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1 Xiangdong Xue, Mayur The behaviour of a fluid, which may contain particle suspensions,
K. Patel, Maïwenn flowing in micro-dimensional channels is governed by both viscous and
Kersaudy Kerhoas, surface tension forces as well as high shear rates and geometric effects
Marc P.Y. Desmulliez, such as bifurcations, constriction, and high surface-to-volume ratio.[15-
Chris Bailey, David 22] This paper discusses some of the key design factors affecting fluid
Topham. “Analysis of behaviour in micro-engineered products containing a main channel,
fluid separation in constriction and side channel bifurcations. Differences in fluid behaviour
microfluidic T- at the macro and micro-scales are discussed. The dynamic bulk fluid
channels” Applied behaviour is characterised in terms of: (i) fluid properties, (ii) governing
Mathematical physics and (iii) microchannel geometric features. At this stage of the
Modelling 36 (2012) analysis the fluids are assumed to be Newtonian and single phase, where
743–755 any particle suspension is represented through a bulk density and
viscosity. Based on these assumptions Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) is used to investigate the effect of both product inlet and outlet
boundary conditions on the bulk flow behavior. Discussions are provided
on how these boundary conditions can affect particle separation
In particular, the so called pull-design whereby the fluid is pulled out of
the device at the outlet, is shown to offer better performance compared
to the mode of operation where the fluid is pushed into the device at the
inlet. It is also observed that increasing the pressure at the outlet of the
main channel can achieve a balanced flow rate ratio which leads to a
uniform separation performance among all bifurcations.
2 Wan Shi Low, Nahrizul Cell based cancer analysis is an important analytic method to monitor
Adib Kadri., cancer progress on stages by detecting the density of circulating tumour
“Computational cells (CTCs) in the blood. Among the existing microfluidic techniques,
Analysis of Enhanced dielectrophoresis (DEP), which is a label-free detection method, is
Circulating favoured by researchers. However, because of the high conductivity of
Tumour Cell (CTC) blood as well as the rare presence of CTCs, high separation efficiency is
Separation in a difficult to achieve in most DEP microdevices. Through this study, we
Microfluidic have proposed a strategy to improve the isolation performance, as such
System with an by integrating a magnetophoretic (MAP) platform into a DEP device.
Integrated Several important aspects to be taken into MAP design consideration,
Dielectrophoretic- such as permanent magnet orientation, magnetic track configuration,
Magnetophorectic fluid flow parameter and separation efficiency, are discussed. The design
(DEP-MAP) Technique” was examined and validated by numerical simulation using COMSOL
Chemosensors 2016, 4, Multiphysics v4.4 software (COMSOL Inc., Burlington, MA, USA), mainly
14 presented in three forms: surface plot, line plot, and arrow plot. From
these results, we showed that the use of a single permanent magnet
coupled with an inbuilt magnetic track of 250 m significantly strengthens
the magnetic field distribution within the proposed MAP stage. Besides,
In order to improve dynamic pressure without compromising the
uniformity of fluid flow, a wide channel inlet and a tree-like network
were employed. When the cell trajectory within a finalized MAP stage is
computed with a particle tracing module, a high separation efficiency of
red blood cell (RBC) is obtained for blood samples corresponding up to a
dilution ratio of 1:7. Moreover, a substantial enhancement of the CTCs’
recovery rate was also observed in the simulation when the purposed
platform was integrated with a planar DEP microdevice.
3 Ravishankar Dudhe, Present and future point of care in biomedical area delves the
Sumathi Ayyalusamy, essentiality and sustenance role of flexibility in micro fluidics design.
Ayesha Rashid . Proteins are vital in understanding complex biological systems through
“Microfluidics based metabolic processes, and influences DNA and RNA. Portable device, to
Blood protein identify proteins in real time, combined with isolation, as separated
separation proteins offers understanding of specified biological activity in altered
and behavior dimension. Existing methods sometimes takes chances to denature
modelling proteins chemically. This paper discusses separation behavior and focal
implemented using points for blood protein sample, in response to ampholytes,
COMSOL Multiphysics” temperatures and potentials influencing the microfluidic device design
International Journal with application of isoelectric focusing. This study aids in predefining the
of Pure and Applied condition for designers offering economic advantage in reducing
Mathematics Volume fabrication cycle.
118 No. 20 2018, 517-
4 Jingjing Zhang, Microfluidics devices for separation of plasma from whole blood can be
Xueyong Wei, applied to numerous clinical laboratory and point-of-care diagnostics,
Xiangdong Xue, and since over 90% of blood diagnosis tests are conducted using plasma. This
Zhuangde Jiang. paper proposed a structural design of microfluidic channels for blood
“Structural Design of plasma separation. The Euler–Euler Laminar Flow Model in COMSOL
Microfluidic Channels Multiphysics™ has been utilized to simulate the blood flow behavior in
