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Tracey Goodman and Michel Zaffran, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Bjorn Melgaard, Freelance Consultant, Denmark
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article is an updated version of the previous edition article by R. Lewis, M. Zaffran, B. Melgaard, volume 3, pp. 530–547, Ó 2008, Elsevier Inc.

Introduction (T), pertussis (P), oral polio, and measles, the schedule recom-
mended by WHO has grown to target additional diseases,
Immunization is widely recognized as one of the most Hepatitis B (HepB), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneu-
cost-effective public health interventions available. Edward Jen- mococcal, rotavirus, rubella, human papillomavirus (HPV),
ner developed the technique to prevent smallpox in 1798 when and yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and meningococcal
he vaccinated a young man with cowpox from the pustules of vaccines (the last three specifically relevant for Africa, Asia,
a milkmaid. This eventually led to the eradication of smallpox and South America), and others for important diseases are
almost two centuries later (Fenner et al., 1988; Figure 1). under development (Figure 2). Previously, political, financial,
Following this historic achievement, the World Health and operational barriers made the uptake of these vaccines
Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s around the world slow, if not impossible. Today, combination
Fund (UNICEF) spearheaded the creation of the Expanded Pro- pentavalent vaccines including DTP, Hib, and HepB are widely
gramme on Immunization (EPI) which was established in used in almost all developing countries, and many have, or
1974 by the World Health Assembly resolution WHA27.57. have plans to add, vaccines against pneumococcus, rotavirus,
This ushered in a strategic and systematic approach to immuni- human papillomavirus, and other diseases that are major
zation, and the benefits began to reach children in causes of morbidity and mortality.
resource-poor countries in the 1980s. A major milestone was With the new millennium immunization has continued to
the declaration of Universal Childhood Immunization (UCI) garner top attention and the imagination of both public and
in 1990 (Grant, 1991). In the 15 years preceding the declara- private partners. The GAVI Alliance was created as a financing
tion, the legendary leaders of UNICEF and WHO, James Grant mechanism in late 1999 with the aim of addressing the gross
and Halfdan Mahler, had mobilized massive support from inequality in access to new and underutilized vaccines. The
heads of state around the world and placed immunization at collective recognition of the full potential of immunization,
the top of the international health agenda. led the global health community to call for a Decade of Vaccines
In the decades since EPI was established to deliver six (2011–20) with the vision of a world in which all individuals
vaccines against tuberculosis (TB), diphtheria (D), tetanus and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine-preventable
diseases (VPD).
The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP, 2013) is the frame-
work approved by the World Health Assembly in 2012 to
achieve the Decade of Vaccines vision. GVAP is the product
of the Decade of Vaccine Collaboration, an unprecedented
effort that brought together the development, health and
immunization experts, and stakeholders. The leadership of
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF,
United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious
Diseases, and WHO, along with all partners – governments
and elected officials, health professionals, academia, manufac-
turers, global agencies, development partners, civil society,
media, and the private sector – are committed to achieving
the ambitious goals of the GVAP.
GVAP aims to strengthen routine immunization to meet
vaccination coverage targets; accelerate control of VPD with
polio eradication as the first milestone; introduce new and
improved vaccines; and spur research and development for
the next generation of vaccines and technologies. It rallies tech-
nical agencies, countries, and donor agencies around six stra-
tegic objectives, and the actions to support their achievement,
as well as an initial estimate of resource requirements and
return on investment. It includes a monitoring and evaluation
framework that all partners have endorsed. It is, therefore
Figure 1 The last person with confirmed smallpox: Ali Maow Maalin a roadmap, which everyone engaged in vaccines and immuni-
in 1977 (upper left) and 2002. Source: Fenner, F., Henderson, D.A., zation has gathered behind.
Arita, I., Jezek, Z., Landnyl, I.D., 1988. Smallpox and Its Eradication. Vaccination prevents an estimated 2–3 million deaths from
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. VPD every year (WHO, 2014a), making a significant contribution

182 International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd edition, Volume 4

Immunization 183


Future TB

Mening (conj)
Pneumo (conj)
vaccines Typhoid
Hib (conj)
YF Influenza Rubella


Traditional EPI Tetanus


// //
1960 1980 2000
Vaccine development pipeline

Figure 2 The vaccine pipeline. Shaded area is proportional to number of deaths prevented by vaccination. conj, conjugate; EPI, Expanded Program
on Immunization; Hep B, hepatitis B; Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b; HPV, human papillomavirus; JE, Japanese encephalitis; YF, yellow fever.
World Health Organization, Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals. Source: World Health Organization, 2002. Distribution of the Esti-
mated Deaths from Diseases that Are Preventable by Vaccination. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Figure 3 Percentage of deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) among children under 5 years of age worldwide, 2008. Source: Black,
R.E., Cousens, S., Johnson, H.L., Lawn, J., et al., June 5, 2010. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic anal-
ysis. Lancet 375 (9730), 1969–1987. Epub 2010 May 11. * WHO/IVB estimates, March 2012.

toward the Millennium Development Goal of reducing mortality Many more fail to finish the schedule (‘drop out’) and are
in children less than 5 years of age (Figure 3). incompletely vaccinated.
Despite many successes, immense challenges remain. With
increasing birth cohorts, global immunization coverage has
been holding steady at around 80% for the past few years but Immunization in Public Health
this is insufficient for control of some diseases (e.g., measles)
Social Policy and Immunization
and also masks huge variations in coverage among and within
countries. An estimated 22.6 million infants worldwide, or one The benefits of immunization are public goods that foster
in five, are still missing out on basic vaccines (WHO, 2013a). survival and productivity, such that investment commensurate
184 Immunization

with potential gains enhances social and economic develop- Vaccine product options include oral or injectable formula-
ment. A cornerstone of primary health care, immunization tions, monovalent or combination vaccines, and single- or
also helps governments deliver key elements of healthy public multi-dose vials. Vaccines may be liquid or freeze-dried. Other
policy such as creating a safe and enabling environment, and product characteristics to consider include temperature stability
promoting equity across socioeconomic strata. As such, immu- (and in case of the presence of a vaccine vial monitor (VVM), its
nization policy and objectives should be articulated as type), type of preservative used, package size, and space
a component of wider social policy and public health strategy. requirements for cold storage and delivery.
The primary objective for a given immunization program may Vaccines are delicate products which must generally be
be to save lives, prevent premature death and disability, stored at between 2  C and 8  C (Figure 4), and they lose their
improve ability of children to learn, reduce health sector costs potency if handled incorrectly.
for hospital care or economic loss to society from absenteeism, There must therefore be an adequate ‘supply chain’ from
or any combination of these and other possible objectives, point of manufacture to point of administration. This involves
according to the burden of disease and vaccine in question. people, equipment (such as cold rooms freezers, vehicles, ‘cold
In most countries, vaccines and immunization policy is gov- boxes,’ vaccine carriers, and ice packs), and a set of standard
erned by legislation and regulatory authorities that monitor operating procedures. Temperature monitoring technology
vaccine quality and adherence to national and international stan- exists to help ensure vaccine potency, such as electronic temper-
dards. Today, numerous civil society organizations advocate for ature recorders, that indicate exposures below 0  C or above
and against vaccines. As such, immunization is both a hard-nosed 10  C, and VVMs, a heat-sensitive label affixed on the indi-
science and a source of passionate debate in society. For successful vidual vaccine vial that changes color when a product has
collaboration, it is therefore critical for policy makers and immu- been exposed to high temperatures during a period of time
nization program managers to share a clear vision of purpose. likely to have altered its potency (WHO, 2007; Figure 5).
Vaccine management spans a spectrum of activities from the
manufacturer to the end-user, so that the ‘six rights of a well-
Immunization and Public Health Practice
performing supply chain’ are complied with: the right product,
Vaccination is a classic example of primary disease prevention, in the right quantities, at the right time, in the right place, in the
and immunization programs encompass other elements of right condition, and at the right price. With the rising cost of
public health practice including health protection and promo- vaccines and the greater storage capacity now required at every
tion, planning, monitoring and evaluation, and surveillance. A level of the cold chain, countries must accurately forecast
reliable supply of high-quality vaccines must be ensured for the vaccine requirements, maintain lower stock inventories, reduce
populations that need them and demand must be sustained. wastage, and prevent equipment breakdowns. This requires
Immunization programs throughout the world are the a consistently high standard of supply chain management,
backbone of preventive health services, especially for children which can only be achieved if all the links in the supply chain
and women. This contact between an individual and the health comply with current standards for storage and distribution. The
system provides an opportunity to offer health education and Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) process recommended
other services. In industrialized countries, immunization is by WHO and UNICEF (WHO, 2014e) and now broadly imple-
often provided by a family physician or a public health nurse mented in low and lower middle-income countries consists of
at which time a range of health issues can be discussed. In a set of materials and tools needed to monitor and assess
developing countries, immunization services are increasingly vaccine supply chains and provide guidance for their
packaged with other preventive health measures, such as provi- improvement (Figure 6).
sion of vitamin A supplementation or insecticide-treated bed
nets for malaria prevention, antenatal care or family planning
Delivering a Successful Immunization Program
services for women, or deworming tablets for school children.
A successful immunization program has the support of politi-
cians, physicians, and other professionals; the general public;
Planning for Immunization
and the media. Program managers must be able to advocate
For a successful national immunization program, vaccines and raise awareness, manage rumors, and engage stakeholders.
must be identified as a desirable public health good, planned Involving health workers and the public in designing commu-
for, financed, procured, purchased, transported, stored appro- nication materials and messages will improve their appropri-
priately, and administered safely in good condition to an ateness and acceptability in the local context (Figure 7).
informed and knowledgeable population by trained and Health worker competence is paramount to safe administra-
competent health workers. To inform priority setting and plan- tion of the right vaccine to the right person, at the right time,
ning, decision makers must have knowledge of the epidemi- and in the right manner. Maintaining the curricula in nursing,
ology of VPDs and their contribution to morbidity and midwifery, and medical schools is therefore essential. However,
mortality. Some populations may be at higher risk due to in the rapidly changing world of vaccines and immunization,
age, gender, socioeconomic status, occupation, ethnic back- in-service training and health services management education
ground, or other factors. Therefore, to determine need for are also necessary.
a vaccine and monitor its impact following introduction, Usually a mix of immunization strategies (fixed site, outreach,
health information systems must be in place to collect data, campaign) provides the optimal balance to achieve disease
track key process and performance indicators, and guide control targets and strengthen health systems. Routine infant
program strategies and management. vaccination is the primary building block for control of VPDs;
Immunization 185

