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Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12

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Assessing the shape symbolism of the taste,

flavour, and texture of foods and beverages
Charles Spence* and Mary Kim Ngo

Consumers reliably match a variety of tastes (bitterness, sweetness, and sourness), oral-somatosensory attributes
(carbonation, oral texture, and mouth-feel), and flavours to abstract shapes varying in their angularity. For example,
they typically match more rounded forms such as circles with sweet tastes and more angular shapes such as
triangles and stars with bitter and/or carbonated foods and beverages. Here, we suggest that such shape symbolic
associations could be, and in some cases already are being, incorporated into the labelling and/or packaging of
food and beverage products in order to subconsciously set up specific sensory expectations in the minds of
consumers. Given that consumers normally prefer those food and beverage products that meet their sensory
expectations, as compared to those that give rise to a ‘disconfirmation of expectation’, we believe that the targeted
use of such shape symbolism may provide a means for companies to gain a competitive advantage in the
marketplace. Here, we review the latest research documenting a variety of examples of shape symbolism in the
food and beverage sector. We also highlight a number of the explanations for such effects that have been put
forward over the years. Finally, we summarise the latest evidence demonstrating that the shapes a consumer sees
on the label and even the shape of the packaging in which the product is served can all impact on a consumer’s
sensory-discriminative and hedonic responses to food and beverage products.
Keywords: Shape symbolism, Taste, Flavour, Oral somatosensation, Food and beverage packaging, Sensory

Introduction shape-taste associations. He was particularly interested

Looking through the annals of marketing history, one in how they could be utilised by marketers in the design
finds occasional mention of the existence of a variety of of product packaging to set up the right, or appropriate,
cross-modal correspondences between abstract shapes expectations in the mind of the consumer (for example,
and basic tastes. Generally speaking, cross-modal corre- Cheskin [4]). A number of beverage products already
spondences can be defined as a tendency for an individ- appear to use angular red shapes, frequently a star, but
ual to match (or associate) a feature, or attribute, in one sometimes also a triangle or pyramid, in order to sub-
sensory modality with a sensory feature, or attribute, in consciously signal to the consumer that the contents of
another sensory modality, no matter whether physically the packaging are carbonated, and/or bitter-tasting. Why
present or merely imagined [1,2]. So, for example, back else, one might ask, do so many brands of sparkling
in 1971, Ernst Dichter [3] reported that consumers typ- water adorn their product packaging with such symbols
ically matched more rounded shapes (for example, cir- (Figure 1A, B, and C)? Well, it turns out that these
cles) with foods and beverages having a prominent sweet shapes may be more than purely symbolic.
taste, while matching bitter-tasting foodstuffs with more On the one hand, it could be argued that the triangular
angular shapes (such as stars and triangles) instead. shape on the front of the Apollinaris bottle (Figure 1B) is
Dichter’s colleague, Louis Cheskin, also discussed such actually meant to symbolise a mountain. One could also
point to the fact that stars are commonly used to
recognize prize-winning, high quality, and/or success in
* Correspondence:
Department of Experimental Psychology, Crossmodal Research Laboratory,
whatever they are associated with. Hence, one might think
University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK that this is the reason why such shapes appear so
© 2012 Spence and Ngo; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 2 of 13

Figure 1 Angular red shapes are a prominent attribute of the packaging/logo of many sparkling beverages, including (A) San
Pellegrino, (B) Apollinaris, and (C) Saskia, and angularity is also an integral part of several brands of beer, including (D) Heineken,
(E) Bass and Co., and (F) Sapporo.