for microchannels. Micro chips with separating microchannels of
Blood Plasma different designs were fabricated and tested. The geometrical effect of
Separation” microchannels on plasma separation was investigated. Simulation
Journal of results show that curved channel contributes little in lateral migration of
Nanoscience and cells in low flow rate and becomes a difficult choice in the case of high
Nanotechnology flow rate due to the coupling of centrifugal migration and Dean Vortex.
Vol. 14, 1–8, 2014 Studies on the bifurcation corner radius and the angle between main
channel and side channel show that an abrupt change in flow direction of
cell free layer helps to get more plasma with higher purity. An optimal
design of multi-bifurcation separator has been achieved by balancing the
flow resistances of the side channels and the main channels.
5 James V. Green, Tatiana Micro fluidic channels coated with ligands are a versatile platform for the
Kniazeva, Mehdi Abedi, separation or enrichment of cells from small sample volumes. This
Darshan S. Sokhey, adhesion-based mode of separation is mediated by ligand– receptor
Mohammad E. Taslimb, bonds between the cells and channel surface and also by fluid shear
Shashi K. Murthy. stress. This paper demonstrates how aspects of micro channel geometry
“Effect of channel can play an additional role in controlling cell adhesion. With a
geometry on cell combination of computational fluid dynamics modeling and cell adhesion
adhesion in experiments, channels with sharp turns are shown to have regions with
microfluidic devices” near-zero velocity at the turn regions where large numbers of cells
Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 677– adhere or become collected. The lack of uniform adhesion in the turn
685 regions compared to other regions of these channels, together with the
large variability in observed cell adhesion indicates that channels with
sharp turns are not optimal for cell-capture applications where
predictable cell adhesion is desired. Channels with curved turns, on the
other hand are shown to provide more uniform and predictable cell
adhesion provided the gap between parallel arms of the channels is
sufficiently wide. The magnitude of cell adhesion in these curved
channels is comparable to that in straight channels with no turns.
6 Myung Gwon Leea, This paper describes enhanced blood plasma separation by modulating
Joong Ho Shina, the inertial lift force for separation in a contraction–expansion array
Sungyoung Choib, Je- (CEA) microchannel. By changing a contraction channel length, we
Kyun Parka. “Enhanced observed the force modulation effects for size-based particle separation.
blood plasma In the CEA device, there are two force components that act in opposite
separation by direction to separate particles by size. By lengthening the contraction
modulation of inertial region in the CEA microchannel, we can easily control the lateral
lift force” Sensors and migration of desired
Actuators B 190 particles by modulating a single force component (inertial lift force)
(2014) 311– 317 without affecting the other (Dean drag force). From the experimental
results, the inertial force ratio was calculated for prediction of force
superiority between inertial lift force and Dean drag force, and applied to
determine design parameters of the CEA microdevice for blood plasma
separation. Using the force modulation in the microchannel, we
successfully demonstrated enhancement of inertial blood plasma
separation from human whole blood with a substantially high blood cell
rejection ratio and a separation yield of 92.6% and 69.5%, respectively,
with a throughput of 5.4 × 1011 cells/min.
7 Pavol Durca, Frantisek In this work, a simple device for extremely fast separation of blood
Foret, Petr Kuban. plasma from diluted whole blood was developed. The device
“Fast blood plasma accommodates an asymmetric polysulfone membrane/supporting
separation device for membrane sandwich that allows collection of 10 μL blood plasma into a
point-of-care narrow glass capillary in less than 10 s. The composition of
applications” Talanta diluent solution was optimized in order to achieve maximum recoveries
183 (2018) 55–60 for selected metabolites of alcohol intoxication. 5% solution of [tris
(hydroxymethyl) methylamino] propanesulfonic acid provided
recoveries of formate, oxalate and glycolate close to 100% and only
moderate erythrocyte lysis. Both charged and uncharged compounds
from the whole blood samples can be analyzed in the separated blood
plasma by capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductometric
detection and spectrophotometry, respectively. The developed device
might find wide application in on-site testing and point-of-care analysis,
when only microliter volumes of whole blood are available.
8 Maiwenn Kersaudy- The separation of red blood cells from plasma flowing in microchannels
Kerhoas, Resham is possible by biophysical effects such as the Zweifach–Fung bifurcation
Dhariwal, law. In the present study, daughter channels are placed alongside a main
Marc P. Y. Desmulliez, channel such that cells and plasma are collected separately. The device is
Lionel Jouvet. aimed to be a versatile but yet very simple module producing high-speed
“Hydrodynamic blood and high-efficiency plasma separation. The resulting lab-on-a-chip is
plasma separation in manufactured using biocompatible materials. Purity efficiency is
microfluidic channels” measured for mussel and human blood suspensions as different
