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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

Hybrid Power Plants

(Diesel Power Plant, Gas Engine Power Plant, and Solar PV Power Plant with BESS)
on the Bawean Island Isolated System, Indonesia
Category: On-Grid (Local Grid)

Submitted to Board of Judges

ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

PT. PJB Services
ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

Established on 1 January 1999, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an independent
intergovernmental organisation within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN)
structure that represents the 10 ASEAN Member States’ (AMS) interests in the energy sector. The
Centre accelerates the integration of energy strategies within ASEAN by providing relevant
information and expertise to ensure the necessary energy policies and programmes are in harmony
with the economic growth and the environmental sustainability of the region. It is guided by a
Governing Council composed of Senior Officials on Energy from each AMS and a representative
from the ASEAN Secretariat as an ex-officio member. Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources of Indonesia, ACE’s office is located in Jakarta.

First held in 2000, the ASEAN Energy Awards is Southeast Asia’s highest recognition for excellence,
creativity, practicality and dedication to a cause in the field of energy. It is an annual event organised
by ACE in collaboration with the ASEAN Specialised Energy Bodies (SEBs), in particular the
Renewable Energy Sub-sector Network (RE-SSN) for the ASEAN Renewable Energy Project
Awards. The ASEAN Energy Awards aim to promote awareness and greater private sector’s

1. To promote and disseminate best practices in renewable energy projects in the ASEAN member
2. To encourage all sector participation in adopting and implementing innovative and creative RE
projects to enhance business growth.
3. To promote RE as another form of energy resource; to complement and, to improve environmental
quality in the ASEAN region.
4. Ultimately, the objective of the competition is for exchange in knowledge and experience in
development and maintenance of the RE projects as part of the ASEAN spirit.


Application Form for Category:

1. OFF Grid 3. Combined heat and power

a. Power generation
b. Thermal

2. ON Grid 4. Biofuels
a. National Grid
b. Local Grid

Application Format, Terms and Condition

The following is the general guideline for the submission of application:
1. Prequalification: RE source and at least one (1) year in operation
2. No. of page maximum 15 pages
3. A4 size, 12cpi and Times New Roman
4. Endorsement: By the focal point and authorization letter by the owner for site visit
ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

1. Originality: Max. 1 page
2. Environment Consideration: Max. 2 pages
3. Social Consideration: Max. 2 pages
4. Technical, Economic & Market Consideration: Max. 3 pages
5. Operation & Maintenance Scheme: Max. 2 pages
6. Replicability: Max. 2 pages
7. Figures, Tables, Photos: Max. 3 pages
Application Number
(Office Use Only)

OFF Grid
□ Power
□ Thermal

ON Grid
Category □ National Grid
√ Local Grid

□ Combined heat and power generation

□ Biofuels

Title of Activity/Project/Theme
Hybrid Power Plants (Diesel Power Plant, Gas Engine Power Plant, and Solar PV Power Plant with
BESS) on the Bawean Island Isolated System

Source of Energy Hybrid Energy (Fossil Fuel & Solar Energy)

Age of Project/Commercial
1 year
Operating Date (COD)

Applicant General Information

Name of Company PT. PJB Services
Primary Contact Person Andreas Kurniawan M
Designation Pjs Manager Technical Support
Business Address Jl. Raya Bandara Juanda No.17, Semambung, Sidoarjo, Kabupaten
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61253
Project Site Address Perikanan Bawean, Sungai Tlk., Kec. Sangkapura, Bawean, Jawa
Timur 61181
Telephone (62-31) 8548391, (62-31) 8557909, (62-31) 8548360
Mobile Phone +6281918805403
Fax (031) 854 8360