frequently on the labelling of bottled waters. However, the trademarks to be registered in the UK back in 1876 was
key point to note here is that such angular shapes seem to the angular red triangle on Bass and Co.’s ‘Pale Ale’ [6]
appear much more frequently on the front (not to men- (Figure 1E). Sapporo, in Japan, has also incorporated a
tion the sides, back, and top) of carbonated waters than prominent star (originally red, though they recently
on the packaging of still waters. Should this latter observa- changed the colour to a sandy yellow) on the front of
tion turn out to be statistically robust, it would suggest their logo (Figure 1F). And, according to the company’s
that some form of shape symbolic relation between angu- Italian website ( [7]), the red stars
larity and carbonation may be at play over and above any that appear up to seven times on some bottles of San
other semantic meanings that might be associated with Pellegrino sparkling mineral water have been an integral
such recognizable angular forms. part of the design of this highly successful product’s
Heineken, one of the major producers of beer, another packaging for more than a century now. Although these
carbonated alcoholic beverage, has also incorporated the examples are admittedly anecdotal, when taken together,
red star as an integral part of the company’s logo they do at least suggest that the successful use of shape
(Figure 1D). In this case, however, it turns out that the symbolism in packaging design may help to give products
shape-symbolic correspondence between carbonation a slight but significant, not to mention long-lasting,
and angularity was not dreamt up by Madison Avenue’s competitive advantage in the marketplace [8].
marketing guru, as Cheskin [4] was sometimes described. Although such non-verbal signals (for example,
It is, in fact, an old Dutch brewer’s symbol that originated abstract forms) normally go unnoticed by the consu-
from a prize winning/high-quality assessment in the mer’s conscious mind, that does not necessarily mean
brewer’s early days ([5]). Similarly, one of the first that such cues are not picked-up and utilized by the
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 3 of 13

unconscious mind [9]. Indeed, a quick walk down the Laboratory research on shape symbolism
aisles of the local supermarket provides sufficient evi- The phenomenon of shape symbolism was originally
dence to suggest that shape symbolism effects such as documented by psychologists and linguists back at the
those just described are not uncommonly used by mar- end of the 1920s [18,19], though note that at that time it
keters and graphic designers, either deliberately or was referred to as sound (rather than shape) symbolism.
otherwise. The reason for this may be to convey non- Sound symbolism is the name given to the idea that cer-
verbal information to the consumer about the sensory tain speech sounds may signify (or be associated with)
properties (for example, carbonation, bitterness, sweet- certain attributes in that which they refer to [2,20].
ness, and so on) of packaged food and beverage items. While research on the topic of sound symbolism goes
One explanation for such patterns in the marketplace is back at least as far as Plato [21], the dominant view,
that they provide evidence of ‘intelligent design’ on the until recently, seems to have been that the link between
part of the creative teams involved. On the other hand, the signifier and the sign is arbitrary [22]. However,
however, it could also be argued, albeit rather specula- while this is often the case, a growing body of research
tively at this stage, that the use of such shape symbolism now suggests the existence of a number of sound sym-
in connection with a number of popular and long- bolism effects in language [20,23]. Shape symbolism
lasting food and beverage products/brands may actually refers to the idea that people associate certain attributes
reflect nothing more that the ‘survival of the fittest’; that (in this case, attributes of food and beverage products)
is, product packaging, or brand logos, whose shape sym- with specific shapes, typically varying in their size and or
bolic associations do not match the sensory attributes of angularity/degree of curvature. Both sound and shape
the product itself are less likely to survive for long in the symbolism can therefore be seen as specific forms of
highly competitive marketplace than those that do. cross-modal correspondence [2]. It was the linguist
Thus, those examples where the designer or design team Edgar Sapir [19] who first reported that if asked to as-
intuitively happened to get it ‘right’ (for example, the sign each of the meaningless names ‘Mil’ and ‘Mal’ to a
prominent red stars associated with the packaging of large and a small table, then the majority of people say
San Pellegrino sparkling water), or at least to come up that the word ‘Mal’ was more appropriate for the larger
with a ‘consensual’ design [10], may simply end up stay- table (thus demonstrating a cross-modal correspond-
ing on the shelves for longer, that is, selling better. Of ence between the size of objects and specific speech
course, if this suggestion were to be correct, then one sounds). Subsequently, the association between the ‘i’
might speculate that researchers and marketers may well sound and smallness has been demonstrated in many
find inspiration regarding the existence of heretofore un- different cultures/languages across the world, for ex-
discovered (or at least undocumented) shape symbolic ample, Newman [24] (though see Diffloth [25] for a dis-
correspondences simply by looking in the marketplace senting voice).
for any statistical regularities in the imagery (for ex- Perhaps more relevant when it comes to the use of
ample, along the angular versus rounded continuum) shape symbolism on product packaging are the findings
associated with different tastes, oral-somatosensory attri- reported by the German psychologist Wolfgang Köhler
butes, and/or flavours in food and/or beverage products. [18]. He noted that when given the meaningless names
In what follows, we start by briefly highlighting the ‘Baluma’ and ‘Takete’, the majority of people match the
origins of laboratory research on shape symbolism. We ‘rounded’ sounds of ‘Baluma’ with the more organic shape,
then go on to summarise the data from a number of re- and the ‘harsher’ sound of the plosive stops in ‘Takete’
cent studies, both published and unpublished, in which with the angular star-like shape instead (Figure 2). When
cross-modal correspondences between shapes (or angu- he later changed ‘Baluma’ to ‘Maluma’, to avoid any
larity/curvilinearity) and the sensory attributes of a var- unwanted potential associations with the word balloon, he
iety of different food and beverage items have been obtained exactly the same pattern of results [see Köhler
documented. We review the latest evidence from those [26], Nielsen and Randall [27], Ramachandran and
studies that have demonstrated that the shapes that con- Hubbard [28], and Bremner et al. [29]]. Until very re-
sumers are exposed to in a food or beverage consump- cently, no one seems to have given much thought to the
tion context can actually change their responses to a possibility that cross-modal correspondences might also
variety of foodstuffs. Finally, we outline a number of exist between shapes and tastes or flavours (though see
explanations for such cross-modal correspondences that Fónagy [30,31], for a solitary exception). The absence of
have been put forward over the years. Note here that serious scientific interest in the existence of cross-modal
relevant shape information can be conveyed by, or asso- correspondences between shapes and tastes, the oral-
ciated with, any abstract imagery present on the label or somatosensory attributes of foodstuffs, and flavours con-
logo, the shape of the label, or even the very shape of trasts with the already-mentioned (albeit unsubstantiated)
the product packaging itself [9,11-17]. suggestions that have occasionally appeared in the
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 4 of 13

