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A Very Warm Afternoon to Everyone Present.

I am Aisha Singh, your host for today, on

behalf of my hardworking team and this institution, Delhi Metropolitan Education,
wholeheartedly, welcome you all to International Symposium On Deliberations on
Rethinking The Environment: Sustainability In Modern Era. This is Technical Session
LAWS where participants across the globe would be sharing their views and opinions
regarding the ideas of sustainability through the State Party Obligations and Treaty Laws.

Now, I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome our hon’ble chairs for this
session Prof. Dr. Jaya DS and Barrister Rizwana Yusuf.

Dr. Jaya D.S ma’am got her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Biochemistry Department in
University of Kerala, in 1993.
After completing her Ph.D course, she worked as Research Associate in the Nutrition
Centre of the Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of Kerala.
Then worked as Guest Lecturer (1996-1997) in Govt. College, Kariavattom, and as
(1998-2000) in Govt. Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. Then joined as Junior Lecturer
in the Department of Environmental Sciences in 2001, and now working as Professor and
Research Guide in the Department.
Served as Chairperson for conducting Post graduate in Colleges affiliated to University of
Kerala. Also served as Head in Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala
from 2014-2017.

We welcome you ma’am and We are delighted to have you with us here.

Barrister Rizwana Yusuf ma’am is an experienced legal practitioner with successful track
record of strategic leadership, ADR and litigation. She has more than eleven years of
experience in legal field having extensive experience in articulating legal vision, long term
strategy in leading national and multinational operations. She has been a representative at
South East Asia Region for UPEACE-CEE. Ma’am has been head of Legal Affairs and
Compliance and company secretary at IPDC of Bangladesh Limited and also a Legal
Counsel at Chevron. She is specialized in Contract Management, Strategic leadership,
Negotiation, Labour Law, Dispute Resolution, Non-profit management, Environmental

 Before commencing the session, I would like to inform all the participants that the
total time allotted to the speakers is 10 minutes. The Speaker shall be allotted 8
minutes for presenting and the remaining 2 minutes for the question by the chair.

 The participants are requested to present in the order assigned to them.

 The participants will be allowed to share their screens while they are presenting their

 While one presentation is going on, other participants are requested to keep their
microphones off at all times.

I would wish all the presenters all the very best.

Now without any further ado, I would like to call upon our first presenter of the day. Ms.
Rakshita Mathur who will be presenting on the topic International Environmental
Agreements on water.

I request the chairs, if they have any question, they may ask.

Next up we have Ms. Rishu Mala presenting on Evolution of International Laws based on
the UN convention for Environment Sustainability over the years.

Now I would like to invite Prof. Dr. Suhas Narhari Toradmal who would be speaking
about Evolution of International Laws based on the UN convention for Environment
Sustainability over the years.

On theme Global Goal on Adaptation, we welcome Mr. Ayush Garg to present on the

Moving on to our next participants Prof. Dr. Caroline FCC and Ann Kurian who would be
presenting their papers on the topic CARE OUR EARTH: An initiative of Teacher
Education Institution for attaining UN SDGs.

Proceeding with the next presentation, we have Mr. Ashish Pathak and Ms. Riya Shukla
presenting on COP 26 and its Outcomes.

Presenting on International Laws on Environment and Sustainable Development:

Rhetoric to Reality we have Mr. A. Balaguru.

The next participant we have is Mr. Dhimaan Dutta who will be presenting on the topic The
Enviro-Nation Pact- A Perspective.

Calling upon our next presenters, we have Dr. Teena and Dr. Komal Dahiya presenting on
Environmental Issues and their Consideration by UN.

Presenting on COP 26 and its Outcomes we have Ms. Mitakshara Kapoor and Ms.
Srilakshmi Durga.
Our last presenters for the day are Ms. Apoorva Vednarayan Misra and Dr. Gurujit Singh
coming up with the topic Protecting the Marine Environment from Ships and
International Shipping- Understanding and Critically Analysing the Role of
International Maritime Organisation and Sustainable Development Goal-14 in
Promoting Sustainability.

Before concluding, I would like to invite our Honble Chairs to address the gathering and
share their valuable inputs and feedback.

Thank you so much maam for enlightening all of us.

On this note, our 6th technical session for the International Symposium comes to an end. We
are eternally grateful to our dignitaries Prof. Dr. Jaya DS and Barrister Rizwana Yusuf,
for sparing time for us and honouring us with their presence.

And now I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers for their participation
and for sharing their valuable knowledge with all of us.

With this, we conclude the event. Thank you for joining us. You may stay back to record
your attendance by filling in the link posted in the chatbox.
Stay Safe Everyone and Have a Nice Day!

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