P-3 (Company Law) MCQs-Solved

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P-3 (Company Law) 2019-1

Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Share means share in Share Capital of Company TRUE FALSE All None

2 The Companies Act, 2017 extends to Punjab KPK None
A copy of MOM of BOD shall be circulated among BOD
3 13 14 15 16
within __ days
Alteration include making additions or omissions
by substituting the main scheme of the document
Authorized capital means capital as is authorized by
MOA to be minimum amount of share capital
A body corporate does not include a company
incorporated outside Pakistan
Books of account includes all sales & purchases of
goods & services by the company
Debenture include debenture stock, bonds, TFC or any
other instrument not evidencing a debt
Holding company means a company which is another
9 company's holding coy, if & only if, that other TRUE FALSE All None
company is subsidiary
Simple 2/3rd 3/4th
10 Ordinary resolution mean a resolution passed by Majority Majority Majority

2/3rd 3/4th
11 Special resolution mean a resolution passed by Simple Majority
Majority Majority

12 Promoter is a person whose name has been entered in prospectus in MOA Both None

Public Interest Coy means coy whih falls under criteria

13 TRUE FALSE All None
as laid down in 2nd Schedule C-Act-2017
Public sector Coy means coy whih ownd voting
14 50% 51% 60% 61%
securities not less than_ held by Govt
Sharia compliant coy means a coy conducting its Biz as
15 TRUE FALSE All None
per principles of Sharia & conventional law
Chief Sahre
16 Who has power to call AGM of a company? Members Directors
Executive Holders
Ltd by
17 The liablity of a general partner is Ltd by Shares
Both Unlimited

___ in a company has been defined as the liability in

18 Derivative Debenture Share All
first place
19 Separate legal entity is a peculiar feature of Partnership Company Both None
Company willing to raise capital or depostits from
20 Annual Report Prospectus MOA AOA
Public must issue
P-3 (Company Law) 2018-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Coy- Act, 2017 has Total sections 513 514 515 517

2 Coy- Act, 2017 has Total schedules 8 4 5 7

3 Coy- Act, 2017 extends to Whole Pakitan Punjab KPK Sindh

4 Share means share in Share Capital of Company TRUE FALSE All None

5 The MOA shall not be printed TRUE FALSE All None

Numbered &
6 The AOA shall be Printed Signed All
7 The MOA & AOA shall be filed with Registrar of Province District Tehsil Villiage

A copy of MOM of BOD shall be circulated among

8 13 14 15 16
BOD within __ days
9 Every SMC shall have at least __ director 1 2 3 4

Every company shall keep at its__ propers books Rgistered

10 Head Office Sub Office None
for all sums received & expended Office

No dividend shall be paid by a company otherwise

11 TRUE FALSE All None
than out of profits of company
Every auditor of a company shall have a right of Accounts &
12 Books Papers All
access at all times to the Vouchers

A company may by written agreement refer to

arbitration in accordance with the __ an existing or Limitation Act, Arbitration
13 All None
future difference between itself & any other 1908 Act, 1940
company or person
An NBFC shall be incorporated without approval of
14 TRUE FALSE All None
the Commission
15 The winding up of a company may be either By the Court
None Police

Can a court grant injunction restraining further

16 proceedings in a suit or proceeding against the Yes No All None
company upon such terms as court thinks fit

Partnership in Pakitan is governed by Partnership

17 1913 1938 1932 1935
Act, __
Persons who have entered into partnership are
18 Directors Investors Partners Managers
called individually
Death of a Insolvency of By giving
19 The partnership may come to end due to All
partner a partner notice
Minor's share liable for acts of the Firm, but minor
20 TRUE FALSE All None
is not personally liable for any such act
P-3 (Company Law) 2018-1
Sr. Questions A B C D

1 A company which is not a private company is Partnership SMC None

2 Pakistan Stock Exchange is Ltd by Guarantee TRUE FALSE All None

3 Shares are also called debentures TRUE FALSE All None

4 Proxy voting allowed in meeting of shareholders TRUE FALSE All None

5 Min. No. of persons required to form Pvt coy 1 2 3 1&2

6 Only natural person can become director in coy TRUE FALSE All None

7 A special resolution in gen meeting is passed by Simple majority 1/4th majority

3-6 month of
8 Statutory meeting can be called by Incorporation
Any time All None