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

Nature of Business
PT PJB Services is a subsidiary of PT PJB (Generation Java Bali), that was established to
meet the needs of business lines in providing operation and maintenance services for power
generation units. The company was founded on March 30, 2001 with a 98% share owned by
PT. PJB and 2% owned by YK PT. PJB (PT PJB Welfare Foundation). Formerly, PT. PJB
Services only focused on power plant maintenance services, but then it is developed into a
company engaged in power plant operation and maintenance services.
Project Abstract
Bawean Island is one of the islands in East Java Province that is located north of Gresik
city. Bawean electricity is one of 7 isolated systems in East Java because this area-
geographically and topographically cannot reach the National electricity network. With a total
population of +70,000 people, high tourism potential, and economic growth from the fisheries
and marine sectors, the need for electricity in Bawean Island continues to increase. Gas
Engine Power Plant (GEPP) with a total capacity of 3 MW and Diesel Power Plant (DPP)
with a total capacity of 4.25 MW are operated to supply electricity in Bawean Island with a
peak load of 5.9 MW. On such condition the power plant still cannot sufficiently meet the
existing electricity needs, seeing the frequent disturbances happened during peak loads, so
that PJBS cooperates with PJB and PLN to build a Hybrid Power Plant (HPP).
HPP Bawean integrates 3 energy generation systems, namely GEPP, DPP, and Solar PV
Power Plant (SPVPP) that is equipped with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). The
Bawean Gas Engine Power Plant uses compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel of around 0.6
MMSCF per day. Diesel Power Plant uses 460 thousand liters of diesel per month. Under
normal conditions DPP is used as a grid former while SPVPP and GEPP are used as grid
follower. SPVPP, that is a local area-based potential generator, by utilizing solar thermal
energy was built with 756 pcs of the Longi brand solar panels with capacity of 406 kWp.
Three units inverters with capacity of 330 kVA are used. SPVPP is also supported by a 1,300
kWh battery as the substitute for self-use of GEPP Unit. BESS works during the peak load
conditions in order to increase the availability of electricity supply to the community.
The existence of SPVPP Hybrid Bawean is able to support the government's program on
targeting 23% of new renewable energy mix in 2025. Besides, the presence of SPVPP Hybrid
Bawean can encourage the implementation of de-dieselization or carbon emissions reduction.
The operation of diesel generator can be minimized so as to save fuel consumption and reduce
CO2 emissions caused by the diesel generator operation. Based on the calculation results, the
use of HSD Diesel can be saved 116,259 liter/year after SPVPP is installed. PJB Services'
efforts to synergize government programs in increasing the national electrification ratio to
close to 100% are carried out, one of which is the use of the Bawean HPP. According to the
ESDM data, until 2021 the electrification ratio in East Java has reached 99.06%. It is because
the increasing electrification for the Bawean electricity system up to 95%. Therefore, the
Bright Indonesia Program, especially in small islands or remote areas can be realized by PJBS
by building HPP Bawean power plant.
Employment Opportunities
Executive: (Technical) 5 (five) (Non-Technical) 5 (five)
Non-Executive: 3 (three)

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


The (PT PJB Services) hereby agreed to allow the ASEAN Board of Judges and other experts that
may be designated by ACE to visit the RE project site and verify the authenticity of the data.
However, two weeks advance notice is required to allow for necessary arrangements.
We also hereby agree that ACE can publish the whole submission in ACE publications and website,
without any prior consent of the owner of the RE project. If the submission will be published in
other publications, the consent of the concerned RE project owner would be required.
We, the undersigned certified that the information given is true and accurate and prepared with the
consent of the party/ies involved.

(Andreas Kurniawan Marindarto) (Teguh Widjajanto)

Position: Manajer Technical Support Position: President Director

Office: PT PJB Services Office: PT PJB Services
Tel.: (62-31) 8548391 Fax: (62-31) 8548360 Tel.: (62-31) 8548391 Fax: (62-31) 8548360
E-Mail: E-Mail:
Endorsed by Focal Point

(Andriah Feby Misna)

Position:Director of Various New Energy and Renewable Energy (VNERE)

Office: Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
Tel.: +6221 398 300 77 ext.701/722 Fax: +6221 319 24 588
For further inquiries, please contact:

ASEAN Centre for Energy

6th Floor, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Blok X-2
Kav. 07-08 Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Tel.: (6221 – 527-9332) Fax: (6221 – 527-9350) E-mail:

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


A.1 Project Profile


The development of SOLAR PV POWER PLANT in the existing Bawean Power Plant aims
to reduce energy consumption itself. SOLAR PV POWER PLANT is connected to the
internal self-consumption network at 380 V and is built on a land base to replace the need for
self-consumption of electrical energy in the generating unit and does not send power to the
PLN Grid. Own use in the power plant is used to operate equipment at the plant such as
motors, compressors, and other generating equipment. With the substitution for the burden of
own use, it can reduce unit BPP so that it is more efficient. The presence of SOLAR PV
POWER PLANT Bawean itself will also increase the NRE mix in Indonesia. The Bawean
HPP Hybrid is one of the steps taken by PT. PJBS to reduce CO2 emissions. It is estimated
that it can cut emissions by up to 349.78 tons of CO2. The competence and determination of
PBS is certainly in line with the government's policy of realizing 23% NRE energy in the
primary energy mix by 2025. It is hoped that the presence of SOLAR PV POWER PLANT
Bawean can accelerate the development of NRE in the country.


