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ARTS 10 recognizable like extreme close-ups, objects out of

UNIT I: Modern Art context with their environment, and objects that have
Lesson 3: Abstractionism in Arts been disguised somehow through the use of media and
Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an The goal of abstract realism involves using abstract
accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses painting techniques to slightly distort a real object
shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its through impressionist, surrealist, and expressionist
effect. It is often seen as carrying a moral dimension to techniques like blurring and distorting an otherwise
represent virtues such as order, purity, simplicity, and recognizable painting. Realism artists use their art to
spirituality. make social, political, and economic reform or
incorporate ideas that were not purely visual ones.
A. Cubism

Cubism was the first abstract art style of modern art.

Cubist painters abandoned the tradition of perspective
drawing and displayed many views of a subject at one
time. Typical cubist paintings show letters, musical
instruments, bottles, pitchers, glasses, newspapers, still
lifes, and the human face and figure.

Pablo Picasso was one of the most versatile artists of

the early 20th century. His experiments with different
styles and media resulted in some of the most celebrated
and innovative works of all time.
Famous Paintings:
- Guernica (1937) – this painting refers to the city
bombed by Nazi planes during the Spanish Civil
War. It became an anti-war symbol to remind us
of the tragedies of war.
- Mediterranean Landscape (1953) – the shapes in
this painting are like a collage or synthetic
cubism. Synthetic Cubism is the use of cut paper
fragments, wallpaper, or newspaper pasted into
one composition
- Jeune Fille Endormie (1935)

B. Abstract Realism

Abstract Realism is an art movement that is not

easily defined because it is a marriage of two
contradictory terms – Abstract Art and Realistic Art.
Abstract Art has no reference to _real objects . The
abstract artist uses lines, shapes, colors, textures, and
pattern to create rhythm. They look for balanced color
values and sizes of shapes and lines and focus on the
elements of design to give a visual sensory impression of
feelings, thoughts, or experiences. Realism attempts to
capture real life moments and the personality of
individuals or objects who resemble real life. When these
two elements combine to create an abstract impression
of real life, you get abstract realism.
They are print, photo, and mixed media works whose
subject is a real object that may not be immediately

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