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Assignment #2

MT-2001 Statistical Inference

Sections: BS(A&F)- A, BBA-A, B BS(BA)-A Submission Date: 22 September 2022

 Assignment should be done on A4 size paper
 There is no tolerance for plagiarism
 Write down your class section on top right corner of the title page
 Assignment must be submitted in form of hard copy and soft copy
 Submit soft copy of the assignment in your respective GCRs

Q#1: A multinational organization has 80,000 employees. Salary groups have been defined as:

20,000-50,000 50,001-80,000 80,001-100,000 100,001-150,000 Above 150,000
17% 40% 71% 95% 100%
The owner has decided to select a 9% stratified random sample of the employees. Write down the
number of employees to be sampled from each salary group.

Q# 2: If the sample size is 100 and standard error of the mean is 15, what should be the sample
size if the standard error is reduced to 10?

Q#3: Few years back a policy was introduced by the government to give loans to unemployed
graduates to start their own business. Out of 1000 graduates 600 accepted the policy and
got the loan. A sample of 100 unemployed graduates is taken at the time of allotment of
loan. What is the probability that sample proportion would have exceeded 50 percent

Q#4: Write down at least three different formula for collecting a sample of size “n” from the
population having size “N”.

Q#5: If the size of the simple random sample from an infinite population is 55 and the variance
of sampling distribution of sample mean is 27. Find the value of population variance and
also determine what must be the value of standard error of the sample mean if sample size
is increased to n=165.

Q#6: A random variable X has the following probability distribution:

X 3 5 7 9
P(X= x) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2

(a): Find the mean x and variance  x2 of the mean X for a random sample of size 32.

(b): Find the probability that the mean of 32 items will be less than 6.5.

Q#7: Short answer the following questions.

(a): Ms. Maryam is investigating teachers’ attitudes toward year-round schooling. She is
particularly interested in describing the attitudes of teachers from small, medium, and large
schools. Which sampling procedure should be used by Ms. Maryam to ensure her sample
is representative of these types of schools?

(b): Mr. Zohaib has compiled a list of 1,348 students in his college. He has selected a sample
of 48 students by choosing every 14th student from the sampling frame. Which type of
sampling is he using?

Q#8: A population consists of 5 members. The marital status of each member is given below:

Member 1 2 3 4 5
Marital Status M S M S M
Where M and S stands for Married and Single respectively. If samples of size 3 are drawn without
replacement then calculate standard error for the sampling distribution of sample proportion of
married persons. Also verify the properties of the sampling distribution for sample proportion.

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