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screen.....:)....By Ooscar713 ~GTA SA OPCODES

Code Name: Type:

1. -Claude Speed Skin Found 09C7: change_player_skin $PLAYER_CHAR to
105 Change Skin To Claude Speed
2. -Kill Yourself Found 05BE: kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
Kills Yourself
3. -Fast Carjack Found 05CB: $Actor1 enter_car $car 1
Teleport Inside Car You Wish
4. -Attach Cars Found 0683: $car1 $car2 0.0 -4.6 .65 15.0 0.0
0.0 Attach Car1 to Car2
5. -Change Skin Made-Up 09C7: change_player_skin $PLAYER_CHAR to
(Enter # Here) Change Skin To Any Body
6. -Drunk Vision Found 052C: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk_visuals
100 Makes Screen Wavy
7. -Dual Weopons Found 081A: $actor 2
Makes Guns Dual-Weildable
8. -Boxing Fighting Style Found 07FE: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
fighting_style_to 5 6 Gives Player Boxing Fighting Style

9. -Fighting Style Change Found 07FE: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

fighting_style_to (Enter # Here) 6 Changes Players Fighting Style
To What You Want, WARNING: when you choose a number and put it where it says 'enter
# here' make sure its either from 4-16 any other number crashes the game

10. -Turn Off Area 69 Laws Found 07A8: toggle_military_zones 0

Turns Off Military Protection at Area 69

11. -Make A Ped Go-to Location Found 05D3=6,unknown_action_sequence %1d%

%2d% %3d% %4d% %5h% %6d% Makes a ped go-to a place u want him to
go.....WARNING: %1d% is the pedestrian, %2d%,%3d%, and %4d$ is X,Y,Z Coordinates,
%5h% is the movement only pick one number can only be 4,5, or 6, %6d% is the time
limit (in milliseconds) if this time has passed pedestrian will be teleported to
his location!, if this is set to -2 there is no time limit!

12. -Make A Ped Go-to Car's Passenger Seat(Found) 0430: PUT_ACTOR $(Actor)
IN_CAR_AS_PASSENGER $Car $Seat Gets Ped In Passenger Seat Of A Car

13. -One Wheel Lowrider Hydraulics (Found) 07F5: @1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Gets Lowriders Hydraulics To One Wheel

14. -Make A Car Follow You Found 07F8: @1 @0 10.0

Makes A Car Follow Your Car
15. -Leave Car & Attack Found 05E2=2,unknown_action_sequence (Actor) (Actor)
Makes A Ped Attack A Ped
16. -Trip Skip To A Location Found 0950: trip_skip (X Cord) (Y Cord) (Z
Cord) angle 0 Teleports Car To Location With You
17. -Put Jetpack On Ped Made-Up 07A7: put_jetpack_on_actor $(Actor)
Puts A Jetpack On A Ped
18. -Player Chews Gum Found 05BA: action_sequence actor @1 chew_gum -1 ms
Makes Player Chew Gum
19. -Make Ped Move Mouth Found 0967: actor $(Actor) move_mouth_for
(Milliseconds) ms Makes Ped Or Player Move Mouth
20. -Keep Stuff After Busted Found 08DE: keep_stuff_after_busted 0
Keeps Stuff After Busted
21. -Keep Stuff After Wasted Found 08DD: keep_stuff_after_wasted 0
Keeps Stuff After Wasted
22. -Helicopter Follows You Or Ped---(Found) 0726: helictoper @1 follow_actor $
(Actor) follow_car -1 radius 20.0 Helicopter Follows Ped Or Player
23. -Droppable Weopons Found 087E: set_actor @5 weapon_droppable 1
You Can Drop Weopons

24. -Make Blood Gush Found 09B8: create_blood_gush_at $73 $74 $75 offset
5.0 -5.0 10.0 density 100 on_actor $(Actor) Makes Blood Gush On Player Or Ped