Public Private
9 Statutory meeting must be called by Both None
company company

10 A coy can change MOA any time under Coy Law TRUE FALSE All None

11 A coy can issue different kind & class of shares TRUE FALSE All None

12 CEO is required to be member of the company TRUE FALSE All None

13 The term of CEO under Company Law is 3 months 2 Years 1 Year None

14 AGM must be called by Public Company
Both None

15 The CEO of company is elected by Stock Exchange Members Auditors None

A company can opt any business without

16 TRUE FALSE All None
permission from any body
_Partner retiring from partnership is not required to Dormant &
17 Dormant Silent Active
give public notice of his retirement Silent

18 Dormant partner don't take active part in Biz TRUE FALSE All None

There are certain restrictions in adopting name of

19 TRUE FALSE All None
the firm

Mutual agency is not an essential element of

20 TRUE FALSE All None
P-3 (Company Law) 2017-2
Sr. Questions A B C
A company is an association of no. of individuals
formed for some common purpose
2 Company means a coy registered under C-Law 1984 2017 Both
Public company means a company which is not a
private company
4 Company has a separate legal entity TRUE FALSE None

5 Audit is compulsory by law in a Company Partnership None

6 The AOA shall be signed by each Subscriber Director
In Coy Act, 2017 Serious fraud investigation is
7 58 158 258
discussed under section
Duplicate Certificate of shares, debentures, issued to be
8 issued Not issued
debenture stock can be cancelled

9 A company has power to purchase its own shares u/s 87 88 95

10 Rectification of coy name under section 11 12 13

MOA of Public Coy to be signed by 3 or more

12 Share of a company can be transferred TRUE FALSE None

13 The term of office of director is __ Years One Two Three

Invest Funds &

14 Directors shall have power to Borrow Money All
Make loans
15 Kinds of meeting held by Companies are Two Three Four

16 Partnership is not created by status TRUE FALSE None

17 General partner duties discussed u/s 7 9 None

18 Personal profits earned by partners is u/s 15 16 17

19 Section 39 of partnership act deals with Definitions Registration Dissolution

20 Dissolution of firm by court is explained u/s 42 44 46

P-3 (Company Law) 2017-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
A coy having the liability of its members Ltd by MOA
Limited by Unlimited Limited by
1 to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares None
guarantee Company shares
respectively held by them is called company
2 A public coy means a coy which is not __ coy. Unlimited Private Listed None

A listed coy means a coy whose securities are Stock Ministry of

3 SBP None
allowed for trading by __ Exchange Finance

A coy which by its AOA limits the number of its

Listed Public Unlimited Private
4 members to 50 not including persons who are in the Company Company Company Company
employment of the coy is called ___
5 Min. No of persons required to form public coy 1 2 3 7

6 Security means Shares Debentures

7 An ordinary resolution in gen meeting is passed by Majority
3/4th Majority 2/3rd Majority None

8 1st AGM must be held witin __ months incorp date 15 16 18 None

9 A coy ltd by shares may opt as AOA, Table A of 3rd Schedule 4th Schedule 1st Schedule None

10 A company can never change its name TRUE FALSE Both None

Quorum of listed coy, unless AOA provides larger no.,

11 not less than_ members present personally who 2 3 7 10
represent not less than 25% voting power
If a coy ordered for wound up has no share capital, Only if SC
12 an appeal against any order, decision or judgement As a right grants leave No appeal lies None
of court shall lie before SC to appeal

Till elections in
13 The term of 1st Director under Coy Act, 2017 is 3 Months 3 Years
1st AGM

14 Statutory meeting is called Coy Act, 2017 U/S 131 132 133 134

15 Chief Executive of a company is appointed by Directors Members SECP None

16 Min. No. of diretors in Private company is 2 3 7 10

Subject to contract between the partners a firm is Adjudication

17 Death Both None
dissolved by the __ of a partner as insolvent

A partner cannot transfer his share in partnership

18 TRUE FALSE Both None
without consent of other partners
Subject to contract between the partners a partner is
19 entitled to receive remuneration for taking part in TRUE FALSE Both None
the conduct of business.
Every partner is considered as a ___ of the firm for
20 member director secretary agent
the purposes of business of the firm
P-3 (Company Law) 2016-2
Sr. Questions A B C
1 For the Jurisdiction purpose the empowered court is Civil Court District Court High Court