Figure 2 Which of these shapes is called ‘Baluma;’ (or ‘Maluma’ or ‘Bouba’) and which is called ‘Takete’ (or ‘Kiki’ [25]). The majority of
people around the world pair the more organic amoeba-like shape with the ‘rounded’ speech sounds of ‘Baluma’.

marketing/packaging press over the last 50 years or so (for normally be demonstrated in relatively small, and easy
example, see Dichter [3], Cheskin [4], and McNeal [32]). to conduct, studies. Such experiments typically involve
testing no more than 10 to 20 participants, each giving a
single response to each food or beverage on an anchored
Assessing the shape symbolism of tastes and flavours Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
A recently published series of experiments has, though, While the majority of research assessing the shape
now started to document the existence of a number of symbolism of tastes and flavours has been conducted
robust and easy-to-demonstrate crossmodal correspon- with actual consumers sampling real food and beverage
dences between shapes and the various sensory proper- products, we have recently demonstrated that at least
ties of a variety of real food and beverage items (see certain of these results can also be obtained simply by
references [7,33-38]). So, for example, it has been shown instructing people to imagine the taste of particular
that people tend to match sweet-tasting foods with foods and/or beverages. Thus far, mentally imagining the
organic (and rounded) shapes while matching more taste of a food has been shown to work for relatively
angular shapes with bitter- and sour-tasting foodstuffs simple, or stark, food comparisons, such as that between
(see Table 1 for a summary of what is currently known still and sparkling water, or between milk and dark choc-
about shape symbolism in the food and beverage sector). olate. What is more, under such circumstances, Inter-
Carbonation, as in a sparkling beverage, is also matched net-based data collection appears to be just as reliable at
by consumers with more angular shapes (such as a star). highlighting the cross-modal correspondences between
These cross-modal associations, or correspondences, can angularity and oral-somatosensory texture as more trad-
Table 1 Summary of shape symbolic associations with itional laboratory-based data collection techniques
food and beverage products [35,37]. Taken together, these simple techniques are now
Angular shapes Organic shapes Study allowing academic researchers, not to mention sensory
Cranberry jam Blueberry jam Gallace et al. [33]
marketers, to rapidly assess just how many cross-modal
correspondences there are between shapes, primarily
Mint chocolate Brie
varying in terms of their angularity, and the tastes, fla-
Salt and vinegar crisps Regular crisps vours, and oral-somatosensory attributes of foodstuffs
Dark chocolate Milk chocolate Ngo et al. [34] [9].
Sparkling water Still water Spence and Gallace [17] Below, we briefly summarize some of the key results
Maltesers Rolos chocolates to have emerged from the latest research on the topic of
Cranberry juice Brie
shape symbolism in the food and beverage sector. In one
study, Ngo et al. [34] provided evidence of the existence
Sparkling water Still water Ngo et al. [37]
of a cross-modal correspondence between the angularity
Dark chocolate Milk chocolate Ngo and Spence [34] of visually presented shapes and the bitterness of choc-
Solid mint chocolate Mint fondant olate samples. The participants in this study tasted three
Tunworth cheese Lancashire Cheddar Spence et al. [38] samples of commercially produced chocolate that varied
(unpublished work) in their cocoa content: one 30% cocoa milk chocolate,
Keen’s Cheddar Stawley goat’s cheese
Leipäjuusto cheese
another 70% cocoa dark chocolate, and the third 90%
cocoa dark chocolate. After tasting each sample, the par-
Bitter tastes Sweet tastes Dichter [3]
ticipants were instructed to place a mark at the
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 5 of 13