Figures 4 and 5 Vaccine vial monitors.

186 Immunization

Today’s vaccine A network of people and equipment

supply chain and well established procedures

for supply

on Annual statistics
and estimates

Analysis Airport

Monthly report/
checking Central store

record District/ s
regional store upp
Health centre Va
Simple, precise
Vaccinator/ and standardized
mother and child

Figure 6 Vaccine supply chain. Source: Project Optimize, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

important due to risk of perinatal transmission, for the

primary series of the subsequent six to eight antigens many indus-
trialized countries follow 2, 4, and 6 months, whereas
resource-poor countries opt for an earlier 6, 10, and 14 weeks of
age schedule as the pressure of infection is higher and
younger infants are at greater risk. For similar reasons, the two
doses of measles vaccine are given at 9 and 15–18 months in
most developing countries, but at 12 and 18 months or older
elsewhere. WHO provides up-to-date recommendations on the
number of doses, optimal timing, an interval between doses to
assist countries in determining the appropriate immunization
schedule for their context (see Relevant Websites).
Conjugate vaccines such as Haemophilus influenzae type
b are so effective at preventing not only invasive disease but
also nasopharyngeal carriage of the pathogen, that even
moderate immunization coverage results in indirect protec-
tion (herd immunity) (WHO, 2013b). Nonetheless, for
certain antigens, booster doses are needed at school entry,
in adolescence and/or adulthood, as vaccine-induced immu-
nity can wane over time, especially in the absence of natural
boosting. The routine schedule is often complemented with
antenatal screening for rubella and hepatitis B, school-based
screening and immunization, voluntary or mandatory health
Figure 7 Delivering oral polio vaccines. Source: World Health Organi- worker vaccination, and programs for university students,
zation Polio Eradication Programme. military recruits, travelers, and other groups at risk. In coun-
tries where infant immunization coverage has been low,
women of childbearing age are offered tetanus toxoid to
coverage well above 90% (proportion of the target population prevent maternal and neonatal tetanus, and likewise where
vaccinated) protects individuals and reduces disease transmis- it has been introduced, rubella vaccine against congenital
sion. Most vaccines are first given in infancy and national rubella syndrome. Other countries provide vaccines for the
vaccination schedules vary depending on the local epidemiology elderly and persons with chronic conditions, for example,
of the disease, the vaccine products used, and the health contact the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, or the
opportunities. For example, a birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine is seasonal influenza vaccine for priority groups at risk. Beyond
Immunization 187

adopting a life-course approach to vaccination, the fact that Table 1 Distinguishing characteristics of routine/supplemental
some vaccines available are not able to fully protect against immunization and doses
all causes of the disease (for example, pneumococcal conju-
Routine Immunization/ Supplementary
gate vaccines (PCV), rotavirus, and HPV vaccines) compels
Doses Immunization/Doses
modern immunization programs to collaborate with others
to ensure that a comprehensive approach to disease control To provide ongoing Purpose To provide broad scale,
includes the provision of other interventions such as treat- vaccination according synchronized, selected
ment and screening. to the National vaccines according to
There are situations where the routine immunization Immunization Schedule a specific accelerated
schedule is not sufficient to achieve adequate disease control. in order to ensure a fully disease control
immunized child. objective.
For instance, to reach geographically remote populations or
Individual protection to Goal Boost population level
insecure areas, outreach and pulse immunization strategies
reduce mortality and immunity to reduce/
have proven very effective, whereby health workers visit such morbidity from VPD interrupt transmission
communities monthly or even less often to offer vaccination. through high coverage of selected diseases
These strategies, often called Periodic Intensification of with all antigens (90% often with the goal of
Routine Immunization or ‘PIRI’ (WHO, 2009a), can offer an in all districts). elimination or
opportunity to integrate child health, reproductive health, eradication.
and antenatal services such as intermittent preventive treat- Children under 1–2 years Target groups Expanded to children of
ment in pregnancy for malaria, and curative care, if personnel and pregnant women other age groups up to
and resources allow. Many countries now have national (although older age 5–15 yrs generally;
groups for boosters and women of childbearing
‘immunization weeks’ or ‘child health days’ to raise public
other vaccines e.g., HPV age; entire populations
awareness and mobilize communities for routine or supple-
vaccine are also in high-risk areas.
mentary immunization services. Previously unimmunized increasingly seen as
population groups can be reached in such ‘catch-up’ activities. important to include).
Since 2012, the last week of April has been designated as Continuous and Frequency Intermittent defined by
‘World Immunization Week,’ and the intense focus of activi- predicable: daily, disease epidemiology
ties around the world to raise awareness about vaccination weekly, monthly, and level of susceptibles
and increase coverage. quarterly, etc. in population.
Fixed, outreach, mobile, Service delivery Fixed, outreach, door-to-
school-based, strategy door, extra posts,
campaigns, PIRI. mobile, school-based,
Epidemic Prevention and Control of VPDs
Yes, for age and Screening and Screen only for age
Epidemic prevention and control programs aim to detect infec- vaccination/AEFI history decision to eligibility and previous
tious disease outbreaks early and institute control measures, (obtained from card/ vaccinate AEFI. Prior vaccination
such as vaccination, as rapidly as possible. For some diseases caregiver); ‘routine’ history not important.
such as measles, the virus is so contagious that even with dose is given only if due ‘Supplemental’ dose is
high routine immunization coverage, eventually the pool of according to the given to all of eligible
unvaccinated individuals (and those with an inadequate national schedule and age irrespective of
primary immune response to the vaccine) accumulates suffi- child is of eligible age. vaccination history.
ciently for transmission to be reestablished and outbreaks to Child health/immunization Recording Tally sheet disaggregated
card, tally sheet, health by age (generally not
facility register, monthly recorded on child health
To accelerate disease control and dramatically reduce death
summary. card but if included
and disability, supplemental immunization activities (Table 1) must be in section
have proven invaluable to raise population immunity and marked
reduce the accumulation of susceptibles. Most countries in ‘Supplemental’). These
the Americas, Asia, and Africa have carried out national ‘additional or extra’
campaigns over days or weeks to offer supplemental doses of doses are not counted
polio and measles vaccines to children. Many others have at toward completion of
one time or another carried out similar activities for adults or the routine schedule.
the whole population for polio, measles, diphtheria, yellow Routine doses would be Reporting Supplementary doses
included in should not be included
fever, meningococcal meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, and
administrative data in the routine
even anthrax for groups at high risk.
collection systems, and administrative data
Outbreak prevention and control activities are highly orga- included in the collection systems, but
nized enterprises to reach the target population with available ‘Administrative should be reported
resources and in tune with the local context. Since these activ- Coverage’ section of the separately. In the WHO/
ities typically deliver a high volume of vaccines in a short WHO/UNICEF Joint UNICEF Joint Reporting
period of time, adequate vaccine supply and logistics, human Reporting Form. Form, they should be
resources, cold chain materials, and communication become included in the section
essential. Campaigns have been much maligned for detracting ‘Supplemental
from routine immunization services. There are as many Activities.’
188 Immunization

