Holiday HW CLASS 7

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Holiday homework for class 7

1. English H.W

▪ Write an article on topic " NATURAL BEAUTY" in A 4 size sheet.

▪ Watch the movie " MALGUDI DAYS" BY R.K Narayan and write the
following information in English notebook -
̢ Write the movie review.
̢Write the meaning of the subtitles.
̢ Stick or draw 5 colourful scenes from the movie which you like the
most .

2. Hindi holiday homework

Solve all the hindi writing skills of half yearly questions papers

Kindly note where ever optional questions are there you have to solve
that also.

3. Science Holiday Homework

1. Prepare a poster on the topic: "Importance of forests" in your

science notebook.

2. Solve your Half yearly science question paper in your science


Define the above properties of parallel lines and its transversal with
1. Corresponding angles
2. Alternate interior angles
3. Vertically opposite angles.

ȱ Write the following activity in your notebook, use creative ideas ʋ

Maths holiday homework

5. Social science HW
Describe the social and religious oppression in the early medieval
1 The Bhakti Movement
2 Sufi Movement
Explain about the Bhakti saints and message spread by the famous
Bhakti saints like Kabir ,Mira Bai ,Baba Guru Nanak
You can find all information in history chapter 8

Draw the symbol and write the uses of following photoshop tools in
your computer notebook:
1. Zoom tool
2. Crop tool
3. Rectangular Marquee tool
4. Elliptical Marquee tool
5. Regular Lasso tool
6. Polygonal lasso tool
7. Magnetic lasso tool
8. Magic wand tool
9. Move tool
10. Clone stamp tool.
(Given in your computer book)

Enjoy your Dusshera holidays but also make time for studies

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