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Level of English Reading Proficiency of Grade 7 learners

in Maria Aurora National High School

Over the years, concerns have been raised about the reading habits of

students around the world. These concerns arise as a result of the

relationship between the reading competence and academic success. In this

generation, Reading Proficiency in English usually getting attach to people

and became applicable to connect unto the universe. The vitals of English

Reading Proficiency would probably change the instinct and perspective of

people. That’s why we researcher came to analyze and to get more info about

the usefulness and importance of living literacy. English Proficiency could

make our capability to grow, expanse and ability to have academic excellence

and also has a ability to give public a knowledge and understanding.

The teaching of English as a foreign language occupies an important

place in the Philippine Education System. Although it is not the sole medium

of instruction in elementary and secondary stages, accessing

key information at higher education is a great variety of fields is often

dependent on having reading ability in English Reading is, therefore, the most

important skill for foreign language learners ,because they have little exposure

to the target language outside the classroom and most of the information

English comes through reading. In the study of A1- Tammi, he stated that

reading is a source of difficulty for the second language learners. The

problems that they encounter are due to a number of factors including lack of

appropriate reading strategies,lack of background knowledge related to the

topic of the target language or lack of attitudes towards reading; gives enough

time to overcome their difficulties. BOSS (2012)

According to Norwegian Case Study, Academic English Reading

Proficiency of 578 Norwegian University Students is Quantitatively

examined. It found that 30% of the respondents had serious difficulties

when it comes to Reading English , while 44% found it more difficult

than reading in their first Language. Reading is understood as a more

complex process than simply decoding the written word in a text.

Norwegians are reputed to be Proficient in English, however Norwegians

are also extensively expose to the language through Media. Just like

Pilipinos, Pilipinos learn to adopted such Languages that can encounter

through some various Social Media Platforms. However it’s a different case

for Pilipinos, different from Norwegians Case. GLENN (2010)

English Language can be used in various ways nowadays, it will be a big

disadvantage for those who can’t even read English, much worse not to

Understand English. The Large sight of vocabulary for reading fluency is

very importance, One might even find the difference between reading a

First Language and in a Foreign Language. Reading in a Foreign


OVERESTIMATE“ Grabe (2010)

When faced with an apparent inconsistency in a text or in their

understanding of the content, Proficient Readers can use Meta Cognitive

Monitoring. This denotes the ability to monitor understanding across the text and

use Linguistic or content knowledge to repair Comprehension.

In the first quarter of this school year, the researcher has observe that a

the students of Grade 7 in MAHNS have difficulty in understanding their lessons

in English. They also have difficulty in formulating sentences as well as in

paragraph writing. Further, the researcher has observe that a number of them

can recognize words in printed materials but have difficulties in first

quarter of this school year, this problem on reading was evidently mirrored in

the poor results of their exams in subject where English is the medium


This is definitely a cause for alarm because if these students cannot read

properly, then there is also a big chance they will have difficulty in writing

and speaking well

To address this concern at its very core, the researcher come up with this

research so these students can be train at the earliest time possible to read

very well. Through identifying the students problem in reading, the

researcher will be able to come up with an intervention to best enhance the

students comprehension level.

The result of this action research will be the basis for formulation of an

appropriate reading intervention for the students of Grade-7 by being able to

come up with an effective reading remediation program for this class,

researcher can prepare them for upcoming challenges and likewise

improve their competitiveness.

To address this concern at its very core, the researcher come up with this

research so these students can be train at the earliest time possible to read

very well. Through identifying the students problem in reading, the

researcher will be able to come up with an intervention to best enhance the

students comprehension level.

The result of this action research will be the basis for formulation of an

appropriate reading intervention for the students of Grade-7 by being able to

come up with an effective reading remediation program for this class,

researcher can prepare them for upcoming challenges and likewise

improve their competitiveness.

Language proficiency of Junior High School ( JHS ) students. Though

most Junior High School students have learned English for several years they

are seldom trained to learn reading strategies in order to involve their reading

comprehension in order to examine the effect of reading strategies

instruction on this students English Reading Comprehension the current study is


The purpose of this study is to determine the performance and

knowledge of Grade 7 students in MANHS. In addition, to help them and have

an awareness of their difficulties in reading and understanding English


Research Questions

This study will determine the reading proficiency level of Grade 7

students in National High School of Maria Aurora. Specifically, this aims to

answer the following questions.


1. What are the related problems regarding English Reading Proficiency?

- What is the importance of Reading Proficiency?

- What are the difficulties when it comes to English Reading?

- What will be the easier way to improve the learners proficiency in English

Reading ?

- Is it possible that there are still some learners in Grade 7 who are poor in

English Reading?

2. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of;

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 educational attainment

1.4 social status



We, the researchers would like to express our gratitude to everyone

who played a vital role in our academic and, for enlightening our taught to

proceed with perseverance until our work is done.

Secondly, to Mr. Daniel T. Delos Santos, our practical research

teacher who generously shared his expertise, assistance, and guidance in the

realization of this study.

