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Name Of Drug Dosage Drug Class Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibiliti es

Generic name: tramadol hydrochlorid e Brand name: Dolcet

500 mg/ tab 1 tab for headache PRN

Analgesic (centrally acting)

Relief of moderat e to moderat ely severe pain

Contraindic ated with allergy to tramadol or opioids or acute intoxication with alcohol, opioids, or psychotropi c drugs. Use cautiously with pregnancy, lactation, seizures, concomitan t use of CNS depressants or MAOIs, renal or hepatic impairment.

Assessment CNS: History: Sedation, Hypersen dizziness sitivity to or vertigo, tramadol; headache, pregnanc confusion, y; acute dreaming, intoxicati sweating, on with anxiety, alcohol, seizures opioids, CV: psychotr Hypotensi opic on, drugs or tachycardia other , centrally bradycardi acting a analgesic Dermatolo s; gic: lactation; Sweating, seizures; pruritus, concomit rash, ant use of pallor, CNS urticaria depressa GI: nts or Nausea, MAOIs; vomiting, renal or dry mouth, hepatic constipatio

n, flatulence Other: Potential for abuse, anaphylac toid reactions


Drug-drug Decreased effectivene ss with carbamaze pine

Increased risk of tramadol toxicity with MAOIs

impairme nt; past or present history of opioid addiction Physical: Skin color, texture, lesions; orientatio n, reflexes, bilateral grip strength, affect; P, auscultati on, BP; bowel sounds, normal output; liver and kidney function tests Control environm


ent (temperat ure, lighting) if sweating or CNS effects occur.

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