Microfluid Nanofluid parameters, such as flow rate and geometries of the parent and daughter
(2010) 8:105–114 channels are varied. The issues of blood plasma separation at the
microscale are discussed in relation to the different regimes of flow.
Results are compared with those obtained by other researchers in the
field of micro-separation of blood.
9 P. Sajeesh, Ashis Separation and sorting of micron-sized particles has great importance in
Kumar Sen “Particle diagnostics, chemical and biological analyses, food and chemical
separation and sorting processing and environmental assessment. By employing the unique
in microfluidic devices: characteristics of microscale flow phenomena, various techniques have
a review” Microfluid been established for fast and accurate separation and sorting of
Nanofluid (2014) microparticles in a continuous manner. The advancements in
17:1–52 microfluidics enable sorting technologies that combine the benefits of
continuous operation with small-sized scale suitable for manipulation
and probing of individual particles or cells. Microfluidic sorting
platforms require smaller sample volume, which has several benefits in
terms of reduced cost of reagents, analysis time and less invasiveness to
patients for sample extraction. Additionally, smaller size of device
together with lower fabrication cost allows massive parallelization,
which makes high-throughput sorting possible. Both passive and active
separation and sorting techniques have been reported in literature.
Passive techniques utilize the interaction between particles, flow field
and the channel structure and do not require external fields. On the other
hand, active techniques make use of external fields in various forms but
offer better performance. This paper provides an extensive review of
various passive and active separation techniques including basic theories
and experimental details. The working principles are explained in detail,
and performances of the devices are discussed.
10 Siddhartha Tripathi, Y In this work, design and experiments on various blood plasma
V Bala Varun Kumar, microdevices based on
Amit Prabhakar, hydrodynamic flow separation techniques is carried out. We study their
Suhas S Joshi and Amit performance as a function of dependent governing parameters such as
Agrawal. “Performance flow rate, feed hematocrit, and microchannel geometry. This work
study of microfluidic focuses on understanding separation phenomena in simple geometries;
devices subsequently, individual simple geometrical parameters and biophysical
for blood plasma effects are combined to fabricate hybridized designs, resulting in higher
separation—a separation efficiencies. The distinctive features of our microfluidic
designer’s devices are that they employ elevated dimensions (of the order of
perspective” J. hundreds of microns), and thereby can be operated continuously over
Micromech. Microeng. sufficient duration without clogging, while simplicity of fabrication
25 (2015) 084004 makes them cost effective. The microdevices have been experimentally
demonstrated over the entire range of hematocrit (i.e. from Hct 7% to
Hct 45%). A high separation efficiency of about (78.34 ± 2.7)% with pure
blood is achieved in our best hybrid design. We believe that the theory
and experimental results presented in this study will aid designers and
researchers working in the field of blood plasma separation
11 Praveen Kumar S, One of the key biological materials that can be used for disease diagnosis
Ramesh R, Aravind T is the blood. The first step to examine the blood is separation of
“Study on different molecules in blood. In this work, the meander structure based
meander structured microfluidic channel with different dimensions is designed for filtering
microchannel: a applications. The performance characteristic of microchannel is analysed
biofilter” for symmetric and asymmetric geometries. The geometrical parameters
Biomedical Research such as Reynolds number and friction factor is computed and plotted.
2017; 28 (8): 3688- The symmetric microchannel geometry with width 250 μm gives the
3692 better performance when compared to all other microfluidic channel
12 Ashis kumar sen, M. Sneha Capillary flow of blood in a microchannel with differential wetting
Maria, P. E. Rakesh, T. S. for the separation of a plasma from sample blood and subsequent
Chandra on-chip detection of glucose present in a plasma. A rectangular
polydimethylsiloxane microchannel with hydrophilic walls (on three
sides) achieved by using oxygen plasma exposure enables capillary
”Capillary flow of blood in a flow of blood introduced at the device inlet through the
microchannel with differential microchannel. A hydrophobic region (on all four sides) in the
wetting for blood plasma microchannel impedes the flow of sample blood, and the
separation and on-chip glucose accumulated blood cells at the region form a filter to facilitate the
detection.” separation of a plasma.
Article  in  Biomicrofluidics · Polydimethylseloxane (PDMS) and SU8 microstructures for
September 2016; driving capillary blood flow filter for plasma seperation from blood
054108 but plasma recovery found to be very low(upto 20nl plasma) due to
low velocity of blood flow. It can be improved by use of silica
nanoassembly .The device is made up of PDMS microchannel layer
bounded with PDMS coated glass. The device design using autocad
2008 printed on flexi mask. Channel cross section of 1000*400um.

