MATH 1821 Mathematical Methods For Actuarial Science I: Basic Concepts

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MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

MATH 1821
Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I

Chapter 1
Basic Concepts

Department of Mathematics, HKU

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A Functions (I)
B Functions (II)
C Trigonometry (I)
D Trigonometry (II)
E Complex numbers

Part A: Functions (I) 2

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A1. Definition

You are probably familiar with notations of functions such as

f (x) = x 2 + 1 and g (x) = .
log2 x

In this course we would like to have a more formal definition. For any sets X and
Y , we say that f is a function from X to Y , denoted f : X → Y , if it provides a
rule which assigns to every element x ∈ X exactly one element y ∈ Y .

Part A: Functions (I) A1. Definition 3

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A1. Definition

In many cases, a function f : X → Y can be represented by a single formula of the

form y = f (x) where f (x) is an expression in x. This enables us to specify, for
each x ∈ X , exactly one element y ∈ Y . An example is the function f : R → R
defined by f (x) = x 2 + 1.
A function can be thought of as a machine which produces an output y ∈ Y for
every input x ∈ X :

Part A: Functions (I) A1. Definition 4

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A1. Definition

A function f : X → Y can also be defined graphically as follows (especially if X

and Y are finite). This suggests why a function is also called a mapping.

f : X Y

1 3
4 10

Part A: Functions (I) A1. Definition 5

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A1. Definition

The two relations below are not functions from X to Y . Why not?

(a) (b)
f : X Y f : X Y

Part A: Functions (I) A1. Definition 6

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A2. Domain, codomain and range

In defining a function f , theoretically we have to specify two sets X and Y . They

are called the domain and codomain of f respectively. In this course, X and Y are
subsets of R most of the time (and we assume so unless otherwise specified). The
domain of f is sometimes abbreviated as dom f .
In practice, we often define a function informally by a single formula. In this case
we can adopt a natural domain which is the largest subset of R for which the

formula is well defined. For example, the natural domain of f (x) = x + 2 is
. Sometimes there may also be a restricted domain if there is a story behind
the function.

Part A: Functions (I) A2. Domain, codomain and range 7

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A2. Domain, codomain and range

The range of a function f : X → Y is the set {f (x) : x ∈ X }. In other words it is

the ‘set of all possible outputs’. If X is not explicitly specified then we may just
take it to be the natural domain.

For example the range of the function f (x) = x + 2 is .

Part A: Functions (I) A2. Domain, codomain and range 8

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A2. Domain, codomain and range

The graph of a function f is a plot of all points (x, f (x)) where x ∈ dom f on the

coordinate plane. For example the graph of f (x) = x + 2 is as follows:

y = f (x)

How can we read the (natural) domain and range of a function from the graph?

Part A: Functions (I) A2. Domain, codomain and range 9

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A3. Piecewise-defined functions

In some cases a function cannot be represented by a single formula. For instance,

consider the tax system in a country in which the tax rate is 10% on the first
$10000 income, 20% on the next $10000 income and 30% on the rest. If x
denotes the income and f (x) denotes the amount of tax payable (both in dollars),
then we have


 if 0 ≤ x ≤ 10000
f (x) = 1000 + 0.2(x − 10000) if 10000 < x ≤ 20000

3000 + 0.3(x − 20000)

if x > 20000

Part A: Functions (I) A3. Piecewise-defined functions 10

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A3. Piecewise-defined functions

The absolute value function is another example of a piecewise-defined function.

Indeed, we may write (
|x| =

Part A: Functions (I) A3. Piecewise-defined functions 11

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A4. Odd and even functions

A function f is said to be
odd if f (−x) = −f (x) for all x;
even if f (−x) = f (x) for all x.

For positive integer n, is the function f (x) = x n odd or even?

Can you think of other examples of odd functions and even functions?

Part A: Functions (I) A4. Odd and even functions 12

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A4. Odd and even functions

How does the graph of odd functions and even functions look like?

Part A: Functions (I) A4. Odd and even functions 13

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A5. Increasing and decreasing functions

A function f (x) is said to be

increasing if a > b implies f (a) ≥ f (b);
strictly increasing if a > b implies f (a) > f (b);
Intuitively, this means x and f (x) change in the same direction.
Likewise, a function f (x) is said to be
decreasing if a > b implies f (a) ≤ f (b);
strictly decreasing if a > b implies f (a) < f (b);
This means x and f (x) change in opposite directions.

