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Possessive adjectives - proste ćwiczenia

I.Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz ​my​, ​your​

,​our​lub ​

1. I’ve got a book. This is ……………. book.

2. My sister has got a new dress. This is ……………. dress.
3. Oscar and Tom have got a computer. This is ……………. computer.
4. My cat has got a ball. This is ……………. ball.
5. I and Oscar have got a kite. This is ……………. kite.
6. You’ve got a hamster. This is ……………. hamster.
7. You and Helen have got black shoes. These are ……………. shoes.
8. Eddy has got a car. This is ……………. car.

II. Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz ​my​, ​your​

,​our​lub ​

1. I’m Oscar. Tom is ……………. friend.

2. Tom has got a new pen in ……………. pencil-case.
3. This is Ola and ……………. mum.
4. We are brothers. ……………. eyes are blue.
5. This is an elephant. ……………. ears are big.
6. I and Martha have got bikes. ……………. bikes are new.
7. Tom and Oscar are twins. (są bliźniakami).
……………. birthday is in May.
8. You and ……………. brother are friendly.
I. 1-my, 2-her, 3-their, 4-its, 5-our, 6-your, 7-your, 8-his
II. 1-my, 2-his, 3-her, 4-our, 5-its, 6-our,7-their, 8-your

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