13 Jingjing Zhang, Xueyong Wei, Microfluidics devices for separation of plasma from whole blood
Xiangdong Xue, and Zhuangde can be applied to numerous clinical laboratory and point-of-care
Jiang. diagnostics, since over 90% of blood diagnosis tests are conducted
using plasma. In this paper proposed a structural design of
”Structural Design of microfluidic channels for blood plasma separation. The Euler–Euler
Microfluidic Channels for Blood Laminar Flow Model in COMSOL Multiphysics has been utilized to
Plasma Separation.” simulate the blood flow behavior in microchannels. The geometrical
Journal of Nanoscience and effect of microchannels on plasma separation was investigated.
Nanotechnology Vol. 14, 1–8, Simulation results show that curved channel contributes little in
2014 lateral migration of cells in low flow rate and becomes a difficult
choice in the case of high flow rate due to the coupling of
centrifugal migration and Dean Vortex. Studies on the bifurcation
corner radius and the angle between main channel and side channel
show that an abrupt change in flow direction of cell free layer helps
to get more plasma with higher purity. An optimal design of multi-
bifurcation separator has been achieved by balancing the flow
resistances of the side channels and the main channels.
Microdevice is made of PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane polymer,
Sylgard 184, Dow Corning, USA) layer with microchannels and
sealed with a glass slide. The PDMS microchannels are molded by a
SU-8 (SU-8 2150, MicroChem, USA) mold, which is fabricated of SU-
8 on wafer by conventional UV lithography process
14 M. Kersaudy-Kerhoas , F. Amalou , D. In these paper an integral microsystem for prental screening
Kavanagh , S. Marson , U. M. Attia , P. is developed as disposable cartridge with integral modules
Summersgill for blood plasma separation .This based on principle of RBC
“Design, Manufacturing and Test of flowing through a biffurucating region of capillary blood
Disposable Microfluidic System for vessel have a tendency to travel into the vessel which has
Blood-Plasma Separation.” higher flow rate .
Article · March 2007 Microchip is made up of T-channel structure for blood separation. The prototypes are manufactured by layer by
publication/265156344 layer in horizontal to vertical but it failed due manufacturing
technique and new prototype is made by using
Photolithography in SU8 photoresist.