As long as this hybrid power plant operates, operation and maintenance activities are carried
out by the operator and the maintenance team of PT PJB Services. This activity includes
conducting routine monitoring in the field and in the control room to ensure that the
generating equipment works according to the specified parameters. The maintenance team is
tasked with carrying out corrective maintenance activities if there is damage to the equipment.
In addition, preventive maintenance activities are also carried out so that equipment damage
can be detected early, including through checking thermography, vibration, and oil.


SOLAR PV POWER PLANT development starts from the pre-construction stage,

construction stage, operation stage, and post-operation. In the development and development
stages of the SOLAR PV POWER PLANT, environmental conditions have been taken into
account. In the pre-construction stage, there are several activities carried out to prevent
potential environmental impacts, including site readiness surveys, land acquisition and land
clearing, socialization and public consultation, and licensing (location permits and
environmental permits). A site readiness survey is conducted to determine the feasibility of
the activities to be carried out, including technical, financial, and environmental feasibility.
When land acquisition and land clearing are carried out to ensure that there is no social
conflict with the community and does not violate local norms/customs. During socialization
and public consultations, information is provided to the public about development activities in
their area. This is to gather opinions, views from the community, and provide an overview of
SOLAR PV POWER PLANT development activities so that it will build agreement for all
stakeholders and environmental management.

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


B.1 Amount of Emissions/ Pollution Avoided

No Value and unit
. Carbon Emission Reduction
1 Fuel consumption 116,259 liter/year
2 Air pollution CO2 349.78 tCO2/year

Note: SPVPP operate 14.8% from capacity total 406 kWp based on PLN request.

Total Potential Carbon Emission Reduction 349.78 tCO2/year

B.2 Discussion (Simple calculation of conversion)
SOLAR PV POWER PLANT which is located on Jl. Guidelines No. 10, Sungai Teluk
Village, Sangkapuram District, Bawean Island, Gresik Regency, with a capacity of 406 kWp.
The reduction in CO2 emissions in 2022 can be calculated as follows:
In this calculation can be detailed, among others :
 Length of operation in a year = 365 days
 Baseline emission factor (FE) = 0.84 (tCO2/MWh)
 Baseline emission calculationEBy = Ply x FEGy
Where :
 EBy = Baseline Emissions in period y (tonnes of CO2)
 Ply = Amount of net electrical energy distributed by mitigation actions to the electrical
power interconnection system in period y (MWh)
 FEGy = GHG emission factor of the electricity system in period y (tCO2/MWh)
So Eby= 34,601 MWh/month x 12 months x 0.84 (tCo2/MWh) = 349.78 tCO2/year
 Calculation of activity emissions:
EPy = 0
Where : EPy = emission of mitigation action in period y (tonnes of CO2)
 Emission reduction calculations:
 =–
Where : PEy = emission reduction by mitigation action in period y (tonnes CO2)
So PEy= 349.78 tCO2 – 0 = 349.78 tCO2 / year

Diesel fuel savings: SFC x electricity production x HSD price

 SFC = 0.28 liter/kWh
 Total electricity production = 34601 kWh/month
 HSD price = IDR 17500/liter
Savings = 0.28 liters/kWh x 34601 kWh/month x IDR 17500/liter = 9688 liters/month x IDR
17500/liter = 116259 liters/year x IDR 17500/liter = IDR 2,034,538,8000/year= 142,417

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

B.3 Project Objective & Criteria

Hybrid Power Plant in Sangkapura Districk, Bawean Island, East Java Province,
Indonesia Project has main objective to eliminate the poverty and increase the quality of life
with rural electricity. Before this project, on such condition the power plant still cannot
sufficiently meet the existing electricity needs, seeing the frequent disturbances happened
during peak loads. Now the villager benefit for 24/7 electricity access. The existence of
SPVPP Hybrid Bawean is able to improves the socio economic of the villager by open the
opportunity to establish the home industry and other economic activities.
PJB Services already has a commitment in environmental protection and management
along this project phase, from construction to operation and maintenance activities. The
project developed environmental management system integrates with ISO 9001:2008 Quality
management System and OHSAS 18001:2007 Health and Work Accident Management
System (K3) to mitigate the impact of project on the environment.
For waste management, the project mainly segregate into two criterias - domestic waste
and hazardous waste. The earlier includes plastic, wood, paper and are collected and
segregated based on the their characteristic (organic, an organic, steel and glass). This waste
is regularly sent to village landfill or reuse by villager. For hazardous waste is collected and
stored in separate place to make sure that there will be contamination during storage time.
PJB Services had oppointed third party that has licence to transporting and collecting the
hazardous waste to end user/disposal.
The villagers were encouraged to participate during construction activities and take part
to help the construction. Several villagers, especially men were joined the construction
activities such as land cleaning, material movement, and ground mounting installation.
During operation phase, the Hybrid PV power plant also manage by local villager who had
been trained by PT PJB Services. During the construction, we minimize land clearing outside
the project location to protect the natural resources around project area.
The improvement of the village environment is exhibited from the usage of renewable
energy- PV solar system to provide electricity for the village. With the electricity from PV
systems, the villagers do not have to use diesel generators thus reducing the carbon emissions
and noise pollution. Power provided from the PV systems will also provide an alternative
power source than using fuel from the forest which will decrease the deforestation for
household fuels.

