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Приветствие: Hello, teacher! Glad to see you too. Today is the 12th of October.

Видео и Ответы на вопросы: What are you studying to be? Do you know much about your future job? Let’s
watch a video. Can you tell me what we are going to talk about today? - I guess we are going to talk about the job
of an accountant.

Задание на Jamboard, Frame 1. Слова, связанные с профессией бухгалтера.

Google Slides, 2. Читают и переводят определение бухгалтера и выделяют незнакомые слова.

What Is an Accountant?

• An accountant is a professional who performs accounting functions such as account analysis, auditing, or
financial statement analysis.

• An accountant is a person who records business transactions on behalf of an organization, reports on company
performance to management, and issues financial statements.

• Accountants are financial professionals who take charge of a series of accounts — either private or public.

• Accountants review financial statements, documents, and other reports to ensure they are accurate, conduct
routine and annual audits, review financial operations, prepare tax returns, advise on areas that require more
efficiencies and cost-savings, and provide risk analysis and forecasting.

Соотнести основные термины на английском с их эквивалентами на русском. Jamboard, Frame 2.

account - счет
budget - бюджет
disbursement - выплата
income tax – подоходный налог
tax - налог
tax laws – налоговое законодательство
invoice - счет-фактура, накладная
payment – платеж, оплата
transaction – сделка, операция

Чтение доп. Информации.

Прослушивание текста What does an accountant do?
Typical job duties accountants need to be able to perform include:
 Prepare budgets.
 Enter transactions and reconcile account balances.
 Prepare accurate work papers, schedules, and reconciliations for audit purposes.
 Send invoices to accounts.
 Enforce payment terms with accounts.
 Stay up to date on state and local tax laws.
 Work with external auditors.
 Record payments and disbursements.
Accountants perform a wide range of duties depending on their employer and the specific focus of their work.
Whether working with corporations, individuals, or government agencies, accountants need to be able to file legal
financial documents, such as those that public companies must disclose to investors.
In the case of individual clients, it might be something as basic as annual income tax forms.
Accountants working within businesses need to be able to analyze internal financial documents, make sure
departments are complying with the law, and make budget recommendations.
Kahoot тест
Знакомство с доп. лексикой по теме.
Прослушивание диалога-интервью с бухгалтером. Заполнение пропусков.

Повторное прослушивание.
Обсуждение вопросов:
What challenges can you face at your future job?
What is the most difficult part of an accountant’s job?
How can you overcome the challenges?
Are there any positive techniques or practices you can use when you feel frustrated or upset?
What do you usually do to overcome an obstacle?
Письменное задание на доске Jamboard, Frame 3.

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