15 R.Aishwarya In these research paper demonstrative device for plasma

Indian Institute of Technology separation is made by utilizing the hydrodyanamic
Hyderabad separation technique in microchannels with size of order
Department of Electrical Engineering mm. The seperation process exploits the phenomenon
June, 2016 which is very similar to that of plasma skimming exlplain
under zweifuch-fung bifurcation law. The T-channel
“Lab on chip device for separation of microchip were microfabricated using SU8 negative
Plasma from Blood” photoresist method .The separation of plasma occurred in T-
channel due to blood flows through the microchannel. The
axial migration of the cell is occurred in the channel therby
leaving a clear cell free region adjacent to the walls the cell
move with larger width channel and other plasma through
the small width channel.

16 Nam-Trung Nguyen and Zhigang Wu Miniaturization is the recent trend in analytical chemistry and
“Micromixers—A Review.” life sciences.In recent years miniaturization of fluid handling
fluid and fluid analysis has been emerging in vast fields of
Article  in  Journal of microfluidics. The microfluidic application over micro arrays,
Micromechanics and Microengineering DNA sequencing sample preparation and analysis, cell
January 2005 separation and detection as well as environmental monitoring.
DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/15/2/R01 Besides micropump , microchannel is another important
microfluidic system . From early devices made of silicon and
glass N number of polymer micromixer have been fabricated
and successfully tested. This research paper discuss
different design of micromixers and their operation
conditions. 1) Active micromixers and 2) passive
micromixers with trend for polymeric microfluidic system a
simple but efficient passive micromixer is the choice for
many chemical and biochemical analysis. The operation
condition of micromixers can be determine by the
characteristics number such as Reynolds number and peclet
17 E.L toth, E holczer- Several medical diagnostic test are based on human blood as
saple solution due to its complex and representative marker
“EFEECT OF GEOMETRIC molecule composition considering pathological issues. Most of
SINGULARITIES ON PLASMA these test requires separation of plasma or serum from whole
SEPERATION PERFORMANCE blood. Passive microfluididc inertial plasma separation
IN CASCADE ZWEIFSCK-FUNG structures could be promising condition due to their relatively
BIFURCATIONS” simple structure and fabrication technology. Series of geometric
Science direct singularities were integrated with bifurcation broanching from
Procedia Engineering 120 main stream channel in order to reveal their inertial effect on
( 2015 ) 1083 – 1086 partial movement in the zweifack-fung type plasma separation
system. The flow behavior is characterized by CFD and COMSOL
multiphysics amd particle tracing module. Applying adequate
flow rate regime the inertial forces in geometrical singularities
led to recovery of free cell layer after bifuracation. Moffat
recirculatin generate deterionting the plasma purity. The plasma
separation efficiencies of the different geometries were
estimated to define the most promising geometry to be
integrated into the enhanced cascade type Zweifach-fung plasma
separation system. The smallest the singularities the good the