Part A: Functions (I) A5. Increasing and decreasing functions 14

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A5. Increasing and decreasing functions

f (x) = 2x − 1 Increasing / Decreasing
f (x) = 4 − x Increasing / Decreasing
f (x) = 14 x 2 Increasing / Decreasing

Part A: Functions (I) A5. Increasing and decreasing functions 15

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A5. Increasing and decreasing functions

It often happens that a function is increasing y

somewhere and decreasing elsewhere. We can
y = 14 x 2
say that a function f is increasing on I (where
I is an interval) if f (a) ≤ f (b) whenever a < b
and a, b ∈ I (and similarly for decreasing and
strictly increasing/decreasing).
For example, the function f (x) = 14 x 2 is
strictly increasing in and strictly
decreasing in .

Part A: Functions (I) A5. Increasing and decreasing functions 16

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A6. Random variables

A special type of functions that are frequently used in probability and statistics is
random variables.
In a random experiment, a random variable X is a function X : Ω → R, where Ω
denotes the sample space, which is the set of all possible outcomes of the
For example, suppose a coin is tossed 5 times. If we let X be the number of heads
obtained, then X is a random variable.

Part A: Functions (I) A6. Random variables 17

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A Functions (I)
B Functions (II)
C Trigonometry (I)
D Trigonometry (II)
E Complex numbers

Part B: Functions (II) 18

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B1. Image and preimage

Let f : X → Y be a function.
For S ⊆ X , the image of S under f , denoted by f (S), is the set
{f (x) : x ∈ S}.

f : X Y

f −1 (T )

S f (S)

Part B: Functions (II) B1. Image and preimage 19

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B1. Image and preimage

Let f : X → Y be a function.
For T ⊆ Y , the preimage of T under f , denoted by f −1 (T ), is the set
{x ∈ X : f (x) ∈ T }.

f : X Y

f −1 (T ) Tf −1 (T )

f (S)

Part B: Functions (II) B1. Image and preimage 20

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B1. Image and preimage

As an example, consider the function f (x) = (x − 2)2 and U = [1, 9]. Then
f (U) =
f −1 (U) =

Part B: Functions (II) B1. Image and preimage 21

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B2. Injective and surjective functions

Let f : X → Y be a function. That means for each x ∈ X , there corresponds

exactly one element (which is denoted by f (x)) in Y .
However, it is not required that every element in Y corresponds to exactly one
element in X . Hence an element in Y may correspond to more than one element
of X , or to no element of X at all.

f : X Y

1 3
4 10

Part B: Functions (II) B2. Injective and surjective functions 22

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B2. Injective and surjective functions

Let f : X → Y be a function. We say that f is

injective if for any x1 6= x2 we have f (x1 ) 6= f (x2 )
surjective if for any y ∈ Y there exists x ∈ X for which f (x) = y .

f is injective means no element in Y corresponds to more than one element of
f is surjective means no element in Y corresponds to no element of X .

Part B: Functions (II) B2. Injective and surjective functions 23

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B2. Injective and surjective functions

If the function f (x) = x 2 injective? Is it surjective?

Part B: Functions (II) B2. Injective and surjective functions 24

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B2. Injective and surjective functions

Solve the following equation. Why does it have anything to do with what we are
log10 (3x − 1) = 1 + log10 (x + 2)

Part B: Functions (II) B2. Injective and surjective functions 25

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B2. Injective and surjective functions

A function f : X → Y which is both injective and surjective is said to be bijective.

A bijective function leads to a one-to-one correspondence between elements of X
and Y .
f : X Y

Part B: Functions (II) B2. Injective and surjective functions 26

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B3. Composition of functions

Let f : X → Y and g : Y → Z be functions. This naturally corresponds to a

function from X to Z . Such a function is called the composition of g and f ,
denoted by g ◦ f . Formally, we have (g ◦ f )(x) = g (f (x)).

g ◦ ff :: X g: Y Z

Part B: Functions (II) B3. Composition of functions 27

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B4. Inverse functions

Inverse problems are very common in mathematics. One example is factorisation,

which is the inverse of expansion.
Similarly, the inverse operation of squaring is . In terms of
functions, we are looking for another function that can reverse or undo the original

Part B: Functions (II) B4. Inverse functions 28

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B4. Inverse functions

Formally, we have the following definition.

Let f : X → Y be a function. We say that a function g : Y → X is the inverse of
f , denoted g = f −1 , if

(g ◦ f )(x) = x for all x ∈ X and (f ◦ g )(y ) = y for all y ∈ Y

Do not confuse the notation f −1 (y ) for y ∈ Y with f −1 (T ) for T ⊆ Y .

Define f : R → R by f (x) = x 2 . Can we say f −1 (x) = x?

Part B: Functions (II) B4. Inverse functions 29

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B4. Inverse functions

We state the following result without proof.

Let f : X → Y be a function. Then the inverse function f −1 exists if and only

if f is bijective.

