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Final Trials Report


Trials Office
The Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 1

RHS Trial of Argyranthemum

Introduction to Argyranthemum
Argyranthemum, Greek for ‘silver flower’ is a genus of around 37 species found naturally in the
Canary Islands and Madeira archipelagos. They are very closely resemble Chrysanthemum, but
differ having daisy like flowers; a shrubby habit and are evergreen. Although Argyranthemum can
be grown outdoors, most are too tender all year round in the UK, These plants are not fully hardy
and either requires bringing into a cool greenhouse or being treated as an annual used as part of a
bedding schemes, in containers or in borders. They have a long flowering period, usually May
through to October or the first frost.
The foliage is finely dissected or lobe and can have a bluish green. The daisy-like flowers are
borne in loose corymbs and vary from single, anemone-centred, or double. Colours are available
in a wide range from white, yellow, pink to apricots.


The objectives of the trial were:

 To compare new breeding to old AGM varieties.

 Record flowering period and eliminate short day flowering varieties.
 Compare habit and compactness.


The plants were assessed by the Floral Trials Assessment Panel fortnightly, beginning on 12th July
2011. Judging was based on the following criteria:

Floriferousness : Continuity : Habit : Flower Colour : Foliage : How flowers die


There were 107 entries in the trial supplied by growers, breeders, individuals and nurseries from
the UK and Europe. Each entry consisted of 3 plants, sent as plugs or cuttings and grown on to 1
litre pots by the propagation department before planting.


Whilst being grown on by propagation, all plants were cut back to stop early flowering and
encourage a compact, bushy habit. This was done by shearing to a height of about 20cm. Entry
91, believed to be the true ‘Jamaica Primrose’ did not respond to this treatment.
Planting was carried out in June into a rotovated bed with no fertilisers or soil improvers added.
Argyranthemum does not need rich soils to thrive. Smaller entries were planted in groups of three
in a triangle whilst larger entries were planted in a line. One plant of each entry was deadheaded
fortnightly, but plants received no other treatments. Irrigation pipes were laid and used when

Pest and Disease

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 2
No pest problems were encountered. A number of entries showed signs of Chlorosis e.g. entry 77
– tests for chrysanthemum yellow virus were not conclusive.

Other Findings

During the trial it was noted that all plants were substantially larger than those grown in the natural
conditions. The panel agreed that the high levels of nitrogen in the soil (the trial bed had
previously been used to grow winter squash) cause plants to have greener foliage than is normal
in those varieties with blue (glaucous) leaves and stems were not as strong causing some entries
to collapse or for stems to snap.
The panel took particular interest during the assessment of the need to ‘Deadheading’ each
cultivar. There were a number of plants where the visual impression was a marked improvement
whilst others no benefit was obvious for what was recognised as a tedious job.

Plants Receiving AGMs during Trial

The following are the plants thought to fulfil the Award of Garden Merit criteria during the trial and
to be worthy of receiving the award. The criteria which a plant needs to fulfil in order to receive the
award are:

 excellent for ordinary garden use

 available from nurseries
 reasonably resistant to pests and diseases
 of good constitution
 essentially stable in form and colour
 reasonably easy to grow

Hardiness ratings are as follows:

H3 – hardy outside in some regions; needs frost-free protection in winter

H4 – hardy throughout the British Isles

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 3

Plants Awarded AGM

Argyranthemum LaRita White Beauty = ‘Kleaf07028’ PBR (LaRita Series)

[Trial No.32] votes 7-2

Habit: Spreading mound, moderately
Height x spread: (cm): 60 x 80
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B with
glaucous overtones
Leaf pubescence and features: Dull and
glabrous, glaucous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green and
glaucous, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 40 Flower colour:
Rays White NN155D, disk Yellow 13A,
florets opening white with yellow tips.”

“Deadhead to get best display”

Comments “Clear, blue green foliage. Neat

flowers. Solid white.