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


C.1 Benefits (User, Community, Country)

Benefit for User
The presence of this hybrid electricity has given opportunities for local villager to further
develop in economic. Several MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) have been
established in Bawean. Their products include brown sugar, processed foods, and fishery
products such as crab, grouper, and lobster. This Bawean superior products already have
market abroad, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and countries in Europe. The emergence of
these small industry players cannot be separated from the presence of electricity, because the
use of electrical devices can simplify and save work time. The development of home
industries will be able to improve the welfare of citizens, expand employment opportunities,
and increase the country's foreign exchange.
Benefit for Community
The presence of Bawean HPP electricity in the village has also caused changes in community
behavior. Religious activities and community discussions can be held at night because of the
availability of lighting and places of worship. Moreover, the existence of electricity can make
people in rural areas get quick information from electronic media and other communication
media. Furthermore it can increase the security in the area that the people feel more secured.
Bawean Island is an island that has many tourist objects, including tourist object with cultural
and natural attractions. The object of cultural tourism attraction is the tomb of Siti Zainab.
Tourist objects with natural attractions are the beauty of the beaches in Sangkapura District,
Gili Beach, Kebundaya Hot Springs, and many others. The presence of the electricity
network is able to develop local tourism that can attract many tourists to come. Adequate
facilities and infrastructure such as the existence of around dozens of hotels in District of
Sangkapura and the lighting in access to tourism places can be of special value for tourists.
This will provide convenience for tourists visiting Bawean Island. The local people
surrounding the tourist destinations may also get positive impacts due to the fact that they
may have increased incomes.Benefit for Country

Benefit for Country

In general, the goal of developing and managing the Bawean HPP is one of the PJBS’s
efforts in synergizing the government programs concerning increasing the national
electrification ratio to close to 100%. The existence of Bawean HPP can give solution to the
increased need of electricity in Java by providing 24-hour lighting for 17 villages in District
of Sangkapura and 13 villages in District of Tambak. According to the data on the
performance of the Energy and Mineral Resources sector in 2021, the electrification ratio in
East Java has reached 99.06%. It is because the increasing electrification for the Bawean
electricity system achieve up to 95%. Based on data from PT. PLN (Persero) Gresik Service
Area it is indicated that the installed power in District of Sangkapura is 12,594,086 kW, and
the electricity production reaches 28,811,392 kWh. Meanwhile, in District of Tambak, the
installed power is 5,614,314 kW and the electricity production is 12,843,822 kWh. The
number of electricity customers has increased, in Sub-District of Sangkapura by 15,454 and
in Sub-District of Tambak by 6,889. Besides, the existence of SPVPP Hybrid Bawean is able
to support the government's program on targeting 23% of new renewable energy mix in
ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

C.2 Corporate Social Responsibility Program
CSR PJBS is implemented to create a harmonious, balanced, and appropriate relationship
with the environment, values, norms, and culture of the community based on the 3P concept
(Profit, Planet, and People). The company does not only aim to gain profit, but also has a
concern for the environmental sustainability (planet), and community welfare (people).
The scope of CSR of PT. PJB Services covering 2 matters , namely:
1. Charities , by giving charities from the company intermittently and selectively in the
form of money/goods to individuals, families, groups, and or communities. The aim is to
strengthen the relationships and protect from any possible social risks. The charity
program that has been carried out for the surrounding community of the power plant in
Bawean, is donations in the form of basic necessities to residents in Sungai Teluk and
Daun Villages. In addition, during the celebration of Eid al-Adha PT. PJBS also
participated by donating one cow for Qurban (Animal Sacrifice on Ied al Adha ).
2. Comunity Development, by making empowerment program carried out by the company
where the community takes the initiative and participates to carry out such empowerment
activities in order to improve their condition. For an instance, in 2015, PJB Services
together with PJB and the police and military agencies as well as local communities and
residents began planting 10,000 mangrove seedlings in the Mangrove Hijau Daun
ecotourism area, Bawean Island.