examples, however, of campaign activities strengthening inter- offered, and the appropriateness and reach of immunization
sectoral collaboration, planning, and cold chain capacity; service delivery.
health worker competence; and public acceptance, thereby
strengthening the health system and immunization
program simultaneously (Mogedal and Stenson, 2000; Giffiths Considerations for New Vaccine Introduction
et al., 2011).
New vaccines and reformulations of existing vaccines are being
made all the time. The decision to introduce a new vaccine in
Surveillance, Monitoring, and Evaluation a national public immunization program is a major one that
requires careful priority setting, planning, and stakeholder
The International Health Regulations (WHO, 2005) list the consultation and support. Policy goals must be clearly articu-
diseases that must be reported to the World Health Organiza- lated, all aspects of the existing program must be reviewed to
tion, and countries maintain their own lists of notifiable accommodate the new product, and resources and personnel
diseases. High-quality surveillance is essential to detect cases must be made available (WHO, 2014b). Table 2 outlines
and outbreaks early, identify populations at risk, and monitor some of the elements and activities that need to be considered.
vaccine impact.
Surveillance takes different forms according to the pathogen
and disease control objectives. Most ‘passive’ surveillance relies Vaccines for Communicable Diseases
on routine weekly or monthly reporting from physicians, labora-
tories, or health units. Conversely, active search of cases is usually Dozens of vaccines have been developed to date. Not all of
required for programs targeting eradication or elimination of them are still in use and not all have the same degree of immu-
a disease, to prove that the pathogen can no longer be found. nogenicity, efficacy, and safety. Table 3 provides summary
An example is surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis for polio information on some vaccines, and more details are provided
eradication, whereby stool specimens are collected from every on the major ones in the following paragraphs.
person with this clinical syndrome and cultured to identify the
poliovirus. Another example is case-based surveillance of child-
hood rash and fever-requiring serological assay of a blood spec-
imen to confirm and differentiate between measles or rubella. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection, transmitted through close
For some conditions, sentinel surveillance is adequate. In physical and respiratory contact, which once caused regular
the case of seasonal influenza, a few sites worldwide collect epidemics. With the DTP vaccine in use since the 1940s,
specimens for detailed laboratory analysis to inform the epidemics gave way to sporadic cases and intermittent
composition of influenza vaccine every year. Where resources outbreaks. DTP is given to infants and preschool-age children
are severely constrained, sentinel sites can be useful to monitor for primary vaccination, while bivalent vaccine (DT) is used
disease trends and vaccine impact in a region. Examples of this for booster doses. From 7 years of age onward, the adult
are the African pediatric bacterial meningitis surveillance form (Td) is used, containing one-tenth the diphtheria toxoid
network and the networks established for the surveillance of to reduce the risk of sensitivity to the diphtheria component.
invasive bacterial diseases and rotavirus diarrhea.
Immunization coverage assessment is essential to monitor
program performance. The number of children vaccinated with
given antigens is usually provided by administrative reports Pertussis (whooping cough) is a highly contagious disease and
from health units, physicians’ offices, and even parents in some an important cause of death of infants worldwide, and
countries. Individual child health cards are used to record the continues to be a public health concern even in countries with
vaccines administered and remind about the date to return for high vaccination coverage. It is estimated in 2008, 16 million
the next scheduled vaccination. New electronic communication cases of pertussis occurred worldwide and that about 195 000
technologies are increasingly being used ranging from SMS children died (WHO, 2010). Several decades of using inacti-
reminders to smart phone applications for immunization vated whole cell vaccines (wP) in immunization programs
records, and there are many efforts to strengthen health manage- dramatically reduced the occurrence of pertussis. Frequent,
ment information systems (HMIS) and improve data quality. mild, adverse reactions and a fear of rare neurological events
Countries report immunization coverage data annually prompted development of acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines con-
through the WHO and UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) taining one to five components of Bordetella pertussis. More
and this data, plus calculated immunization coverage estimates, expensive, they compare favorably with wP vaccines but recent
are published each year as a time series ( evidence suggests that immunity wanes faster with aP perhaps
immunization/monitoring_surveillance/routine/coverage/en/). partially explaining the resurgence of pertussis in many industri-
Special coverage surveys, either independent or part of Demo- alized countries. Pertussis vaccine is usually administered in
graphic and Health Surveys (DHS) or UNICEF Multi-Indicator combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTwP or
Cluster Surveys (MICS) provide additional data, as well as DTaP). Since local reactions tend to increase with age and the
information on the service provided, timing of vaccination, number of injections, wP-containing vaccines are not used for
and attitudes to immunization. It is best practice, that a review adolescents and adults. DTP-containing multi-antigen
of the national immunization program is conducted periodi- vaccines (with Hep B, Hib, or IPV) are increasingly being used
cally to ensure the relevance and quality of the vaccines in national immunization programs.
Immunization 189

Table 2 Elements to assess the readiness of an immunization program to add a vaccine introduction

1. A strong decision making and accountability process that is transparent, coordinated, and integrated with the overall health sector:
l Vaccine introduction fits with the health priorities and plans.
l A functioning National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) or equivalent technical committee to review the epidemiological, economic,
and other evidence and make recommendations about vaccine introduction.
l Plan for introduction is reviewed by the Health Sector Coordinating Committee or similar mechanism to ensure coordination of health programming
and funding requests.
l All key decision makers in relevant ministries are involved in the final decision.
2. A well-performing or improving immunization program to obtain the full benefit from existing vaccines:
l Immunization multiyear plan and annual work plan is in place, and policies are regularly updated.
l Coverage rates of existing vaccines meet national targets or reflect satisfactory improvement and have not fallen in the last 5 years.
l Dropout rates between vaccine doses have decreased in the past 5 years or are at acceptable levels.
l Differences in coverage rates between high- and low-performing districts and between the lowest and highest income groups (e.g., quintiles) are
decreasing or are at acceptable levels.
l Specific objectives are met or well underway for vaccines already in the program (e.g., catch-up campaigns, 2-dose measles schedule in place).
3. A sufficient or expanding, well-trained, and motivated health workforce:
l Analysis of adequacy of health workforce to provide current package of health services and addition of new vaccine.
l If additional personnel are needed, they are included in the multiyear plan and budget, and national health sector plan and budget.
l Appropriate preservice and in-service training and on-site supportive supervision.
l If staff turnover is a problem, there is a plan and budget to address this.
4. Functional vaccine management, cold chain, and logistics system:
l Updated cold chain equipment inventory and plan for maintenance and replacement.
l Cold chain system has adequate volume capacity and performance at all levels (central, provincial/regional, district, and facility) for vaccines already
in the program and the new vaccine.
l Sufficient dry storage space at all levels for injection materials.
l Infrequent vaccine stockouts at national or subnational levels in the last 5-years.
l 2–5 year forecasts for vaccine supply.
l Vaccine wastage is monitored, and levels of wastage are acceptable and do not compromise coverage targets.
5. Safe immunization practices, monitoring, and management of adverse events:
l All injectable vaccines are given with auto-disable syringes.
l Proper diluents and reconstitution methods are used for lyophilized vaccines.
l Capacity to procure, distribute, and properly dispose of additional injection materials for the new vaccine.
l Surveillance and reporting system for adverse events following immunization.
6. High-quality disease surveillance and immunization coverage monitoring:
l Appropriate surveillance to meet disease control objectives.
l Credible data on coverage of all vaccines.
l Vaccination coverage surveys conducted periodically to validate routinely collected data.
7. A financially sustainable program:
l Careful consideration of short- and long-term additional costs.
l Government commitment and budget allocations to finance the immunization program.
l Financing of new vaccine does not displace financing for other ongoing programs and activities.
l Multiyear plans include a secured budget linked to the national health budget.

Tetanus low levels that the disease is no longer a major public health
problem by 2015. Unlike polio and smallpox, tetanus cannot
Tetanus is a frequently fatal disease caused by a neurotoxin
be eradicated (tetanus spores are present in the environment
produced during growth of the bacterium Clostridium tetani in
worldwide). WHO estimates that in 2010 (the latest year for
dead tissues (dirty wounds, or in the umbilicus after birth).
which estimates are available), 58 000 newborns died from
Maternal and neonatal tetanus can be prevented by vaccination
NT, a 93% reduction from the situation in the late 1980s (Black
with tetanus toxoid and by observing clean delivery and
et al., 2010). While progress continues to be made, by
cord-care practices. Tetanus toxoid–containing vaccines (DTP,
December 2013, 25 countries have still not reached the MNT
DT, Td, TT) can be given as appropriate in infancy, childhood,
elimination status. Activities to achieve the goal are ongoing
and adulthood and in pregnancy to protect mother and child.
in these countries, with many likely to achieve MNT elimina-
A childhood immunization schedule of 5 doses, with the first
tion in the near future.
three doses administered as DTP or DTP-combination vaccines
before the age of 1 year, a booster dose of TT-containing
vaccine ideally at age 4–7 years, and another booster in
adolescence. An extra dose in adulthood provides assurance of
long-lasting, possibly life-long protection (WHO, 2006). Measles virus is highly infectious and during the prevaccine era,
There is a global Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) measles affected almost every person before the age of 10 years.
Elimination Initiative that aims to reduce MNT cases to such Complications such as diarrhea, middle-ear infection, and
190 Immunization

