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English, is an international language in the world. Most people are using this language on the
daily life. It is an important language because we use this language to communication with
other country's people. We also use English in many places. For example, it is used in the
international business, computer language, movies, and so on. As a result, many people think
learning English can get big benefits. Why we say learning English can get big benefits?
Because you can become an international person, because you can communicate with any
people in the world.

According to Richard & Rodger, 1986, many people in various countries use English as a
means of communication in various important international meetings. Mastery of English is
very important because almost all global sources of information in various aspects of life use
this language.

In addition to communicating with foreigners, English can be used to support the learning
process for informatics students, for example when we learn about software, almost all of the
software on our laptop is in English, when we find bugs or errors in the programs we make,
It's easier to find a solution when using English, and when we want to quickly master a
framework like laraver, we can learn directly from the web, which definitely uses English.
Therefore, English is important for informatics students.

Computer science studies various things about computing, hardware, and software. Studying
computer science will find many things that can be developed. Not everyone understands
computer programming. This has led to schools and colleges that have opened computer
science majors.

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There are so many advantages to learning computer science. For those of you who have a
computer science background, it will be easier for you to find jobs. Many large companies
require computer science graduates. Jobs in the world of computer science are also very cool
and prestigious because not everyone understands the world of computers. Companies that
usually require computer science graduates are such as government agencies, state-owned
enterprises, and private agencies. Many people need people with a background in computer

The importance of English as an international language is consistently showing positive

trends. The number of learners of English is growing because it is a useful language to
master. Amongst others, it is beneficial to learn English because of its role as a lingua franca,
to access knowledge and to develop one’s career.

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