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Exploration of Plants in Residential Areas and Determination of their Pharmacological


Armada, Kaizen
Mapue, Lara Camille
Rubic, Melo Dream
Varilla, Karylle Ezra

The Philippines is recognized for its diverse flora and fauna, consisting of more than
1,500 medicinal plant species. The field of pharmacy in the Philippines is facing the problems of
drug shortage and inaccessibility to many Filipinos. In line with this, the study aimed to propose
the collected plants in this study as alternative medicines for common mild ailments.
Specifically, it aimed to collect and identify plants from different areas in the Philippines, to
establish their medicinal and phytochemical relationship, and to propose home extraction and
patient administration processes of these medicinal plants. Plant collection was done in four
cities in Luzon, Philippines, and plant identification was done using keys. Medicinal values and
proposed extraction methods were based on previous studies about the medicinal plants of
interest in this study. It was found that three out of four of the collected plants, specifically
Allamanda cathartica L., Nerium oleander L., and Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don. belonged to
the family Apocynaceae while Clitoria ternatea L. belonged to the family Fabaceae. It was
found that these four share anticancer and antioxidant properties. From this, the proposed
ailments to be treated were wounds, dysmenorrhea, and constipation. It was concluded that these
plants can have therapeutic effects despite the majority of them being toxic and it is
recommended to test the proposed alternative methods to ensure their therapeutic effectiveness.

Key words: pharmacy, medicinal plants, drugs and medicines, Apocynaceae, Fabaceae,
alternative medicine

I. Introduction
A. Rationale and Background of the Study
The Philippines is recognized worldwide as a species rich country composed of various
flora and fauna, and animals which contributes almost 75% of the world’s biodiversity (Ani et
al., 2020; Dapar et al., 2020). As of 2016, there are almost 15,000 plant species discovered and
described in the country (Ani et al., 2020). Under this, more than 1500 plant species have been
tagged as medicinal plants used by the traditional healers in the country (Dapar et al., 2020).
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the drug supply chains
locally and internationally. According to Bookwalter (2021), the drug shortage problem of the
medical community that has been ongoing for decades already was further intensified by the
COVID-19 pandemic.
In line with this, at the beginning of this year (2022), the COVID-19 cases in the
Philippines aggravated once again. From December 20, 2021 to January 2, 2022 alone there was
an increase of 222% in the COVID-19 cases. It was at the same time when news about drug
shortages surfaced in the media. According to Dela Peña (2022), pharmacy outlets have
experienced shortages in paracetamol and analgesic brands that are commonly used by the
people for fevers and mild to moderate pains.
According to Bookwalter (2021), there are a lot of causes of drug shortages. First is the
difficulty in acquisition of raw materials and finished pharmaceutical products. The Philippines,
with its limited number of drug manufacturers, had been highly dependent on imports of raw
materials and pharmaceutical products (Reyes, 2020; Statistica Research Department
2022). Unfortunately, with this COVID-19 pandemic, there was a need to impose stricter
transport and border restrictions, hence causing possible delivery delays which disrupts the
whole medical supply chain (Bayani and Tan, 2021). Second is the sharp increase in demand for
drugs. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Me et al., 2020), COVID-19
measures are likely to lead to the stockpiling of drugs. Third is the weakening and/or shutdown
of drug manufacturing plants. Manufacturing companies have struggled to maintain staffing in
this pandemic. According to Glicksman (2021), during the pandemic there was a decline in
manufacturing manpower thereby resulting in decreased production. Meanwhile, there were
some manufacturing companies who failed to survive due to workers getting sick. Thus, some
manufacturing companies were forced to shut down in order to prevent transmission of
COVID-19 (Glicksman 2021; Mahmoodi 2021).
Alongside this problem, as stated by Ona, M.D. from DOH in (2011), access to essential
medicines still remains difficult for a lot of Filipinos. They added that problems with access to
medicines may be due to the unavailability and high cost of drugs, and lack of facilities and
health-trained personnel in the country.
Therefore, taking all of these into consideration, the researchers aim to explore plants in
their vicinities, or in their residential areas, and determine the pharmacological properties of
these plants in order to contribute in mitigating drug shortage and inaccessibility to drugs, and
also to contribute in building the vast field of botanical research in the Philippines.