18 Maı¨wenn Kersaudy-Kerhoas Æ Blood separation is a strategic preliminary step in the preparation

Resham Dhariwal Æ Marc P. Y. for biological analysis on-chip. . Microfluidics permits the analysis of
Desmulliez Æ Lionel Jouvet few microliters of biological samples, and avoids painful blood
extraction of several dozens of millilitres. Human blood plasma
separation has direct, obvious applications in human health
”Hydrodynamic blood plasma monitoring, disease diagnostic and theranostics. Blood plasma
separation in microfluidic separation can however be applied to a variety of other fields, such
channels.” as environmental pollution monitoring. Centrifugation and filtration
are the two conventional techniques for blood plasma separation in
Microfluid Nanofluid (2010) laboratories. Both methods are time-consuming, hence blood
8:105–114 DOI plasma separation on-chip has gained increasing interest. Electric,
10.1007/s10404-009-0450-5 Dynamic, Acoustic such types of forces are used to separate plasma
from blood and some technique used only hydrodynamic force. This
article represents new arrangement of channels for blood plasma
separation. The cells can be separated from plasm at high flow rate
using physical effects. This technique allows the integration of
downstream analysis modules, and they can be consider fully
continues. The chip manufactured with low cost biocompatible
material. Experimental results shows that the separation efficiencies
obtained are good agreement with previous studies but provide a
better plasma yield.
19 Da-Han Kuan1, Chia-ChienWu1, This study reports a microfuidic device for whole blood processing.
Wei-Yu Su1 & Nien-Tsu Huang The device uses the bifurcation law, cross-flow method, and
hydrodynamic fow for simultaneous extraction of plasma, red blood
”A Microfuidic Device for cells, and on-chip white blood cell trapping.
Simultaneous Extraction of The microfuidic device is composed of a whole blood inlet, buffer
Plasma, Red Blood Cells, and inlet, and bifurcation region, which lead to three collection zones for
On-Chip White Blood Cell blood components: a plasma zone, RBC zone, and WBC zone. The
Trapping.” RBC/WBC separation mechanism is based on the bifurcation law and
Scientific Reports | (2018) cross-flow method. a microfuidic device that enables the
8:15345 | DOI:10.1038/s41598- simultaneous extraction of plasma and RBCs as well as on-chip WBC
018-33738-8 trapping. The results demonstrated two important features. First,
the bifurcation region contains two types of side channels that can
extract plasma and RBCs separately. The extracted plasma has a
minimum dilution factor (0.755x) and low haemolysis effect.
Furthermore, the extracted RBCs can be applied for blood type tests.
A series of hydrodynamic-based WBC trapping units downstream of
the main channel. y designed geometry of the trapping units, the
device can trap up to ~1,800 WBCs in 20minutes. The trapped WBCs
could potentially be used for various cellular analyses, such as drug
screening, DNA extraction, or cell viability tests. Compared to other
existing microfuidic method for whole blood processing, our
microfuidic device can directly process extremely low-volume (6μL)
whole blood without any pretreatment (e.g. dilution or lysing), pre-
labeling (e.g. fluorophores or magnetic beads conjugation)
requirement or external fields (e.g. optical, electrical or magnetic
fields) to assist plasma/cell separation

20 Dixon,julian Lamanna,Aaron R. There is a great interest in the development of portable disease

Wheeeler diagnosis that can be used at the point of care(POC)
Digital microfluidics (DMF) is Is an alternative to conventional
“Direct loading of blood for microfluidic that is characterized by the manipulation of individual
plasma separation and picoliter to Microlitrr size droplets are open surface often via
diagnostic assays on digital application of electrostatic forces to be planar array of electrodes
microfluidic device” DMF bottom places were formed by inkjet printing using Exxon
24/03/2020 see 88 plus after fabrication bottom plates were modified to include
‘Scientific reports' porous membrane structure for a DF blood plasma separation and
assemble device bearing ATM and SL was interface with Amar box
and read agents were loaded onto reservoirs for practice separation
experiments assemble devices Berry FM and interpolate gap of 200
micrometer was interface with Mr box and reagents a suspension of
red and green fluorescent particles were loaded into reservoir in
preparation for 5 step procedure

21 Dong-Hyun Kang, Kyongtae

Kim, Yong-jun Kim Human blood perform critical function for body supporting process
like nourishing tissues regulating organ activity etc
“An anti clogging method for Conventional method for plasma separation you centrifugation
improving the performance and nowadays anticlock in effect,DEP was used as a repulsive force for
life span of blood plasma disturbing initial sale interaction with micro channel surface. DEP is
separation device in real time a molecular migration phenomenon that occurs in a presence of
and continuous microfluidic polarised particles within an inhomogeneous electric field. The
system” repulsive force, the deep force, exerted on a particles FDP can be
19/11/2018 expressed as follows
‘Scientific reports'
‘r’ is radius of patricle epsilonium permittivity of medium are fcm
Real part of Calculus mausi to factor RMS root mean square of
electric field
Blood plasma separation blood cells tends to migrate in axial
direction social concentration along the channel increase and sale
region divided cells along microfluidic walls
When blood cells flow through a bifurcating region they have a
tendency to move to channel with the higher flow rate