2 Court Jurisdiction in Coy-Act, 2017 discussed in Section 4 Section 5 Section 7

3 Section 2 of Coy- Act, 2017 is related to Short title Definitions
4 Holding Company in Coy Act, 2017 defined U/S Section 2 Section 5 Section 6
have same
5 Modaraba & Modaraba Company are different None
6 Mode of Company forming under section 10 13 14

7 Rectification of coy name under section 11 13 14

Penalty for false statement, falsification, forgery,

8 296 396 496
fraud , deception is U/S _ of Coy Act, 2017
Duplicate Certificate of shares, debentures, issued to be
9 issued Not issued
debenture stock can be cancelled

10 A company has power to purchase its own shares u/s 87 88 95

11 Certain mortgages & charges to be void if Registered Not registered Both

12 Section 135 Coy- Act, 2017 describes Concessions Restrictions Quorum

Every company to hold in addition to any other Monthly Qarterly

13 AGM
meeting a general meeting as meeting Meeting
14 Every SMC should have at least 1 Director 2 Directors 3 Directors

15 Coy- Act 2017 comprises of Total sections 510 512 515

Definitions of partnership, partner, firm & firm name

16 2 3 4
are discussed in Section
17 Under partnership act a body registered is called Company Firm None

Dissolution by notice in partnership at will is

18 43 44 45
discussed in section
19 Section 59 of partnership act deals with Definitions Registration Dissolution

20 Partnership Act comprises of Total sections 74 75 76

P-3 (Company Law) 2016-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Each share in a company shall have _ number Collective Distinctive Odd Even

2 Director's Term mentioned Coy Act, 2017 U/S 159 160 161 162

3 The honorable __ have jurisdiction under C-Law Special Courts Tribunals Lowe Courts High Courts

4 There are _ schedules in Coy Act, 2017 6 7 8 9

5 Sec____ Coy Act, 2017 explain court jurisdiction 80 199 5 20

6 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Shareholder Director Chief Executive Promoter

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

7 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
8 _ means share in share capital of the company Debenture MOA Share Capital

9 Max no of members in Pvt Ltd Company 15 20 50 51

10 Coy- Act, 2017 does not apply to Pvt Company Public Coy University Holding Coy

11 Promoter is a term of Business Law Commerce Accounts

___ in a company has been defined as the liability

12 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
in first place
Regulations of a coy limited by shares are
13 A B C E
prescribed in the table__ in the 1st schedule
14 MOA & AOA are to be registered with Registrar Director Civil Court High Court

Which certificate is issued by Registrar of Firms

15 Form IV Form C Form I Form D
after change of particulars?
For registration of new firm prescribed application
16 Form IV Form C Form I Form D
on ___ is mandatory
For Dissolution of any firm prescribed application
17 Form IV Form V Form I Form D
on ___ is mandatory
What is the worth of Judicial Paper required for
18 500 600 800 1000
partnership deed
Who is the registration authority of partnership Registrar of
19 Joint Registrar Commissioner Civil Judge
deed Firms

20 Min. no required to from a partnership is 1 2 3 7

P-3 (Company Law) 2015-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Min. No. of diretors of a private company is 2 3 5 7

2 Director powers mentioned Coy Act 2017 U/S 181 183 187 188

3 Who has power to call AGM of a company? Members Directors Chief Executive Sahre Holders

The maximum amount which the company is Registered

4 Unpaid Capital Share Capital Reserve Capital
authorized to raise. Captial
Liability clause of members in Ltd company must be
5 Annual Report Prospectus MOA AOA
mentioned in
6 A co- ownership is governed by Coy Ord- 1984
Act, 1932
Both None

7 Separate legal entity is a particular feature of Partnership Company Both None

8 Promoter is a term of Commerce Business Law Computer

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

9 Annual Report Prospectus MOA AOA
Public must issue
10 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least 2 5 3 9
11 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Promoter
Shareholder Director

___ in a company has been defined as the liability

12 Derivative Debenture Share All
in first place
13 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932 None

14 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

Govt is authorised to appoint Registrar of firms

15 55 56 57 58
under Section __ of Partnership Act, 1932
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of
partnership was dealt within Chapter__
Ltd by
17 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares
Both a & b Unlimited

