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J esus


J esus

| John 3:1-22 October 2, 2022
(Note to the preacher) You may make your own introduction and conclusion
fitted to your church context.
Good day to everyone!

Today is the first Sunday of October – our Missions Month! This year, for every last
Sunday of the month we celebrate our mission’s Sunday – we focused on the truth
that woven throughout the whole Bible; that in every book in the Bible has a mission’s
story. Every character and every book from the Old Testament to the New Testament
is connected by one thread of story -- God working, calling different people in
different times to become a part in His great plan to save all peoples on earth. This is
also known as God’s Great Redemptive plan!
As we celebrate mission’s month, we will focus on Jesus the ultimate trailblazer. To
quote Dr. Jun Vencer in his message during the culmination of Missions month 2021 he
said, “that the fundamental basis and source for Missions is the Triune God (who is a
missionary) who sent His only Son Jesus (who is a missionary) and who is the model for
all missionaries.
To begin our series, let us turn to John 3: 1 – 21. The conversation between Jesus and
Nicodemus. (Read OR read during scripture reading)
Who is Nicodemus?
He is a JEW. He belonged to a nation that traces their lineage to David, Jacob
and back to Abraham. They have a standing belief, passed on from one
generation to the next generation that they are the Chosen people of God! That
they are special in the sight of God! They look at other nations as gentiles outside
of their special relationship with God.
He is a Pharisee – The Pharisees are a religious group that started and
developed during the time when the Greek Empire ruled the world – during the
time of the Seleucids. The word Pharisee comes from the Hebrew word “parush or
parushi, which means "one who is separated." It may refer to their separation
from the Gentiles, sources of ritual impurity or from the irreligious Jews.
During the time of Jesus this group became the most powerful group in Jerusalem.
They have the power to accuse and decide whether one broke the law. And they can
even give a sentence for major violations of the law – stoning to death! Now, this is
important for them because they believed that it was their breaking of the Law of
God that God punished them and that Jerusalem was destroyed and exiled to
Babylon. Nicodemus was a member of such a religious group!
He was a member of the Jewish ruling council.” Known as the SANHEDRIN! In
the context of their time the Sanhedrin was the Supreme Court.
First, he was a Jew (belonged to the Chosen people of God), second, he was a
Pharisee – meaning he was very religious; he followed the law to the letter and third,
he was a member of the ruling council – a judge. He was a pedigree in the Jewish


First, in verses 1–3 (read): Nicodemus was a devout religious man but he has
not experienced spiritual birth. So, a person can be religious and yet not be
born again. Observe in verse 2, Nicodemus said “Rabbi, we know that you are a
teacher come from God,” Jesus says in verse 7, “You must be born again.” We can
| John 3:1-22 October 2, 2022
see here that Nicodemus has a background on how God works. He can recognize
the spiritual authority that Jesus has. So, it is possible that a person can be
religiously aware, practice religious rituals and have religious knowledge without
God being at work in them.

In verses 3, 5, and 7(read): To be born again is a pre-requisite to see and
enter the Kingdom of God! We cannot escape God’s judgment and receive
eternal life unless we are born again! Every person on earth must meet this basic
requisite – born again. No amount of sacrifice, religiosity or good deeds can
replace this requirement. Verse 3: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born
again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” It is not an optional religious
experience. It is absolutely necessary if we are to be saved.
In verse 6: When Jesus says, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that
which is born of the Spirit is spirit,” It is very clear in this verse that all human
effort results to fleshly/temporary/sinful outcome.
Based on Nicodemus efforts as a pharisee, their meticulous hard work on following
the law to the letter, Jesus was pointing out to Nicodemus that all his religious efforts,
piousness and religiosity was not enough to gain the kingdom of God and eternal life!
Paul, the Apostle came to this conclusion in Philippians 3: 7 - 9, “7 But whatever were
gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider
everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,
for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ
9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law,
but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on
the basis of faith.”
Jesus reveals to Nicodemus God’s great plan in action.
John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone
who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.