B. Objectives of the Study

The Objectives of this research are to:
1. Describe and identify a chosen plant from each residential area.
2. Establish the relationship among the four plant species based on their phytochemistry
and medicinal value.
3. Propose home extraction and patient administration processes of the plants in the
study so they can be used as quick and cheap home remedies for treating common
mild ailments.

In achieving these objectives, the researchers were guided by these five major tasks,
namely, (1) Collection of plants and preparation of voucher specimen preparation, (2)
Description of morphology and anatomy of the different plant species, (3) Identification of plant
species, (4) Exploration of medicinal value and phytochemical analysis of the plant species, and
(5) Examination of practical uses and extraction methods of plant species for their medicinal
C. Statement of the Problem
Drug shortage has become a bigger problem because of the pandemic. This has caused a
nationwide lack of supply of over the counter drugs, mostly paracetamol, that treats mild
illnesses like colds and fevers. Aside from drug shortage, there are also areas that do not have
easy access to healthcare facilities and pharmacies. Patients that lack accessibility to these health
institutions would have a hard time getting any treatment. In line with this, the researchers aim to
explore the plants in different residential areas for their medicinal value. This information would
then be used to propose different extraction and administration processes of these medicinal
plants for the treatment of common mild ailments.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following statements:
1. Correct identification of the collected plants;
2. Secondary metabolites and biologically active compounds present in the selected
plants and their pharmacological use; and
3. Home extraction processes of bioactive compounds from the selected plants
according to their intended therapeutic effect in common mild ailments and their
form of administration to the patient.

D. Significance of the Study

This study would benefit the following:
● People in the Community. This study would help the people in the community, specifically
those in areas that have the plant species covered in this study. This study would help them
find alternative sources of medicines for common mild ailments especially during drug
shortages and pharmacy inaccessibility.
● Pharmaceutical Community. This study would help pharmaceutical communities mitigate
drug shortages. Furthermore, this study would also help them create recommendations in
certain communities experiencing drug shortages.
● Future Researchers. The results and findings of this study would contribute, strengthen and
add to the existing body of knowledge in botanical research.

II. Materials and Method

The research was carried out simultaneously around Cavite, Manila, Bulacan and
Pangasinan in the months of March to May 2022. The researchers made use of interest sampling
in selecting the sample plants to be used in the study. Each researcher collected at least 4
specimens of the plant of their interest. Plant 1 was collected in Cavite, plant 2 in Manila, plant 3
in Pangasinan, and plant 4 in Bulacan.

A. Plant Collection
The researchers went around their neighborhood to find unfamiliar flowering plants. Oral
consent was obtained before data and specimen collection. The researchers tied tags containing
the collector’s name, collecting number, date and geographical location from where it was
collected around the plants before capturing their key features, recording the geographical
location, and listing down their field notes such as the habit, colors of unusual vegetative and
flowering parts, smell when cut, presence of the sap and the plant’s habitat.
The researchers then proceeded immediately with plant collection, collecting only a
necessary amount. With trowels and scissors in hand, the researchers collected the specimens,
some with roots while some only twigs. Additional close-up photos were taken of the plants,
showing the size with a ruler or tape measure, shape, position, fusion, and indumentum, together
with the present morphological characters [see Appendix B for full details].
The researchers pressed the plants for several days (approximately 3–5 days) using
newspapers, folders and stacks of books to remove the water in the plants. After several days, the
plants were air-dried under the sun. Afterwards, they mounted their specimens on illustration
boards (38.1 × 50.8 cm in size), with their herbarium label on the bottom right.