Sender: Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co KG

Figure 1: Deadheaded Figure 2: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum Molimba XL Duplo White = 'Argydowitis' (Molimba Series)

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 4
[Trial No.33] votes 11-0
Habit: Spreading mound, moderately
Height x spread: (cm): 60 x 80
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B with
glaucous overtones
Leaf pubescence and features: Dull and
glabrous, glaucous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green and
glaucous, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 40
Flower colour: Rays White NN155D, disk
Yellow 13A, florets opening white with
yellow tips

Comments “Spectacular.”
Sender: Syngenta Seeds

Argyranthemum frutescens LaRita Banana Split

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 5

[Trial No.36] votes 10-0
Habit: Moderately floriferous, slightly spreading
Height x spread: (cm): 40 x 50
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Mostly glabrous,
one or two hairs on new growth, green, light dull
red flush in axils and side shoots
Flower diameter: (mm) 50
Flower colour: Rays pale Yellow 4D, mottled
Purplish Red 60B/C about edges and tip, disk
Reddish Brown, browner than N34A, opening
Yellow 15B

Comments “Different. Beautiful. Domed shape.

Sender: Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co KG

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 6

Argyranthemum Sultan’s Lemon = ‘Supalem’ PBR

[Trial No.38] votes 7-1

Description to be completed in 2012.

Comments “Pretty, finely divided foliage

Compact bushes. Dead flowers hidden well.”

Sender: PLA International ApS

Argyranthemum ‘Summer Stars’ (Daisy Crazy Series)

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 7
[Trial No.58] votes 9-1
Habit: Upright bush, moderately floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 50 x 50
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137A
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous, glaucous,
moderately thick.
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Glabrous, pale
green, striate and glaucous.
Flower diameter: (mm) 50
Flower colour: Pale Pink 69C flushed Purplish
Pink72D especially on outer rays.

Comments: Comments “Impressive display, good

covering of bloom. Upright.”
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Figure 3: Deadheaded Figure 4: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum Cherry Love = ‘Supacher’ PBR (Daisy Crazy Series)

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 8

[Trial No.59] votes 10-2
Habit: Spreading mound, floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 65 x 100
Foliage colour: Blue Green, bit darker than
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous,
glaucous, moderately thick.
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green,
flushed dull Red Grey N187B, darker in
places especially axils and striations on
Flower diameter: (mm) 45
Flower colour: Rays Red Purple 64B fading
to pale Purple N74D on older flowers, disk
Red 60A opening to a mix of petaloid florets
the same colour as rays and tubular florets
ranging from 64B to pale Pink 62D

Comments “Very pretty foliage. Nice

contrast in flowers and foliage. Good overall
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Figure 5: Deadheaded Figure 6: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum frutescens Madeira Cherry Red = ‘Bodmadcher’ PBR (Madeira Series)

[Trial No.62] votes 11-0

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 9
Habit: Spreading mound, moderately floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 45 x 70
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous, moderately
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green, dull red flush
in axils, fine dark Brown N200A striations on
pedicels, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 30
Flower colour: Rays bright Red 53A with white base,
ageing to a much duller Purple N84D, disk Orange
Red N34A with darker brown central dot, opening to
Yellow 16A

Comments “Really pretty. Consistent. Good

performing plant.”

Sender: Ball Colegrave

Figure 7: Deadheaded
Figure 8: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum Madeira Violet (Madeira Series)

[Trial No.64] votes 12-3

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 10

Habit: Upright, very floriferous bush
Height x spread: (cm): 70 x 80
Foliage colour: Young leaves Yellow Green
146C, older leaves Mid Green 137A
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green, lightly
glaucescent, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 45
Flower colour: Rays dark Purplish Red 71A/B
finely dotted and streaked white, wholly white at
base, disk Orange Brown 175B-C opening Yellow

Comments “Looks great! Lots of blooms; Good

Late Pink; Dead Flowers hidden well.”

Sender: Ball Colegrave

Figure 9: Deadheaded Figure 10: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum Meteor Red (Daisy Crazy Series)

[Trial No.66] votes 12-1

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 11

Habit: Spreading mound, moderately floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 50 x 70
Foliage colour: Yellow Green, greener than 146A
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green with fine,
darker green striations, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 40
Flower colour:
Rays bright, rich Red, brighter and redder than
59A, dulling down slightly in older flowers, disk Red
Brown 178B opening to Yellow 12A

Comments “Rich colour when flowers are young.

Flower suits foliage. Cleanest of reds”

Sender: R Delamore Ltd

Figure 11: Deadheaded

Figure 12: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum Summersong White = 'Supa 594' (Daisy Crazy Series)

[Trial No.71] votes 15-3

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 12
Description to be completed in 2012.