Table 3 Main vaccines and their characteristics

Primary schedule and

Disease Vaccines route Booster doses Adverse reactions Comments

BCG Live bacterial, 1 dose (0.05 ml) at birth None Local abscess, regional Not to be given to
lyophilized vaccine or as soon as lymphadenitis HIV-infected infants.
possible, ID Many countries have
discontinued BCG
due to limited
Cholera Monovalent inactivated 2–3 doses, 7 days to Every 6 months or 2 Mild local or systemic Not given to infants.
whole cell with 6 weeks apart, oral years depending on reactions Recommended for
recombinant subunit age use only in high-risk
(WC/rBS) vaccine populations, not for
Bivalent inactivated 2 doses, oral, 14 days Every 2 years country-wide
whole cell apart implementation
Diphtheria Toxoid (D or d) in DTP, 3 doses before 1 year of DTP at 1–6 years; Td in Mild local or systemic Schedules and number
DT, and Td age, IM adolescence reactions of booster doses vary
by country. DTP is
increasingly used as
platform for
combination with
hepatitis B, Hib, IPV,
and meningococcal A
or C conjugates
Haemophilus Conjugate; monovalent 3 doses or 2 primary Depends on schedule Mild local reactions
influenzae type b or combined with doses followed by used
DTP booster dose, IM
Hepatitis A Inactivated from cell At least 1 dose 1 year Mild systemic and local Not given to infants <1
culture or from of age, IM reaction year; adult high-risk
purified HAV; alone groups, and travelers
or in combination
with hepatitis B; or
live attenuated
Hepatitis B Recombinant DNA 3–4 doses, first within Local soreness and Birth dose
vaccine 24 h of birth; 2–3 redness; rarely
other doses from age anaphylactic reaction
6 weeks with 4 weeks
minimum interval, IM
Human Recombinant viruslike 2  doses at least Pain, swelling, 100% efficacious
papillomavirus particles (VPL) 6 months apart, for erythema, pruritus, against HPV 16 and
(HPV) against HPV 16, 18 females 9–13 years fever, nausea, 18 infection, and
(bivalent); or with 6, of age, IM dizziness precancerous lesions
11 (quadravalent)
Influenza Inactivated viral 1–2 doses depending Local pain, fever New vaccine annually
on age, SC, or IM
Japanese (1) Cell culture derived, 1 dose from age of 9– After 1 year Use in areas where JE is
encephalitis (JE) live attenuated 12 months, SC a public health
(2) Mouse brain– 2 doses from age of 1 After 1 year, then every Rare cases of acute problem. Cell
derived, purified, year, 4 week (min) 3 years disseminated culture–derived,
inactivated interval, SC encephalomyelitis inactivated vaccine
and hypersensitivity used in China; other
reactions reported in new vaccines under
children from development.
endemic regions and
in travelers in
nonendemic areas
Measles Live attenuated, 2 doses from age of Fever, rash; rarely Increasingly
monovalent, or in 9 months, 4 week encephalitis and administered in
combination with (min) interval, SC meningitis combination with
rubella or mumps rubella and mumps
and rubella vaccine (MMR)
Immunization 191

Table 3 Main vaccines and their characteristicsdcont'd

Primary schedule and

Disease Vaccines route Booster doses Adverse reactions Comments

Meningococcal MenA conjugate 1 dose, for adults and

meningitis and children over one or
septicemia age IM
Meningococcal C 2 doses for infants or 1 None Occasional mild local
conjugate dose for older reaction or fever
children, IM
Quadrivalent conjugate 2 doses 9–23 months After 1 year Redness, pain, and
of age, 1 dose after swelling
the age of 2 years, IM
Mumps Live attenuated, viral 1 dose, after 9 months, Not required Parotitis and low-grade Usually administered
SC fever; rare: aseptic with measles and
meningitis may occur rubella vaccines
Pertussis Inactivated whole cell 3 doses before 1 year of DTP 1–6 years Mild local or systemic Schedules and number
(wP) or acellular (aP) age, IM reactions of booster doses vary
by country; duration
of protection with aP
may wane sooner.
Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine 3 doses before 1 year of Alternative schedule 2 Mild local or systemic
meningitis, against 10 and 13 age, or 2 primary doses plus booster at reactions
pneumonia, serotypes 1, 4, 6B, doses followed by 9–15 months
sepsis 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, booster dose IM
23F (and 3, 6B, 19A)
Poliomyelitis Live attenuated OPV 3 doses (4 in endemic Supplemental doses in Rare occurrence of Global switch from
(trivalent) countries) in first endemic countries vaccine-associated tOPV to bOPV
year of life, oral; plus paralytic planned as part of
1 dose IPV poliomyelitis Polio Eradication
Endgame. Most
countries use IPV.
Inactivated (IPV) 3 doses in first year of Yes, if first dose
life, IM given <8 weeks of
Rabies Inactivated from cell 3 doses IM Only for those whose Mild systemic or local Production and use of
culture or occupation puts reactions; rare nerve-tissue rabies
embryonated egg them at continual risk neuroparalytic vaccines to be
vaccine reactions discontinued and
Rotavirus Live human monovalent 2 doses (1 ml) at least None Mild gastrointestinal These vaccines,
G1P strain 4 weeks apart, from symptoms; fever, licensed in 2006,
6 weeks of age, oral fatigue were studied in trials
of nearly 70 000
infants, the largest
prelicensure trials in
vaccine history
Live, contains 5 3 doses (2 ml) 4 weeks None Rare: upper respiratory The Rotashield®
reassortant apart, from 6 weeks tract infection, vaccine was removed
rotaviruses of age, oral hoarseness from the market in
1999 due to risk of
Rubella Live attenuated viral; 1 dose from 9 to None Fever, rash; rarely Adolescent girls and/or
combination with 12 months with anaphylaxis, arthritis childbearing-aged
measles (MR) measles containing women if not
vaccine, IM, or SC previously vaccinated
Tetanus Tetanus toxoid in DTP, 3 doses before 1 year of DTP 1–6 years; Td Mild local or systemic
DT, Td, or TT age, IM adolescence and reactions increase
early adulthood with number of
192 Immunization

Table 3 Main vaccines and their characteristicsdcont'd

Primary schedule and

Disease Vaccines route Booster doses Adverse reactions Comments

Typhoid Ty21a, live attenuated 3–4 doses (capsules) Every 3–7 years None significant
viral (Salmonella 2 days apart from 5
Typhi) years of age, oral
Vi polysaccharide single 1 dose from 2 years of Every 3 years
dose age, SC, or IM
Varicella Live attenuated, viral 1 dose under 13 years At 4–6 years old
of age; 2 doses for
older groups,
4 weeks apart, SC
Yellow fever Live viral 1 dose from 9 months Hypersensitivity to egg; Yellow fever vaccination
of age, SC rarely hepatic failure; is strictly regulated
very rare reports of by the International
death from organ Health Regulations

0.5 ml dose unless otherwise stated; DTP, diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis; IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous; ID, intradermal.

pneumonia are common. Infants under 1 year of age have the earlier success with smallpox, in 1988 at the World Health
highest case-fatality ratios, sometimes reaching 20% in Assembly, all WHO member states agreed to eradicate polio-
epidemics. An old Arabic saying advised ‘do not count the chil- myelitis by the year 2000. Since then, a massive global pro-
dren before measles has passed.’ gram has been in operation, the largest public–private
Measles vaccine was first licensed in 1963 in the United partnership for health led by a coalition of four partners:
States as the Edmonston B live attenuated vaccine. Several WHO, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
attenuated vaccines are now in use, many of them derived Prevention, and Rotary International. The number of cases of
from the original strain, such as the Schwartz and Moraten polio has been reduced by over 99%. In 2014, only three coun-
strains with the Edmonston-Zagreb strain being the most tries (Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan) remain polioen-
widely used today. Infant immunization against measles has demic, down from more than 125 countries in 1988.
significantly reduced cases and deaths. Most industrialized However, until poliovirus transmission is interrupted in these
countries now use the combination measles–rubella (MR), countries, all countries remain at risk of importation of polio,
measles–mumps–rubella (MMR) or measles–mumps– especially in the ‘poliovirus importation belt’ of countries
rubella–varicella (MMRV) vaccine. As a result, most monova- from West Africa to the Horn of Africa.
lent measles vaccines are now produced in India and other In global eradication effort, OPV has been used extensively
developing countries, with industrialized country manufac- to stop circulation and transmission of wild poliovirus types 1,
turers preferring the more lucrative combination vaccines. 2, and 3. To break the last chains of wild poliovirus transmis-
Since population immunity needs to be > 93–95% to sion, more highly immunogenic bivalent and monovalent
prevent measles epidemics and because primary vaccination vaccines against types 1 and 3 were developed and licensed
failure occurs in 10–15% of infants vaccinated at 9 months in 2005 for supplementary immunization in remaining
of age, every child needs to be reached with two doses of endemic areas. While live attenuated OPV vaccines are effective
measles vaccine. against the wild virus, in very rare cases they can lead to
In 2010, the World Health Assembly set milestones vaccine-associated paralysis. This has led most industrialized
toward global measles eradication, to be reached by 2015. countries to use IPV at a significantly higher price.
Achieved in the Americas in 2002, all regions now have goals Low-income countries continue to use OPV due to the benefit
for the elimination of measles (sometimes combined with of inducing mucosal immunity, ease of administration, and
rubella). During 2000–2012, estimated measles deaths lower cost. Necessarily to achieve global polio eradication,
decreased by 78%, from 562 400 to 122 000 (WHO, 2014c). vaccination with OPV will have to cease. This is proceeding
While elimination has been maintained in the Americas, and in a phased way starting with the global withdrawal of type-2
the Western Pacific Region is on track for elimination, it seems OPV (a switch from trivalent OPV to bivalent) and the intro-
likely that targets for European, Eastern Mediterranean, and duction of one-dose of IPV in OPV-only using countries to
African regions will not be achieved on time. migrate the risk of reintroduction of type-2 virus
(Figure 8) (WHO, 2014d).
Hepatitis B
Until the introduction of live or inactivated polio vaccines
(IPVs) in the 1950s, epidemics caused the death and paralysis Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can
of hundreds of thousands of children. The trivalent live atten- cause both acute and chronic disease. It is a major global health
uated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV), widely used since the early problem, and the most serious type of viral hepatitis. It is esti-
1960s, elicits intestinal mucosal immunity. Spurred on by mated that about 600 000 people die each year due to
Immunization 193