B. Morpho-anatomical Description and Identification of Plants

Descriptive qualitative method was used in this study to describe the morphology of the
plants collected. Specifically, the researchers referred to Simpson’s Plant Systematics, Chapter 9
– Plant Morphology of Plant Systematics (2006) and Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines (n.d.).
For the anatomical features, the researchers made use of different studies and journals which
described the anatomy of the collected plants. These data were used to identify the plant.
Interactive keys like Nixson’s Family Tree and Landcare Research keys were used to classify the
plants into their respective families, genera, and species. Dichotomous keys were also used for
verification. In checking for the correct names of the plant species, they also utilized the websites
Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines, World Flora Online, and Tropicos.

C. Exploration of plants’ Medicinal Value and Phytochemistry and Proposal of home

extraction and patient administration of medicinal plants
Various studies about the different collected plants in this study were used as references
in identifying their medicinal value and phytochemistry. After individually gathering each plant’s
medicinal and phytochemical data, the researchers looked for similarities to establish the
relationship between the four collected plants. Based on these data, they made use of other
studies that explored the practical uses of these medicinal plants. From this, they researched for
their extraction and corresponding administration processes. The data gathered were modified to
make the processes more feasible to do at home and to make the expense cheaper.

III. Results
A. Morpho-anatomical Descriptions and Plant Identification
There were four plant species of interest in this study, namely Allamanda cathartica L.,
Nerium oleander L., Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don., and Clitoria ternatea L.. Identification
was based on these descriptions. Allamanda cathartica was a shrub with yellow bell-like
flowers; leaves with white sap; and simple, whorled, and green leaves. Nerium oleander was also
a shrub with pink flowers, long, whorled, dark green leaves with sap, branching patterns of
groups of three. Catharanthus roseus was a taproot shrub with white flowers that had five petals
and a yellow center, and elliptical green leaves with sap. Lastly, C. ternatea was a climbing vine
with elliptical green leaves, purple flowers that are shaped like the female genitalia, had a sweet
scent and had legumes as its fruit.
Allamanda cathartica, N. oleander, and C. roseus shared similar anatomical features.
Their roots had a thin-walled, uniseriate epidermis, vascular cambium forming two rows of
thin-walled, elongated meristematic cells and cork with elongated lignified cells (Allam et al.,
2016; Seenu et al., 2019). The stem had a cuticle-layered epidermis, cortex with aerenchymatous
tissue, endodermis formed of elongated cells, xylem with rosette crystals and pith with storing
cells that contained prisms of calcium oxalate (Akyalcin et al., 2006; Poornima et al., 2009;
Al-Massarani 2011; Duarte and Larrosa, 2011; El-Kashef et al., 2015; El-Taher et al., 2019;
Souza et al., 2021). Lastly, the leaves had cuticle-covered epidermal cells, phloem with rosette
crystals and resin canals, and convex midrib with collenchymatous cells and rosette crystals
(El-Fiki et al., 2019).
Clitoria ternatea was different from the others. It had roots with a cortex that had
elongated, angular parenchyma cells, endodermis with 2-3 layers of cuticle, and pericycle that
gave rise to secondary tracheids (Dastur et al., 1931; Shamnad et al., 2018; Parabia et al., 2021).
Its stem had an epidermis with a wavy outline and cuticle layer, cortex with brown secretory
sacs, vascular cambium with laticifers, and phelloderm with cluster crystals of calcium oxalate
(Dastur et al., 1931; Karthik and Padma, 2009; Khatoon et al., 2015). Lastly, its leaves had a
single layer of epidermal cells covered with thick cuticle, multicellular trichomes with two basal
cells, dorsiventral structure, single layer lignified bundle sheath and midrib with papillose
(Mukherjee et al., 2008; Chauhan et al., 2012; Sharma and Kumar, 2013; Sharma et al., 2015).

