Activity 1 (Teaching Profession)

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The Teaching Profession

Melody C. Abuan Bsed II Major in Filipino

Answer the following:

A. School and Community Relations

1. Describe how school and community officials work together in each of the following

A. Socio-Cultural Activities
The school and community prepare for socio-cultural activities by first letting the
students know what the current cultural activity is. By doing this, the school helps its
students learn the community’s values and make it easier for them to engage to it. The
community which includes the barangay usually holds a contest where each school in
its jurisdiction will participate. This happened once when I was in high school, where the
barangay made a contest to celebrate its festival and selected students from all the
schools went into a parade on the streets dancing the choreography they’ve made to
interpret the town’s festival, while residents from the neighborhood came out of their
homes to watch.

B. Peace and order situation

b1. Inside the School
Peace and order is maintained inside the school by equipping students with the
proper values and manners. This is done through enriching the initial manners and
values taught to them by their parents, with the means of teaching it inside the
classroom. If students possess the right attitude, less quarrels will occur in the school.
Schools also hire security guards.
b2. Outside the School
peace and order outside of the school is implemented by the community with the
help of the local government’s personnel’s such as barangay tanod’s to keep the area
safe. Our high school had an elementary school neighbor which was separated only by
a wall and barangay tanod’s were assigned in the middle of the two schools to keep
watch and provide a peaceful environment for learning.
C. Projects

Schools and its community work together in projects by doing tree planting, school
clean-ups, proper waste disposal and more. Most of the projects administered by the
school and community aims to improve both of its environment that’s why it’s beneficial.
Gather information on how the school assist community in return .Solicit data from
Barangay officials, LGU officers, or any concerned citizens in your respective
Provide proof that you conducted such action (pictures, certificate of appearance, etc.)

 According to Barangay official, Schools may allow the community to use school resources.
Classroom used by community organizations for meetings .School used as a polling place and
venue for medical mission which it may co-sponsor with the Rural Health Unit. School facilities
Used for community assemblies. School basketball court used for Local celebrations and
barangay sports league.School conduct Livelihood skills-training program for parents and out
of school youths .
B. Linkages and Networking

Answer the following:

1. What are some professional organizations for teachers in the Philippines? Give at least
five and cite the objectives of each organization.


an organization for teacher educators which aims to promote the
professional development of teachers composed of teacher leaders
who are focused in continuing education, innovations and scholarly
works-increasing the competency of Filipino teachers.
To promote and maintain unity, professionalism and excellence
among teacher Educators, Teacher Education Institutions, and
Professional Teachers; To raise and maintain standards of teacher
education and enhance the nobility of the teaching profession through
effective leadership and enlightened fellowship .
It is the largest labor union and the largest white-collar
representative in the United States. It represents public school
teachers and other support personnel, faculty and staffers at colleges
and universities, retired educators, and college students preparing to
become teachers.
To advocate for education professionals and to unite our members
and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every
student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.
It is a membership-based non-profit organization founded in 1943.
It has more than 125,000 members from more than 128 countries,
including superintendents, principals, teachers, professors of
education, and other educators.
Aims to develop programs, products, and services essential for
learning teaching and leading educators.
Formerly National Middle School Association, is an international
education association dedicated exclusively to the middle level
grades .
To improve the educational experiences of all students ages 10 to
15 by providing vision, knowledge, and resources to educators and
It is an organization of parents, teachers, educators, other
professionals, and community leaders who unite to address the unique
needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well
as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential .
To support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted
and talented children through education, advocacy, community
building, and research.
2. Explain how ABS-CBN and GMA Foundation assist schools and school
children nationwide.

 Kapuso School Development (KSD) Project

A school-based program which aims to foster integral education by

providing students of underserved public schools, both primary and
secondary, :Decent and functional classrooms which are conducive for
learning Water distribution and sanitation facilities. Through the spirit of
bayanihan, engaging members of the local community to provide
supplementary and voluntary labor in the construction of the classrooms, 340
classrooms have been built and turned over. LGUs, private individuals and
civic-minded organizations are also involved through varying levels of
partnerships with the GMAKF.

 Unang Hakbang Sa Kinabukasan (UHSK)

In order to reduce the dropout rate among poor Filipino children in public
elementary school due to lack of school supplies (as cited by the Department
of Education), the GMA Kapuso Foundation initiated the Unang Hakbang Sa
Kinabukasan project to help both the parents and the students for the next
school opening. Yearly, grade 1 students from public elementary schools
nationwide are each provided with one UHSK backpack containing complete
set of school materials that includes 5 notebooks, 2 pad papers, 2pencils,
sharpener, an eraser and a set of crayons.

 ABS-CBN Programs

Programa Genio envisions discovering and developing the inherent genio

or genius in every child. The program which works in cooperation with the
school division of the Department of Education will focus on public elementary
school children and their immediate communities. Programa Genio maintains
current partnerships with private sector donors that advocate school
development. The program seeks to achieve its goals by providing a holistic
school development program with the following components: Needs
Assessment, Teacher Training, Supplementary Instructional Materials (ETV
Packages),Monitoring &Consultancy, and Parental Involvement Seminars.
The program is involved in curriculum enhancement, teacher training and
learning resource development. In 2012, Programa Genio conducted
Teachers Training at the two schools in BNJ Southville7, namely, Dayap
Annex Elementary School and Sto. Tomas Annex Elementary School.
Training focused on equipping the teachers in creating student-centered
classrooms and in learning to use curriculum mapping to help them teach
better.Programa Genio implemented the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in
partnership with the Department of Education to provide educational
opportunities for the relocates at the Southville 7 Area. The ALSallowed
those who were not able to attend formal schooling to pursue their studies
and eventually move on to the next grade level. Part of the 2012endeavors of
Programa Genio is the continued implementation of . PROJECT ARAW (Aral-
undertaking of ABSCBN Foundation, Inc. and Nokia aimed at promoting
Philippine Literature and Filipino values through music necessary in the
character of the youth.

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