1. For God so loved the world (the foundation of Missions)
Now God – is not a context or a background here in John 3: 16 but he is the main
ground! And notice that John makes no explanation about God – but he points
directly to God. There is no reason to think that JOHN means any other God than the
God of the Old Testament. He is the all-powerful Creator and Sustainer of the
universe. His readers knew the God he is referring to.
Let me focus your attention on a very small word that we often overlook/ ignore. The
word SO. God does not only love the world, but he also so loved the world! And it
should be an eye opener for Nicodemus(Jew, Pharisee, Judge), that God’s love was
not limited to the Jewish nation. But God loves the whole world! That God’s plan of
sending a Messiah was not only for the people of Israel but for the whole world, for
every tongue, every nation, every boy, girl, man, woman, brown skinned, white
skinned, black skinned, tall or short – God loves everyone! God desires for everyone
to be saved! And because He loves the world, leads us to the second,
2. That he gave His only Son (the heart and soul of missions)
Two important things to understand about the word “gave” in John 3: 16
One is that the act of giving from God came from the heart of love. From
that which is of God to man! From heaven to man! The world does not deserve it,
the world is not worthy of it – but God gave! If God did not give His son – the
world will perish, everyone in the world will experience eternal deaths.
| John 3:1-22 October 2, 2022
Giving is the heart of God – the missionary heart of God. God so loves the world –
he chose freely and voluntarily to give His son! He does Not need to; He does not
have to, but He did it anyway because He loves the world! God is the ultimate
Missions planner and sender. He planned and executed missions out of His passion
of saving the world!

And the other is that Jesus knew that this giving of God, was not just to come to
earth, but to die. The next verse, verse 17 replaces the word give with send (send
is an important and crucial word in missions). “For God did not send his Son into
the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved
through him.” So the giving of verse 16 is God’s sending his Son into the world on a
mission! Jesus knew it. That is why we titled this series “Jesus the Ultimate
Trailblazer” Because even before he came, even before David, before Abraham,
before Noah – Jesus knew His mission and he came sacrificially so that the world
will be saved.
3. so that everyone who believes in Him (the goal of Missions)
We look at this phrase from Nicodemus point of view, the word “everyone” points
back to the word “world”, when Jesus used the word “world” he means everyone
who needs to be saved by God! People who are in sin, who are living in sin, people
like Nicodemus “who needs to be born again.
So everyone from and of the whole world, not only from Israel, who will believe in
Jesus, who will believe in the Son that God gave, they will not perish but have
eternal life.
Simple definition of the word believes, believe according to google means to
accept that (something) is true, to embrace something as true and when it is a
person, it means to trust them to be what they are and do what they say. To
believe (in Jesus) is not only in the head, to believe is not only to agree but it is to
put our trust on that person – Jesus, and by putting our trust and faith we mean –
obeying/doing what they are saying!
What happens when we put our trust in him, when we believe him?

4. will not perish but have eternal life (the result or outcome of missions)
There are two contrasting results that the word believes carries with it.
One is, although the opposite is mentioned, will not perish, means that anyone in
the world who does not believe in him will perish. Perish is the alternative to
eternal life — “not perish but have eternal life.” So if a person perishes, he or she
does not have eternal life. And on the other hand if a person has eternal life – he
or she wwill not perish. In verse 18 John describes perishing as being condemned.
“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is
condemned already.” And that means that God’s anger, wrath – God’s righteous
judgment is on us as sinners and remains on us – if we do not receive God’s grace
into our lives – we remain and continue to be judged! I want to be clear here –
Everyone who does not believe in him, who does not accept him – is condemned!
In simple terms Perishing is going to hell, to the eternal fire!
The other is eternal life. This does not simply mean we exist forever. Everybody
exists forever. But not everybody has eternal life. Only those who believe in the
Son of God will have eternal life. Only those who believe and accept Jesus, the
Son of God, will be rescued from God’s wrath and judgment and are assured of
eternal life in the presence of God!
| John 3:1-22 October 2, 2022
1. The need to be born again into the family of God, Not New or more Religion
To be born again is not getting a new religion but getting a new life. What Nicodemus

needs, and what you and I need, is not religion but life. There are millions of people in
the world today who are practicing different kinds of religious rituals, consistently and
faithfully but are not born again. One of the biggest deceptions that the enemy blinds
a lot of people is that “they are practicing religion that can assure them eternal life.”
All religions claim that: Buddhist, Islam, Shinto and many more! That is why Jesus
repeatedly told Nicodemus “You must be born again.”

2. God’s Great Love for the world, Jesus sacrificial coming to die and our faith in
Jesus are the components for rebirth/born again and eternal life
John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone
who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

3. Because of lessons 1 and 2 it is imperative and crucial that the world will hear
this Great News!
Romans 10: 13 - 17, “for, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
There is that word again “everyone” – the world – if they call on the name of the Lord
you will be saved, PERIOD! This gift of grace and faith is made available to everyone.
Not only made available to everyone but patiently awaits everyone to listen, to
repent, to turn to God, to heed the message of the Gospel! But,
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they
believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without
someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is
written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

(Note to the preacher)

You may make your own conclusion fitted to your church context.
| John 4:1-45
Working together to fulfill the Great Commission October 9, 2022

Today is the 2nd Sunday of our CAMACOP’s Missions Month. Throughout

this whole month of October, our focus is on Jesus the ultimate trailblazer for mission.