Comments “Good foliage plant. Doesn’t

need deadheading”
Sender: R Delamore Ltd

Figure 14: Not Deadheaded

Figure 13: Deadheaded

Argyranthemum ‘Starlight’

[Trial No.97] votes 15-0

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 13
Habit: Robust, upright to spreading, very floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 120 x 190
Foliage colour: Dark Green 147A
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous above, very
sparingly hairy beneath, lightly glaucescent
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green, glaucescent,
Flower diameter: (mm) 70
Flower colour: Rays and outer disk florets pure White
NN155D, inner disc florets tipped Yellow 6C

Comments “Beautiful foliage. Flower is different.

Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 14

Reconfirmed AGMs

Argyranthemum frutescens subsp. frutescens ‘Whiteknights’

[Trial No. 29] votes 8-2

Habit: Grey, bushy, few flowered
Height x spread: (cm): 45 x 45
Foliage colour: Greyed Green 187A, newer
growth yellower green
Leaf pubescence and features: Glaucous,
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Glabrous,
green with slightly darker green striations,
slight red flush in axils, glaucous.
Flower diameter: (mm) 40
Flower colour: Rays pure White NN155D,
disk Yellow 15A

Comments “Elegant foliage. Flowers evenly

spaced. ”
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Figure 15: Deadheaded Figure 16: Not Deadheaded

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 15

Argyranthemum ‘Petite Pink’

[Trial No.56 ] votes 13-2

Habit: Dome shaped, long stalked flowers well
above foliage, moderately floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 50 x 80
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137C
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous, slightly
glaucous and dull, quite thick
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.:
Glabrous, glaucous green
Flower diameter: (mm) 40
Flower colour: Rays pale Purplish Pink 75B with
deeper 75A ring above a fine white ring at base,
ageing paler pink to almost white, disk Orange
Yellow 17A

Comments “Delicate and airy. Lovely effect. ”

Sender: Wisley Gardens

Figure 17: Deadheaded Figure 18: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum ‘Snow Storm’

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 16
[Trial No. 76] votes 11-0
Spreading, very floriferous mound
Height x spread: (cm): 80 x 130
Foliage colour: Young leaves Yellow Green
146D, maturing to glaucous Green N138A
Leaf pubescence and features: Glaucous
and dull, glabrous, moderately thick
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Light green,
lightly striated, glaucous and glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 40
Flower colour: Rays pure White NN155D,
disk Yellow 14A

Comments “Light, feathery, dainty. Pretty

foliage. Good sized mounds.”
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Figure 20: Not Deadheaded

Figure 19: Deadheaded

Argyranthemum gracile ‘Chelsea Girl’

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 17

[Trial No.78] votes 9-1
Habit: Spreading mound of fine foliage, few
Height x spread: (cm): 80 x 120
Foliage colour: Young leaves Yellow Green
144A, maturing to glaucous Green N138A
Leaf pubescence and features: Very fine,
segments almost cylindrical, glabrous and
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green with a
slight purple grey flush in axils of and tops of
upper branches, glaucous and glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 35
Flower colour: Rays White NN155D, disk
Yellow 14B, green flush to centre of young

Comments “Fluffy looking. Foliage like

Sender: Wisley Gardens

Figure 22: Not Deadheaded

Figure 21: Deadheaded

Argyranthemum frutescens subsp. canariae

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 18

[Trial No.83] votes 11-0
Habit: Lightly floriferous, bushy plant, flowers in or
level with foliage
Height x spread: (cm): 60 x 70
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous,
moderately thick
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green, darker
striations and dots of greyed red with deeper Red
147B on axil joints with side shoots, light flushing
of brown on new shoots, glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 60
Flower colour: Rays pure White NN155D, disk
Yellow 14A

Comments “Elegant. Be good in a mixed border.