A country will be
0considered as having
7501,500 3,000 Kilometers
made a formal decision
when formal
documentation of its Introduced to date (71 countries or 37%)
decision to introduce IPV
has been verified by the Introduction to occur in 2014 (3 countries or 2%)
relevant WHO Regional Declared intent to introduce in
Office Introduction to occur in 2015 (6 countries or 3%)
2014 (6 countries or 3%)
Not Available, Not Introduced /No
Declared intent to introduce in
Plans (58 countries or 30%)
Not applicable 2015 (50 countries or 26%)

Figure 8 Countries using IPV and formal decision or declared intent to introduce. Data Source: WHO/IVB Database, as at 28 March 2014 and AFR/
EUR/EMR EPI Managers Meetings in Feb/March 2014 and Summary of POB indicators status as of 06 March 2014. Map production: Immunization
Vaccines and Biologicals, (IVB), World Health Organization. Date of slide: 28 March 2014

consequences of hepatitis B, such as liver cirrhosis and liver transmitted through the respiratory tract from infected to suscep-
cancer (WHO, 2009b). The virus is highly contagious and is tible individuals. In the year 2000, before the widespread intro-
transmitted through contact with the blood or other body duction of Hib vaccine in resource-poor countries, Hib was
fluids of an infected person. Hepatitis B virus can survive responsible for about 8 million cases of serious disease and
outside the body for at least 7 days, and is an important occu- 371 000 deaths in children under 5 years of age (WHO,
pational hazard for health workers. 2013). Today more than 80% of the world’s children live in
Hepatitis B vaccine was first licensed in the United States in countries that include Hib vaccine in the national immunization
1982; the first vaccine against a cancer-causing pathogen. It has schedule and have benefitted from dramatic declines (>90%) in
proven to be one of the safest, most immunogenic, and effective Hib disease. Hib vaccines consisting of Hib capsular polysaccha-
vaccines. Despite a 1992 World Health Assembly resolution, ride conjugated to a protein carrier are licensed for use in infancy,
introduction worldwide was slow primarily because of the and available in a variety of formulations and often in combina-
limited vaccine supply and high price. The launch of the GAVI tion with DTP, DTP-Hep B, or DTP-Hep B-IPV. The schedule and
Alliance in 1999 accelerated the uptake of hepatitis B vaccine in number of primary doses, and use of a booster depends on
the poorest countries and 184 countries were using the vaccine consideration of the local epidemiology and vaccine
by the end of 2012. A dramatic decline in the vaccine price has presentation (monovalent versus combination), but because
now made this sustainable. Since perinatal or early postnatal serious Hib disease occurs most commonly in children
transmission is an important cause of chronic infections globally, between 4 and 18 months, immunization should start as early
the first dose of vaccine should be given as soon as possible after as possible from 6 weeks of age.
birth, preferably within 24 h. The birth dose should be followed
by 2 or 3 doses to complete the primary series.
Delivering a birth dose requires special programmatic
measures and coordination between immunization and maternal Rotaviruses are the most common cause of severe diarrheal
health services. In many resource-poor countries, home births are disease in young children throughout the world. According to
common. Efforts to develop new heat-stable and freeze-stable WHO 2008 estimates, about 450 000 children aged <5 years
hepatitis B vaccines are underway to support innovative outreach die each year from vaccine-preventable rotavirus infections;
by trained birth attendants who function beyond the cold chain. the vast majority of these children live in low-income countries
(WHO, 2013c).
The first rotavirus vaccine licensed in 1988 was withdrawn
Haemophilus influenzae Type B Infection
from the market when it was found to be associated with intus-
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is the bacteria responsible susception, a serious condition that causes bowel obstruction.
for severe pneumonia, meningitis, and other invasive diseases Since then, two orally administered, live, attenuated rotavirus
almost exclusively in children aged less than 5 years. It is vaccines were found to be safe and efficacious in large-scale
194 Immunization

clinical trials in the Americas and Europe, and were licensed in worldwide, with outbreaks most frequently occurring in the
2006. In low-income countries, vaccine efficacy may be lower ‘Meningitis Belt’ a region of 25 sub-Saharan countries, stretch-
than in industrialized settings, similar to other live oral ing from Senegal to Ethiopia, with a total population of about
vaccines, but even with this lower efficacy a greater reduction 500 million people. There are no reliable estimates of global
in absolute numbers of severe gastroenteritis and death was meningococcal disease burden due to inadequate surveillance
seen, due to the higher background severe rotavirus disease in several parts of the world (WHO, 2011). Invasive meningo-
incidence. The public health impact of rotavirus vaccination coccal disease has a very high fatality rate (>50% if untreated)
has been demonstrated in several countries. For example, in and many survivors develop permanent sequelae. Of the 12
the USA, a measurable decrease was seen in the number of rota- N. meningitidis serogroups identified, A, B, C, X, W135, and Y
virus gastroenteritis hospitalizations accompanied by a sug- are responsible for the majority of disease, but serogroup distri-
gested herd effect protecting older nonvaccinated children, bution varies by location and time. Meningococcal infections
while in Mexico, a decline of 41% in diarrheal deaths in are transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets or
infants <11 months was attributed directly to the use of the secretions.
vaccine (Richardson et al., 2010). Currently there are several polysaccharide and conjugate
As the rotavirus vaccine does not protect against all causes of vaccines available for protection from the most common
diarrhea, their use should be part of a comprehensive strategy serogroups of meningococcal disease. Polysaccharide vaccines
to control diarrheal diseases with the scaling up of both preven- are available in bivalent (A, C), trivalent (A, C, W135), and
tion (promotion of early and exclusive breastfeeding, hand- quadrivalent (A, C, W135, Y) formulations. Conjugate
washing with soap, improved water and sanitation) and vaccines, which are more immunogenic and can provide herd
treatment packages (including low-osmolarity ORS and zinc). protection, are available in monovalent (A or C), quadrivalent
The introduction of rotavirus (and pneumococcal) vaccine is (A, C, W135, Y), or combination (serogroup C and Haemophilus
part of the Integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and influenzae type b) formulations. There are no vaccines available
Diarrhoea (GAPPD) (WHO, 2013d), which advocates for against serogroup X disease.
a cohesive approach bringing together the critical services and In December 2010, a new meningococcal A conjugate
interventions needed to ‘protect, prevent, and treat’ all children. vaccine MenAfriVacÒ developed through the WHO-PATH
Meningitis Vaccine Project was introduced in Africa, reaching
over 150 million by the end of 2013. MenAfriVacÒ marks
Human Papillomavirus
many milestones for the region: the first time in history that
HPV causes cervical cancer, which is the fourth most common a vaccine has been specifically designed for Africa; the first
cancer in women. In 2012, there were an estimated 528 000 vaccine ever introduced in Africa before reaching any other
new cases and 266 000 deaths due to cervical cancer (GLOBO- continents; and developed at less than one-tenth the cost of
CAN, 2012). A large majority (around 85%) of the global burden a typical new vaccine, it is a groundbreaking solution for
occurs in the less developed countries, where it accounts for 13% a killer disease.
of all female cancers. Virtually all cases are attributable to genital
HPV infection. More than 100 HPV genotypes are known, but
Pneumococcal Disease
types 16 and 18 alone cause about 70% of all cases of invasive
cervical cancer worldwide. Cervical cancer screening and treat- Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterium that is the cause of
ment programs have achieved remarkable success in industrial- a number of common diseases, ranging from serious diseases
ized countries. However, these are difficult to establish in such as meningitis, septicemia, and pneumonia to milder infec-
developing countries where access to health services is limited. tions such as sinusitis and otitis media. Pneumococcal diseases
First licensed in 2006, two HPV vaccines based on viruslike parti- are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide,
cles, with unprecedented efficacy of 100% against precancerous though rates of disease and death are higher in developing
lesions due to HPV 16 and 18 infections, are now widely avail- countries than in industrialized country settings, with the
able. Originally, license requiring three doses over 6 months, majority of deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
recent evidence has demonstrated that reduced 2-dose schedules (WHO, 2012a). Disease is most common at the extremes of
with a longer interval (at least 6 months) between doses have age, that is, in young children and among the elderly. The
a comparable immune response. As the vaccines are most effica- organism is transmitted mainly through respiratory droplets
cious in females who are naive to HPV types, it is important to and colonizes the back of the nose. Infection of other parts of
achieve high coverage among adolescent girls before initiation the body, resulting in disease, occurs through direct spread or
of sexual activity. Many countries are implementing through invasion of the bloodstream.
school-based vaccination strategies to reach this target group Out of over 90 serotypes of S. pneumoniae, only a small
but the combined high vaccine price and operational costs are minority cause most disease. First used in the United States
challenging. Linkage with other adolescent health interventions in 2000 as a 7-valent vaccine, there are now two available
and rubella and tetanus vaccination provide opportunities for PCV that target either 10 or 13 of the most prevalent serotypes.
synergy. In many countries, routine use of PCV has dramatically reduced
the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), and in
some places IPD caused by vaccine serotypes has virtually dis-
Meningococcal Meningitis
appeared, even in age groups not primarily targeted by the
Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is a leading cause of immunization program (herd immunity effect). The observed
bacterial meningitis and septicemia. Endemic disease occurs increases in nonvaccine serotype IPD with PCV7 are likely to
Immunization 195