Note to the preacher: (Give a short review of last Sunday’s sermon: Jesus and Nicodemus as
recorded in John chapter 3.)

Today, let’s look at Jesus and the Samaritan woman. It is found in John chapter 4.
Many if not all of you are familiar with the story of Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan
Woman. So in the interest of time, please keep your Bibles open to John 4, however
we will still summarize the story.
As you may recall, Jesus passed through Samaria and he stopped by a well on the
road. A Samaritan woman was there to draw water. By custom, Jews do not associate
or even talk with Samaritans because of their mestizo status. Samaritans are Jews
who intermarried with other races. So, they are considered unclean. Plus, male Jews
consider women as second-class citizens, and therefore, not worthy of extra attention.
So when Jesus talked with a Samaritan woman, he went against Jewish protocol. But
this woman was no ordinary woman. She was an adulterous woman. Her own society
cast her out. So her status went even lower. That’s why she was drawing from the well
at noon. Jesus really went out of His way (extra effort) just to talk with this woman.
That’s how much Jesus loves people. He goes out of his way, out of his comfort zone,
to reach out to them. Now as Jesus & the Samaritan woman talked, a wonderful
spiritual happening takes place. The woman believes in Jesus as the Messiah.
At this point, the disciples caught up with Jesus. Let’s read the passage…
27 Just then the disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman.
But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?”

28Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people,
29 “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him.

31Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”

32But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”
33Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?”

34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.
35Do you not say, “Four months more and then the harvest”?
I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life,
so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37Thus the saying
‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for.
Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

So, here is the scenario. When the disciples arrived at the scene, a spiritual happening
had just taken place. An adulterous Samaritan woman believes in Jesus. But what did
the disciples see? They saw Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman. They saw Jesus
breaking protocol. Then, they asked Jesus about food. To sum it up, the disciples
missed the spiritual event. They were operating only on the physical and material
realm. But Jesus was not frustrated. Instead, when the disciples offered food, he used
it as a jumping board to teach them a lesson. He said, “my food is to do the will of the
one who sent me and to finish His work.” Jesus did what He came to do. He finished
the work of providing salvation for mankind.And He has given us, his followers, the
work of bringing the message of salvation to the world. So how do we do it? By doing
what Jesus told his disciples to do:
| John 4:1-45
Working together to fulfill the Great Commission October 9, 2022


Jesus said, “I tell you, open your eyes…” In English Standard Version it says, “Look, I
tell you, lift up your eyes…”

The disciples missed the spiritual event because they focused on tradition. They
focused on the temporal needs of a person. The physical needs. Jesus told them to
lift up their eyes – there are needs beyond your own. If we are to reach the world
for Christ, we need to lift up our eyes away from ourselves, our needs, our
personal satisfaction, our ambition. We need to resist the temptation to be
completely absorbed in our own lives, our own situations, our own agenda. We
need to lift up our eyes beyond our own selfishness, self-centeredness and
prejudices. We need to lift up our eyes from our own little worlds.
It’s natural to look out for ourselves — to stay in our comfort zone, look for security,
survival… etc.
As Christians we operate above the natural…
We are in the realm of supernatural — spiritual…
To be able to look beyond ourselves, we need to have spiritual appetites.. this comes
from our relationship with God.. being filled with the Spirit.
We need to Ask God to change our hearts and give us appetite for the things that are
important to Him — like Jesus said, “my food is to do the will of the one who sent me.”
The needs of the world are great. We just need to look around us. Just beyond the
doors of our houses are people who need the Lord. Across the street, where you live,
there are so many people who need the Lord. Around the world, even more people
need the Lord. In many places around the world, people have not even had the
chance of hearing about Jesus Christ even once. Of the 17,427 people groups around
the world today, there are still 7,414 people groups — 3.34 billion people who are
unreached (source: Joshua Project; Every day thousands
and thousands of them are dying, lost in their sins. Think of the 3.34 billion people —
7,414 people groups in darkness and sin, without Christ and without hope.
Like the disciples, we also need a spiritual vision. Do you have a spiritual vision? Do
you see what Jesus sees when He looks at the world today? What comes to your mind
when you see the news around the world? News of war, of calamities, of the covid
casualties, of the refugee crisis and many other bad news? What goes on in your heart
when you see immorality, corruption, greed, crimes committedall around you?
We need to see the world through the eyes of Jesus. But we cannot have a spiritual
vision apart from him.Ask God to sharpen your spiritual vision so that when you look,
you will see what Jesus sees — you will see the fields of lost people, the fields of
unreached people groups that are ready for harvest.
As with physical grain, the opportunity for harvesting spiritually is relatively brief. If
we delay, many people will die in their sins without a chance of hearing the gospel.
And God will hold us accountable.
36 Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that
the sower and the reaper may be glad together. 37Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’
is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work,
and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
| John 4:1-45
Working together to fulfill the Great Commission October 9, 2022