22 E.L.Toth,E Holzer,K Ivan,P Sevral medical diagnostic tests are based on human blood as sample
Furjes solution due to complex and representative mark molecule
composition considering pathological issue.Here they are worked as
“Effect of geometric series of different geometric singularities where integrated
Singularities on plasma characterised regarding their enhancement of blood plasma
separation performance in separation of cascade Zweifach-Fung bifurcafion
cascade Zweifach-fung Zewifach-fung bifurication Type micro cell separation system utilise
bifurcafion” viscous lift and shear forces envolving in low Reynolds regime and
‘Science direct' developing a cell depleted layer near the channel wall 6 different
geometric perturbation where designed to add a development and
recovery of cell free layer before each cascade side branches.
COMSOL multiphysics were used to calculate laminar and stationary
velocity field by solving the navier Stokes equation series of
geometric singularities where integrated with bifurcation branching
from mainstream channel in order to reveal their inertial effect on
particle movement in Zweifach-fung type plasma separation method

23 Ruizhi zhong
Device we used vivid plasma separation membrane from pall Life
“ microfluidic based human science Corporation it is a highly sufficient membrane for one step
blood plasma separation” plasma separation from whole blood without the use of centrifugation
2012 The Darcy law describes the flow of fluid through a porous
West Virginia University medium.It is a simple proportional relationship between the
instantaneous discharge rate through a porous medium the glue
bonding (liquid PDMS bonding ) method was used to integrate the
membrane into the microfluidic device.
Before the experiment the device was put in oxygen plasma cleaner
for oxygen plasma treatment for 90 seconds. Then diluted blood was
loaded into the inlet. Here the console simulation is convention to the
optimize the design. Rajma separation rate of the device can reach up
to 98% and plasma yield can reach to 20%.

24 P. K. Podder, D. P. Samajdar , D. This paper addresses the various aspects of design and simulation of
Mallick and A. Bhattacharyya- MEMS micro-pump,micro-valve and micro-needle.Design of
micropump It is made of two chambers and an inlet connected to
“Design simulation and study of each other by diffuser-nozzle elements. PMMA membranes Covers
micro-pump, micro-valve and both the chambers and a piezo-electric material(PZT-5H) Is
micro-needle for biomedical deposited on the PMMA membrane atop the chamber. Pump
application.” dimensions are 5MM×5M×0.2MM, which can be fabricated by bulk
etching of silicon. Design of microvalve The microvalve is basically a
Institute of Radio Physics & flap made of Poly-Di-Methyl-Siloxene (PDMS) Which bends under
Electronics, University of the influence of fluid velocity an opens a channel in the flow
Calcutta direction and seals in the opposite direction. Design of micro-needle.
Different type of micro needles are often required for different types
of drug delivery applications.An out of plane silicon micro-needle
(250 Micron length) can be used for insertion of fluid into dermis
layer of human skin.
Use of COMSOL multiphysics-
The model of Micropump, microvalve and microneedle will be
design And simulated using COMSOL multipvolumes.
1. The application mode for micro-pump is with piezo-electric, solid
stress/strain and microfluidic module.
2. The application mode for micro-valve is solid stress/strain
(incompressible navier-stokes) and moving mesh (ALE).
3.The application mode for micro-needle is structural mechanics
solid stress/strain module.
-The PDMS flap based micro-valve,a rather simple device is capable
of allowing fluid flow in one direction and blocking the flow in
opposite direction.
-It can be concluded that at a flow rate of 375 Micron litre/minute
the proposed micropump is capable of pumping microscopic fluid
-The drugs can be delivered and the body Fluids can be retrieved
using the out-of- plane and in-plane microneedles.