25. -Create An Entrence Marker------(Found) 0A40: create_entrance_marker_at (X

Cord) (Y Cord) (Z Cord) = @0 Creates An Entrance To Somewhere (Do Not Know What '=
@0' Means...Could Be Location Of The Building

26. -Photograph Screen Found 0A1E: 1

Takes A Picture
27. -Houses Enterable Found 09E6: 1
Makes Houses Enterable
28. -Make Fire Found 02CF: create fire at $(X Cord) $(Y Cord) $(Z
Cord) 1 4 $fire1 Creates fire At Location
29. -Make Ped Kill Someone Found 05E2: unknown_action_sequence @1 $(Actor)
Makes A Ped Kill A Ped Or You
30. -Make Someone Kill Someone----(Found) 05E2: unknown_action_sequence $(Actor) $
(Actor) Makes Someone Kill Someone
31. -Sit Down Found 06B0: unknown_action_sequence $(Acotr) 80000
Makes An Actor Sit Down

32. -Hunter Hitman Found 0841: @0 1

Hunter Chases And Attacks You (Guns)
0724: @0 $PLAYER_ACTOR 30.0

33. -Drive-By To A Car Found 0713: unknown_action_sequence $(Actor) -1 $(Car

ID) 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0 0 90 Makes An Actor Do A Drive-By On A Car

34. -Drive-By To Actor Found 0713: unknown_action_sequence $(Actor) $(Actor)

-1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000.0 4 1 40 Makes An Actor Do A Drive-By To An Actor

35. -Turn Nightvision On Found 08B1=1,turn_nightvision_on %1h%

Not Sure How It Works

36. -Actor Headshots Actor Found 0446=2,enable_actor %1d% headshot %2h%

Not Sure How It Works

37. -Abort Mission Found 045C: abort_mission

Stops current Mission

38. -Make boxes On Screen Found 038E: draw_box_on_screen 200.0 200.0

width_height 100.0 100.0 color 0 0 0 oppacity 255 Makes A Box On Screen

39. -Take Boxes Off Screen Found 03F0: text draw toggle 0
Take boxes Off Screen

40. -Actor Falls down Found 05BB: actor_task_fall_down $(Actor) 0

(Milliseconds) Makes Actor Run Into Wall And Fall Down
41. -Actor In Vehicle Found 00DB: is_actor $(Actor) in_vehicle $
(Vehicle) Puts an actor in a vehicle
42. -Actor In Any Vehicle Found 0449: is_actor $(Actor)
inside_any_vehicle Puts an actor in any vehicle
43. -Colliding Vehicles Found 09CB: vehicle $(Vehicle)
colliding_with_vehicle (Enter # Here)@ Makes two vehicles collide
44. -Breakable Walls With Swat Van-----(Found) 07F7: toggle_object $2721
indestructible 1 Makes walls breakable with swat van

45. -Gang Strength Limit Set Found 08F4=1,set_gang_strengt_limit_to %1h%

Sets gang strenghth limit, WARNING: i think the word %1h% is
where you place percent....(in the '1h' part)

46. -Make Actor Climb Found 0A29: player $(Actor) climbing

Makes actor climb stuff, (if the word 'player' dont work, then replace it
with the word 'actor'!

47. -Hidden Package Found 02EC: put_hidden_package_at (X Cord) (Y

Cord) (Z Cord) Places hidden package(might not work)
48. -Make A Ped Go-to Location 2-----(Found) 0211: walk_actor_to_point $(Actor),
(X Cord), (Y Cord) walks actor to location you put

49. -Makin Money Asset Found 04A6: $710 = create_asset_money_pickup_at (X

Cord) (Y Cord) (Z Cord) money (Ammount of money) $712 Makes Money Asset

50. -Slot Machine Text Box Found 0513: 'SLOT_02' @14 ; ~t~ Use Slot
Machine $~1~ Text box appears