It is said that “It takes the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole
world.” One person cannot do it alone. One church cannot do it alone. CAMACOP
cannot do it alone. It takes the whole body of Christ, working together in love and

unity to reach the world for Christ.
I grew up in the farm and harvest time is a big event. Everybody in the town gets
busy. During harvest time, people have different tasks. Some stay at home to prepare
food, water and other needs of the harvesters. Others go to the field – some cut the
grain, some tie them up, some do threshing and many more – but we all have one
purpose – to harvest.
That is the same in God’s harvest field — some stay at home to support the harvesters
through prayer, giving, encouraging, mobilizing,… Others go to the field. And on the
field there are different tasks as well — (Example: in our Alliance team in Mongolia,
some did the coffee house, some taught English, some did relief and development,
some did IT, some are in leadership training, some are church planting, some are doing
basketball ministry, Melody and I are in the International church — we all have
different tasks and ministries, but all of us are part of the harvest.)
These are terrible times and I think the gates of hell are trying to get people as fast as
they can through wars, calamities, this pandemic, and many more… but as these
terrible things happen around the world, God is also touching people’s hearts. He is
opening opportunities for the Gospel. So these are also exciting times. We are in the
final stages of the battle. Kung marathon pa, we are now in the last lap, the last
stretch. Konting push na lang, and the final sign of the Lord’s second coming will
happen. He said, “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world
as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
So let’s labor together to bring in the harvest. We all have a part in bringing the good
news to the world.
The question is, what is your part? Another question is, are you doing your part?
Brothers and sisters, God has given us this precious privilege of joining Him in His
work among the nations today. Let’s lift up our eyes, let’s look at the fields that are
ready for harvest, and let us labor together to bring the Gospel to the ends of the
world. Thank you for all that you are doing for missions. May the Lord continue to
bless you to do your part to fulfill the great commission.
| Luke 8:26-39 October 16, 2022

We are on the 3rd Sunday of our Missions Emphasis Month.

We are praying that we are enjoying and learning from Jesus our Ultimate
Trailblazer’s encounter with people.

Note to the preacher: (Give a short review of last Sunday’s sermon: Jesus and the
Samaritan Woman as recorded in John chapter 4. You can also make your own introduction)
Today we turn our attention to the encounter with Jesus and the demoniac. Open your
Bibles to Luke 8:26-39.
The encounter takes place in land on the east side of the Sea of Galilee in northern
Israel. Most modern versions say they were in the region of the “Gerasenes”. This was
a Gentile (non-Jewish) area which will account for the pigs we will meet later in the
story. There is no explanation as to why Jesus decided to come into this particular
territory because it appears that he was not in town that long. He came all the way
with the intent of ministering to the man He will encounter as soon as He got out of the
In this message we will see that JESUS TOOK TIME TO REACH OUT TO THOSE
The Bible says,
27 “When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the
town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but lived in the
tombs. 28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of
his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you,
don’t torture me!” 29 For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man.
Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept
under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary
places (27-29).
As Jesus was getting out of his boat we are told that a violent, naked, and demon-
possessed man came toward Him. As you may remember demons are fallen angels
who work under Satan. Their whole purpose is to defeat the work of God.
In the Bible, demon possession means to be taken over, enslaved, and controlled by
evil supernatural forces. As we look at the cases of demon possession there are
several things we notice:
1) The people tend to have disregard for personal dignity in nakedness.
2) They often engage in destructive behaviors.
3) They are often uncontrollably angry.
4) They (the Demons) recognize the authority of Jesus and react with hostility.
5) The demons speak in a voice different from that of the person they occupy.
6) They often have an extraordinary strength.
Now, enter into the world of this man.
This possession made him an outcast. He was violent and had terrified the people in
town. He was so terrifying that they kept him chained and under guard. He was so
strong that he broke the chains and escaped to the caves outside of town.
Do not miss the horror of this man’s life. I wonder if he recognized the uncontrolled
nature of his life. I wonder if he was held hostage inside his own body. He was a
person people pointed to, feared, and made fun of. He was dismissed as crazy. No one
took him seriously. He is the kind of person we want to “put away” so that we do not
have to deal with him. He is hard to reach!
| Luke 8:26-39 October 16, 2022