Large stems and big flowers.”
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

Figure 23: Deadheaded

Figure 24: Not deadheaded

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 19

Recommended AGM Subject to Naming

Argyranthemum ‘Jamaica Primrose’

[Trial No.89 ] votes 13-2
Habit: Upright to spreading, floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 80 x 120
Foliage colour: Yellowish Mid Green 137C
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous,
glaucescent and quite thick
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Glaucous green
with unglaucoused green vertical striations,
Flower diameter: (mm) 60
Flower colour: Rays bright Yellow 5A, fading to
4C-D in older flowers, disk Orange Yellow 17B

Comments “Continuously in flower. Blue/green

Sender: Ashwood Nurseries Ltd

Figure 25: Deadheaded Figure 26: Not Deadheaded

Argyranthemum ‘Jamaica Primrose’

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 20
[Trial No.90 ] votes 11-0
Habit: Robust and spreading, moderately
floriferous, large flowers
Height x spread: (cm): 80 x 130
Foliage colour: Mid Green 137B
Leaf pubescence and features: Glabrous
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Green,
glabrescent and glabrous
Flower diameter: (mm) 70
Flower colour: Reys bright Yellow 6C ageing
to pale Yellow 2D, disk Orange Yellow 15A

Comments: “Good shaped petals. Vigorous.

Flowers start yellow and change to
Sender: Special Plants

Argyranthemum ‘Jamaica Primrose’

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 21

[Trial No.92 ] votes 10-0
Habit: Robust and spreading, very floriferous
Height x spread: (cm): 75 x 160
Foliage colour: Yellow Green 146A
Leaf pubescence and features: Yellow Green
Stem colour, pubescence, etc.: Glabrous, lightly
Flower diameter: (mm) 65
Flower colour: Rays bright Yellow 6B ageing to
paler Yellow 5C/D, disk Orange Yellow 17B

Comments: “Good yellow. Masses of flower.

Glaucous stems.”
Sender: Mr A J Robinson

The following previously awarded Awards of Garden Merit were not reconfirmed and will be
considered during the Sunset Review 2012.

Argyranthemum ‘Cornish Gold’ [Trial No.79]

Sender: Kernock Park Plants

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 22

Trial Index and Senders Details

No. Name Sender

Argyranthemum Cymbals Light Pink = 'Sun 30'
1 Heuger
(Percussion Series) PBR
Argyranthemum Cymbals Rose = 'Sun 20'
2 Heuger
(Percussion Series) PBR
Argyranthemum Cymbals Chocolate = 'Sun 130'
3 Heuger
(Percussion Series) PBR
Argyranthemum Teddy White 'Sun 110' (Percussion
4 Heuger
Series) PBR
Argyranthemum White = 'Sun 10' (Percussion
5 Heuger
Series) PBR
6 Argyranthemum Polly 'Innpolly' PBR Kernock Park Plants

7 Argyranthemum Ping Pong = 'Innping' PBR Kernock Park Plants

Argyranthemum Molimba Double White =
8 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argymidowi' (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Molimba Mini White = 'Argywhimi'
9 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
(Molimba Series)
10 Argyranthemum Border White (Daisy Crazy Series) PLA International ApS

11 Argyranthemum 'Citronelle' Kernock Park Plants

12 Argyranthemum Pacific Gold = 'Pacargone' Kernock Park Plants

Westhoff Vertriebsges
13 Argyranthemum Beauty Yellow = 'Wesaryel' PBR
14 Argyranthemum maderense AGM (H1+3) 1993 Hill House Nursery

15 Argyranthemum maderense AGM (H1+3) 1993 Mr A J Robinson

16 Argyranthemum maderense (pale form) Mr A J Robinson

Argyranthemum Border Cream Yellow (Daisy Crazy
17 PLA International ApS
Argyranthemum Summersong = ‘Supa 606’ Primrose
18 PLA International ApS
(Daisy Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Summersong Blush Pink (Daisy
19 PLA International ApS
Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Summersong Dark Rose (Daisy
20 PLA International ApS
Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Border Dark Red (Daisy Crazy
21 PLA International ApS
Argyranthemum Santana = 'Ohmadsant' (Madeira
22 Wisley Gardens
Series) PBR
No. Name Sender

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 23

Argyranthemum Summit Peppermint (Daisy Crazy
24 PLA International ApS
Argyranthemum LaRita Latte Macchiato (LaRita Selecta Klemm GmbH &
Series) Co KG
Argyranthemum Molimba M Yellow = 'Argyminyel'
26 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
(Molimba Series)
27 Argyranthemum Summit White (Daisy Crazy Series) PLA International ApS

28 Argyranthemum Maria (Daisy Crazy Series) PLA International ApS

Argyranthemum frutescens subsp. frutescens
29 Mr A J Robinson
'Whiteknights' AGM (H1+3) 1993
30 Argyranthemum 'Dana' Syngenta Seeds Ltd