appropriate point along an analogue line scale anchored Elsewhere, researchers have demonstrated that consu-
at one end by an organic shape and at the other end by mers match the oral-somatosensory properties of Maltesers
an angular shape. The results revealed that as the cocoa (honeycomb-centred milk chocolate produced by Nestlé)
content of the chocolate samples increased, so the parti- with more angular shapes while matching Rolos (Nestlé)
cipants tended to mark a point on the scale that was and Caramel Nibbles (Cadbury; both soft caramel filled
closer to the angular-shaped end of the line (Figure 3). milk chocolates) with more organic shapes instead [7].
Note that in order to control for any bias that partici- Once again, given that the chocolate coating of these pro-
pants might have toward responding on one side of the ducts was very similar, the shape symbolic relationship
scale vs. the other (a phenomenon known as pseudone- would appear to have been driven by the crunchy honey-
glect − shown when neurologically normal individuals comb versus soft caramel centres of these chocolate pro-
systematically mis-bisect the mid-point of a line shown ducts (that is, by the oral-somatosensory texture of the
visually [39]), Ngo et al. sometimes presented the more products).
angular anchor on the left of the scale and at other times Deroy and Valentine [36] recently examined cross-
on the right of the scale instead. Crucially, the relative modal correspondences for several different kinds of beer
positioning of the shapes on the left vs. right of the scale (6.4% alcohol Adelscott, 5.5% alcohol 1664 Blanche, and
does not seem to have a noticeable effect on the pattern 4.8% alcohol Bitburger) and various 2D and 3D shapes.
of results observed in this kind of study. The participants in this study were given a total of 34
A follow-up study [35] both confirmed these findings shapes from which to choose (Figure 4). The results
and additionally revealed that consumers consistently demonstrated that the Adelscott beer was considered
matched milk and mint fondant chocolates (50% cocoa sweeter-tasting than the other beers and was incidentally
dark chocolate with a smooth and creamy mint filling) matched with more rounded, voluminous shapes, while
with organic shapes, while matching dark (70% cocoa) participants judged the Bitburger to be more bitter-tasting
and solid mint (50%) chocolates with angular shapes in- and matched it with angular shapes instead. It is, though,
stead. Note that the taste/flavours of the mint fondant worth noting here that the results of the two studies that
and solid mint were essentially the same. The key dis- have used a wide variety of possible shapes [36,40] have
tinction between the two foodstuffs was in terms of the not, as yet, provided any particularly clear results; nor, we
texture, with mint fondant being creamy and soft, and would argue, have they provided any especially strong jus-
solid mint having a somewhat harder texture. The tification for using so many possible stimuli in future
results of this latter study therefore highlighted the key shape symbolism research in the food and beverage sector.
role that oral-somatosensory texture can play in deter- Hence, for the moment at least, we would be tempted to
mining the cross-modal correspondences that consu- advocate the use of the simpler VAS contrasting an
mers exhibit for everyday foodstuffs such as chocolate. organic/rounded shape on the one hand with an angular