Jesus however, did not react with fear. He was confident of His authority/
power over the spirit world and stood waiting for the man.
When the demons in the man saw that this was Jesus they stopped charging and

brought the man they had taken over to his knees. The demons said, “What do you
want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” Remember, the book of James tells
us that “even the demons believe and tremble.” (James 2:19)
Do not miss the significance. The army of demons that were in the man bowed before
the authority of the Son of God. Satan is powerful and he seeks to do us harm, BUT, he
must still submit to the authority of the Lord! There is nothing, nothing, nothing, that is
outside the authority of the Lord! It is an important reminder that there is nothing in
your life or mine that He cannot overcome.

1.Where does Jesus want you? RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE!

The ignored/ neglected, hard to reach man, who had been a prisoner in his own body,
was set free by Jesus. Look at the change in the man. In verse 34 we are told that
when people came out to see what had happened they found the man “sitting at Jesus’
feet, dressed and in his right mind.” Jesus had given the man’s life back to him.
What a wonderful deliverance! What a powerful Savior!
Can you see that this man’s story is also our story?
If we see ourselves through the lens of God's holiness we see that we too were naked
and imprisoned by the power of sin. On the cross, Jesus did for us as He did for the
demoniac. He silenced the accusations of the Devil. He satisfied the demands of
justice. Our sin/ debt was erased and we were set free. We who were once
imprisoned and tortured were given our lives back.
There are people who are still naked and imprisoned by the power of sin. They need to
experience what Jesus did to the demoniac and to us. They deserved to be forgiven;
hey deserved the love and life that Jesus wants them to have. Are we reaching out to
them like Christ did?

2. Where does Jesus want you? RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!

Now we come to the end of the story:
[38] The man from whom the demons had departed begged him earnestly to be with him.
But he sent him away and said, [39] “Go back to your home, and tell all that God has done
for you.” And off he went, proclaiming throughout the town how much Jesus had done for
him. (Vv 38-39)
It was better for the man to stay there among his own people. They needed him and
he needed to be there. No doubt his request was sincere. He may have feared, “If you
leave, I’ll fall back into the old way of life again.” He has to occupy his mind with the
great things God had done for him. Nothing would steady him in his new life like
continuing to tell the story of his deliverance.
Jesus instructs the man to go to the people he knows best and tell the story you know
best—what God has done for you. Jesus did that kind thing by leaving him behind. He
would be a living reminder of God’s power. This is where all missionary outreach
begins. Start where you are and tell what you know. Jesus found a demoniac and left
behind a missionary!
| Luke 8:26-39 October 16, 2022

“Where does God want you?”

The answer is, he wants you right where you are. And if he wants you somewhere
else, he can move you at any time. God has put you where you are as a missionary.

And the people all around you are your mission fields. The challenge is the same for
you as it was for the man in our story. “Go and tell what great things the Lord has done
for you.” The best missionary work always begins right where you are.
Go back and tell them what great things the Lord your God has done for you. Tell them
and then tell over and over again.

What is this message for us?

There are many people in the world who feel like the demoniac. They would love to be
loved but unfortunately, they believe they are beyond help/ hope. They feel trapped
in life and maybe even believe that their lives are out of control. They have been
pushed aside by society and they believe there is nothing else that can be done with
them. They are neglected and we consider them hard to reach.
Read this story carefully. Jesus got into a boat, crossed the Sea of Galilee (facing a
storm in the process), he cast out the demons from the demoniac and then got back in
the boat and sent back across the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus came all that way for one man whom the world had tossed aside!

How about you?

Are you reaching out like Christ?
He wants us to reach out to others right where they are and tell others about Christ
right where we are.
JESUS & NICODEMUS SERMON Rev. Charles M. Invidiado
EDITOR Ms. Albina L. Cristobal
GRAPHICS & LAYOUT Ptr. Joerel R. Candido & LM Nielrose S. Candido

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