be mitigated by the use of vaccines with broader serotype development effort. The complexity of the malaria parasite
coverage, but high-quality sentinel surveillance is recommen- makes development of a malaria vaccine a very difficult task.
ded to monitor changes in serotype prevalence in those with Over 20 subunit vaccine constructs are currently being evalu-
serious disease. ated in clinical trials or are in advanced preclinical develop-
ment. The most advanced vaccine candidate against
Plasmodium falciparum is RTS,S/AS01. A large clinical trial with
more than 15 000 children is ongoing in seven countries in
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,
tuberculosis (Mtb). It is a curable and preventable disease that Malawi, Mozambique, and the United Republic of Tanzania.
most often affects the lungs. TB is transmitted from person to Depending on the timing of the full phase 3 results, any recom-
person, by people with pulmonary (lung) TB who release mendation on use is not expected until 2015 at the earliest.
Mtb into the air through coughing, sneezing, or spitting. A There are many effective interventions now available that
person needs to inhale only a few of these germs to become have dramatically reduced the burden of malaria. These
infected. About one-third of the world’s population is esti- include: prevention through mosquito vector control and use
mated to be infected by Mtb, but is not (yet) ill with disease of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets and, in some settings,
and cannot transmit the disease. People infected with TB indoor residual spraying with insecticides; seasonal malaria
bacteria have a lifetime risk of falling ill with TB of 10%, as chemoprevention in some settings; intermittent preventive
opposed to persons with compromised immune systems, treatment for infants and during pregnancy; prompt diagnostic
such as people living with HIV, malnutrition or diabetes, or testing; and treatment of confirmed cases with effective antima-
people who use tobacco, who have a much higher risk of falling larial medicines. Given the efficacy results obtained so far in the
ill. When a person develops active TB (disease), the symptoms neighborhood of 30–50%, the potential role of RTS,S/AS01
(cough, fever, night sweats, weight loss, etc.) may be mild for will only be in addition to fully scaled-up access to and use
many months. This can lead to delays in seeking care, and of nonvaccine malaria preventive measures, prompt diagnostic
results in transmission of the bacteria to others. People ill testing, and effective antimalarial medicines. The need for
with TB can infect up to 10–15 other people through close high-quality, safe, and effective drugs to treat malaria will
contact over the course of a year. Without proper treatment, continue regardless of any deployment of a first-generation
up to two-thirds of people ill with TB will die. malaria vaccine such as RTS,S/AS01.
Live Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, derived from
the TB vaccine developed in 1921 remains the only vaccine
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
against TB. Unfortunately, it is only partially effective: it
provides some protection against severe forms of pediatric non- HIV vaccine development is complex. First attempts to develop
pulmonary TB, such as TB meningitis, but is unreliable against a vaccine against HIV in the late 1980s were based on eliciting
adult pulmonary TB, which accounts for most of the TB disease an antibody response, which is how most vaccines are thought
burden worldwide. to work. However, because HIV mutates rapidly, and its outer
WHO continues to recommend the vaccination of neonates spike protein conceals itself from the immune system, creating
with BCG, due to its protective effect in infants and young chil- the appropriate viral antigens to use in a vaccine proved
dren. However, children infected with HIV through vertical remarkably difficult, and the approach was abandoned. More
transmission from their HIV-infected mother are at risk of recently, many scientists believe that an AIDS vaccine candidate
developing severe vaccine-related disease (‘BCGosis’). will provide robust protection against HIV infection only if it
Therefore, children known to be HIV infected should not be engages both arms of the adaptive immune system, i.e.,
vaccinated with BCG. cell-mediated and antibody-based immune responses. HIV
There is an urgent need for a new, safe, and effective vaccine vaccine development is complicated by the variability of the
that prevents all forms of TB, including drug-resistant strains, in virus, and, in particular, its envelope protein at both the indi-
all age groups and in people with HIV. TB vaccine development vidual and population level. Thus, the evolving number of
is a very active field of research and by the end of 2010, 12 virus subtypes and recombinations renders vaccine develop-
vaccine candidates had begun clinical evaluation in humans. ment targeting the viral envelope constituents very difficult.
Assuming that one of the most advanced vaccine candidates Consequently, vaccines may have to be carefully adapted to
shows sufficient efficacy, the first new TB vaccine in a 100 years the virus forms in circulation in the precise location where their
could become available around 2018. use is intended.
Although there is currently no vaccine against HIV/AIDS,
there are a number of very encouraging leads. In 2009, the
combination of two vaccines, a modified poxvirus expressing
Malaria is a preventable and treatable mosquito-borne illness. HIV antigen, and a so-called protein subunit vaccine, was
There were an estimated 207 million cases of malaria in 2012 shown to provide over 30% protection against HIV infection
(uncertainty range: 135–287 million) and an estimated in a human clinical trial, the ‘RV144 protocol,’ in Thailand.
627 000 deaths (uncertainty range: 473 000–789 000) The current vaccine development effort is therefore
(WHO, 2013e). Most malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan two-pronged: to improve on the results of the RV144 protocol,
Africa, and three-quarters of these occur in children under in trials planned in Thailand and South Africa, and to develop
five. There is currently no commercially available malaria a whole range of ‘second generation’ products to address chal-
vaccine, despite many decades of intense research and lenges such as the extreme variability of the HIV virus, which is
196 Immunization

recognized as an important bottleneck to HIV vaccine develop- Research and Development