Figure 3 Results from a study conducted by Ngo et al. [34] demonstrating both sound and shape symbolism effects with increasing
bitterness (for example, as the cocoa content increases in the chocolate) being matched with more angular shapes and words starting
with a harder plosive sound (’t’ in this case). The units on the Y-axis indicate the distance (in cm) along the 10-cm line scale, with 0 reflecting
the centre point. Figure adapted and reprinted from Ngo et al. [34], Figure 2, with permission.
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Figure 4 Figure showing a sample from the 34 different two- and three-dimensional shapes (based on a range of shapes originally
introduced by Cytowic and Wood [40]) used in Deroy and Valentin’s [36] recently published study in order to assess the properties of
three different beers (Bitburger, Adelscott, and 1664 Blanche). Modified and reprinted from Deroy and Valentin [36], Figure 2, with permission.
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 7 of 13

shape on the other, at least until we understand more taste was the leading contributor to participants’ shape
about the key drivers underlying shape symbolism effects symbolic correspondences.
in the food and beverage sector. It is worth noting in passing here that many people
Recently, Spence et al. [38] extended the exploration often describe cheeses as having a ‘sharp’ taste (see
of shape and sound symbolism to the more complex fla- Williams [41] and Spence et al. [38]). In this case, the syn-
vour profiles associated with various aged cheeses. These aesthetic use of the adjective sharp, which is normally only
researchers examined each separate component of the used to refer to the tactile attribute of an object (according
flavour Gestalt of the cheese by having participants to the dictionary definition, the term ‘sharp’ refers to
separately rate the gustatory, olfactory, and oral- something with a thin cutting edge or a sharp point),
somatosensory attributes on the angular vs. organic shape appears to be used by people to describe the noticeable
response scale (Figure 5). The strong and pungent flavours acidity that is a prominent feature of many cheeses. This
of Tunworth, a Camembert-style cheese, and Keen’s Ched- is especially true of British Cheddar cheeses. Wine aficio-
dar were matched by participants with the angular shape. nados have also been known to refer to certain pleasant
By contrast, the milder flavours of Stawley goat’s cheese wines as well rounded [42,43]. Here, though, it is rather
and Lancashire Cheddar were rated as being more organic less clear whether the shape descriptor ‘rounded’ is being
in shape. The results suggested that participants based used in a literal sense, or rather just as a colloquial (or
their responses primarily on the taste/flavour (note that al- metaphorical) means of expressing the generally pleasing
though participants were asked to report on taste, normal and well-balanced nature of the particular example of fer-
consumers often confuse taste and smell) rather than on mented grape juice under consideration.
the smell or texture of the cheeses that they were evaluat-
ing. Similar results were also obtained from cheese experts Using shape symbolism to set consumer expectations
(for example, cheese mongers) and from typical store con- in the food and beverage sector
sumers. As such, the shape symbolism approach to de- It is our contention that the appropriate use of shape
scribing cheeses may hold the potential to provide a more symbolism on product packaging, especially in the food
accessible means for individuals, experts and consumers and beverage sector, can be used to help set up the right
alike, to talk about the qualities of a product such as sensory expectations in the minds of consumers. It has
cheese. A follow-up study conducted recently on a group been suggested that the colours and shapes on product
of Finnish participants demonstrated that Leipäjuusto, a packaging can be just as, if not more, important than any
mild cheese that tends to ‘squeak’ against the teeth when a text/descriptions in terms of setting up, consciously or
consumer bites into it, was consistently matched with the otherwise, expectations about a product’s likely sensory
organic shape. The latter results once again suggest that qualities [44,45]. This may be especially true given how

Figure 5 Figure showing the results of recent research in which participants had to rate the individual attributes of a range of aged
cheeses (aroma, taste/flavour, oral-somatosensory texture, and overall experience) using response scales anchored by the organic and
angular shapes. The results show that the taste element of the overall flavour drove participants’ cross-modal associations. Ideally, the
positioning of the anchors for these scales (for example, on the left or right of the page) should be randomized in order to control for any
left-right biasing effects [39].
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 8 of 13