B. Phytochemistry
Table 1. Summary of Phytochemicals Found in Species
Apocynaceae Fabaceae

A. cathartica N. oleander C. roseus C. ternatea

Terpenes Cardenolides +

Monoterpenoid +

Triterpenoid + +

Phenolic Natural flavonol +

Anthocyanins +

Hydroxycinnamic +

Nitrogen Alkaloid + + +
Compounds Cardiac glycosides + + + +

The three major groups of secondary metabolites: Terpenes, Phenolic compounds and
N-containing compounds with their corresponding plant specialized metabolites were found in
all plant species as seen in table 1. In terpenes, the references directed its focus on cardenolides,
monoterpenoid, and triterpenoid while for phenolic compounds, it emphasize the major groups of
flavonoids, namely: Natural flavonol, anthocyanins, and hydroxycinnamic Acid. In N-containing
Compounds, alkaloid and cardiac glycosides were found to be dominant.

Table 2. Summary of Medicinal Properties of Species

Apocynaceae Fabaceae

A. cathartica N. oleander C. roseus C. ternatea

Anti-allergic +

Antibacterial + + +

Antibiotics +

Anticancer + + + +

Antidiabetic + +

Antifungal + +

Anti-inflammatory + +

Antimicrobial + +

Antioxidant + + + +

Antiparasitic +

Antitumor + +

Antiviral +

In line with the phytochemicals that were found and studied, table 2 shows that there
were a total of twelve medicinal and pharmacological properties that each compound of the four
species distinctively correspond to [see Appendix A (PR 4) for full details].

IV. Discussion
Objective 1: Describe and identify a chosen plant from each residential area.
Three out of four plants, namely A. cathartica, N. oleander, and C. roseus come from the
family Apocynaceae. These three share similar morphological features that are known among the
species in the family Apocynaceae. Some of these features are whorled and simple leaves with
sap; five stamens, petals, and sepals that are alternate; superior ovary; and bisexual flowers.
These three also share similar anatomical features that were discussed in the previous section.
Knowing that these three are under the same family, it is expected that they also share similar
medicinal properties. For C. ternatea, despite being classified under family Fabaceae, it also has
five sepals and a superior ovary. These few features that C. ternatea has with the other plants
does not give any conclusive evidence that it has similar medicinal properties with the other