ment. If the required efficacy can be shown in any of the trials,
Vaccines are first carefully evaluated for effectiveness, and
an HIV/AIDS vaccine could become available from 2020.
potential harmful effects in vitro and in animals. If good results
are obtained, phased clinical trials of increasingly larger size are
Seasonal Influenza performed to establish clinical tolerance and safety, quantify
immune response, and demonstrate protective efficacy.
There are three types of seasonal influenza viruses – A, B, and C.
Phase 1 trials look at safety and immune response in 20 or
Influenza viruses circulate in all parts of the world and cause
fewer participants, usually healthy adults. These trials are
acute respiratory illness. Type C influenza cases occur much
meant to identify any common adverse reactions. Phase 2 trials
less frequently than A and B. That is why only influenza A
involving fifty to several hundred participants help determine
and B viruses are included in seasonal influenza vaccines. Influ-
the optimum vaccine composition to achieve adequate protec-
enza occurs globally with an annual attack rate estimated at
tion while ensuring safety. Phase 3 trials determine clinical effi-
5–10% in adults and 20–30% in children. Illnesses can result
cacy for disease prevention, provide further safety information,
in hospitalization and death mainly among high-risk groups
and serve as the final gatekeepers before widespread use. They
(the very young, elderly, or chronically ill). Worldwide, these
involve thousands to tens of thousands of participants. In
annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3–5 million
general, such trials include a control group receiving a placebo
cases of severe illness, and about 250 000 to 500 000 deaths
in order to compare the occurrence of adverse events among
(WHO, 2012b). Immunization is the best intervention to
vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
prevent influenza virus infection, and WHO recommends
that pregnant women be given the highest priority based on
the substantial risk of severe disease among this group, and Production
the evidence that seasonal influenza vaccine is safe throughout
pregnancy and effective in preventing influenza in both Each step of the production process is documented and vali-
mothers and their young infants for whom the burden of dated. Consistency of production must be demonstrated by
disease is also high. showing comparable clinical response to vaccine batches. Confi-
Influenza A viruses are the principal cause of epidemics and dence that vaccines are consistently safe and efficacious requires
worldwide pandemics. As influenza A viruses undergo frequent continual oversight by an independent and competent National
surface antigen changes, infection by one strain may not Regulatory Authority (NRA). In addition to sophisticated tests,
provide immunity against other variants. Consequently, vaccine regulation entails characterization of starting materials
WHO established a Global Influenza Surveillance and by supplier audits, cell banking, seed lot systems, compliance
Response System (GISRS) to monitor antigenic shift and with the principles of good manufacturing practice, and inde-
provide annual recommendations for influenza vaccine pendent release of vaccines on a lot-by-lot basis by NRAs.
composition. New vaccines against influenza are designed For some vaccines, WHO advises on their acceptability for
each year to match the circulating strains. Pandemics are char- developing country immunization programs. This technical
acterized by the rapid dissemination of a new, virulent influ- advice known as ‘prequalification’ is required for vaccine
enza A viruses to which there is little or no existing immunity procurement through United Nations agencies such as UNICEF
within the population. There have been four influenza (WHO, 2013f).
pandemics since 1900, with the most recent pandemic occur-
ring in 2009 caused by a new influenza A (H1N1) virus. Animal
Monitoring of Licensed Vaccines
influenza viruses, including avian influenza A (H5N1 and
H7N9) have occasionally caused illness in humans. While effi- Severe reactions following immunization are extremely rare.
cient human-to-human transmission of these viruses has not Adverse events following immunization range from the
been identified, the high case-fatality rates of human infection common, innocuous redness or soreness at point of injection
by these viruses underscore the importance of these pathogens to extremely rare, serious reactions. Adverse events may be
to public health. There are several vaccine candidates under due to an immunological or allergic reaction, susceptibility to
development against animal influenza viruses. a particular antigen, human error when administering the
vaccine, or, most frequently, coincidental events (not related
to the vaccine) occurring at the same time or after vaccination.
Quality, Safety, and Regulatory Aspects Once vaccines are licensed, ‘postmarketing surveillance’
Vaccines are given to healthy people and are therefore held to identifies less-common reactions which may occur after
the highest standards of quality and safety throughout the cycle a long period of time or in specific subgroups of the popula-
of research, production, and utilization. Regular revision of tion. Adverse events occurring once in every 100 000 or 1
manufacturing processes, legislation on production and million vaccinations may be identified this way. Such moni-
licensing, and postlicensure surveillance aims to ensure that toring is typically done through spontaneous reporting systems
the highest standards are permanently adhered to. Since its whereby events thought to be related to the vaccine are re-
establishment in 1948, WHO has brought together scientists ported to health authorities. Sometimes postlicensure moni-
from all over the world to define agreed international standards toring is conducted in more formal Phase 4 trials. Adverse
for the manufacturing and testing of vaccines, and these are events reported following immunization are not necessarily
published as a WHO Technical Report Series (see Relevant caused by the vaccine. Determination of a cause-and-effect rela-
Websites). tionship necessitates further investigation.
Immunization 197

It is the joint responsibility of governments, industry, (Tsu, 2004). Need for additional cold storage space and cost
health-care providers, and patients to report any suspected remains an obstacle, which may be balanced by lower vaccine
adverse event related to immunization. Challenges lie ahead wastage with this technology.
as more complex vaccines require increasingly sophisticated Needle-free jet injectors are a promising technology for
monitoring systems. Several countries have joined forces to improving efficiency and administration. Early model jet injec-
pool their AEFI data in a common global database. The data- tors had safety issues with cross-contamination of multiuse
base is managed by the WHO Programme for International nozzles, and this has led to the development of single-use,
Drug Monitoring. disposable components and the first licensed and WHO pre-
The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety qualified device in 2013. Manufacturing economies of scale
(GACVS) established in 1999 is charged to provide the WHO have yet to be reached to achieve widespread use. Studies are
with independent advice on vaccine safety issues. The role of underway for bioneedle (implants)- and electroporation
the GACVS is both to analyze and to interpret reports of the (EP)-mediated vaccine delivery.
adverse effects of vaccines that impact on global vaccination
programs and strategies, and to foster the development of
New Vaccine Formulations
improved surveillance systems to detect any adverse effects of
vaccines, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. It Alternative vaccine formulations could further improve immu-
also monitors the development of new vaccines during clinical nization safety and reduce contaminated waste. Administration
testing and advises on the safe use of vaccines in immunization routes such as oral, nasal, and transcutaneous are currently
programs. being explored. The multiyear measles aerosol project devel-
oped a respiratory delivery method, which although not suit-
able for primary vaccination of infants, was recognized as
Public Concerns
having potential benefits for use by nonhealthcare workers in
Over the past 40 years, immunization programs have protected low-resource settings in the context of outbreaks, emergencies,
hundreds of millions of children from deadly and debilitating and outreach. Another interesting concept is plant-derived or
diseases. As some diseases have disappeared, however, public edible vaccines encoding protective antigens from pathogens
perceptions have changed. Global communication, increasing into transgenic plants. The plants are processed to deliver
consumer awareness, and public debate about health matters a uniform dose of vaccines. Human clinical trials have been
have all contributed to greater scrutiny of vaccines and immu- conducted with bananas and raw potatoes, which showed
nization. As the public, in some parts of the world, is no longer encouraging antibody responses. Potential advantages of this
familiar with infectious diseases such as diphtheria and technology include thermostability, low-investment needs,
measles, attention is concentrated on the risk of multivalency, and oral administration.
vaccine-associated adverse events. This leads to complacency
and a lack of confidence in immunization, which in turn results
Vaccine Management
in declining coverage and resurgence of the disease. In 2006,
fueled by a now-fully discredited claim of a link between the Innovation would benefit all areas of vaccine management. For
MMR vaccine and autism, the UK experienced its largest instance, heavy reliance on the cold chain remains a major
measles outbreak in 20 years and the first measles-related death economic and logistical barrier, and the introduction of
in 14 years. More recently, a combination of political consider- a number of new antigens is increasing the burden on already
ation and rumors about the safety of the OPV have led to the stressed systems. Taking advantage of the real heat stability of
refusal of vaccinations by groups of population in Nigeria vaccines and increasing use of VVMs to use vaccines in
and Pakistan and in some cases to the killing of vaccinators. a ‘Controlled Temperature Chain’ outside the traditional
Such events have also been the cause of the reintroduction of 2–8 C range could therefore greatly facilitate immunization
the wild poliovirus into countries which had been free for campaigns and special strategies as well as reduce their costs
this disease for several years. as was shown in Benin with the Meningitis A vaccine (Lydon
et al., 2014). Research into the development of thermostable
vaccines has not so far yielded significant results. Although
Research in Vaccine Delivery a number of avenues continue to be explored, uncertainty
about market prospects, the focus of procurement agencies
New Immunization Technology
and donors on low purchasing prices, and the high cost of regu-
The increased use of auto-disable syringes (which lock after lation and licensing have impeded development in this area.
a single injection) has improved safety by preventing reuse of
contaminated syringes, thus reducing the risk of transmission
of blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, The Economics of Vaccines and Immunization
and HIV.
Economic Evaluation
Single-dose presentations, widely used in industrialized
countries, also reduce the risk of contamination. Prefilled Economic evaluation of vaccines and immunization explores
monodose injection devices not requiring a separate needle how scarce resources can be used to maximize technical and
improve safety at the point of use. UniJectÒ is such a device allocative efficiency. Such studies require data on the burden
that has been successfully tested with hepatitis B and tetanus of disease, the effectiveness of vaccines and immunization
toxoid vaccines administered by traditional birth attendants strategies being compared, the costs of delivering a vaccine,
198 Immunization

