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Coastal Sediment Transport Model

Haryo Dwito Armono

Nopember 2010

All Materials taken from :
 Reeve, D., Chadwick, A., n Fleming, C., Coastal
Engineering: Process , Theory and Design Practice, SPON
Press, 2008 page 305

Variables for Froude Similarity
Variables Dimension Froude Ratio Vp Vm
Froude Criterion  
Length L NL gpLp gmLm
Area L2 NL2
Vp gpLp
Volume L2 NL3 NV    N1/2
g NL

Vm gmLm
Time T NL1/2N1/2N-1/2 NL 1/2 1/2
NV   Ng NL
Velocity LT-1 NL1/2N-1/2N1/2 NT
Acceleration LT-2 N-1N NL
NT  as   g
Mass M NL3N Ng
Force MLT-2 NL3N N
N  N Ng Ng 
Specific Weight ML-2T-2 NNg N
Pressure ML-1T -2 NLN NLN
NT 
Momentum MLT -1 NL7/2N1/2N1/2 N
Energy ML2T-2 NL4N
Power ML2T-3 NL7/2N-1/2N3/2

Mobile bed model
 Most difficult hydraulic model  uncertainties
 State of knowledge in mobile bed model is still on debate
 Approach:
 Understand the dominant response mechanism of sediment
 Assume that the sediments are reacting primarily to waves with
current added

Non Dimensional Parameters includes
u* D  Is it physically possible
a. Grain sized Reynolds number ( Re ) : to simultaneously satisfy

all the requirements?
 u*2
b. Densimetric Froude number ( ) :
 Choice has to be made..

c. Relative Density : s

 How? Determine :

d. Relative Length :  The characteristics of
model sediment
e. Relative fall speed : s  Model ability to
for suspended model u* reproduce particular
responses to dominant

Scaling Laws for Bedload Models
(Kamphuis, 1985)

a b c d
Model NRe* N Ns/ N/D ND Nl
Best NL3/2 1 1 1 NL 1

NL-1/11 NL3/11
Lightweight 1 1 ** NL12/11

Densimetric NL1/8ND11/8
1 ** NL/ND * (NL/ND)1/4
Sand NL1/8ND11/8 1 NL/ND * 1

* means free choice

** means determined from Nl but restricted to 1.05< s/< 2.65

 Best Model satisfied b, c, d  a model with same density as
prototype and grain size reduced with geometric scale. 
prototype grain size relative large (gravel beach)

 Lightweight model preserve grain-size Reynolds number (a) and

densimetric Froude Number (b)  model sediment with grain
Scale Effect
size larger than geometric scale. How about relative density?
Would it be possible to satisfy in practice?

 Densimetric Froude model  flexibility in the choice of model


 Sand models preserves density of prototype sediment, but

sediment transport scales are significantly affected.  series of
experiments using different sediment size

Suspension Dominated Transport Models
 Considered :
 Relative fall speed
 Relative density
 Use of Dean’s number : H/(wsT)
represent the ratio of the time taken for the sediment to fall
at a distance of one wave height to that of wave period
 If H/(wsT) > 1  suspended sediment is likely to
predominate over bed load transport  fall speed ratio (NFS)
N FS  N L

Problem Example:
(taken from Coastal Eng by Chadwick p305)

 It is proposed to build a 1:28 scale model, to study 3D coastal

sediment transport on shingle beach, using Kamphuis’ best model.
Prototype parameters are Hs = 2.0m, Ts= 6.0s, D50=15mm,
s=2650 kg/m3,  = 1027 kg/m3,  = 1.36 x 10-6 m2/s

Qk  2.27 H sb2 Tp1.5 (tan  )0.75 D500.25 (sin 2b )0.6


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