Objective 2: Establish the relationship among the four plant species based on their
phytochemistry and medicinal value.
Allamanda cathartica has a distinguishing presence of monoterpenoid under the terpenes.
With the fact that terpenoids are the largest group of plant specialized metabolites, it includes
compounds like Allamandin, Plumericin, and Plumieride observed in this specimen (Riggs et al.,
2008; Koh et al., 2009; Fabiyi et al., 2014; Kumar 2015). In line with this, it shared the presence
of triterpenoid with N. oleander with compounds like Neriucoumaric, Isoneriucoumaric acids,
and Ursolic acid. Moreover, N. oleander also has the presence of cardenolides that includes
compounds like Glucosyl, Leandrin, and others. The alkaloids are composed of Pregnanes with
Neridienone-A and Neridienone-B (Gupta and Mittal, 2010; Al-Snafi 2020).
In C. roseus, almost all phytochemicals found were Alkaloids. However, alkaloids of this
species have a wide range of compounds like Vindolicine, Vindolinine and Vindogentianine.
There’s also Yohimbine, Catharoseumine and Ajmalicine that have distinct pharmacological
properties (Pham et al., 2020). Clitoria ternatea is composed mostly of phenolic compounds like
natural flavonol, anthocyanins, and hydrocinnamic acid. Compounds like Quercetin and
Kaempferol, Mirecithin and Ternatins, and P-Hydroxy-cinna-mic acid were seen respectively in
phenolic compounds (Ullah et al., 2019; Escher et al., 2020). Additionally, alkaloids of the
specimen like Quinolone have Ciprofloxacin compound (Dhanasekaran et al., 2019).
Lastly, all species share the same presence of cardiac glycosides under N-containing
Compounds that contain different levels of poisonous or toxicity principles (Gupta and Mittal,
2010; Al-Snafi 2020). Nevertheless having the same category of secondary metabolites, the four
species have unique and distinct phytochemicals that have different medicinal properties.
In connection to the phytochemicals of the species, anti-allergic and antibiotics properties
were the unique to C. ternatea, Fabaceae, while the antibacterial property was only found in
Apocynaceae (Anderson 1988; Ullah et al., 2019; Al-Snafi 2020; Pham 2020). Moreover,
anticancer and antioxidant were the two pharmacological properties that were found in all
species. Both A. cathartica and C. roseus shared compounds like Allamandin and
Catharoseumine that have inhibitory effect on the human promyelocytic leukemia, while
compound Quercetin of C. ternatea has anti-breast cancer activity (Calderón-Montaño et al.,
2013). Additionally, compounds of N. oleander like Neriucoumaric and Isoneriucoumaric acids
have inhibitory effects on lung cancer patients (Nurgina et al., 2020).
Furthermore, C. ternatea and A. cathartica have anti-inflammatory properties while C.
ternatea and N. oleander have antimicrobial properties. On top of that, medical properties like
antidiabetic, antifungal, antiparasitic, antitumor and antiviral can only be found in the 3 species
of family Apocynaceae (Koh et al., 2009; Al-Snafi 2020; Pham 2020).
In relation to the discovery of the anticancer property that was found in all species,
indigenous people from different parts of the Philippines also used different parts of the different
plants to treat cancer.
Allamanda cathartica (also called as Kampanilya) was used by the Tagalog people of
Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur to treat cardio-metabolic diseases such as heart attack, stroke
or hypertension (Guerrero and Notarte, 2020). Leaves and seeds of the plant were infused for it
to be drinkable, chewable and swallowable together with their respective food (Blasco et al.,
2020). Tagalog people also used C. ternatea (also known as Pukingan) to treat musculoskeletal
disorders, specifically swollen joints. Leaves were prepared through infusion. The flower part of
the C. ternatea was also used by the Ilocano and Subanen tribe of Zamboanga peninsula for the
treatment of other musculoskeletal disorders, anxiety, and depression, respectively. Flowers were
boiled in water such that the concentrated extract of the crude drug would be used (Tantiado
2012; Acosta et al., 2022). Ilocanos also used N. oleander (also known as Oleander) to treat open
wounds while Suludnon people used it to treat headache and dermatological problems. Its leaves
were pounded and applied onto the skin as an ointment (Tantiado 2012; Tindowen et al., 2017).
Additionally, both flowers of C. ternatea and leaves of N. oleander were used by the indigenous
people to treat fever.
Tagalog people used the leaves and roots of C. roseus (also known as Tsitsirika) with a
variety of preparations to treat different ailments. Decoction was used mostly to be able to
extract the crude drugs and be taken orally by the people with diabetes, dysmenorrhea, and
stomach cramps (Aruna et al., 2015; Ong et al., 2015).

Objective 3: Propose home extraction and application processes of the plants in the study so they
can be used as quick home remedies for treating common mild ailments
All plant species share antioxidant and anticancer properties. However, it is not practical
to propose these plants themselves as home remedies because the illnesses they target are
complex, thus expected therapeutic effects may possibly not happen. In light of this, the
researchers decided to research the practical medicinal uses of these plants and how they are
extracted and administered to the patient. Allamanda cathartica and N. oleander have been
found to treat open wounds, C. roseus to treat dysmenorrhea, and C. ternatea to treat
constipation. Majority of these plants are known to be poisonous, thus it is recommended to use
with caution. Moreover, these should be taken at only small doses to avoid overdose and further
complications. The extraction processes proposed in this study are modified to make them easier
to do at home.

Figure 1. Allamanda cathartica L. Extraction and Administration

Allamanda cathartica is for the treatment of open wounds. It is mildly toxic due to the
white sap inside the leaves. The medicinal value is extracted from the leaves but they can also be
extracted from different parts of the plant. Figure 1 shows the extraction process. Ideally 250
grams of the leaves will be washed then air-dried. Followed by cutting into small pieces or
blending into a paste. 50 mL of deionized water would then be added to the leaves then filtered.
The filtrate, liquid portion, will then be used for topical administration to the wound (Nayak et
al., 2006).
Figure 2. Nerium oleander L. Extraction and Administration

Nerium oleander is also used for the treatment of wounds (Al-Snafi 2020) like A.
cathartica, but is also toxic due to the sap in the leaves. Instead of leaves, the medicinal value of
this plant is extracted from the roots. The process is simpler compared to the first plant. Nerium
oleander roots must be boiled then cooled a bit before filtering. The filtrate will also be used for
topical application to the wound (Sinha and Biswas, 2016) as seen in figure 2.

