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Galvez, Mary Ann O.

BS Tourism Management 2A


1. Explain the meaning of tour guide.

•A tour guide is a person who has been hired specifically to lead a guided tour that includes
explanations of the sights, locations, and facilities being visited in one or more languages, as well
as general guidance and assistance (including safety and welfare considerations) for the tour
participants. Tour guides also do whatever is reasonably required to maximize the tour
participants' appreciation and enjoyment. In addition to their regular duties as tour guides, tour
guides may also be involved in any other tasks that are incidental to their business.

2. Describe the different types of tour guides.

Types of Guides

1. Urban Guides- those who take pleasure in telling the story of a city or region.

2. Government Guides- states, local and national governments employ

guides to show their most important historic, cultural, political and scenic facilities to visitors.

3. Driver Guides- conducts tours driving motor coaches, vans, or cars.

4. Business or Industry Guide- several corporations, large or small, hire guides to conduct tours of their facilities to educate
visitors, promote their business or industry and uplift the image of their company.

5. Adventure Guides- the dynamic, emerging field of adventure travel demands a growing number of guides with varied and
special skills.

6. Tour Managers- one who administers and regulates a tour.

7. Interpreters- the word “interpreter” has many accepted meanings among which are “translator of foreign languages “and
one “who communicates by sign language.” The interpreter referred to in this book is one who practices the art of explanation
or as defined by the National Association of Interpretation, “the art of revealing meanings and relationships in natural,
cultural, recreational and historical resources.”
8. Escorts Interpreters- is one who accompanies foreign visitors who are officially invited by the government.

9. Docents or Volunteer Guides - are most commonly called docents. Docents are found in most every city and town, at visitor
centers, museums, historic houses, churches, and other places that people usually visit.

3. Explain the primary duty of an escort enterpreter.

An escort interpreter, also known as a travel interpreter or an escorting interpreter, can act almost like a personal assistant
for clients who are on business trips. These interpreters may go to a single meeting or a number of meetings with their

Communication between people who speak various languages is facilitated by interpreters. They achieve this through re-
communicating vocal and textual messages from one language into another through interpretation, translation, and re-
communication. Both spoken languages and sign languages are included in this.

4. Discuss the role of a tour guide.

•A tour guide is a person who guides tourists around a particular place that they are visiting and offers them relevant
information about the place. Tour guides must be able to interpret the natural heritage and cultural aspects of an area, as
well as have the necessary qualifications issued by the appropriate authority to work as a tour guide in the area.

The tour guide is responsible for helping the people who are visiting to understand the area that they are visiting. They must
be thoroughly knowledgeable about the cities, regions and countries where they work.

Tour guides typically take groups of tourists around town and lead them to places of importance. They provide commentary on
the special features of the location or the history of each place, and they are often expected to share fun stories from the
locals and share local culture.

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