C.3 Community/People Awareness, Participation and Acceptance

In increasing awareness, participation and acceptance, employees at the Bawean power plant
have regular monthly agendas, including:
1. Clean Friday.
This monthly agenda involves all elements from management, employees, security
guards, and others. Usually done in the morning with the aim of cultivating a clean
company that involves elements in the Bawean Power Plant. In addition, it is useful to
increase the awareness of all employees in taking responsibility for green and clean
2. Safety Briefing
The company strives to create a safe, secure and comfortable work environment. One of
them is by always implementing safety briefings, especially for guests who will visit the
plant. The aim is to introduce and socialize K3 for new employees, guests, and workers
from outside who will do work in the power plant environment.
3. Emergency response simulation
Emergency response simulations are carried out routinely, especially in the framework
of the OHS month. The event was attended by the emergency response team and
Basarnas. The purpose of this activity is the preparedness of the emergency response
team and all PJBS employees in anticipating emergency conditions in the power plant
work environment.

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


D.1 Technical Design

Before there was a Hybrid system, in Bawean using DIESEL POWER PLANT and
GEPP technology. The Bawean Diesel Power Plant (DIESEL POWER PLANT) uses diesel
fuel (HSD) with a total of 4.25 MW. There are 9 diesel engines with different capacities.
GEPP-CNG in Bawean is a mini gas power plant that uses compressed natural gas (CNG)
gas. GEPP Bawean has a capacity of 3 x 1000 kW. However, currently Bawean has
implemented a Hybrid system that connects power generation systems to one another or
collaboration between 3 generating systems. The sources of power used in Bawean are
sunlight, generators, and CNG. This hybrid system is the integration of generators such as
The power plant design can be seen in the Annex below. The DC power from PV is
inverted to AC by inverter. The electricity is used to supply the self-consumption of GEPP
and charge the battery. To reduce the electricity loses due to DIESEL POWER PLANT fail,
SOLAR PV POWER PLANT set by operator based on HPP Bawean condition and weather.
The SOLAR PV POWER PLANT equipment’s are:
 408.24 kWp of PV module (Longi @ 540 Wp)
 330 kVA of solar inverter (Sungrow@ 110 kVA)
 1.272 kWh of Li-ion Sungrow battery storage
 6 x 212 kVA of battery inverter (Sungrow)
No Parameters Unit DPP PLMG SPVPP
1 Year of project's 2014 2014 2021
2 Period of construction Year 1
3 Capacity MW 4.5 3 0.4
4 Capacity Factor (Net Capacity % 85.79 75.44 14.8
Factor in 2021)
5 Energy Generation GWh/ year 15.4 19.8 0.52
6 Useful Life Year 20 20 20

Moreover, the minigrid is designed as a smart minigrid, it controlled by a smart SCADA

which can run automatically depend on the condition (weather, load demand, etc). By
utilizing an energy management system, the battery usage will be optimized and will keep the
battery health. The power plant performance is monitored through SCADA and can be
remotely monitored from any place. By selecting a high quality of component with an
excellence technical specification, those was expected will guarantee the reliability and
durability of the system. This will also help the process of operation and maintenance since it
will only requires minor maintenance such as, cleaning the panel and modules.
D.2 Technical Performance
The systems were equipped with high quality component and a smart architecture and
designed considering the local resources and the electricity demand. The designed energy
consumption was 1.3 kWh per household with expected annual growth of 15% for 25 years.
The diesel generator act as only emergency backup when the electricity generated from
ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

PV module cannot meet the electricity demand and the battery SoC is lower than 20%. Based
on our actual condition, it will happen during extreme cloudy days which is 2 days. During
normal operation, the battery SoC is being kept least around 95%. The hired local operator
only to conduct a minor maintenance of the power plant such as, module and panel cleaning
in order to optimize the power plant performance.
The power plant is remotely monitored, if anything happened, it can be easily
communicated with the local operator. Until now, the systems are still performing well with
no major problem serving the electricity demand.
D.3 Investment Indicator
No Parameters Unit Value
1. Total Capital Cost/Expenditure (CAPEX) USD 29,859,808
a. GEPP CAPEX (machine relocation) USD 5,600,000
b. DPP CAPEX USD 23,013,529
1st stage of equipment:
- Solar modul USD 133,656
- Inverter solar USD 17,724
- PV tool kit USD 7,700
- Accessories USD 378,102
2nd stage of equipment:
Financial - Battery USD 363,804
Model - Battery inverter USD 60,634
- EMS USD 107,860
1 stage of service (preparation)
USD 74,551
2nd stage of service
- Installation USD 94,902
- Testing and commissioning USD 7,345
SLO USD 15,122
2. O&M cost (excluding fuel for biomass project) USD 278,600
3. Discount rate % 5.1
4. IRR % 2.13%
5. ROI % 29%
7. Payback period year 10