Figure 3. Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don. Extraction and Administration

Catharanthus roseus is from the family Apocynaceae so it shares similar medicinal

properties as the first two plants. It also shares the same toxic property. The proposed treatment
here is for dysmenorrhea, but it may also be used for treating wounds like the first two. This may
also be used as a contraceptive so patients who want to use this must be aware of this fact (Ong
et al., 2015). The extraction process for this plant is longer than the first two but still possible to
do at home. The medicinal value is extracted from the leaves. First, 5 grams of the leaves are
dried then blended or cut into small pieces. 90% or just 70% ethanol alcohol is added to the
small pieces of leaves then filtered. The first filtrate obtained from this is set aside then the
residue, the solids from the filtration process, is once again poured with ethanol alcohol to obtain
a second filtrate. The second and first filtrate will then be combined and mixed then evaporated
to obtain a powdery residue which will be administered orally to the patient (Pham et al., 2020).
Figure 3 summarizes the extraction process for this plant.

Figure 4. Clitoria ternatea L. Extraction and Administration

Clitoria ternatea is the only plant among the collected plants that is not from the family
Apocynaceae so it is not toxic unlike the other three plants. It is used for treating constipation so
it may cause tenderness of intestines (Mukherjee et al., 2008). The medicinal value is extracted
from the roots. Figure 4 shows the extraction process for this plant. The roots should be washed,
dried, and cut into small pieces first. These small pieces are then submerged into water in a 1:10
ratio. This mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, cooled, then decanted or filtered. The initial residue
is once again boiled, cooled, then decanted or filtered. The filtrate obtained will be left for a
while to let it settle. Once the majority of the solids are settled at the bottom of the container, the
mixture will be subjected to low heat to evaporate the supernatant. The solid residue obtained
will then be left to dry and the powdery residue obtained will be orally administered to the
patient (Rai et al., 2001).

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

The study has three objectives. First, to describe and identify a chosen plant from each
residential area. Second, to establish the relationship among the four plant species based on their
phytochemistry and medicinal value. Third, to propose home extraction and patient
administration processes of the plants in the study so they can be used as quick home remedies
for treating common mild ailments.
The researchers were able to achieve the first objective by making use of the
morphological and anatomical descriptions of their plants which they have observed and
researched themselves, respectively. These descriptions were used as references in utilizing keys
to properly identify the different plants.
The second and third objectives were also achieved by using different academic journals
which focus on the medicinal values of the plants of interest in this study. For the second
objective, the data obtained from the different plants were compared to look for similarities from
which relationships were established. For the third objective, the data found was modified to
make the extraction processes more feasible to do at home.
In conclusion, the researchers were able to achieve the objectives of the study. They were
able to identify the plant they chose which they found in their respective residential areas. They
were also able to identify their medicinal and phytochemical properties from which they drew
the similarities among the four and the extraction processes for home remedies. Despite the
majority of the plants collected being toxic, they can still be used for their medicinal properties.

The study was limited to studies that have been previously done by other researchers. The
efficiency of the proposed home remedies cannot be fully guaranteed as there have been slight
modifications which may or may not greatly affect the effectiveness of their medicinal
properties. It is recommended that future researchers should conduct the proposed home
experiments following the ethical guidelines for research in order to assess their therapeutic
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Table 3. Summary of Activities with Its Corresponding Links

Activity Links

A. Progress Reports 1–4


B. Documentation Armada





C. Identification Armada





● Abstract: Armada
● Introduction: Varilla
● Methodology: Rubic and Varilla
● Results and Discussion: Armada, Mapue and Rubic
● Conclusion and Recommendations: Armada

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