A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is a particular a specific

18 Unlimited time None
formed for project project
with consent without
A partner can transfer his share in partnership to with consent of
19 of some consent of all None
an outsider partners partners
all partners

Can take active Cannot take

A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called junior is called an
20 part in active part in
outsiders partner agent
management management
P-3 (Company Law) 2015-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 A CEO in a company is also considered as __ Shareholder Director Coy Secretary Auditor

more than 12 less than 12

2 A financial year of a company can be 12 months
months motnhs

3 A subscriber to MOA is also called Member 1st director Both None

A company which by its articles restrict the right to Public guarantee Ltd Unlimited
4 Pvt company
transfer its shares is called company company company

5 Min. No of persons required to form public coy 1 2 3 7

6 Min. No of persons required to form private coy 1 2 3 7

Ordinary Special
7 Alteration in MOA can be made by passing resolution resolution
Both None

8 Persons who sign MOA are called Promoters Subscribers Auditors None

9 A coy ltd by shares may opt as AOA, Table A of 3rd Schedule 4th Schedule 1st Schedule None

10 A company can never change its name TRUE FALSE Both None

11 There are some restrictions in adopting coy name TRUE FALSE Both None

12 A company can never reduce its share capital TRUE FALSE Both None

Every company must call a general meeting once in Statutory

13 AGM EOGM None
every calendar year as its __ Meeting

14 An EOGM is called u/s_ of Coy Act, 2017 121 131 132 133

15 Quorum of gen meeting of SMC is _ member (s) Single Two Three Four

16 Min. No. of diretors in Listed company is 1 2 3 7

Ltd by
17 The liablity of a general partner is Ltd by Shares Unlimited
guarantee None
A partner can transfer his share in partnership
18 TRUE FALSE Both None
without consent of other partners
A person who is not a partner in a partnership can
19 also be held liable as a partner for partnership TRUE FALSE Both None
laiabilities to 3rd parties under P.Act-1932

20 Min. no required to from a partnership is 1 2 3 7

P-3 (Company Law) 2014-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least 2 5 3 9

This is the maximum amount which the company is Debenture Registered

2 Reserve capital Unpaid capital
authorized to raise. capital Captial

3 Concept of separate legal entity is attached with Proprietorship
Partnership Company All

4 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Promoter Chief Executive Shareholder Director

___ in a company has been defined as the liability in

5 Derivative Debenture Share All
first place
Company willing to raise capital or depostits from
6 Annual Report Prospectus AOA MOA
Public must issue
7 Promoter is a term of Business Commerce Law Computer

8 Minimum no of directors in public listed coy is 2 3 5 7

9 Minimum no of directors in private company is 2 3 5 7

10 __is dealing with internal affairs of company MOA AOA Both None

11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932 None

12 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

State/Govt authorised to appoint Registrar of firms

13 55 56 57 58
under Section __ of Partnership Act, 1932
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of partnership
was dealt within Chapter__
Partnership Act,
15 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Coy Ord- 1984

Ltd by
16 In Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares
Both Unlimited

17 Director powers mentioned C-Ord-1984, Section 194 183 197 198

18 Who has power to call AGM of a company? Members Directors Chief Executive Sahre Holders

a particular
Limited period
project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is & it continues
19 Unlimited time continues after All
formed for after period
completion of

A partner can transfer his share in partnership to an with consent of without consent with consent of
20 None
outsider some partners of all partners all partners
P-3 (Company Law) 2014-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole
1 Partnership Company Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan, create

2 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
the security for repayment
3 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Two Five Three Nine
Liability clause of members in Ltd company must be
4 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
mentioned in
5 Promoter is a term of Law Commerce Business Computer

This is the maximum amount which the company is Registered Debenture

6 Unpaid capital Reserve capital
authorized to raise. Captial capital

___ in a company has been defined as the liability in

7 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
first place
__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern
8 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
9 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director Chief Executive Shareholder Promoter

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

10 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Jul 1,1932 Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932

Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of partnership

was dealt within Chapter__
In Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By all
13 Act or Omission Act & Omission Act or Acting Act & Acting
partners any
Can't take Can take active
A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called junior
14 active part in part in is called an agent
outsiders management management