31 Argyranthemum Molimba M White (Molimba Series) Syngenta Seeds Ltd

Argyranthemum LaRita White Beauty = ‘ Kleaf Selecta Klemm GmbH &
07028’ (LaRita Series) Co KG
Argyranthemum Molimba XL Duplo White =
33 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argydowitis' (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Molimba L Rose = 'Argyros'
34 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
(Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Molimba L Pink = 'Sas Pinka'
35 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
(Molimba Series)
Selecta Klemm GmbH &
36 Argyranthemum LaRita Banana Split (LaRita Series)
37 Argyranthemum Yellow Empire (Daisy Crazy Series) PLA International ApS
Argyranthemum Sultan's Lemon = 'Supalem' PBR
38 PLA International ApS
(Daisy Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Monroe Lemon Anemone =
39 Wisley Gardens
'Argylem' PBR (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Monroe Lemon Anemone =
40 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argylem' PBR (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Vanilla Ripple = 'Supabright' PBR
41 Mr A J Robinson
(Daisy Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Primrose = 'Bonmadprose'
42 Ball Colegrave Ltd
PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Crested Yellow =
43 Ball Colegrave Ltd
'Bonmadcrel' PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Crested Ivory (Madeira
44 Ball Colegrave Ltd
Argyranthemum Sultan's Pride = 'Cospuri' PBR
45 Mr A J Robinson
(Daisy Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum White Blush = 'Supamorni' PBR
46 Mr A J Robinson
(Daisy Crazy Series)
No. Name Sender

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 24

Argyranthemum São Martinho = 'Ohmadsaom' PBR
47 Mr A J Robinson
(Madeira Series)
48 Argyranthemum 'Donington Hero' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Mr A J Robinson
Argyranthemum Molimba L Duplo White/Rose =
49 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argymonwi' (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Molimba L White = Argysedou'
50 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
(Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira White Improved =
51 Ball Colegrave Ltd
'Bonmadwhitim' PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Double White (Madeira
52 Ball Colegrave Ltd
Argyranthemum Madeira Double Rose (Madeira
53 Ball Colegrave Ltd
Argyranthemum Madeira Crested Pink (Madeira
54 Ball Colegrave Ltd
Argyranthemum Madeira Pink Improved =
55 Ball Colegrave Ltd
'Bonmadpinkim' PBR (Madeira Series)
56 Argyranthemum 'Petite Pink' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Wisley Gardens
Argyranthemum São Vicente = 'Ohmadsavi' PBR
57 Mr A J Robinson
(Madeira Series)
58 Argyranthemum Summer Stars (Daisy Crazy Series) Mr A J Robinson
Argyranthemum Cherry Love = 'Supacher' PBR
59 Mr A J Robinson
(Daisy Crazy Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Deep Pink = 'Bonmadepi'
60 Ball Colegrave
PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Single Red = 'Bonmadre'
61 Ball Colegrave
PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Cherry Red =
62 Ball Colegrave
'Bonmadcher' PBR (Madeira Series)
Argyranthemum Madeira Crested Merlot =
63 Ball Colegrave
'Bonmadmerlo' PBR (Madeira Series)
64 Argyranthemum Madeira Violet (Madeira Series) Ball Colegrave
Argyranthemum Cherry Harmony (Daisy Crazy
65 R Delamore Ltd
66 Argyranthemum Meteor Red (Daisy Crazy Series) R Delamore Ltd
Argyranthemum Summersong Rose (Daisy Crazy
67 R Delamore Ltd
Argyranthemum Summit Pink = 'Cobsing' PBR
68 R Delamore Ltd
(Daisy Crazy Series)
69 Argyranthemum 'Mary Cheek' (H1+3) 1993 Mr M Snellgrove

No. Name Sender

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 25

Argyranthemum Molimba XL Watermelon =
70 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argymowat' (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Summersong White = 'Supa 594'
71 R Delamore Ltd
PBR (Daisy Crazy Series)
72 Argyranthemum 'Anastasia' Mr A J Robinson
Argyranthemum Molimba® XL Pastel Yellow =
73 Syngenta Seeds Ltd
'Argyrayesi' (Molimba Series)
Argyranthemum Summit Yellow (Daisy Crazy
74 R Delamore Ltd
Argyranthemum Summersong Lemon = 'Supa 601'
75 R Delamore Ltd
PBR (Daisy Crazy Series)
76 Argyranthemum ‘Snow Storm’ AGM (H1+3) 1993 Mr A J Robinson
Argyranthemum gracile 'Chelsea Girl' AGM (H1+3)
77 Mr A J Robinson
78 A. gracile 'Chelsea Girl' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Wisley Gardens

