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Reaction Paper on God Sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy

God Sees the Truth but Waits is written by Leo Tolstoy.

Leo Tolstoy (Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy) ranks among one of the world’s best writer.
He was born on September 9, 1928 in Tula Province, Russia.
And died on November 20, 1910 in Astapovo Russia.
One of his most successful later works was “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”.

The story revolves around the life of Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov. A merchant who’s
imprisoned for a murder he did not commit. He spent twenty-six years in prison in
Siberia. When he is finally going to be release from prison because the real murderer
turns himself up, by the time his pardon arrived, he was already deceased.

The beginning of the story, the part which Vanya, Aksionov’s wife, dreamt of something
bad will happen to Aksionov. I felt something really something bad will happen to
Aksionov or maybe even worse, just like every other stories. In Vanya’s dream, it’s a
sign of a terrible fate that awaits him. In her nightmare, she dreams that when husband
return from the fair and when he took off her cap she saw that aksionov hair was quite
grey. This could be interpreted as indicating that Ivan and his wife will not be together.
Be able to see her again only when he is old and gray. And actually did happen.
You see, dreams are like prophecy, just like the old times. Vanya was one of many
individuals who frequently had prophetic dreams. Vanya's suggestion could have
prevented the horrible outcome if Aksionov had only heeded it. Fate is something hard
to avoid.

(Zulliger, H. 1934. Prophetic dreams) The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 15,

191-208. Examples of dreams that appeared to be clear predictions of upcoming events
are provided. A thorough analysis of the dream content and its psychic context reveals
that they actually made references to the past, to things that were already true in the
dreamer's unconscious, rather than the future. Thus a dream of the dreamer's death
may signify an unconscious suicidal tendency awaiting expression. Errors in memory of
correct chronology often account for veridical dreams, or the phenomenon of déjà vu
may give a dream of new coloring; or the symbolic significance of the dream may permit
its attachment to a subsequent event which is unrelated but possessed of a similar deep
symbolic significance. Behind prophetic dreams is the force of narcissistic desire for
power and knowledge, which gives them ready credence.

I thought, "This person is something I can't conceive in my imagination; this type of act
is not something you will witness on a daily basis." as Aksionov started sobbing
alongside Makar. Being able to forgive the person who ruins your life. The feeling of
annoyance of being falsely convicted is too much of a burdened. After all those years of
being treated like a slave, Aksionov yet forgave Makar. He will still remember what had
happened to him even though he already did forgive Makar, but he will be no longer
bounded and burdened by the memories and the bitterness of the past. In essence, he
had already moved on from the past. And I'm truly amazed at what he did after all those
hardships, he still put his faith in God, who alone knows the real reason why his life was
devastated by wrongful imprisonment. Every pain had its purposes. That’s one of the
things that I have seen in the story.

(According to Andrea Brandt Ph.D. M.F.T. September, 2014) Forgiveness requires

feeling willing to forgive. Sometimes you won’t, because the pain went too deep, or
because the person was too abusive, or expressed no regret. Do not attempt to forgive
someone before you have identified, fully felt, expressed, and released all your anger
and pain. Forgiveness puts the final seal on what happened that hurt you. You will still
remember what happened, but you will nolonger be bound by it. Having worked through
the feelings and learned what you need to do to strengthen yourboundaries or get your
needs met, you are better able to take care of yourself in the future. Forgiving the other
person isa wonderful way to honor yourself. It affirms to the universe that you deserve
to be happy.We all make mistakes in life, from small mistake to bad decisions that have
major consequences. Feeling guilty about
these things is perfectly natural, because you too are human… but it’s not healthy to
hold on to this guilt for so long. Like
 Makar, he indeed felt the guilt for decades. The guilt of ruining the life, the family of
someone else. But he finally lifted the burdened that is hunting him for such a long time
by confessing his crime.(According to Shamanic Healer Karen Lang, September, 2013)
Sitting in a calm, quiet place, visualize the person you feelguilty about and ask them for
forgiveness. Now, see them forgiving you, see yourself and the other person covered in
light, and see yourself no longer burdened by your guilt. Realize that no one is perfect
and also that our guilt often hasmore to do with ourselves than those who we feel we
have harmed. Guilt is often a self-created reminder of all the thingswe wish we had
done differently for ourselves. Aksionov realize in the end that God already sees the
truth, but waits. He realized that, as man-made justice is imperfect,it is not his place to
report Makar Semyonovich to the authorities for his escape attempt.

Aksionov himself is a victim ofman-made something justice, and has come to

understand, during his long stay in the camp, he concluded that only the

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