Ms. Marivic V. Farro, School Principal for the approval of this


Mr. Lomel L. Alvarado, Ms. Romelyn T. Bugyon for being the panel ,

suggestions for the research.

Furthermore, we’re also grateful for all of the knowledge, wisdom, and

strength and active health in completing this study to our Almighty God.

“ This is our sincere gratitude from the bottom of our heart”

The Researchers


This research entitled “Level of English Reading Proficiency”.

Prepared &submitted by Kyla G. Salvador and Nerissa C. Agsaoay in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL

SCIENCES is hereby accepted:


Member Member

___________________ ___________________
Date Signed Date Signed


Member Member

___________________ ___________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Date Signed

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject


Recommending Approval; Approved by;


Research Adviser School Principal II

_____________________ __________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of Contents iv-v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Abstract viii

Introduction 1-3

Assumption of the Study 3-4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Delimitation 5

Conceptual Framework 5

Research Questions 6

Method 6

Research Design 6

Respondent and Sampling Method 7

Research Instrument 8

Statistical Method 8

Work Plan 9


Assumption of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the performance and

knowledge of Grade 7 students in MANHS. In addition, to help them and have

an awareness of their difficulties in reading and understanding English


English language has a much wider use in education in MANHS

compared with the students, and it’s the official language of Campus. This

makes the English Language an integral aspects of our educational system

from the basis tp the tertiary levels.

In the first quarter of the school year, the researcher has observed that

the students of Grade 7 in MANHS have difficulties in understanding their

lessons in English. They also have difficulty in formatting sentences as well as

in paragraph written. Furthermore, the researcher has observed that a

number of them can recognize words in printed materials but have difficulties

in first quarter of this school year, this problem on reading was evidently

mirrored in the poor results of their exams on subject where English is the

medium instruction.

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to provide some idea or some Methods

regarding on improving their learners reading skills and for the convenience of

the Parents as well. More importantly to enlighten the importance of English

Reading Proficiency.

Students - This study will provide learners information concerning their

Reading improvement, wherefore learning requires coefficient Reading Skill.

Also to enlighten the learners on the extent aspect of English Reading on

extending ones knowledge.

Parents - It’ll be a convenience for those parents whose impearled on

their child with poor Academic Performance due to his/her Reading

Proficiency. This study will provide them a methods to improve their Reading

Proficiency for better Academic Performance.

School - School’s naturally the main palace where individual learned

their knowledge. Therefore, this study might be a solution on the the teachers,

providing them some methodologies as basis on improving Learners Reading


Government - This study can be the basis to the government on

implementing some Guidelines for better improvement of Learners Academic

Performance. It can also be their basis to know the various obstacle for the

Learners affecting their Proficiency on English Reading as a ground on their

Academic Performance.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims on finding the ground of Learners lack of English

Reading Proficiency and to provide solutions for those ground.

Conducting a survey to Thirty (30) Grade 7 learners as a participants for this

study to National High School of Maria for the school year 2022-2023.

Since this is Survey Research the appropriate Method to use is the

Descriptive Survey method and will administered a survey questionnaire to

the respondent to gather their answer as basis to this research.

Conceptual Framework

Learning a language is a complicated phenomenon, as for the Pilipinos

it’s not that complicated since Pilipino can easily adopted any language in

their desire, however it seems that there are still some learners whose not

fluent in English. Due to globalization, world become village with increase

connectivity which has consequently increased the need of a common

Language for understanding of each country around the world.

English Language has gained the status of the International Language as it is

spoken and understood in approximately all corners of the world.

( Phillipson 2017 ).

The Conceptual Framework showed the Proficiency Level of Grade 7

students on English Reading. In this Conceptual Framework researchers will

use IPO. Where IPO stands for Input, Process and Output. Input is where

the Profile of the Respondents, Level of English Reading Proficiency and

Respondents Hobbies and Interests. In the Process will be the Relation

between their Hobbies and Interests to the Level of English Reading

Proficiency. While the Output is the Level of English Reading Proficiency of

Grade 7 in MANHS.


Research Design

This Research use Quantitative Research, which is concerned about

the current occurrences in terms of the descriptive , correlation , case study,

or survey. It is referred to as a “descriptive survey study”. A Descriptive

Research is regarding about knowledge, situation, difficulty and demands for

the aim of description and interpretation. This Research approach demand or

more than just resources and tabulating data. It’s also requires accurate

analysis, information or identification of research.


Respondent and Sampling Method

This study including Thirthy (30) individuals who are chosen

through total enumeration that will use the Descriptive Survey Method of

research. All the Individual students that has chosen will be base on the

resources . Student learn improving themselves, and being challenge to

have a skill and knowledge will give researchers a contribution as a part

of the research participants.

Research Instrument

The primary data collection instrument for this study is a survey

questionnaire created by the researchers and will approve by the

research advisers. The survey questionnaire contain Five (5)items

regarding their background, Five (5) items for academic performance

background and finally about (8-10) items relating to the topic of the


These can be answer by the use of students inside the Campus.

The questions has a corresponding answer by the respondent by

checking their response.

These are; Yes, Maybe, Probably, Somehow and No.

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