D.4 Financial Scheme/Livelihood Projects

The SOLAR PV POWER PLANT Hybrid development project in Bawean was financed by
PT. The Java Bali Power Plant through agreement number 056.PJ/061/PJBS/2021 regarding
the procurement of installation of PV systems with Bawean GEPP batteries. For efficiency
purposes and as an effort to increase electricity production or selling kWh of power plants
with cheaper generator substitutions at the Bawean GEPP, then an agreement and direct
appointment was made by PJB to PJBS to carry out the project. The scope of work in the
agreement includes the procurement of goods such as modules, inverters, batteries, battery
inverters, Energy Management Systems, PV Tool Kits, and accessories. While service work
is in the form of work preparation, installation, testing and commissioning, as well as SLO
D.5 Funder (Government and Non-Government)
PJB is a subsidiary of PT. PLN (Persero), whose share ownership consists of 99.99% by PT.
ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

PLN (Persero) and 0.01% by the Education and Welfare Foundation of PT. PLN (Persero).
With commitment funds in the use of EBT, PJB as part of PLN has built a hybrid power
plant, one of which is in Bawean Gresik. PJB's competence and determination to develop
NRE power plants in the archipelago is in line with the EBT plant development strategy that
will be carried out by PLN as the implementation of the 2021-2030 RUPTL.
D.6 Market Size (Potential Within 5 Years)
Seeing that there are still islands and remote areas that have not received electricity and also
the number of DIESEL POWER PLANTs that will be converted to SOLAR PV POWER
PLANT, there is a wide opportunity for PJB to be able to play a role in it. Either by building
new power plants in areas that do not have electricity or converting existing DIESEL
POWER PLANTs into green plants. The success in developing SOLAR PV POWER
PLANT in Bawean has become the basis for PJB to continue its commitment to electrify the
Indonesian archipelago that does not have electricity. At least in the near future PJBS
together with PLN and PJB will soon realize electricity supply to 6 islands in East Java
province through the construction of SOLAR PV POWER PLANT. The locations of 6
SOLAR PV POWER PLANT to be built by PJB in the Archipelago area in East Java are as
 Gili Noko Island : SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 50 kWp & BESS 144 kW
 Pulau Kemirian : SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 50 kWp & BESS 144 kWh
 Pulau Sadulang Besar : SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 100 kWp & BESS 366 kWh.
 Pulau Sepangkur Besar: SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 75 kWp & 240 kWh.
 Saibus Island : SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 100 kWp & BESS 366 kWh.
 Pulau Saular : SOLAR PV POWER PLANT 25 kWp & BESS 48 kWh.
D.7 Local Manufacturing/Content of System
The project hybrid power plant was having 5% local content. Showing the support toward
government programme, the project had maximize the materials can be purchased and
manufactured locally such as cable, cable duct, civil material, and support while the other
part like electrical part we used non local part to optimize reliability and performance cost.
D.8 Amount of Fossil Energy Avoided (ktoe, etc)
Ktoe (thousand tonnes of oil equivalent) Calculation:
- average electricity production 34.601 kWh/month
- 1 ktoe equivalent to 11.630.000 kWh
- Fossil energy avoided (ktoe/year) = 34.601 kWh/month x 12 Month / 11.60.000 kWh
= 0.036 ktoe/year
With an average electricity production 34,601 kWh/month for GEPP auxiliary power,
estimated that the amount of fossil energy avoided reach 0.036 ktoe/year or with 0.28
Liter/kWh SFC the amount of diesel fuel avoided reach 116,259 liters/year. However, the
amount of fossil energy savings can still be improved. With maximum CF of SPVPP in East
Java area estimated 20% - 26% of total installed capacity 406 KWp and average daily
operating hour of SPVPP is 16 hours with BESS support, the potential of fossil energy
avoided can reach 0.041 – 0.053 ktoe/year.
D.9 Life of Project
The life time for this project is 25 years, although the design life time of the installed
equipment states more than 20 years.