Partnership Act,
15 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

Every trade,
Every type of Every trade & Every occupation
16 In Partnership Act, 1932 Business include business services
occupation &
& services
17 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

A partner can transfer his share in partnership to an without consent with consent of with consent of
18 None
outsider of all partners all partners some partners

19 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None

a particular
Limited period
project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is & it continues
20 Unlimited time continues after All
formed for after period
completion of
P-3 (Company Law) 2013-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Promoter is a term of Law Business Commerce Computer

2 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Five Three Nine Two

3 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director Promoter Chief Executive Shareholder

Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole

4 Company Partnership Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

___ in a company has been defined as the liability in

5 Share Debenture Prospectus Dividend
first place
Company willing to raise capital or depostits from
6 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of partnership
was dealt within Chapter__
In Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By all
8 Act or Omission Act & Omission Act or Acting Act & Acting
partners any
9 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None

Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan, create

10 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
the security for repayment
11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932 None

Liability clause of members in Ltd company must be

12 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
mentioned in
13 Maximum partners in partnership are 10 20 30 50

Partnership Act,
14 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

This is the maximum amount which the company is Registered Debenture

15 Unpaid capital Reserve capital
authorized to raise. Captial capital

16 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern

17 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
18 Director powers mentioned C-Ord-1984, Section 181 183 187 188

19 Who has power to call AGM of a company? Members Directors Chief Executive Sahre Holders

State/Govt authorised to appoint Registrar of firms

20 55 56 57 58
under Section __ of Partnership Act, 1932
P-3 (Company Law) 2013-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 Promoter is a term of Law Business Commerce Computer

2 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Five Three Nine Two

3 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director Promoter Chief Executive Shareholder

Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole

4 Company Partnership Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

___ in a company has been defined as the liability

5 Share Debenture Prospectus Dividend
in first place
Company willing to raise capital or depostits from
6 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of
partnership was dealt within Chapter__
In Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By
8 Act or Omission Act & Omission Act or Acting Act & Acting
all partners any
9 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None

Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan,

10 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
create the security for repayment
11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932 None

Liability clause of members in Ltd company must

12 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
be mentioned in
13 Maximum partners in partnership are 10 20 30 50

Partnership Act,
14 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

This is the maximum amount which the company Registered

15 Unpaid capital Reserve capital Debenture capital
is authorized to raise. Captial

16 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern

17 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
18 Director powers mentioned Coy Act 2017 U/S 181 183 187 188

19 Who has power to call AGM of a company? Members Directors Chief Executive Sahre Holders

State/Govt authorised to appoint Registrar of

20 55 56 57 58
firms U/S __ of Partnership Act, 1932
P-3 (Company Law) 2012-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
1 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director Chief Executive Shareholder Promoter

___ in a company has been defined as the liability

2 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
in first place
3 Promoter is a term of Law Commerce Business Computer
Liability clause of members in Ltd company must
4 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
be mentioned in
Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan,
5 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
create the security for repayment
This is the maximum amount which the company is Registered Debenture
6 Unpaid capital Reserve capital
authorized to raise. Captial capital

Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole

7 Partnership Company Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

8 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
9 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Two Five Three Nine

__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern

10 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
Can't take Can take active
A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called an is called junior
11 active part in part in
outsiders management management
agent partner

Every trade,
Every type of Every trade & Every occupation
12 In Partnership Act, 1932 Business include business services
occupation &
& services
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of
partnership was dealt within Chapter__
A partner can transfer his share in partnership to without consent with consent of with consent of
14 None
an outsider of all partners all partners some partners

15 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Jul 1,1932 Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932

Partnership Act,
16 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

17 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None

a particular
Limited period
project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is & it continues
18 Unlimited time continues after All
formed for after period
completion of

19 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

In Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By

20 Act or Omission Act & Omission Act or Acting Act & Acting
all partners any
P-3 (Company Law) 2012-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole
1 Partnership Company Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

2 Promoter is a term of Law Commerce Business Computer

___ in a company has been defined as the liability

3 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
in first place
4 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director Chief Executive Shareholder Promoter

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

5 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue
Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of
partnership was dealt within Chapter__
In Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By
7 Act or Omission Act & Omission Act or Acting Act & Acting
all partners any
8 In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None

a particular
Limited period &
project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is it continues
9 Unlimited time continues after All
formed for after period
completion of

Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan, create

10 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
the security for repayment
11 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Two Five Three Nine

Liability clause of members in Ltd company must be

12 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
mentioned in
13 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Jul 1,1932 Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932
Can't take Can take active
A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called an is called junior
14 active part in part in
outsiders management management
agent partner

Partnership Act,
15 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

Every trade,
Every type of Every trade & Every occupation
16 In Partnership Act, 1932 Business include business services
occupation &
& services
This is the maximum amount which the company is Registered
17 Unpaid capital Reserve capital Debenture capital
authorized to raise. Captial

18 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

A partner can transfer his share in partnership to without consent with consent of with consent of
19 None
an outsider of all partners all partners some partners

__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern

20 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
P-3 (Company Law) 2011-2
Sr. Questions A B C D
Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole
1 Partnership Company Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship
Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan create
2 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
the security for repayment
3 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Two Five Three Nine

Liability clause of members in Ltd company must

4 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
be mentioned in
5 Promoter is a term of Law Commerce Business Computer

The maximum amount which the company is Registered Debenture

6 Unpaid Capital Reserve Capital
authorized to raise Capital Capital
___ in a company has been defined as the liability
7 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
in first place
__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern
8 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
9 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director
Shareholder Promoter

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

10 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue

11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Jul 1,1932 Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932

Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of

partnership was dealt within Chapter__
Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By all Act or Act &
13 Act or Acting Act & Acting
partners any Omission Omission

Can't take Can take

A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called an is called junior
14 active part in active part in
outsiders management management
agent partner

Partnership Act,
15 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated

Every trade, Every

Every type of Every trade &
16 In Partnership Act, 1932 Business include business services
occupation & occupation &
profession services

17 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

A partner can transfer his share in partnership to with consent with consent of
18 consent of all None
an outsider partners
of all partners some partners

In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is

19 Ltd by Shares Unlimited Ltd & Unlimited None
a particular
Limited period
project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is Unlimited & it continues
20 continues after All
formed for time after period
completion of
P-3 (Company Law) 2011-1
Sr. Questions A B C D
Has separate & distinct personality from its Sole
1 Partnership Company Co- ownership
members who constitute it. Proprietorship

Are bonds or deeds which evidence the loan create

2 Debentures Shares Dividends Prospectus
the security for repayment
3 MOA of Public Coy must be signed by at least Two Five Three Nine

Liability clause of members in Ltd company must

4 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
be mentioned in
5 Promoter is a term of Law Commerce Business Computer

The maximum amount which the company is Registered Reserve Debenture

6 Unpaid Capital
authorized to raise Capital Capital Capital
___ in a company has been defined as the liability
7 Debenture Share Dividend Prospectus
in first place
__ are its bye- laws or rules that govern
8 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
management of its international affairs
9 __ is one who undertakes to form a company Director
Shareholder Promoter

Company willing to raise capital or depostits from

10 AOA MOA Prospectus Annual Report
Public must issue

11 Partnership Act, 1932 came into force on Jul 1,1932 Aug 1,1932 Sep 1, 1932 Oct 1, 1932

Before Partnership Act, 1932, the law of

partnership was dealt within Chapter__
Partnership Act, 1932 "Act of Firm" includes- By all Act or Act &
13 Act or Acting Act & Acting
partners any Omission Omission

Can't take Can take

A Partner whose membership is kept secret from is called an is called junior
14 active part in active part in
outsiders management management
agent partner

15 A co- ownership is regulated by Separate Act Not Regulated
Act, 1932

Every trade, Every

Every type of Every trade &
16 In Partnership Act, 1932 Business include business services
occupation & occupation &
profession services

17 Sec 69 of Partnership Act, 1932 enforced Jul 1,1933 Aug 1,1933 Sep 1, 1933 Oct 1, 1933

without with consent

A partner can transfer his share in partnership to with consent
18 consent of all of some None
an outsider partners
of all partners

In a Partnership the liablity of the partners is Ltd &

19 Ltd by Shares Unlimited None
______ Unlimited
a particular
Limited period project & it
A partnership is called Partnership at will when it is Unlimited & it continues continues
20 All
formed for time after period after
expiry completion of

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