little attention consumers give to certain kinds of labels evaluation refers to the pleasantness/unpleasantness of
(for example, back labels on wine bottles [46-48]). The the stimuli. The idea is that people may simply use the
theory here is that under the majority of conditions, mo- angular/rounded response scale as a proxy to indicate
lecular gastronomy restaurants excepted [49], consumers how pleasant they find the taste, flavour, and/or oral-
prefer a product if its taste, aroma, flavour, and/or oral- somatosensory texture of a food or beverage product.
somatosensory attributes match their prior sensory expec- Relevant here is the fact that people tend to prefer
tations [50-51]. Marketers and graphic designers may, rounded over more angular shapes [54]. Certainly there
then, be well advised to try and set up the appropriate are grounds for suggesting that mapping pleasantness
expectations through any shape displayed on the pack- might provide part of the answer to the underlying
aging (Figure 6). In the section that follows, we will see explanation for the existence of shape symbolism in the
how viewing shapes (for example, as on packaging) might food/beverage sector. Note that angularity, bitterness,
be expected to influence the actual taste of the product and carbonation are all initially disliked as stimuli
consumed. Relevant here are the results of a survey con- [55,56]. The common meanings associated with different
ducted a few years ago by AC Nielson Co. on fast- kinds of sensory stimuli [57-60] may therefore provide a
turnover consumer products. The suggestion was that possible explanation for at least certain of the shape
more than 50% of new product failures can be attributed symbolism effects that have been documented in the
to there being some sort of mismatch, or unintended food and beverage sector to date. The affective value, or
interaction, between the product and its packaging [6]. pleasantness, of sensory stimuli therefore provides one
way in which the ‘meaning’ of very different types of
Explaining the existence of cross-modal correspondences sensory stimuli could be matched. However, that said,
between shapes and the sensory attributes of foods and the latest evidence assessing the cross-modal correspon-
beverage products? dences that people have with dark chocolate, a foodstuff
According to a large body of older empirical research that some people find very pleasant while others rate as
using the semantic differential technique [53], the mean- unpleasant, suggests that pleasantness is unlikely to pro-
ing of concepts/words can be mapped by assessing peo- vide the whole story here [61].
ple’s responses to a small number of scales that are It is also worth noting that the term sparkling, often
anchored by pairs of polar opposite terms, normally used in English-speaking countries to refer to carbonated
adjectives (for example, good vs. bad, old vs. young, and water, may also lead to specific associations with stars that
so on). The most popular (discriminative) dimensions to sparkle. However, while this more semantic explanation of
be extracted from the presentation of such scales to con- shape symbolic matching works when it comes to trying
sumers were activity, evaluation, and potency. Note that to explain the cross-modal association between the star-

Figure 6 Figure showing the predicted effect of various degrees of ‘disconfirmed expectation’ on overall product experience (modified
from Schifferstein [51]). The basic idea here is that if the expectation set up (for example, by the shape symbolism on the packaging) is a little
better than the actual experience delivered by the product, then the consumer experience may be enhanced. However, if the difference
between expectation and actual experience is too great then what you end up with is disconfirmed expectation.
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 9 of 13

