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Listening Grammar
1 5 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Dokończ zdania. 4 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania.
(10 marks) (10 marks)
1 If any students are late, the bus__________ 1 they / lost / if /don’t / use a map / get
______________________________. People ____________________________.
2 If the students get cold and wet,__________ 2 go out / at 12 p.m., / very hot / you / it gets
___________________________________. If _________________________________.
3 In the evenings, they will _______________ 3 they’re / don’t like it / with lots of people / if
___________________________________. Reserved people _____________________
4 The students must bring________________ ___________________________________.
___________________________________. 4 do / feel happy / when they / new things
5 Students must phone the teacher if_______ Adventurous people ___________________
___________________________________. ___________________________________.
5 if I’m / doesn’t work / in the jungle
Vocabulary My phone __________________________.

2 Wpisz brakujące czasowniki. (10 marks) 5 Uzupełnij zdania oznajmujące i pytania w

If you are lost in the jungle, … I trybie warunkowym. (10 marks)
1 p______ fruit to eat. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t play tennis.
2 k______ cool if the weather is hot. (it / rain, we / not play)
3 a______ dangerous plants. 1 ______________ happy if ______________
the match. (she / not be, she / lose)
4 b______ a shelter.
2 If ______________ to my house this
5 l______ a fire at night.
evening, ______________ dinner for you.
3 Przeczytaj definicje. Dopisz definiowane (you / come, I / cook)
wyrazy. (10 marks) 3 Where ______________ if
1 This helps you to find north, south, east and ______________ the UK? (you / stay, you /
west. c______ visit)
2 You can use this to cut your food. k______ 4 If ______________, ______________ the
exam. (he / not study, he / not pass)
3 This is like a small house. You stay in it
when you go camping. t______ 5 ______________ to Bob’s party if
___________ you? (you / go, he / invite)
4 If you need to see at night, you can use this.
t______ 6 Zakreśl poprawne formy czasowników.
5 This shows you the roads, rivers, mountains (10 marks)
and towns in an area. m______ 1 We shouldn’t / mustn’t / didn’t talk during
6 When people go camping, they sleep in this. exams. That’s a school rule.
s______b______ 2 Your brother is lazy. He should study /
7 When it’s sunny, you can use this to signal studies / studying more!
for help. m______ 3 You won’t / mustn’t / should read this
8 You can use this to start a fire. l______ book. It’s interesting.
9 You’ll get thirsty if you don’t take this when 4 Students at that school must wear / to wear
you travel in the desert. w______ b______ / wearing their uniforms every day.
10 This can help you when you climb a very tall 5 If you want to travel on this train, you do /
tree or a mountain. r______ should / must buy a ticket.

Team Up Plustests © Oxford University Press Unit 5 Test A 1

7 Wpisz w luki should, shouldn’t, must 4 They should use _____________________
lub mustn’t. (10 marks) to make a fire.
1 You ________ wear that T-shirt. It’s not a 5 When the helicopter arrives, the rescuers
very nice colour. _______________________ the fire.
2 All students ________ arrive in time for the
exams. Communication
3 You ________ use your mobile phone in 9 Ułóż zdania z podanych wyrazów. (10 marks)
class. 1 wear / that / make / a helmet / you / sure
It isn’t allowed.
4 It’s cold today. We ________ wear warm
2 your head / protect / important / to / it’s
5 You ________ eat that plant. It’s dangerous!
3 be / to / not / nervous / try
Reading ___________________________________
8 Przeczytaj zapis rozmowy telefonicznej. 4 with / stay / remember / the group / to
Uzupełnij zdania. W każdą lukę wpisz 1, 2, 3 ___________________________________
lub 4 wyrazy. (10 marks) 5 to / safety vest / need / wear / you / a
A Hello? Mountain Rescue Service. ___________________________________
B Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the
mountains! Writing
A Where are you exactly?
B I’m not sure. I think we’re about ten
10 Stwórz wpis na blogu dla nowych uczniów
twojej szkoły. Wykorzystaj podpowiedzi.
kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. Zachowaj proponowany podział na akapity.
There are two of us. We’re both getting very Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 60 do
cold and tired. I think there’s a river about 80 wyrazów. (10 marks)
two kilometres away. Should we try to walk
A No. Stay where you are. You mustn’t move. Paragraph 1 You should…
(Advice) You shouldn’t…
If you try to move, things will get worse. It’s a good idea to…
Have you got any food? You’ll enjoy school if…
B Yes, a little. Paragraph 2 You must…
A Right. It’s important to try to eat something. (Rules) You mustn’t…
If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have It’s important to…
you got a lighter?
B Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?
A Yes. Do that now. We’ll send a helicopter in
fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you
make a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.
B Thank you! Please come as soon as you

Two people are lost in the mountains.

1 They _______________________ try to
walk to the river.
2 The situation will get worse if they
3 _______________________ if they eat
Team Up Plustests © Oxford University Press Unit 5 Test A 2

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