In case f is not bijective, we can restrict f to X 0 ⊆ X over which f is injective.

Setting f (X 0 ) = Y 0 ⊆ Y , the function f˜ : X 0 → Y 0 is bijective and hence has an
inverse. Can you illustrate with the function f : R → R defined by f (x) = x 2 ?

Part B: Functions (II) B4. Inverse functions 30

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

B4. Inverse functions

In practice, we can find the inverse of f by ‘solving the equation’ f (f −1 (x)) = x.

For example, if f (x) = 2x + 3, then f −1 (x) = .
How are the graph of a function and that of its inverse related?

Part B: Functions (II) B4. Inverse functions 31

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A Functions (I)
B Functions (II)
C Trigonometry (I)
D Trigonometry (II)
E Complex numbers

Part C: Trigonometry (I) 32

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C1. Radian measure

In elementary mathematics, angles are usually measured in degrees. What does a

degree mean?

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C1. Radian measure 33

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C1. Radian measure

In advanced mathematics, another unit, radian, is usually used for angles

(particularly in calculus, because some results will be correct only in radians but
not in degrees). What does a radian mean? What are the notations?

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C1. Radian measure 34

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C1. Radian measure

How to convert between the two different units of measuring angles?

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C1. Radian measure 35

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C1. Radian measure

Suppose there is a sector with radius r and angle θ (in radians). Then we can work
out its arc length s and area A as follows:


Part C: Trigonometry (I) C1. Radian measure 36

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant

For an acute angle θ, we all know how to define sin θ, cos θ and tan θ. We can
likewise define the cotangent, secant and cosecant functions (often abbreviated as
cot, sec and csc) as follows.

a b
sin θ = cos θ =
c c

c a
a tan θ = cot θ =

θ sec θ = csc θ =
Note that tan2 θ + 1 = sec2 θ and similarly .

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant 37

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant

More generally, we can define the six trigonometric functions of any angle θ using
a unit circle centred at the origin. With θ in standard position, suppose the
terminal side intersects the unit circle at (x, y ). Then we define

(x, y )
sin θ = y cos θ = x
tan θ = cot θ =

sec θ = csc θ =

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant 38

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant

Here is the graph of y = cot x. What is the domain and range of the function?

− 52 π −2π − 32 π −π − 12 π 1
2π π 3
2π 2π 5


Part C: Trigonometry (I) C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant 39

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant

Here is the graph of y = sec x. What is the domain and range of the function?

−3π − 52 π −2π − 32 π −π − 12 π 1
2π π 3
2π 2π 5
2π 3π


Part C: Trigonometry (I) C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant 40

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant

Here is the graph of y = csc x. What is the domain and range of the function?

− 52 π −2π − 32 π −π − 12 π 1
2π π 3
2π 2π 5


Part C: Trigonometry (I) C2. Cotangent, secant and cosecant 41

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C3. Inverse trigonometric functions

How do you find θ if sin θ = 0.8?

As the sine function is not injective, the answer is not unique. However, if we
restrict the domain to [− π2 , π2 ], the function is injective and the range is still
[−1, 1].

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C3. Inverse trigonometric functions 42

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C3. Inverse trigonometric functions

For x ∈ [−1, 1], we define the arcsine of x, denoted by sin−1 x or arcsin x, to be

the (unique) value of θ ∈ [− π2 , π2 ] such that sin θ = x. How does the graph of
y = sin−1 x look like?

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C3. Inverse trigonometric functions 43

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

C3. Inverse trigonometric functions

Similarly, we can define the functions

cos−1 : [−1, 1] → [0, π]
tan−1 : R → (− π2 , π2 )

We can also define the functions cot−1 , sec−1 and csc−1 but they are less
commonly used. Can you express them in terms of sin−1 , cos−1 and tan−1 ?

Part C: Trigonometry (I) C3. Inverse trigonometric functions 44

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A Functions (I)
B Functions (II)
C Trigonometry (I)
D Trigonometry (II)
E Complex numbers

Part D: Trigonometry (II) 45

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D1. Compound angle formulas

With the aid of the figure below, we can work out a formula for sin(A + B):


Part D: Trigonometry (II) D1. Compound angle formulas 46

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D1. Compound angle formulas

Using the formula for sin(A + B), we can further work out the following formulas:

sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cos A sin B

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B − sin A sin B

cos(A − B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B

tan A + tan B
tan(A + B) =
1 − tan A tan B

tan A − tan B
tan(A − B) =
1 + tan A tan B

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D1. Compound angle formulas 47

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D2. Double and triple angle formulas

