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Differentiate the concept of Technology according to your view versus the view
of Heidegger.

In “The Question Concerning Technology”, Heidegger makes three key points

about technology: (1) technology is "not an instrument," but rather a means of seeing
the environment; (2) technology is "not a human activity," but it evolves outside of
human control; and (3) technology is "the greatest danger," putting humans in trouble of
only seeing the world through technical thought. On the other hand, my view about
technology is that it has both positive and negative impact not only to humans but also
to the environment. Technology makes our lives easier, and we now have more time
and energy to do as we want because a lot of the weight has been taken off our
shoulders thanks to technology. But the downside of this is that we are now more
dependable on the technology, even if we have the ability to do a certain thing, we tend
to depend on technology. In other words, technology makes us lazy. Also, I agree with
one of the views of Heidegger where technology is the greatest danger, because I think
that due to the curiosity of humans, we continue to discover different things and
inventions that may eventually harm not only humans but also the environment. In
conclusion, it all comes down to how we use technology. It is slowly but steadily taking
over the world, we should know the purpose of technology, and we should not let it
control us.

2. Explain the saying of Heidegger "questioning is the piety of thought."

"Questioning is the piety of thought" refers to the act of questioning and

interrogating things in order to grasp new ideas. We keep wondering out of curiosity, we
keep exploring and finding in quest of sense of reality for us to have thoughts so all we
can do in today's generation is predict and constantly experiment. If we strive to seek
wisdom, we continue to look for and find the essence of reality for us to know, and what
we can do in our new generation is foresee and investigate constantly, questioning is a
matter of piety. The problem with technology is therefore best described as a concerted
effort to question the idea of technology in order to achieve a better understanding of
the essence of the thing rather than only as an instrument or a means.
3. What is the danger of modern technology in the present condition of the planet.

Technological advancements have greatly improved our lives, but they always
come at a cost. The technological revolution brought in lots of new emerging inventions,
some of which have resulted in the mistreatment and destruction of our planet's natural
resources. These advances have harmed not only us humans but also our environment.
Air pollution and water pollution are one of the negative impacts of technology. Air
pollution has detrimental health effects on humans and wildlife, as well as contributing
to global warming, as higher levels of greenhouse gases in the environment trap heat
energy in the Earth's atmosphere, causing the global temperature to rise. Water
pollution, on the other hand, is the poisoning of bodies of water such as streams, rivers,
oceans, and groundwater as a result of human activities. Domestic waste, agricultural
effluents, and insecticides and pesticides are among the most popular water pollutants.
Another negative impact of technology on the environment is resource degradation. It
occurs when a resource is depleted faster than it can be replenished. The most extreme
forms of resource depletion are water source destruction, deforestation, mining for fossil
fuels and minerals, pollution of land, soil degradation, and overconsumption. All of these
just to enable the advancements in technology. If we continue these practices, then
maybe there will be nothing left of the planet, but a wasteland. But if we start to change
our ways, and start to protect the animals and nurture the environment, then maybe we
can have a brighter future.

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