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Predictions of Dr.

Michio Kaku about Future Technology

Militarized Drone Systems are the Most Immediate Threat to Humanity

 The militarization of drone systems, according to Kaku, is the greatest danger

humans will face in the near future. He assumes that not only can this happen,
but that it will have a huge effect on life as we know it.

It Won't Be Another Century Before Artificial Intelligence Appears

 According to Kaku, this will not occur anytime soon. He explains that even the
simplest functions of humans are now more sophisticated than any artificial
intelligence. He does accept, though, that artificial intelligence will advance
rapidly, but that we will not see robots roaming through the cities for at least
another century.

Extraterrestrial Contact is Closer than You Think

 For decades, scientists have debated whether or not there is activity on other
planets. Since Kaku is certain that there is, the discussion for him is all on
whether we will be able to communicate with them. He believes that
extraterrestrial interaction is closer than we think. He predicts that this will occur
during the next century.

Artificial Intelligence's Evolution has the Potential to be Dangerous

 Kaku has previously said that artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing field of
research. While there is still a long way to go before it becomes a threat, he
predicts that by the end of the century, we will see significant improvements and
that advances in AI will pose a threat to humans as robots begin to take over.

Bitcoin is Unstoppable, but it isn't Particularly Efficient.

 Kaku has made assumptions on the use of virtual currencies like Bitcoin. He
claims it is irresistible and that its value is determined solely by the amount of
money people are willing to pay for it. While he believes it is not a profitable
business, he believes that the use of virtual currencies will grow.
It's a Real Possibility to Live on Another Planet
 Living on another world in the future, according to Kaku, is a strong possibility.
He used the dinosaurs' extinction as an explanation of why humans ought to
research new habitats in which they can survive if Earth is no longer a viable
option. He isn't sure if it will be Mars, but he believes it is the most possible

Thousands of Lives will be Saved by Self-Driving Cars

 The invention of self-driving vehicles is still ongoing, and many people believe
they are unsafe. However, Kaku disagrees, predicting that not only can we see
driverless vehicles on the roads, but that they will also reduce road congestion
and the number of crashes. As a result, he believes they will save tens of
thousands of lives each year.

Climate Change Poses a Serious Threat to Our Planet

 While some of Kaku's predictions are merely theoretical, he has made one
prediction that is completely dependent on empirical evidence. That is, climate
change would have a huge effect on life on the planet. He claims that everyone
must intervene now to avoid catastrophic repercussions.

There is a Chance that Asteroids could Collide with the Earth

 Kaku has predicted that asteroids will collide with the Earth on several occasions.
Scientists are continuing to map the movements of observed asteroids in the
hopes of predicting whether or not this will happen.

In the Future, We could Define Reality Differently.

 Kaku has hinted, somewhat mystically, that our view of reality could change in
the future. He has predicted that the future will contain a new truth by combining
his own physics predictions with some of his hypotheses.


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