Using the compound angle formulas, we can work out the following double-angle

sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A

cos 2A = cos2 A − sin2 A = 2 cos2 A − 1 = 1 − 2 sin2 A

2 tan A
tan 2A =
1 − tan2 A

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D2. Double and triple angle formulas 48

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D2. Double and triple angle formulas

We can then likewise work out the following triple-angle formulas:

sin 3A = 3 sin A − 4 sin3 A

cos 3A = 4 cos3 A − 3 cos A

3 tan A − tan3 A
tan 3A =
1 − 3 tan2 A

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D2. Double and triple angle formulas 49

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D3. Half angle formulas

Using the formula for cos 2A, we can work out the following half-angle formulas:

A 1 − cos A
sin2 =
2 2

A 1 + cos A
cos2 =
2 2

A 1 − cos A
tan2 =
2 1 + cos A

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D3. Half angle formulas 50

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D4. Product-to-sum formulas

Using the compound angle formulas, we can work out the following
product-to-sum formulas:

sin A cos B = [sin(A + B) + sin(A − B)]

sin A sin B = [cos(A − B) − cos(A + B)]

cos A cos B = [cos(A − B) + cos(A + B)]

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D4. Product-to-sum formulas 51

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

D5. Sum-to-product formulas

We can then work out the following sum-to-product formulas:

sin A + sin B = 2 sin cos
2 2
sin A − sin B = 2 cos sin
2 2
cos A + cos B = 2 cos cos
2 2
cos A − cos B = −2 sin sin
2 2

Part D: Trigonometry (II) D5. Sum-to-product formulas 52

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

A Functions (I)
B Functions (II)
C Trigonometry (I)
D Trigonometry (II)
E Complex numbers

Part E: Complex numbers 53

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E1. Conjugates

Recall that the set of complex numbers is C = {a + bi : a, b ∈ R}, where i is the

imaginary unit satisfying i 2 = −1. You should be able to carry out the four basic
arithmetic operations on C. For example, we can compute

6 + 5i
4 + 3i

For a complex number of the form z = a + bi (note that in writing a complex

number in this form, it is implicitly assumed that a and b are real), we define
z = a − bi to be the conjugate of z.

Part E: Complex numbers E1. Conjugates 54

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E1. Conjugates

For any complex numbers z and z 0 , it is easy to verify that

z ± z0 = z ± z0
zz 0 = z · z 0
z z
= 0 provided that z 0 6= 0
z z
z + z is real
z − z is purely imaginary
zz = |z|2 , where |z| denotes the modulus of z

Part E: Complex numbers E1. Conjugates 55

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E1. Conjugates

Consider the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c ∈ R with a 6= 0. If

b 2 − 4ac < 0, then the equation has two distinct complex roots that are
conjugates of each other.
We have the following more generalised result.

Let f (x) be a polynomial with real coefficients. If f (z) = 0 for some z ∈ C,

then f (z) = 0.

Part E: Complex numbers E1. Conjugates 56

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E2. Polar form

The representation z = a + bi is said to be in standard form. We can represent

this complex number on the Argand diagram that naturally corresponds to the
point (a, b) in the rectangular coordinate system.

y Im
(a, b) a + bi

x Re

Part E: Complex numbers E2. Polar form 57

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E2. Polar form

We can also change the rectangular coordinates (a, b) to polar coordinates (r , θ)

where the two ordered pairs are related by a = and b = .
This enables us to rewrite z = a + bi as z = , which is known as the
polar form of z. Sometimes this is abbreviated as z = r cis θ.

π/2 π/2

3π/4 (a, b) π/4 3π/4 a + bi π/4

π 0
π 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

5π/4 7π/4 5π/4 7π/4

3π/2 3π/2

Part E: Complex numbers E2. Polar form 58

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E3. Computing with polar form

Consider two complex numbers z1 = r1 cis θ1 and z2 = r2 cis θ2 . Then we have

z1 z2 = r1 r2 cis(θ1 + θ2 )
z1 r1
= cis(θ1 − θ2 ) provided that z2 6= 0
z2 r2
This enables us to carry out computations easily. For instance, what is (1 + i)100 ?

Part E: Complex numbers E3. Computing with polar form 59

MATH 1821: Mathematical Methods for Actuarial Science I Chapter 1: Basic Concepts

E4. Euler’s formula

For θ ∈ R, we define
e iθ = cos θ + i sin θ
and this is sometimes known as Euler’s formula.
Furthermore, for any z ∈ C with z = a + bi, we define e z = e a (cos b + i sin b). It
can be checked that such definition preserves the index laws that we are familiar
with, e.g. it can be checked that
0 0
e z+z = e z e z for any z, z 0 ∈ C.

Part E: Complex numbers E4. Euler’s formula 60

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