Lesson Plan in Media and Information Literacy Jay Balonga

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define communication and media
b. Identify the two basic types of communication
c. Discuss the elements of communication


A. Subject Matter
Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

B. Concept and Ideas

When people talk about media, they often refer to its journalistic arm:
the newspapers, the news reports on television, and more accurately, the
news reporters and journalists involved in the production of daily news.
However, as a concept, media is vaster and more diverse. The term media
comes from the word medium which is defined as a “channel,” “means,”
or “method.” As an avenue or method, media is used to communicate
information. This “information” goes beyond what we call news or event
that are of public interest.

C. Reference
Media and Information Literacy, pages 4-8.

D. Materials
Book, Manila paper, electronic devices, audio.

III. Procedures
A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Greet the students then ask them to seat properly.
 Checking of attendance

IV. Motivation
Video presentation about media.

V. Activity
Let the students define communication?
VI. Analysis
1. What is communication?
2. Why do we communicate?
3. How do we communicate?

VII. Abstraction
 The teacher will give a brief description about media and information.
 The teacher will explain the essential core of media and information
 The teacher will explain the media and information literacy.

VIII. Application
 Let the students write a list of any piece of information they can remember
about media and information literacy.

IX. Evaluation
Give the correct answer of the following questions.
1.________ is the exchange of information and expression of feeling that can result in
a. Literacy
b. media
c. communication
d. information
2.________ includes pitch, speed, tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial
expressions, body posture, stance and proximity to the learner, eye movements and
contact, and dress and appearance?
a.Verbal communication
c. communication
b.Non-verbal communication
d. information.
3.________ is the use of sounds and words to express yourself, especially in contrast
to using gestures or mannerisms?
a.Verbal communication
c. communication
b.non-verbal communication
d. information
4-5. What are the elements of communication?

X. Assignment

What are the similarities and differences of media literacy?

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