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Dan Hanzen B.

EDUC 145 – C / Building & Enhancing New Literacies across Curriculum 
Xhing Luzano 


What I experienced from the 21 century mode of teachings is that


it’s slowly  developed up until today. The learnings we gained are at a

different level due to the different  teaching techniques provided by the
educators. I grew up in a small village where students  and teachers only
used books as learning materials. My classmates and I paid attention to how 
our teachers fed us basic skills through reading and listening, in order to gain
knowledge. Our  teachers used some visual aids like cartolina, manila paper,
and colored papers during our  discussion. As of today, the growth of
technologies helps a lot to cater to the different  perspectives and
techniques in teaching and makes them easy. When you have an
assignment  or projects, the internet is everywhere. It’s easy to access. As for
educators is to go beyond  maintain and to crate sustainability and
professional longevity. The students minimize their  time in research unlike
in the early 2000’s, you only have books as your essential source of 
information. The time you had might be consumed due to not all books
having the data that  you need. You used different books as options to satisfy
and provide the best answer that you  are looking for. In every innovation
there are also disadvantages, one case for this is the  student becoming lazy.
With the help of easy access to the internet, the research can be done  in
instant. The student has a lot of time to spend, especially on social media
and computer  games. These two platforms create a huge impact in our
society, especially in the present. The  student has no more outdoor
activities due to the influence of the two, unlike before even  when you are
at home, after you finish your homework. You just go outside and play with
your  friends. Your development as a child is in balance. 
Dan Hanzen B. Avergonzado 
EDUC 145 – C / Building & Enhancing New Literacies across Curriculum 
Xhing Luzano 




ANALYSIS: How do youth assess students’ 21 Century life and career skills

and their learning  environments? 

To address the first and second study objectives, we utilized two

separate exploratory  factor analyses (EFA) to identify the number of factors
within the 21CLCS and the 21C-CE. One  EFA was conducted with principal
axis factoring and promax rotation for each of the scales.  First, we applied
the Kaiser-Guttman retention criteria and examined the scree plots to retain 
factors that had eigenvalues greater than 1.00 (Tabachnik & Fidell, 2007).
Next, we screened  item factor loadings on the pattern matrix to identify
factor loadings that fit the retention  criteria established by Comrey and Lee
(1992). Specifically, items with factor loadings greater  than 0.45 were
retained in this analysis. After examining individual factor loadings, we 
identified factors and named them depending on the conceptual constructs
they assessed.  

Life and career skills are the focus of this paper; as they represent
noncognitive skills  that have the potential to improve academic
achievement, promote postsecondary success,  and foster career readiness.
Collaborating and working effectively with others can have a  lasting positive
impact on individual student learning (Saner et al., 1994) and increase social 
competency (Ginsburg-Block, Rohrbeck, & Fantuzzo, 2006). Motivation, a
research construct  often related to life and career skills such as flexibility, is
also related to academic achievement  (Broussard & Garrison, 2004) and
motivation contributes to resilience in youth (Masten,  2001). In addition,
possessing life and career skills enhances future employability given the 
high value and priority employers are placing on skills such as the ability to
work on a team  and time management (Barton, 2006) 
IMPLICATIONS: How may the results of this study be utilized in enhancing
the 21 Century life  and career skills and their learning environments? 

This learning is an essential phase in understanding 21st century life

and career skills  and 21st century learning environments. Additional
psychometric analysis will be suitable in  shaping the primary feature
structure of these processes, as well as the methods in which the 

factors correlate. Future research also is needed to assess the construct

validity of the 21C LCS. For example, it will be important to understand the
ways in which the 21C-LCS relates to  other existing measures of non-
cognitive skill. Finally, more examination of 21st century  learning
environments is needed. It is likely that other critical aspects of learning 
environments are necessary to developing 21st century skills, such as access
to technology,  physical spaces that promote individual and group work, and
educator professional  development on integrating 21st century skills
practice into the classroom. 


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