25 Xiaosong Su 1,2,3 , Jianzhong Microfluidics,the manipulation of Reagent and samples on

Zhang 1,2,3 , Dongxu Zhang 1,2,3, microchips with a new strategy to improve existing methods and
Yingbin Wang 1,2,3 , Mengyuan offer new approaches for an analysis. Material and method
Chen 1,2,3, Zhenyu Weng 1,2,3, 1)Material and reagent- The polymetal methacrylate(PMMA) used
Jin Wang 1,2,3, Juntian Zeng double sided sticky tape, extreme-extra smoking filter tip, Anti-RBC,
1,2,3, Ya Zhang 1,2,3 , Shiyin plasma separation membrane. 2)Methods A)Production of
Zhang 1,2,3,*, Shengxiang Ge immunocapture metrics In acetate fibre pillar of 6MM diameter was
1,2,3, Jun Zhang 1,2,3 and cut to 11MM in length before antibody coating.The matrix was then
Ningshao Xia soaked in anti RBC solution with concentration of 0.4Mg/Ml and
remove after 2 hour. B) Device design and fabrication
“High-Efficiency Plasma Designed and fabricated from PMMA and double sided sticky tape.
Separator Based on C) Sample preparation for the control group
Immunocapture and Filtration.” The plasma sample separated from the blood sample by 3000 RPM
centrifugation for 10 minut.Plasma samples stored at 4°C. D) cell
Micromachines 2020, 11, 352; counting Mindray BC-1800 automatic blood cell analyser used to
doi:10.3390/mi11040352 count. E) Glucose analysis and ferritin analysis- plasma glucose analysis performed using a sannuo (GA-3) glucose point of care
chines analyser.- Plasma ferritin was analysed using quantitative assay kit.F)
DNA analysis
One step commercial HBV viral load assay kit was used in this
evaluation.This device is used to separate 400 micron litre of whole
blood sample to produce more than 100 micron litre plasma without
residue cells.

26 Maı¨wenn Kersaudy-Kerhoas , Blood separation is a strategic preliminary step in the preparation

Resham Dhariwal , Marc P. Y. for biological analysis on chip. Centrifugation and filtration are the
Desmulliez , Lionel Jouvet. two conventional techniques for blood plasma separation in
laboratories.Both are time consuming and expensive because of that
“Hydrodynamic blood plasma the approach choosen in this paper uses the latest advances in
separation in microfluidic hydrodynamic blood plasma separation on-chip. Design and
channels.” theoretical discussion 1)Red blood cell flow at the microscale-Blood
Article  in  Microfluidics and is composed of erythrocytes or red blood cells(RBCs),lymphocytes or
Nanofluidics · January 2010 white blood cells(WBCs),thromobocytes or platelets and a plasma
DOI: 10.1007/s10404-009-0450- used as a carrier fluid.-Plasma flow in a microchannel network of
5 hydraulic diameter ranging from 10 to 500 micron meter is
laminar.2) Design The principal uses in the blood plasma separation
is hydrodynamic.The design can work at both low and medium
Reynolds number which is regulated by the flow rate used(0.01 & 1
Respectively).- In the basic design the width of the main channel is
100 micron metre and plasma channel are 20 micron metre
wide.The construction width and length are 25 and 300 micron
metre, respectively.Height is 20 micron metre.:- From the article it
presents a new arrangement of channel for blood plasma
separation. It has been clear that cells can be separated from plasma
at high flow rate using why physical effects.
:- According to the material and the geometry is needed it is the
cheapest and best technique for blood plasma separation

27 Xuejin Li, Aleksander S. Popel, -Plasma and red blood cells (RBC) are the two major components of
and George Em Karniadakis- whole human blood. RBC has a biconcave shape in in stationary
position its size is approximately 8 micron metre in diameter and 2
“Blood-plasma separation in Y- micron metre in thickness.
shaped bifurcating microfluidic -A simple but effective solution to blood plasma separation
channels: A dissipative particle problems is to introduce blood flow in diverging microfluidic
dynamics simulation study.” channel,that is Y shaped. Models and method We study the motions
of RBCs in Y shaped bifurcating microfluidic channels with the help
PhysBiol.;9(2):. of LD-RBC model based on the DPD(Dissipative particle dynamics)
doi:10.1088/1478- simulation techniques.-Through the DPD approach, a RBC in this
3975/9/2/026010. study is modeled as a ring of ten colloidal particles connected by
worm-like chain(WLC) springs, Colloidal particles are simulated as
single DPD particles,similar to the solvent particles but of a larger
Results and discussion. To validate the results, first a single phase
flow (without RBCs) in the bifurcating microfluidic channel is
simulated and compared with a numerical Navier-Stokes (NS)
solution, which is obtained using the (continuum-based) spectral
element simulation solver NEKTAR.
-Numerical simulations are carried out in a three-dimensional
geometry representing the microfluidic channel used in DPD

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