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


E.1 Operation Hours (Day/Month/Year)

This system works 24 hours 365 days a year. Since the 3 systems are the same, we take one
example of a PV mini-grid operation for 1 day, as shown in the figure below. During the day,
electricity is generated by the PV module to supply the needs of its own use in the GEPP and
at the same time charging the battery. When the battery is full, the electricity from the PV
module will be transferred to its own use. The need for own use is used to supply electricity
to generating equipment, such as motors, engine heaters, preheating pumps, compressors, and
lighting. When the sun has set, electricity is supplied by the battery. At night or during peak
load, electricity demand is higher than during the day. Peak load occurs at 06 pm to 08 pm.
The electricity used for own use is supplied from the sum of power from PV, batteries, and

E.2 Maintenance Scheme (In-House, Contracted Out Service, Government, Others

The power plant had been designed for low maintenance, therefore the routine preventive
maintenance done by the PJB Services staff using the schedule maintenance. Bawean HPP
require regular maintenance, including the inspection of all plant component for mechanical,
electrical, and system control damage, check the measuring, and cleaning of the modules.
These can be done by local staff using schedule maintenance. A simple corrective
maintenance can be conducted by the local operator that had been trained by PJB Services
Head Office, in order to maintain the powerplant performance such as equipment inspection
and repair services.
Remote regular plant monitoring also done by PJB Services personnel to see the power
plant performance and enable to be the first to know if there is a thread or potential thread.
Nevertheless, PJB Services engineer still do routine visit with minimum frequency of once
per month to check the power plant condition and to train or help the operators. When there is
an urgent issue that couldn’t be solve by remote monitoring, PJB Services expert will go to
site to solve the problem.
E.3 Other Maintenance Measures (Training, After-Sales Service)
Training programs for HR development at PJB Services are through:
1. In-House Training
PJB Services develops training programs internally by collaborating with external parties
in the provision of training materials aimed at improving employee competencies related
to the field of work, which is called the knowledge sharing session, presenting speakers
in accordance with the competencies in their fields.
2. Public Training Program
In the Public Training Program, PJB Services engages employees intensely in Domestic
and Foreign training or seminar programs in accordance with the need to improve the
employee competencies. Human resource development through education aims to
improve work ability, in the sense that development is formal and career-related.

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

E.4 Energy Conservation and Cost Reduction System

Compared between hybrid power plant that used only DPP as GEPP auxiliary power and
hybrid power plant that used DPP, SPVPP and BESS as GEPP auxiliary power, total diesel
fuel cost reduction is equal with SPVPP and BESS output that used for GEPP auxiliary
power. This calulation represent total diesel fuel cost reduction.
- Refer to last calculation before, total diesel fuel cost reduction in a year is $ 142,417 /
- Total Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) is $ 1,261,400 and Operation Expenditure Value
in a year is 5% from CAPEX or $ 63,070 / Year.
- Solar Power Plant Lifetime is 20 Years.
- Total cost reduction is
= Total Fuel Cost – (CAPEX + OPEX) Solar Power Plant
= ($ 142,417 / year x 20 years) – ($ 1,261,400 +($ 63,070 x 20 tahun))
= $ 325,540
Moreover, if carbon emission tax is applied in Indonesia with cost $ 2.1 / Ton emmision, then
SPVPP and BESS hybrid system will get more potential cost reduction with this calculation.
- Refer to las calculation before, total carbon emmision reduced in a year is 349.78
tCO2 / year
- Total cost reduction refer to carbon emmision tax is:
= Total emmision x Carbon Tax Prices x SPVPP Lifetime
= 349.78 tCO2 / year x $ 2.1 x 20 year
= $ 14,690.76
So that the total cost reduction for this project refer to total carbon emmision tax and total
diesel fuel cost reduction is $ 340,231.76.
E.5 Local Service Content
Based on Organization Structure of PT. PJB Services in HPP Bawean, Manpower in HPP
Bawean consist of 75% manpower include technician and non-technician from local Bawean
Island, Gresik and 25% manpower include senior technician from other area in Indonesia.
Therefore, PT. PJB Services through HPP Bawean Project had been empowering Bawean
local people to optimizing local workforces and promoting isolated area like Bawean Island.
E.6 ISO for Environment and Quality
Operation and Maintenance Services of PT. PJB Services in HPP Bawean have apply best
practice standard consist of:
1. Asset Management System based on PAS 55 and ISO 55001 to maintain all of the
assets in HPP Bawean include physical asset, human capital asset, and knowledge
2. Quality Managemet based on ISO 9001 to ensure quaility of Operation and
Maintenance Services.
3. Environtment Management based on ISO 14000 to ensure power plant installation is
environtmental friendly.
4. Safety Management based on OHSAS 18000 to ensure all workforces in HPP Bawean
have safety culture to reach zero accident.
E.7 Farm Management, Sustainability Supply and Resources of Raw Materials – For Biofuels
Category Only
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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