60. -Make Money Icons Found 02E1: @136(@212,2i) = create_cash_pickup

(Ammount of money) at (X Cord) (Y Cord) (Z Cord) unknown 1
Make money icons appear

61. -Ballas Sell Drugs To You Found 08E8: assign_external_script_handle

'DEALER' to_actor_model #BALLAS1 A balla sells drugs to you
62. -Tenpenny Spawns Found 023C: load_special_actor 1 'TENPEN' at (X
Cord) (Y Cord) (Z Cord) Tenpenny appears
63. -Sell Drugs Found 08E8: assign_external_script_handle 'DEALER'
to_actor_model #PLAYER_ACTOR Sell drugs

64. -Restart After Wasted Found 016C: restart_if_wasted at (X Cord) (Y

Cord) (Z Cord) angle 137.0 unknown 0 Restart where you want after wasted

65. -Walk Fat Made-Up 0245: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

walk_style_to "FATMAN" Walk like a fat guy
66. -More Than Six Stars Found 01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to (#)
Set max wanted level
67. -Create A Horseshoe Found 0959: $2881 = create_horseshoe_at (X Cord) (Y
Cord) (Z Cord) Create Horseshoe
68. -Create An Oyster Found 095A: $2981 = create_oyster_at (X Cord) (Y
Cord) (Z Cord) Create Oyster
69. -Random Pedestrian Found 0376: @18 = create_random_actor (X Cord) (Y
Cord) (Z Cord) Creates random ped
70. -Create Sphere Found 03BC: @149 = create_sphere (X Cord) (Y
Cord) (Z Cord) 1.0 Creates Mission Spheres
71. -Random Fire Found 02CF: create_fire_at (X Cord) (Y Cord) (Z
Cord) 0 1 @142(@213,21i) Makes Random Fire
72. -Create Marker Found 0186: $61 = create_marker_above_car $(#)
Creates Marker Above Car
73. -Create Car Found 00A5: @0 = create_car #(Car) at (X Cord) (Y
Cord) (Z Cord) Spawn Car

74. -Ooscar's Tips #1: Made-Up Ok some people may wonder how to create a
simple mission script or whatever to activate one of these codes
well,lemme show u!!!!!!:)

1-first download Cleo 3 Library/Cleo or whatever

2-next download Sanny Builder 3
3-Make a folder where your going to keep all your work!:)
4-Next Make a new text document and name it what your mod's
name is!
5-Now in your new text document, type this exact code if u
want to activate your mod automatically
(only works with some codes):


while true
wait 250
(Insert Mod's Code Here)

it may seem as though the code looks stupid and is indented

and/or has too much spacing
but trust me it works if done right!

6-in the part that says (Insert Mod's Code Here) highlight
from the first paranthesis to the last
and past your code in there!
7- now, if you want to press F4 to activate your mod(only
works with some codes) then copy this code:


while true
wait 250
0AB0: key_pressed 0x73
(Insert Mod's Code Here)

and paste your code on the (Insert Mod's Code Here) part!:)
8-Now open up Sanny Builder 3 after you have already
installed it!:)
9-Now open up the text file you just made!:) with sanny
builder 3
10-Next, go to the 'tools' option and go to 'Code
Converter' and press MB -> SB
11-wait a that your code is converted, it
creates another text file called
(whatever the name of the code is)_conv!
12-now you have two text files with different names but the
same writing, ok, now close everything
and go to the folder with all your work!
13-you might want to delte the old (first) text file, as it
is no use to you!:)
14-open up Sanny Builder 3 again but this time open up the
new text file that was converted from the old one,
now that its open, time to code it!
15-go to the sanny builder 3's option called 'run' and
press 'compile' and a screen should pop up talking about something, just
press ok, and your done!
16-install the Cleo Library by putting the folder called
'CLEO' in the GTA SA's main directory
17-copy the '.cs' file(your mod) that you made from your
folder, and paste it in the CLEO Folder
18-run GTA SA and test it out

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