A+ State University incorporated in 1976. The university
runs Two Hundred Thirty Six Programmes with more than Two Lakhs on and off campus studying
students. The campus spread in 622 Acres and ranked 1st in Swachhta Ranking in India in 2018. The
university is among top hundred universities in India as per NIRF Rankings. Also, the university in
ranked 1st in Sports Achievements in Haryana.
We express gratitude for providing SVT to Ms./ Mr. _________________ of MBA (__________) of
__________ Batch or the list of students attached. As part of the requirements to be fulfilled for the
award of the Degree of Masters in Business Administration (MBA), students are expected to
undergo an Eight Weeks Summer Vacation Training during their Summer Vacations (June-July) or as
notified. The candidates are expected to submit the report on the same in their third/ ninth semester.
(Detailed Guidelines of SVT Enclosed)
Dr./ Prof._____________________ is the Faculty Guide and may contact you or contacted by you for
any SVT related concern. Email Address of the Faculty Guide is ____________________________.
The prime objective of the SVT is to provide the students a practical exposure to organizational
culture and procedures. The emphasis is on managerial skill development of the student/s.
Therefore, you are requested to train the student as a corporate/ professional mentor and
contribute in career aspirations of the students.
We would appreciate if any job opportunity can be provided to the Trainees/ our other students on
completion of his/ her/ their management degree.

Coordinator, Training and Placement Cell

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