and the opportunity costs of not using it. Economic evaluations An important financing mechanism, the GAVI Alliance has
in low- and middle-income countries face particular challenges helped mobilize resources for the 73 poorest countries. The
such as data availability, and quality and standardization of GAVI Alliance subsidizes introduction of a range of new and
methods (Walker, 2010). There are special considerations for underutilized vaccines and offers financial support to
economic analysis for immunization (Beutels, 2008). Methods strengthen immunization services and health systems. GAVI
of assessing vaccine effectiveness differ according to disease, partially funds its programs through innovative financing
vaccine, and context. Increasingly, infectious disease modeling mechanisms. The International Financing Facility for Immuni-
is used, taking into account not only vaccine efficacy from clin- sation (IFFIm) developed in 2005 allows donor countries to
ical trials, but also the force of infection and natural boosting in make legally binding aid commitments over 20 years. IFFIm
a population, the protection offered by a vaccine over time borrows against these pledges on capital markets to raise
(e.g., waning immunity), and indirect protection of the non- US$4.5 billion for GAVI-supported programs in poor
vaccinated (e.g., through vaccine shedding) or reduced disease countries. Another US$1.5 billion legally binding pledge has
transmission (herd immunity). Valuing future impact presents been made for an Advance Market Commitment (AMC) to
unique difficulties, and outcome measures should include at accelerate the availability of a more effective pneumococcal
least cases and deaths prevented and disability-adjusted life vaccine. Through the AMC, an initial price is guaranteed to
years (DALYs) gained. suppliers to recoup investment costs for developing a vaccine
Costing should include all vaccine and program costs, and that meets WHO specifications. In exchange, companies
present and future treatment costs. Whereas the cost of expanding commit to provide continued supply for 10 years at a lower
coverage may rise at higher coverage levels, effectiveness may also price affordable to low-income countries.
increase as more vulnerable populations are reached, resulting in
stable or greater cost-effectiveness. Where a societal perspective is
The Global Marketplace and Economic Development
adopted, costs to families and indirect costs of lost productivity
must also be considered. Discounting of future costs is recom- Marginalized a few years ago, vaccines and immunization are
mended for vaccines with future or long-lasting impact. again central in global politics, economics, and finance.
The WHO classifies an intervention as ‘highly cost-effective’ Whereas, until recently, mergers in the pharmaceutical industry
if one DALY is gained for less than the gross domestic product radically reduced the number of companies investing in
(GDP) per capita of a given country, and ‘cost-effective’ for vaccines, the winds of change have reversed this trend. With
interventions saving a DALY for between 1 and 3 times the the creation of a new market in developing countries, large
GDP per capita (Hutubessy et al., 2003). companies have a new interest not only in vaccine research
and development, but also in making their products more
attractive and affordable for resource-constrained settings.
Financing Vaccines
There is also new vigor in the vaccine industry with companies
Economic evaluations are necessary for decision making but in, for example, India, China, South Korea, and Brazil entering
are not sufficient. Policy goals must still be clear and value the scene, as returns on investment seem more certain.
judgments made about social and public health priorities. As Investing in health is increasingly recognized to be essential
more and more costly vaccines become available, the question for social and economic development. Vaccinations can affect
of whether and how to fund them in the public sector takes on economic activity both at the individual and population level.
new urgency: no matter how cost-effective a vaccine may be, it They result in lifetime productivity gains by preventing diseases
must be affordable; that is, it should be possible to finance the that cause cognitive impairment, physical handicap, or reduced
vaccine within an immunization budget over the medium- to schooling. In addition, fewer child deaths will lead to lower
long-term without significantly affecting resources for other fertility rates over time. This, in turn, will decrease the ratio
public health priorities. In this context, price evolution must of economically dependent people in society, which will
be taken into account as product prices may decline with strengthen the labor force and the economy (Deogaonkar
time following licensing and expansion of the market. et al., 2012).
There are numerous indicators for tracking immunization For many countries, immunization is a key indicator for the
financing. These include immunization costs per capita; per national poverty reduction strategic plan. The goal of protect-
immunized child; or as a proportion of the government health ing people, especially infants and children, from VPDs is
budget, total health expenditure, or GDP. Cost savings engen- increasingly shared as a core value throughout the world. The
dered by vaccine introduction may not be available to finance global health architecture has been permanently changed by
the vaccine, as resources flow to other therapeutic services or the coming together of governments, institutions, and individ-
savings that occur in the future. In practice, private individuals, uals in partnerships to make this goal accessible to all.
employers, and health insurance companies often recognize
the health and economic value of vaccines before they are
offered in the public sector. Challenges Ahead
While encouraging such trends, fiscal space for immunization
can be expanded in the public sector by reallocating or preferably The future of vaccine development is bright. The astounding prog-
increasing the national health budget and, in lower-income ress against infectious diseases has made many of them nearly
countries, by seeking external funding. These avenues require invisible, at least in wealthier societies. Progress in advanced
the highest level of policy dialog between ministries of health molecular biology and genetics is filling the pipeline with a versa-
and finance and their development partners. tile array of new vaccines against more than 40 infectious and
Immunization 199

noncommunicable diseases. These extraordinary developments Deogaonkar, R., Hutubessy, R., van der Putten, I., Evers, S., Jit, M., 2012. Systematic
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adopt and safely deliver life-saving new products. Considerable World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
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challenge as the Global Vaccine Action Plan indicates. Lessons Learned and Implications for Action. World Health Organization, Geneva,
These monumental challenges must be tackled for immuni-
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Acknowledgment World Health Organization, 2011. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Meningococcal
Vaccines: WHO Position Paper, vol. 86. World Health Organization, Geneva,
Rosamund Lewis was the lead author of the first published 2007 version Switzerland, pp. 521–539. No. 47.
of this article upon which this revision and update has been based. World Health Organization, 2012a. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Pneumococcal
Vaccines: WHO Position Paper, vol. 87. World Health Organization, Geneva,
Switzerland, pp. 129–144. No. 14.
See also: Hepatitis, Viral; Influenza, Historical; Influenza; World Health Organization, 2012b. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Vaccines against
Influenza WHO Position Paper, vol. 87. World Health Organization, Geneva, Swit-
Measles; Poliomyelitis, Historical; Poliomyelitis; Smallpox;
zerland, pp. 461–476. No. 47.
Tetanus; Vaccines, Historical. World Health Organization, 2013a. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Global Routine
Immunization Coverage, 2012, vol. 88. World Health Organization, Geneva,
Switzerland, pp. 477–488. No. 44/45.
World Health Organization, 2013b. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Haemophilus
References influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccination Position Paper, vol. 88. World Health Orga-
nization, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 413–426. No. 39.
Beutels, P., Scuffham, P.A., MacIntyre, C.R., November 2008. Funding of drugs: do World Health Organization, 2013c. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Rotavirus Vaccines:
vaccines warrant a different approach? Lancet Infect. Dis. 8 (11), 727–733. WHO Position Paper, vol. 88. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland,
Black, R.E., Cousens, S., Johnson, H.L., Lawn, J., et al., June 5, 2010. Global, pp. 49–64. No. 5.
regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. World Health Organization, 2013d. Integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and
Lancet 375 (9730), 1969–1987. Diarrhoea. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
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World Health Organization, 2013e. World Malaria Report 2013. World Health Orga- Lydon, P., Gandhi, G., Vandelaer, J., Okwo-Bele, J.M., 2014. Health system cost
nization, Geneva, Switzerland. of delivering routine vaccination in low- and lower-middle income countries:
World Health Organization, 2013f. WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardi- what is needed over the next decade. Bull. World Health Organ. 92,
zation, 61st Report. Annex 6 Procedure for assessing the acceptability, in principle, 382–384.
of vaccines for purchase by United Nations agencies. Technical Report Series. Plotkin, S., Orenstein, W.A., Offit, P.A., 2013. Vaccines, sixth ed. Elsevier Saunders,
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Philadelphia, PA.
World Health Organization, February 2014a. Immunization Coverage: Factsheet No.
378. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
mediacentre/factsheets/fs378/en/ (accessed 02.05.14.).
World Health Organization, 2014b. Principles and Considerations for Adding a Vaccine Relevant Websites
to a National Immunization Programme: From Decision to Implementation and
Monitoring. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. – GAVI Alliance.
World Health Organization, 2014c. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Global Control and – GAVI Alliance, Advance
Regional Elimination of Measles, 2000–2012, vol. 89. World Health Organization, Market Commitments (AMC).
Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 45–52. No. 6. – International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm).
World Health Organization, 2014d. Weekly Epidemiological Record. Polio Vaccines: – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
WHO Position Paper, vol. 89. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, (UNICEF).
pp. 73–92. No. 9. – United Nations (UN), the Millennium Develop-
World Health Organization, 2014e. WHO–UNICEF Joint Statement on Effective Vaccine. ment Goals (MDG).
Management for Strengthening Immunization Supply Chains. (Draft April 2014). – World Health Organization (WHO), Immunization,
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Vaccines and Biologicals. – WHO Recommen-
dations for Routine Immunization – Summary Tables.
Further Reading – WHO, Technical Report
Series (TRS). – WHO, Vaccine Position
Alfonso, P.L., de Quadros, C.,A., Lal, A.A. (Eds.), 2013. Decade of Vaccines. Vaccine, Papers.
vol. 31 (S2), B1–B250.
Jamieson, D.T., Brennan, J.G., Measham, A.R., et al., 2006. Disease Control Priorities
in Developing Countries. Oxford University Press and World Bank, Oxford, UK.

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