Web Intervalos de Confianza

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S2 2010-2011 probabilidad-estadistica 4SM1

WeBWorK assignment number Intervalos de Conanza is due : 04/24/2011 at 11:59pm CDT. The (* replace with url for the course home page *) for the course contains the syllabus, grading policy and other information. This le is /conf/snippets/setHeader.pg you can use it as a model for creating les which introduce each problem set. The primary purpose of WeBWorK is to let you know that you are getting the correct answer or to alert you if you are making some kind of mistake. Usually you can attempt a problem as many times as you want before the due date. However, if you are having trouble guring out your error, you should consult the book, or ask a fellow student, one of the TAs or your professor for help. Dont spend a lot of time guessing its not very efcient or effective. Give 4 or 5 signicant digits for (oating point) numerical answers. For most problems when entering numerical answers, you can if you wish enter elementary expressions such as 2 3 instead of 8, sin(3 pi/2)instead of -1, e (ln(2)) instead of 2, (2 + tan(3)) (4 sin(5)) 6 7/8 instead of 27620.3413, etc. Heres the list of the functions which WeBWorK understands. You can use the Feedback button on each problem page to send e-mail to the professors. D. None of the above 1. (1 pt) The following random sample was selected from a normal distribution: 4 13 3 15 18 4 9 3 7 18 (a) Construct a 90% condence interval for the population mean . (b) Construct a 95% condence interval for the population mean . 2. (1 pt) Match the condence level with the condence interval for . 1. x 1.645 2. x 2.575 3. x 1.96 A. b. 90% B. c. 99% C. a. 95% 3. (1 pt) a) For 30 randomly selected Rolling Stones concerts, the mean gross earnings is 2.83 million dollars. Assuming a population standard deviation gross earnings of 0.46 million dollars, obtain a 99% condence interval for the mean gross earnings of all Rolling Stones concerts (in millions). , ). Condence interval: ( b) Which of the following is the correct interpretation for your answer in part (a)? A. We can be 99% condent that the mean gross earnings of all Rolling Stones concerts lies in the interval B. We can be 99% condent that the mean gross earnings for this sample of 30 Rolling Stones concerts lies in the interval C. There is a 99% chance that the mean gross earnings of all Rolling Stones concerts lies in the interval

4. (1 pt) In order to compare the means of two populations, independent random samples of 408 observations are selected from each population, with the following results: Sample 1 x1 = 5366 s1 = 125 Sample 2 x2 = 5494 s2 = 135

n n n

(a) Use a 95 % condence interval to estimate the difference between the population means (1 2 ). (1 2 ) (b) Test the null hypothesis: H0 : 1 = 2 versus the alternative hypothesis: Ha : 1 = 2 . Using = 0.05, give the following: (i) the test statistic t = (ii) the positive critical t score (iii) the negative critical t score The nal conclustion is A. We can reject the null hypothesis that 1 = 2 and conclude that 1 = 2 . B. There is not sufcient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that 1 = 2

5. (1 pt) Periodically, the county Water Department tests the drinking water of homeowners for contminants such as lead and copper. The lead and copper levels in water specimens collected in 1998 for a sample of 10 residents of a subdevelopement of the county are shown below.

lead (g/L) copper (mg/L) 4 0.246 4.5 0.279 3 0.882 1.9 0.102 5.1 0.209 3.6 0.146 1.8 0.015 1.3 0.592 0.7 0.247 3.3 0.384 (a) Construct a 99% condence interval for the mean lead level in water specimans of the subdevelopment. (b) Construct a 99% condence interval for the mean copper level in water specimans of the subdevelopment. 6. (1 pt) A statistics practitioner took a random sample of 53 observations from a population whose standard deviation is 20 and computed the sample mean to be 95. Note: For each condence interval, enter your answer in the form (LCL, UCL). You must include the parentheses and the comma between the condence limits. A. Estimate the population mean with 95% condence.
Generated by the WeBWorK system c WeBWorK Team, Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester

Condence Interval = B. Estimate the population mean with 95% condence, assuming a sample size of 22. Condence Interval = C. Estimate the population mean with 95% condence, assuming a sample size of 330. Condence Interval = 7. (1 pt) Suppose you have selected a random sample of n = 4 measurements from a normal distribution. Compare the standard normal z values with the corresponding t values if you were forming the following condence intervals. (a) 90% condence interval z= t= (b) 98% condence interval z= t= (c) 80% condence interval z= t=
2 2 8. (1 pt) Find the critical values 2 = 2 L 1/2 and R = /2 that correspond to 98% degree of condence and the sample size n = 21.

2 = L

2 = R

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