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Théorie classique et Approche traditionnelle

néoclassique Th de neutralité // th de non neutralité Modigliani et Miller 1958 /

Théorie moderne Théorie de l’arbitrage (jensen et meckling 1976 ; myres 1984

Théorie fondées sur les T agences (jensen meckling

asymétries d’informations 1976)
Signal ross 1977 John 1987
Rationnement crédit / weiss

Financement hiérarchisé Myres

et majluf (1984)

L’école néoclassique :
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Théorie de l’arbitrage

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Stiglitz (1972) “Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate
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The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, vol 3, Pg 458-482.

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Transactions That Became Distressed” Journal of Finance 53, Pg 1443-1493
Fan et Sundaresan (2000) “Debt Valuation, Renegotiation, and Optimal Dividend Policy”, Review of
Financial Studies, vol 13, Pg 1057-1099

Harris et Raviv (1991) “The Theory of Capital Structure”, Journal of Finance, P: 297- 355

Long et Malitz (1985) “The Investment Financing Nexus : some Empirical Evidence ”, Midland
Corporate Financial Journal, 53-59

Rajan et Zingales (1995) “What do we know about Capital Structure? Some Evidence from
International data”, Journal of Finance, 56, Pg 87-130.

Kester (1986) “Capital and Ownership Structure : A Comparison of United States and Japanese
Manufacturing Corporations”, Financial Management, Pg 5-16

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