F.1 Relevance, Impact, Efficiency

In principle, the basic design of the system HPP Bawean, which is hybrid between PV
modules, battery, DPP and GEPP where had been applied in many areas and not only in
Bawean, Indonesia but also around the world. Especially In Bawean Island, hybrid PV
module with BESS and DPP as GEPP auxiliary power can be used to minimize fossil energy
and reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, hybrid system in Bawean can also solve power
quality problem that cause by unsustainablity of solar energy to maintain Bawean Island
isolated electricity system reliability.

After this project had been commissioned, it becomes the pilot project where PT.PLN
(Persero) and the other independence power plant developer start to look at this as a solution
to used solar panel and BESS as auxiliary power on fossil fuel like GEPP. PT. PJBS through
PT. PJB also has similar programs have been raising and will be implemented in PT. PJB
fossil fuel power plant to help government reduce carbon emission and solve power quality
problem due SPVPP usable.

With the existence of a hybrid power plant in Bawean, it is hoped that the efficiency of fossil
fuel power plants will increase due to the use of renewable energy as auxiliary power supply.

F.2 Cost Effectiveness (No, Low, High Cost)

To get effective results, every addition of GEPP or DPP auxiliary equipment in order to
improve performance, availability, and reliability of power plant, it is best if the auxiliary
equipment power supply can be optimized using SPVPP and BESS systems, because
currently capacity usable of SPVPP is 14.7%. and it have more potential between 20% – 26%
of 406 kWp total capacity. The greater SPVPP and BESS power usable to improve the
performance, readiness, and reliability of the power plant, the greater benefits obtained from
HPP investment with total fossil fuel reduced that used as auxiliary equipment supply.
F.3 Sustainability of Project
This project have 20 years design lifetime if this power plant managed with optimal
Operation and Maintenance quality. To ensure optimal Operation and Maintenance quality of
power plant in next 20 years, this project had use local product and local services. This
hybrid power plant have 5% component that manufactured in Indonesia, so local suppliers
can make sure availability of power plant spare part, while other non local parts need to be
planned as well to maintain availability of power plant in next 20 years. Beside that, PT. PJB
Services as local services have 75% local manpower to ensure good and skilled manpower
availability for next 20 years, create good local economical impact in bawean with local
manpower, and ensure power plant availability and reliability in isolated system like Bawean
with local society to secure electricity asset.

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

F.4 Others
This power plant project is also have maintained by PT. PJB Services head office with online
monitoring services to ensure power plant have good performance and reliability. Through
online monitoring, skilled engineer in PT. PJB Services can give analysis and
recommendation if there abnormal condition in power plant. Then, power plant local
technician in site implement that analysis result and recommendation to repair and maintain
performance and reliability of power plant.

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ASEAN Energy Awards 2022


Annex 1
A1. Project Profile (Approach)
Approach to the local Bawean communities.

Annex 2
A1. Project Profile (Application)
Operation and maintenance activity

Annex 3
C.1 Benefits (User, Community, Country)
Benefit for user and community

Annex 4
C2. Social Consideration (Corporate Social Responsibility Program)
Charitiy program in Bawean and and Community Development

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

Annex 5
C3. Community/People Awareness, Participation and Acceptance
Safety briefing, Clean Friday, Emergency response simulation

Annex 6
D1. Technical Design
Specification of HPP Bawean: Modul PV
Merk Longi
Type LR5-72HPM-540M
Effi ciency (%) Effi ciency 21.5
Technology Half-cut cell
Module number total (pcs) 756
Power (Watt) 408.24
Merk Sungrow
Type SG110CX
Grid-connected Inverter
AC output power (kVA) 110
Inverter number total 3 pcs
Total of AC output power (kVA) 330kVA
Merk Sungrow
Battery type LiFePO4 Prismatic Cell
Type designation ST106CP-50HV
Nominal energy (kWh) 1.272 kWh
Battery module number total (pcs) 276

Single line diagram:

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Awards
ASEAN Energy Awards 2022

Annex 7
D.2 Technical Performance
SCADA view of HPP Bawean

Annex 8
D.4 Financial Scheme/Livelihood Projects
Agreement PJB & PJBS about purchasing of installation SOLAR PV AND battery in GEPP

Annex 9
E.1 Operation Hours (Day/Month/Year)
Energy chart of HPP Bawean


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