79 Argyranthemum 'Cornish Gold' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Kernock Park Plants

80 Argyranthemum 'Gill’s Pink' Mr A J Robinson

81 Argyranthemum 'Sugar Button' AGM (H1+3) 2002 Hill House Nursery

82 Argyranthemum Mr A J Robinson

83 Argyranthemum subsp. canariae AGM (H1+3) 1993 Mr A J Robinson

84 Argyranthemum 'Vancouver' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Hill House Nursery

Argyranthemum foeniculaceum 'Royal Haze' AGM
85 Mr A J Robinson
(H1+3) 1993
86 Argyranthemum 'Royal Haze' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Hill House Nursery

87 Argyranthemum pinnatifidium subsp. suculentum Mr A J Robinson

88 Argyranthemum 'Powder Puff' Wisley Gardens

Argyranthemum frutescens 'Jamaica Primrose' AGM
89 Ashwood Nurseries Ltd
(H1+3) 1993
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Jamaica Primrose' AGM
90 Special Plants
(H1+3) 1993
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Jamaica Primrose' AGM
91 Mr I Dickings
(H1+3) 1993
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Jamaica Primrose' AGM
92 Mr A J Robinson
(H1+3) 1993
No. Name Sender

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 26

93 Argyranthemum 'Levada Cream' AGM (H1+3) 1993 Mr A J Robinson

94 Argyranthemum 'Icknield Yellow' Mr A J Robinson

95 Argyranthemum white single for identification Mr A J Robinson

96 Argyranthemum lemsii Mr A J Robinson

97 Argyranthemum 'Starlight' Mr A J Robinson

98 Argyranthemum 'Tweeny' Mr A J Robinson

99 Argyranthemum 'Millenium Star' Mr A J Robinson

100 Argyranthemum 'Icknield Jubilee' Mr A J Robinson

101 Argyranthemum 'Champagne' Mr A J Robinson

102 Argyranthemum 'Icknield Sylvia' Mr A J Robinson

103 Argyranthemum 'Pink Australian' Mr A J Robinson

104 Argyranthemum prostrate double-pink flowered Mr A J Robinson

105 Argyranthemum 'Weymouth Pink' Mr A J Robinson

106 Argyranthemum 'Weymouth Surprise' Mr A J Robinson

107 Argyranthemum Giga White (Percussion Series) Heuger

Sender Details

Ashwood Nurseries, Ashwood Lower Lane, Kingswinford, West Midlands DT6 0AE
Ball Colegrave Ltd, Milton Road, West Adderbury, Banbury, Oxon OX17 3EY
Danziger Dan Flower Farm, Moshav Mishmar Hashiva, Israel, 50297
Heuger, Mϋnsterstr. 46, Glandorf, 49219, Germany
Hill House Nursery, Landscove, Nr Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7LY
Kernock Park Plants, Pillaton, Saltash, Cornwal PL12 6RY
Mr A J Robinson, Sycamore Farm, Foston, Derbyshire DE65 5PW
Mr I Dickings, Rumah Kita, Church Lane, Bedfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 7JJ
Mr M Snellgrove, Brymead, Cannonstown, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 6LZ
PLA International ApS, Nejedevej 42, 3400 Hilleroed, Denmark
R Delamore Ltd, Station Road, Wisbech St Mary, PE13 4RY
Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co KG, Hanfäcker 10, Stuttgart, 70378, Germany
Special Plants, Greenways Lane, Cold Ashton, Chippenham, SN14 8LA
Syngenta Seeds Ltd, CPC4, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XE
Westhoff Vertriebsges mbH, Fresenhorst 22-24, D-46354 Sudlohn-Oeding, Germany

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 27

Source: Horticultural Trials and Relations, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey
GU23 6QB

More information about RHS Trials and other colour illustrated reports can be
found on the RHS Website:

Final Report for Trial Ref 1899 28

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