shape and carbonated water, the fact that participants Western participants’ shape symbolic responses to the
show an equally strong tendency to match carbonation tastes, flavours, and oral-somatosensory attributes of foods
with a triangle as with a star, argues against this being the may be learnt (no matter whether this is done explicitly or
most appropriate explanation for this particular cross- implicitly) from the statistics of the marketplace.
modal correspondence. Thus, it seems to be something Finally, in the future, it will be important to probe
about angularity, per se, rather than any concrete meaning whether the amoeba-like and star-like shapes used in
that can be attached to the abstract shapes embodying that many of the studies on shape symbolism are necessarily
angularity that is doing the work here. the most appropriate for research in this area. These
In terms of shape, McNeal [32] has suggested (although shapes have been inherited, more or less unchanged,
without providing any evidence) that triangles constitute from Köhler’s [18] early work [7,28]. One might there-
lively shapes and hence are good for sparkling beverages. fore ask, especially in light of certain comments from
At least intuitively, sparkling beverages, acidity, and the marketers [3], whether these shapes are any more
crunchy textures in food would all seem to be associated (or less) appropriate than other shapes, such as a circle
with activity. By contrast, still water, sweet tastes, and or triangle, say [59]. Or, in other words, is it anything
softer textures, as in the case of soft caramel, would seem more than an accident of history that researchers do not
to be more passive kinds of stimuli instead. Hence, it use a circle and a triangle or square instead of the
could be argued that the similar meaning associated with amoeba-like shape and the star? One might also ask
shapes and flavour experiences associated with foods and what the relevant attribute of the shapes that are
beverages might underlie at least certain examples of the matched to the oral-somatosensory attributes of food
sound symbolic mappings that have been documented to really is. Research using more complex arrays of shapes
date (for example, the mapping between angular shapes may help to provide an answer here [see Cytowic and
and carbonation). One might also wonder whether some Wood [40] and Hanson-Vaux et al. [66]]. As we have
sort of metaphorical mapping can also be put forward to seen already, one possibility is that people may match
help explain shape symbolic mappings in the food and stimuli across the modalities in terms of their pleasant-
beverage sector [30,31,62-65]. ness [53,61,67].
Given that angularity on product packaging does indeed In summary, then, a number of different plausible
appear to be linked to certain carbonated beverages (spe- explanations for the existence of reliable cross-modal
cifically carbonated water and beers/lagers), it becomes associations between the angularity of shapes on the one
difficult to ascertain whether consumers, when asked to hand, and the taste and flavour of food and beverage
match an angular vs. rounded shape with carbonation in products on the other, can be postulated. While several
sparkling water, say, are basing their response on the stat- explanations have gained some degree of empirical sup-
istical correlations present in the marketplace, or on some port, it is important to note that there may simply not
deeper (possibly metaphorical) association between angu- be a single explanation for all such cross-modal match-
larity and taste/flavour. In order to try and address this ing effects [1,2].
question, Bremner et al. [29] recently conducted a study
of shape symbolism with the remote Himba from Does shape symbolism influence the sensory-
Kaokoland in Namibia. This group have no written lan- discriminative properties of food and beverage items?
guage, nor access to supermarkets/advertising, and so on. Although there is currently little information directly
These researchers asked whether this group would exhibit relevant to this question, those studies that have been
the same kinds of cross-modal correspondences as the published do indeed suggest that shape symbolic sensa-
Western participants tested in the majority of the studies tion transference [4,16] can occur. The participants in
reported to date. Interestingly, while this group demon- an as yet unpublished study by Gal et al. [17] first had
strated the basic bouba/kiki effect [18,28], they showed no to judge which of three simultaneously presented (and
significant association when it came to assessing the angu- similarly sized) shapes occupied the largest surface area.
lar vs. rounded shapes to samples of sparkling vs. still Next, they had to taste a piece of Cheddar cheese. Those
water. What is more, when it came to assessing three sam- participants who had evaluated three angular shapes
ples of chocolate varying in their cocoa content, the rated the cheese as tasting significantly sharper (by
Himba actually showed the opposite pattern of results to around 7%) than another group of participants who had
Western participants. That is, they actually matched bitter just evaluated three organic shapes instead. While a rela-
tastes with rounded forms. These results therefore dem- tively large number (>200) of participants had to be
onstrate that at least certain shape symbolic associations tested in this study in order to generate a result that was
between tastes, flavours, and the oral-somatosensory attri- only just statistically significant, the potential implica-
butes of food and beverage products are culture specific. tions of these findings in terms of the use of shape sym-
These results are also consistent with the suggestion that bolism in/on product packaging could well be worth
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 10 of 13

