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Filipino Inventions

#1 1941 - Bamboo incubator

by: Fe del Mundo
The bamboo incubator is a makeshift
incubator that utilized two wicker laundry
baskets of varying sizes. The hot water bottles
is put in the space between the baskets to
regulate the temperature of the infants. A
hood and oxygen is also added. It is designed
to help rural communities without electricity.

1955 - two-way video telephone

#2 by: Gregorio Zara

Zara’s video telephone invention enabled the

caller and recipient to see each other while
conversing, laying the foundation for video-

Challenge 21
#3 by: Leonardo Mejia Yu

Challenge 21 is a strategy board game that

combines the difficulties of scrabble, bingo,
tic-tac-toe, checkers, and even basketball. It
offers a great bonding time for your family
while challenges your own mental alertness,
observation, mental calculations, among

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