pursuing. Think only of the much larger number of ‘par- extreme perceptual response in terms of intensity and
ticipants’ who are likely to interact with any moderately pleasantness. That is, those odours that were considered
successful product launched into the marketplace than pleasant to begin with became even more pleasant and
were tested by Gal et al. Meanwhile, Becker et al. [12] more intense when presented with the congruent
have recently shown that the curvature of a product’s symbol, while those odours that were individually rated
packaging can also affect a consumer’s rating of the taste as unpleasant became even more unpleasant with the
of, in this case, yoghurt, even when the shape of the con- presentation of the congruent symbol.
tainer was only seen on a computer monitor while the Participants’ brain responses were also measured using
yoghurt itself was consumed from a tray. olfactory event-related potentials (ERPs). Using this
The participants in a study by Seo et al. [68] had to technique, Seo et al. [68] were able to demonstrate that
match each of eight food odours (guava, honey melon, this particular cross-modal correspondence between
mint, Parmesan cheese, pepper, truffle, vanilla, and violet) abstract visual shapes and odours was influencing the
with one of 19 different abstract symbols (Figure 7), vary- neural responses of participants at a relatively early stage
ing in shape from those that were more organic to those of information processing. In particular, the N1 compo-
that were more angular. The participants reliably nent had both a higher amplitude and a shorter latency
matched certain shapes to particular odours: as Seo et al. on trials that were cross-modally congruent as compared
put it, The odors generally regarded as being pleasant to those that were cross-modally incongruent in terms
(e.g., vanilla, banana, violet, honey melon, and mint) were of their shape symbolism [69,70]. Given that these cross-
paired with circle- or curve-shaped symbols, whereas, the modal interactions occurred so soon after stimulus
odors judged generally as being unpleasant (e.g., Parme- onset, Seo et al.’s results suggest that the presentation of
san cheese, truffle, and pepper) were paired with square- the abstract shape was having an effect on participants’
or angular-shaped symbols. In the second part of this perception of the odour, rather than just on their subse-
study, Seo and colleagues documented significant differ- quent rating of that odour experience [71]. These results
ences in odour pleasantness and intensity ratings for two involving expectations set by the use of shape symbolism
of the odours, those smelling of violet and of Parmesan are consistent with other research demonstrating the
cheese, when they were presented together with an impact of other ways of inducing product expectations
abstract shape that had been judged as being congruent on product perception [72].
than when they were presented with an incongruent
shape, or else with no visual stimulus at all. In particular, Conclusions
the odour of violet was rated as being more intense and The last few years have seen rapid growth in our under-
more pleasant while Parmesan cheese odour was rated as standing of, and evidence for, cross-modal correspon-
being less pleasant (when presented with a congruent as dences between shapes and tastes, flavours, and the
compared to an incongruent symbol). Thus, the pairing oral-somatosensory attributes of food and beverage pro-
of a congruent shape with the odour gave rise to a more ducts. Visual inspection of the products currently available

Figure 7 Abstract symbols/shapes used in Seo et al.’s [68] study. Reprinted with permission from Seo et al. [68], Figure 2.
Spence and Ngo Flavour 2012, 1:12 Page 11 of 13

in a typical supermarket suggests that these shape corre- In conclusion, we believe that the appropriate utilization
spondences have, on occasion, already been used. Though, of shape symbolism in the marketplace may have a num-
as we saw earlier, whether this is as a result of intuition on ber of advantages when compared to other more trad-
the part of the marketers or merely an example of ‘survival itional marketing techniques [9]: On the one hand, shape
of the fittest’ in the marketplace is currently hard to say. symbolism effects are more likely to work in the global
(Of course, it could also be the case that when a particular marketplace, since they are typically unaffected by lan-
shape correspondence is (un)successful on the market that guage [that said, it currently remains a question for future
it will shape the future intuitions of the marketers.) That research to determine which cross-modal correspondences
said, the research reviewed here clearly demonstrates how are universal and which are more culture specific (see Dif-
widespread and easy to assess such cross-modal corre- floth [25] and Bremner et al. [29]]; on the other hand, the
spondences are, even in the food and beverage sector. The use of shape symbolism on product packaging also seems
effects reported here also appear to be fairly robust, given to have the advantage that it can set up sensory expecta-
that very similar cross-modal matching results have been tions in the mind of the consumer whether or not they
obtained when the same foodstuffs were assessed in vari- happen to be paying attention to the meaning of the shapes
ous different studies. Shape symbolism can extend from that they are exposed to.
everything from the shape of labels to the shape of the
Competing interests
containers themselves [12,16]. Having demonstrated an The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
extensive array of shape symbolism effects in the food and
beverage sector in Western participants, researchers will Authors’ contributions
CS and MN both contributed to the writing of this review. Both authors also
obviously need to assess how widespread such effects are read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
in different cultures/markets in the future (Bremner et al.
[29] and Heinrich et al. [73]). Acknowledgements
MN would like to thank The Clarendon Fund, Oxford University, for funding
The available evidence provides some limited support for her PhD research. The two authors contributed equally to the writing and
the suggestion that the expectations that are set up by research involved in this article.
shape can influence people’s product perception [12,17,68].
Received: 7 October 2011 Accepted: 15 February 2012
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modal correspondences between shape and taste/flavour
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the taste, flavour, and texture of foods and beverages. Flavour 2012 1:12.

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